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Job Interview QuestionsAn animator

1. Tell me about yourself and why you would be a great person for this job.
My names is Edison Ieong, grade 12 in KSS. I love animated films since I was young. I
start to learn how to animate a character when I was grade 9, and I always like to work on
animation project. I really like to be a part of the animation community. I will be the great
person for this job.
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses and how will this impact your work
My strengths will be working effectiveness. In the past, I participated an animation
character design competition. My coach said I work fast and correctly. And my past
employer also said I am a fast worker. My weaknesses will be cannot focus for a long
time. After few hours working on same thing. I need to take a rest for that. It might be cut
back some performance, but I can focus back after take a rest.
3. Do you arrive on time for school? Will you be able to work the hours that we require? Do
you have transportation to and from work?
I always arrive on time for school. I don't like being late. I can work after school from
1600 to 2100. I have my transportation to and from work.
4. What has been your greatest achievement so far?
My greatest achievement is Runnerup 8a Competicao de Aptidao Profissional (in
designing a cartoon character in Macau, and I represent Macau to participate character
design in Hong Kong)
5. How would you deal with conflict with a fellow worker or supervisor?
I would try to find out what the problem is, and find a solution make both side that they
are accept or they like. No matter worker or supervisor, I would find a plan that makes
both side acceptable.

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