Blog Lesson Idea

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Name: Olivia Patterson
Grade Level: 3rd
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Website Creation Tool (list):
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
SS3G1 Locate major topographical features on a physical map of the United States.
a. Locate major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, Hudson

Brief Description of Learning Experience:

This classroom Edublog will be introduced the first week of school to parents and students. Parents will be
responsible for consistently checking the blog for assigned student work. Having the students conduct
research on one of the five major rivers is the current assignment posted on the blog. Students will pick one
of the five rivers: Colorado, Hudson, Rio Grande, Mississippi, and Ohio and use their social studies
textbooks or websites to find interesting facts. The students will then bring these facts to class on Monday
and will use them to write a good paragraph on their rivers. In this lesson students are taking on the role of
expert or adult through conducting research.
The objective of this lesson is that students must be able to identify and locate the five major US rivers. The
teacher will be the facilitator as students conduct research as homework and in class create paragraphs based
on information found on one of the rivers. Using the Edublog students and parents will find their first step
of this assignment under the Flipped Classroom page. Having this page allows parents to see what their
childs homework is for the weekend and what they are learning in school. In the case of this lesson, United
States rivers. Under the flipped classroom page, parents and students (the audience members) will find a
quick podcast explaining what the homework for the weekend is.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):






Student Engagement/Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This lesson will be considered a

LoTi level 3. The students are using higher level thinking like applying and creating. The teachers are
seen as facilitators while the students are taking on roles of professionals/experts. The goal is that the
students do enough research on their US river that they come to school and have the knowledge and
ability to write a good paragraph. Students are using the web for research based purposes.
Importance of technology:? The website creation tool used in this lesson idea is the portal into which the
students receive the homework assignment. Parents must take the two minutes to look at the Edublogs
Flipped Classroom page and see what their student should be working on at home. The whole assignment
would be lost without this website page. This project could in fact be used without this blog but due to the
consistent use of the blog in the classroom the Edublog will be used.


Inspiration (optional): N/A

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: There are many issues surrounding internet safety but each students
safety and privacy can be protected with simple steps. Not having the students names, pictures, emails, etc.
on the Edublog is a good first step in protecting that child. If an activity or project does occur in which
pictures are taken, the teacher must have the parental permission form filled out. The main decision for a
childs privacy comes down to what the parents are willing to share. However, administration and teachers
have to consider every small detail. When students are using their own personal laptops in school there are
internet blocks placed that keep them from going off on the internet alone. Precautions are taken in every
single aspect.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. In this lesson I am trying a new lesson idea in
which students become experts through conducting research at home. I am giving the parents the role of
facilitators as they look after their children as they search the web. I hope to learn whether it is best to
conduct research at home or in the school system. Also, if the students can successfully collect information
from the internet.
Other comments about your proposed activity: I am excited to see how beneficial it is in the classroom!

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