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Bobadilla 1

Gissell Bobadilla
Jennifer Rodrick
English 115
9th November 2016
Cactus: Point of View
My girlfriend has not left her apartment in nine months, ever since the death of
my brother. I have tried to lure her outside with tickets to the Hollywood Bowl and even
to lobster dinners on Santa Monica Pier, but she refuses to leave the house. One time, I
brought her a kite, a neon lime rhombus with an optimistic mile of spooled nylon string,
to make her come and fly it with me at the Laguna but she rejected my offer. I have tried
everything but nothing has seemed to work. I tell her all the time that going outside will
be good for her, to refresh up a bit and scrub off dull cells of skin. She has begun to look
pale; she is in dire need of vitamin D absorption from ultraviolet rays.
Instead of her leaving the house to do some grocery shopping she hands me the
lists of things to grab for her. I come back with everything she has asked for. She always
says to me the same excuses. She says she has her computer right on her desk, her work,
mail, faxes, and contacts. Out in the front yard her cactus is planted, one that she
handpicked with my brother back when he was alive, always asking me to water it for
her, but I refuse every time, thinking it will motivate her to do it herself. Once again I
stand uncorrected. Eventually, she will have to leave her cave but as of now it is
impossible to do that.

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