C Johnson Resume Weebly

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My teaching philosophy focuses on principles that strongly inuences
growth, learning outcomes and knowledge bases. I have a love for
helping people and mo[va[ng them to succeed in achieving their
goals. I am a consummate professional with a vast amount of
experience. I can make a dierence by oering learners the
opportunity to excel and achieve their goals in a uent learning
environment. Learning is a process that is never ending and
communica[on is key in helping students do their best in moving
towards the comple[on of their degree. I also believe my teaching
style will give students the opportunity to be exible and meet the
objec[ves and expecta[ons presented to them.

Las Vegas, Nevada 89149

Charlene Barber
(Former Supervisor)
Government Contractor

Pamela Davis
(Former Coworker)
Re[red, United States Air Force

Josena Liles
(Former Coworker)
Ac[ve Duty, United States Air Force
Email: js_liles@yahoo.com
Phone: 419-371-4884

Mildred Jones
Air Na[onal Guard
Phone: 601-454-3736

Leadership - Program Development Informa[on Management
Web Design & Maintenance IT Training & Support Records
Management & Training, Sta Support & Development Policy
Development & Evalua[on Publica[on & Forms Management
Execu[ve Administra[ons Content Development Budget
Management Privacy Act & Freedom of Informa[on Act Training
Team Building & Coaching

Professional Experience
2010 -2014

Ac5ve Duty, United States Air Force

Designed & implemented Organiza[onal

Department of Defense Records Management &
Training Program.

Instructed Records Management Training course in

three geographically separated area.

Developed Evalua[ons Management System and

trained personnel on how to use it.

Execu[ve Administrator suppor[ng 590-personnel

in 10 organiza[ons in 8 geographically separated

Designed organiza[onal websites & managed

content in accordance with government

Executed $10 million budget & $81K in travel


Hosted mul[ple daily telecoms & sta mee[ngs

with higher headquarters.

Professional Experience
2006 -2010

Ac5ve Duty, United States Air Force

Trained personnel on the declassica[on and
destruc[on of electronic equipment elimina[ng
security risks.

Apr 2016 - Present
Current Student in the Master of
Arts of Educa[on/Adult
Educa[on & Training program,
University of Phoenix

Directed the Defense Courier Training program.

Instructed personnel on how to prepare, process,
and distribute correspondence.

Built units feedback tracking system and career

elds master instruc[onal plan.

Feb 2011 - May 2015

Master of Business
Administra[on with a
concentra[on in Health Care
Management, University of

Led publica[ons, opera[ng instruc[ons, & forms

development ensuring legal and statutory
requirements were met.

Feb 2004 Dec 2008
Bachelor of Science in Business
with a concentra[on in
Administra[on, University of

May 2010

Associate in Applied Science
Informa[on Management,
Community College of the Air

May 2010

Associate in Applied Science
Informa[on Systems Technology,
Community College of the Air

Managed systems inventory vital to establishing

acquisi[ons and replacements.
Directed the organiza[ons drug tes[ng program;
ensured 100% military tes[ng compliance.

1998 -2006

Ac5ve Duty, United States Air Force

Developed con[nuity books outlining daily
opera[ons, allowed a smooth transi[on of
Coordinated/performed network system upgrades;
enhanced and doubled network availability
Ensured physical accountability and security of
250+ worksta[ons and network servers valued at
Primary unit Informa[on Management
coordinator; introduced new personnel to Air
Forces Informa[on Assurance Awareness
Trained newly assigned command post controllers
on all aspects of command post du[es.

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