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Kaitlyn Coates

Kayla Cimburek
Dan Brown
Aurasma Lesson Modification

Look at DBQ document.

Scan Page 1 (Will activate Aursama Coates/Cimburek/ Brown #1)
Watch video on why the constitution prevents tyranny
While watching video highlight terms that both the video and the text have in
5. Scan page 3 (Doc C) ( Will activate Coates/Cimburek/Brown #2)
6. Watch video on checks and balances
7. Write down key terms from video
8. Scan Page 6 (Essay Outline) (Will activate Coates/Cimburek/Brown #3)
9. Write down the key points in topic sentence
10.Mark 3 body paragraph points
11.Write down the points in conclusion
12.Have student draw a picture which sums up what theyve learned from the
docs and videos

Student Questions:
How does the constitution guard against tyranny?
Explain how checks and balances work?
What is needed to go into an essay?

History Standard 1.1.A. Use and interpret documents and other relevant primary
and secondary sources pertaining to United States history from multiple
1.1.B. Analyze evidence from multiple sources including those with conflicting
accounts about specific events in United States history

Evidence of Student Understanding:

Understanding will be shown by the written key points and by the picture created by
the student.

Videos linked in Aurasma:

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