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Lesson Focus (lesson 2)

Learning Area / Strand

Exploring Liquids: understand the

properties of liquids.

Liquids and solids

Year Level

Implementation Date
60 Mins

Prior knowledge of learners

Students require prior experience from Year 1 with:
Science Understanding Chemical Sciences
Everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways (ACSSU018)
Students require prior experience from Year 2 with:
Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science
Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034)
Use and influence of science
People use science in their daily lives, including when caring about the environment and living things
Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting, Planning and conducting, Processing and analysing data and
information & Evaluating Communicating
Declarative (knowledge) objectives
Procedural (skill) objectives
The learner will know:
The learner will be able to:
Identify common properties of liquids
Discuss new learning
Investigate the viscosity of liquids
Review how to make observations
Examine a selection of liquids
Links to Curriculum
Science as a Human Endeavour: Nature and development of science
(ACSHE013) Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses
Science Inquiry Skills: Communicating
(ACSIS012) Share observations and ideas
Planning and conducting
(ACSIS011) Explore and make observations by using the senses
Processing and analysing data and information
(ACSIS233) Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as drawing to represent ideas
Science Understanding: Chemical sciences
(ACSSU003) Objects are made of materials that have observable properties
Evidence of learning
Can the student: understand the properties of liquids and identify common properties of liquids?
Classroom Management Strategies
Use of the Essential skills for Classroom Management
And behaviour wall, Class chosen negative and positive consequences
IWB, Laptop, projector, short video, power-point presentation & worksheets.
Experiment: Viscosity race: Clipboards, oil, shampoo, honey, water, droppers, grease-proof paper.
Differentiation strategies
Start where students are at and differentiate teaching and learning to support the learning needs of all
students. Plan and document how you will cater for individual learning needs:
The learning experiences can be differentiated by increasing:
the frequency of exposure for some students
the intensity of teaching by adjusting the group size
the duration needed to complete tasks and assessment.
For guided and/or independent practice tasks:
student groupings will offer tasks with a range of complexities to cater for individual learning needs
rotational groupings allow for more or less scaffolding of student learning.
Lesson Introduction
Explain the lesson concept on the IWB
WALT: further understand the properties of liquids
Introducing the topic
TIB: These concepts are the basis of science
Engagement of the
Introduce the topic Exploring Liquids

Lesson Body
Delivering the content
through specific

(Whole class discussion to assess prior knowledge; asking probing question to

explore the scientific language and key concepts)
Watch a short video Liquids
Discussion on what the video was all about, identifying key words and concepts
that will be explored.
Discuss the concept of liquids and their properties
Display whole class worksheet for the learning wall on
How to make good observations in Science
Provide students with examples of a liquid and a solid and encourage them to
make observation to be recorded in the table to go on the learning wall
The activity encourages students to make observation using their senses
(seeing, hearing, touching and smelling)
Examine a selection of liquids; pouring and filling containers (as a whole class
activity) student are ask to assist to pour liquids into different shaped containers
and make observations
Introducing the idea that a liquid has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape.
Refer to hand out to be glued into Science workbook Properties of liquid
concept map
Discuss the major idea and properties of liquids introducing Viscosity
Arrange class into three group for experiment Viscosity Race
Each table will be set up with all the needed Materials Clipboards, oil, shampoo,
honey, water, droppers, grease-proof paper etc.
Before starting the experiment students work on a worksheet to predict the
outcomes of the experiment, by labelling what they think will be the most
viscous liquids and why.
Student are to observe the viscosity of four liquids moving down grease proof
Students discuss their observation and record them
Students are asked to draw up a table with three columns in their Science
workbooks, with the headings Liquid, Viscosity and purpose provide guidance to
fill out the table offering two examples
Students must then place two of their own examples into the table
Discuss finding as a whole class
Recap and revise the lesson objectives (WALT),
referring to the learning wall to recap the key terms and language discovered
relating to Liquids, their properties and their viscosity.

Lesson Conclusion
Concluding activities
Summarizing the
Evaluation / Reflection
- Learning intention and teaching sequence clearly displayed and explained to students.
- Used video to introduce topic and clearly linked back to the learning from yesterdays lesson.
- Minimised the chance for disruption by having all students organise themselves for the lesson by gluing in
sheets before coming to the carpet.
- Good positive recognition of students doing the right thing.
- Organised for viscosity experiment, with clear headings on the greaseproof paper and had students work
successfully in groups. All students were engaged.
- Reviewed the learning intention and added new definitions of viscosity to the learning wall.

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