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Classroom Observation Template

Supervising Teacher:


Alex Gallagher


Pre-service Teacher:

Class/Year Level:

Hunter Llyod-Pugh

Focus for observation: (See Table 3 on Page 7 of this

APST descriptor/s: (See Table 3 on Page 7 of this

PP2 Information and Guidelines booklet)

PP2 Information and Guidelines booklet)

2.5 Explicit teaching or modelling of literacy or numeracy skills 2.5 Know and understand literacy and numeracy
teaching strategies and their application in teaching
required to complete a set task

3.3 Use of I do, we do, you do phases within a lesson

3.3 Include a range of teaching strategies.

I saw.

I heard.

Clear introduction to lesson focus displayed on whiteboard

and referred to: Partitioning two-digit numbers to multiply by a
single-digit and Apply efficient strategies to multiply with
two-digit numbers?
Engaging and relevant video played to increase student
engagement and clearly explain concepts with visuals.
Clear explanation of mathematical strategy used throughout
the video and then demonstrated on the board. I DO
Use of HTO to further understanding of the mathematical
strategy I DO and WE DO evident.
X table grid from previous lesson referred to ensure all
students could achieve success with the task.
Students who were confident with the mathematical strategy
returned to their desks and completed worksheet successfully.

Clear lesson focus on a numeracy skill stated at the

beginning of the lesson.
Clear explanation of strategy for multiplying numbers
Students sharing solutions/strategies for solving the
Clarification of students errors, remember the rule is.
Descriptive encouraging of students solving the
mathematical problems using the strategy taught.
All students sharing responses at the end of the lesson.

Comments/questions for follow-up discussion and reflection (I thought)

I thought your use of the ESCM were evident throughout lesson.
I thought you had a great awareness of the learning needs in the room and varied support requirements for certain students.
I thought you built on students prior knowledge and utilised resources they were familiar with effectively to support learning for
all students.



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