SPR Deconstuction

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The font of the film is quite plain and it

is in the colour white against a black

background. This is very simple so it
helps to create a somber mood which
suits the film as it is quite respectful and

The american flag close up gives an

idea of the location within the opening
scene and also creates a patriotic
atmosphere. The music in the
background is played by a brass band
which is often used in military music
which helps to denote the genre of the
The mid shot on this woman allows her
facial expressions to be the main focus
of the shot, she seems to have a caring
look on her face which is stereotypical
for a female character. As she is an
elder character she could also be seen
as motherly which again is
The main male character is leading the
way which is stereotypical as it allows
him to seem strong and intelligent. He is
also a distance away from the other
characters which could suggest that he
feels lonely or is on a mission of
something he feels he needs to do and
the other character (mostly female) are
following to support him.

This shot allows the audience to see

many crosses to show remembrance for
all of those who died in the war, this
creates a somber mood.The number of
all of these, which is shown in the shot
using depth of field, allows the audience
to see that there were many people who
fought for their county. This also helps
to show the location of the scene which
is a cemetery.
This extreme close up of the main
protagonists eyes allows the audience
to see the emotion that is being
conveyed and he appears to be upset
which is usually countertypical for male
characters as they are usually thought
to be the stronger sex.

After the extreme close up on the eyes

it cuts to a shot of a beach. The props
used helps connote the time period that
it is during the war and the low key
lighting also makes it have a sinister
atmosphere. The text is also the same
font and colour as the title which shows
continuity and helps it to fit in with the
rest of the film titles.

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