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Classroom Observation Template

Supervising Teacher:


Alex Gallagher


Pre-service Teacher:

Class/Year Level:

Hunter Lloyd-Pugh

Focus for observation: (See Table 3 on Page 7 of this

APST descriptor/s: (See Table 3 on Page 7 of this

PP2 Information and Guidelines booklet)

PP2 Information and Guidelines booklet)

2.2 Timing and pacing of lesson delivery

2.2 Organise content into an effective learning and

teaching sequence

4.1 Use of strategies to promote the participation of all

students in a leaning activity.

4.1 Identify strategies to support inclusive student

participation and engagement in classroom activities.

I saw.

I heard.

- Great introduction to lesson WHAT displayed and talked

about linking to previous lesson and prior knowledge.
Examples of each way students would need to represent the
problems in todays lesson displayed.
- Great use of ICT interactive power point to demonstrate
the concept being taught. Allowed time for students to process
concepts and I saw modelling of strategy on board using I DO.
- Students putting their hands up to share responses in the
WE DO phase. Moved on to YOU DO phase when it was
evident students understand the concept.
- Modelled examples of how to complete worksheet on the
- Students successfully solving problems on worksheet in the
YOU DO phase. Students who required additional support
working with you.
- Students sharing responses and marking their work to
monitor their progress.

- Lesson focus clearly explained.

- Clear explanation of strategy to solve problems throughout
the I DO phase.
- Clarifying/re-explaining the concept to students who had
made errors in the YOU DO phase.
- All students being asked for answers at the conclusion of the

Comments/questions for follow-up discussion and reflection (I thought)

- I thought you built on their prior knowledge and linked the previous lessons learning well.
- I thought the timing of the lesson was appropriate and you spent an effective amount of time in each phase, and ensured
students did not lose focus during the I DO phase, especially with the use of the power point to keep them engaged.
- I thought you did a great job in scaffolding the learning so that all students could participate and achieve success with the



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