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Contaduria pblica
Semestre VI

Adriana Alexandra Bolaos
NRC 1597

Bogot D.C Colombia agosto 2016

Bogot, September 07 2016

Mrs. Adriana Alexandra Bolaos

College Uniminuto

When I was a child I had a curly and blond hair, I was a thin girl, I got a allergies
when the mosquito itch me, when I was 4 years old I remembered I didnt like
walked, now I felt bad because my sister had to hold me all the time.
I have 6 brothers, when my parents had to work in the morning my big sister had to
take care the kids, she had to comb the little kids and leave in the school.
I like when I told about it with my brothers , I remember too when I went to the farm
in vacations, when my grandmom went outside we made a Party we put outside
everything the clothes and high heel shoes, we took the meet out and we prepared
BBQ and we made picnic, my big brother always said he had to eat more than the
others because he was the biggest, I love the rice when I was a child my brothers
made bad thinks to me they put in a bag bee if I want more rice.
My grandmom lived in Ibague her house was wonderful, the house had a lot of trees
animals I loved when I went there everything was perfect now this house disappear
and the animals too.
Another thing in my life is my personality some people had good things and others
doesnt have is some cases I get mad easy when I was I child I always stay mad but
with the years I get some responsibilities and I change I have to improve but the
important thing is that I try.
In this moment I live in Bogota I remembered everything with my family and special
with my brothers I miss my father and my little brother but I know they stay fine with

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