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October 24,

Summative Assessment

Science investigating project for TEK 4-A 4th grade

This will demonstrate the exploration on the positive or negative
impact choosing to conserve or not conserve these resources might
have now and the future. These profound research will cover the
cause and effect it will have on humans and Earth.
This summative assessment will be an individual project. Students
will have two weeks to investigate and educate themselves to give
an 8 minutes presentation. Students are expected to be
knowledgeable on the topic. They are expected to include in their
research: (a) 5 renewables and 5 non-renewables resources, (b) why
are these resources important to conserve, (c) where in Earth are
these resources located, (d) what would happen if these resources
are depleted, and (e) provide visual sources (pictures).
*include 2 sources: (1) book (1) website

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