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8 Ways to have a Successful Experience

as a Graduate Student at NACA Northeast

1. Get out and Network

There will be many Student Affairs professionals in attendance,

including NACA volunteers and fellow graduate students, giving
you many opportunities to expand your network.

2. Volunteer

If you are an introvert or maybe talking to new people is outside

of your comfort zone, dont worry! There are other ways to
network such as signing up to be a volunteer. Whether it is
collecting meal tickets or checking name badges this is a step to
getting involved at the conference.

3. Attend as many programs as you can

There are many activities to attend throughout each day,

whether it is CAMP, educational sessions, showcases, block
booking, school swap or graduate student sessions. Try to be at
as many sessions as you can for your own benefit and
professional development.

4. Dont be afraid to share your undergraduate/current

experiences and voice

We are looking for your participation and encourage you to

share your own experiences. You are a new professional and
have valuable input, sharing your experiences may help another
attendee so dont be afraid to speak up.

5. Attend the graduate student opportunities

There will be opportunities throughout the conference to increase your own professional development. One way is by attending our sessions specifically for graduate students.

6. Practice self-care

The conference has something constantly happening from

8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Be sure to know your limits, it is okay to
take a break to rejuvenate. Although we encourage you to
participate as much as you can, you do not have to attend
everything so do not feel guilty for taking time for your self.

7. Be unique & authentic

Bring your best self to the conference and be ready to learn and
share. Remember we are grounded and growing at NACA

8. Get to know your peers & keep in touch!

There are other graduate students attending this conference as

well. You might find that many of you are in similar shoes so
reach out to one another and connect. Who knows, maybe you
will end up working together one day, or at the very least, you
can be amazing resources to one another!
Contributors include Brittany Murtaugh, Joey Linebarger and Brittany Korbel

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