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Demonstrate professional leadership and management skills while implementing safety

principles in the delivery of nursing care.

I have demonstrated leadership and management skills since the first semester by serving
as the informal leader for all my groups. In addition, I have enhanced my leadership skills
through holding the treasurer position at SHSU Student Nurses Association and being student
representative at the Lab Committee and at the Faculty Assembly. By developing leadership
skills, I will be able to improve safety practices in my future employment place.
Also, at my Leadership clinical, I assisted my preceptor in creating a system to improve
the door to alteplase time. The intervention consisted on placing a bag with all the needed items
to provide the alteplase while the patient is on the CT table as soon as the CT showed negative
for hemorrhagic stroke. I assisted on placing, selecting, and labeling the items of the bag, on
choosing the wording for the single point lesson document, and providing education to the nurses
in regards of the new process. Thanks to this project, the door to alteplase time has being
reduced from 48 minutes to 24 minutes, which has greatly improved the outcomes of the
The two selected assignments that demonstrate the achievement of this outcome are my
PICOT project for leadership and a single point lesson I helped my preceptor to develop. In
regards of my PICOT project, the question I was aiming to answer was: Does education about
the pain assessment policy of St. Lukes The Woodlands Hospital increase the documentation
compliance among ED nurses after three weeks? The interventions I developed to achieve an
improvement in the pain documentation compliance are a single point lesson that follows the
directives of the hospital, two types of reminders posted on the computers of the emergency

department and one-on-one education. This project has helped me learn how to professionally
communicate with nurses and technicians.
Another example is the project I completed with a group for Concepts I class. In that
project, we analyzed and evaluated the contribution that Callista Roy has had in the nursing
profession. This assignment relates to this outcome because learning how other nurses have lead
the profession in the past will help me to lead in the future.
To better accomplish this outcome, I would like to improve my handling of people who
oppose to the changes. In addition, I need to improve how to deal with those individuals who do
not take me seriously because of my lack of experience. To improve these two aspects, I will
look for a mentor in leadership that can advise me on how to deal on these types of situations.

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