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Digital Dividend Update

June 2010

Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA)

GSA LinkedIN Group
Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend - defined

Digital Dividend refers to the spectrum that becomes freed up as a

result of the switchover from analog to digital terrestrial TV

Digital Dividend spectrum is in the UHF range (200 MHz and 1 GHz) and excellent for
extending mobile broadband to rural and semi-urban areas. This spectrum band offers an
excellent balance between transmission capacity and distance coverage. It has very
good propagation characteristics i.e. improved in-building performance in built-up areas

Digital Dividend offers an unprecedented amount of spectrum which can be utilized for
extending mobile broadband services to all, including to the most rural areas, and to speed
up rollout. By applying the Digital Dividend for mobile broadband services, enormous
benefits will ensue around the world in terms of social impact and increased productivity Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Opportunities enabled by the mobile industry

New mobile services, with high quality video and interactive media for handheld devices
Wireless broadband services, with high-speed data and voice services
Wider coverage for advanced services in remote and rural areas
Lower infrastructure cost, leveraging better propagation characteristics of UHF band
Advanced business and broadcasting services, such as those used to support major
sporting events Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Mobile broadband drives need for more spectrum
Industry forecasts massive mobile broadband growth

Mobile broadband growth outpaces

every other platform**

Pew estimates that by 2020, mobile

devices will be the primary Internet
devices for most people in the world***

The average smartphone user

generates 10 times the amount of
traffic generated by the average non-
smartphone user*

** Source: CTIA, Written Ex Parte to FCC, Sept. 29, 2009

*** Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, Dec. 2008
*Source: Cisco, VNI Mobile, 2010

More info on Mobile Broadband can be found at: Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Mass market Mobile Broadband
Enabled by HSPA

388 HSPA Operator Commitments in 151 countries/territories

341 commercial operators launched in 143 countries
including 52 commercial HSPA+ networks

> 98% of commercial WCDMA operators have launched HSPA

The majority (54.5%) of commercial HSPA networks support a

peak downlink data speed of 7.2 Mbps or higher

100 HSPA networks (almost 30% of commercial HSPA

networks) have launched HSUPA in 53 countries, including 36
networks supporting up to 5.8 Mbps using 2 ms TTI
Source: HSPA Operator Commitments survey: Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
Digital switchover (DSO) dates

Already switched off

2014 onwards

Industry sources Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
Frequency bands

New UHF Digital Dividend spectrum is becoming available in all regions

Region 1 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) identified 790-862 MHz for mobile services

Region 2 (Americas) identified 698-806 MHz

Region 3 (Asia) some countries (China, India, Japan) identified 698-862 MHz; others
identified 790-862 MHz Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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ITU frequency regions

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
Frequency bands

WCDMA-HSPA is the leading mobile broadband system worldwide. Commercial systems

are deployed in 850, 900, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100 MHz bands
WCDMA-HSPA enjoys the largest economies of scale in mobile broadband
LTE is the next evolution, standardized by 3GPP, for which significant amounts of new
spectrum will be needed to fully benefit its potential for the next step in user experience
HSPA (including HSPA+) and LTE can be deployed in digital dividend spectrum
LTE is being deployed in 700 MHz Digital Dividend spectrum in USA, and 800 MHz band in
Europe (initially in Germany)
Digital Dividend (700, 800 MHz) spectrum is highly valued for mobile broadband services
2.50 2.69 GHz band is best suited for capacity, and a perfect complement to DD spectrum Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
700 MHz band is key for LTE deployments

US 700 MHz LTE deployments include by Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility and some regional players
Verizon Wireless has set up trial networks in Boston and Seattle and will launch commercial service in 25 - 30
markets by end 2010, with nationwide service by end 2013
700 MHz spectrum availability is likely to extend throughout Americas
This could be earliest in Chile where LTE trials are planned or underway by Entel PCS, Claro and
Movistar. Chilean regulator (Subtel) may launch a spectrum auction shortly (2.6 GHz, 700 MHz)
The Mexican regulator (Cofetel) is studying this year the feasibility of auctioning 700 MHz
Policy makers in Brazil are discussing the potential of 700 MHz for extending broadband
Industry Canada announced in its newly-released Annual Report plans to launch a consultation for
spectrum auctions in the 700 MHz and 2500 MHz bands, stating Auctioning of these bands will help
support new mobile technologies and services. The transition from analog to digital TV is scheduled for
completion August 31, 2011 More at
The Indian government formed a task group to develop a national band at 700 MHz
Consultations on the future use of 700 MHz have commenced in Australia and New Zealand (see page 12) Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
DSO dates in Europe
Already switched over
2011 - 2012
2013 - 2015
The European Commission places broadband connectivity for all
Europeans as a key policy objective, with wireless broadband a key enabler

Every corner of Europe could reap this digital dividend

(Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society
and Media)

On May 6th 2010 the European Commission adopted a Decision

establishing harmonized technical rules for Member States on the
allocation of radio frequencies in the 800 MHz band that contribute to the
deployment of high-speed wireless internet services by avoiding harmful

The Commission will outline proposals on the next steps for the digital
dividend as part of the forthcoming Radio Spectrum Policy Programme
2011-2015 to be published at the end of June. This may include a
proposed target date by which all Member States must make 800 MHz
spectrum available for mobile broadband services

Note: Some regions of Austria and France already switched over to digital television. In
Belgium, the Flanders region has switched over to digital. Similarly, some regions of the UK
have already switched over to digital Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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790-862 MHz is the DD band in Europe
Key developments (1)

Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland have all confirmed they
will allocate 790-862 MHz for mobile broadband services.
The German government became the first in Europe to auction DD spectrum (see following pages).

Romanian regulator ANCOM hosted an Eastern and South-Eastern European Telecommunications Regional
Think Tank entitled Digital Dividend Challenges and Opportunities in the Region on 30th March in Bucharest
which included senior representatives of the ITU and regulatory authorities in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece,
Hungary, Slovenia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia and Hungary, together
with leading industry players
On 17th May NITA, the Danish regulator, published a consultation on future use of the so-called MUX7, the
790-862MHz band. Response to the consultation must be made by 24th June.
In Switzerland the Federal Communications Commission (ComCom) has instructed the Federal Office of
Communications to prepare the allocation of mobile radio frequencies including digital dividend spectrum. The
allocation of frequencies will take place by auction in 2010. Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Germany completes Europes first DD spectrum auction

Commencing on April 12, 2010, Germany's auction of radio spectrum ended on

May 20 with the total reaching EUR4.38 billion.

According to the final tally from the Bundesnetzagentur, T-Mobile, Vodafone and
Telefonica O2 each secured two 10 MHz blocks in the highly coveted 800 MHz
bands, which are expected to be used for LTE deployments.

The winning 800 MHz/DD bids were:

Telefonica O2 (EUR1.212 billion)
Vodafone (EUR1.210 billion)
Deutsche Telekom (EUR 1.153 billion)

The Ministry of Economics of the German state Hessen has unveiled results of a survey among the participants of
the mobile internet via a digital dividend pilot. It found more than 90% of the participants are satisfied with their
internet connection (only 32% before the pilot started). The pilot is a joint effort of Vodafone Germany, the Ministry
of Economics of Hessen, the State Media Office of Hessen and the Municipality of Hofbieber, and started in
October 2009 with 32 households and 15 businesses in Hofbieber as participants. The pilot offered them mobile
internet at HSPA speeds (up to 7.2 Mbps) using digital dividend (800 MHz) spectrum. Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Germany Digital Dividend auction result
German auction covered 360 MHz across four bands: 800 MHz (DD), 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz
Bidders were Deutsche Telecom, KPN/E-Plus, Telefonica O2 and Vodafone. Auction commenced April 12, 2010
800 MHz (DD) allocations were the most expensive; 6 x 5 MHz paired blocks (791-821 MHz and 832-862 MHz)
Coverage obligations and restrictions including spectrum caps apply

After 224 Rounds the auction

closed on May 20, 2010 and
generated 4.384 billion

The 800 MHz spectrum raised

( 3.576 bn) i.e. over 81.5% of
the auctions value Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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790-862 MHz is the DD band in Europe
Key developments (2)

In Germany, operators have been trialling HSPA and LTE using Digital Dividend frequencies to provide
broadband services to communities without existing broadband possibilities. Auctions for mobile spectrum have
now ended (more details can be found in earlier pages)
In Austria on December 29, 2009, the Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR)
commissioned a study to evaluate potential uses of the "digital dividend from an economic perspective and to
develop recommended actions. The study was due for completion by end March 2010. The Austrian government
has decided to allocate the 790-862MHz band to mobile broadband. In a joint announcement in late April, the
Minister for Infrastructure, Doris Bures, and the Secretary of State for Media, Dr Josef Ostermayer, stated that the
digital dividend frequencies would be auctioned at the end of 2011 or start of 2012
Czech Republic regulator CTU has undertaken a 2nd round of consultation on the 470-862 MHz band.
Slovenia is progressing with digital switchover and expects to be complete this by the end of 2010
The UK regulator Ofcom is preparing for a large auction of spectrum that will include channels freed up as part of
the digital dividend. The auction is expected to cover spectrum in the 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz
and 2600 MHz bands, and may be held in 1H 2011, possibly earlier. Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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790-862 MHz is the DD band in Europe
Key developments (3)

In Slovakia the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications closed its public consultation on future use of
790-862 MHz spectrum on 7th May 2010
In Spain, analog switch off was completed on April 3, 2010. Four days earlier, a Royal Decree committing Spain
to using 790-862MHz for mobile broadband was approved by the Executive, as part of a process licensing three
national private broadcasters to use DTT in lower frequencies. The broadcasters have until 2015 to clear the band.
In Portugal, public consultations on the Digital Dividend closed on May 13, 2009. In a statement on its website on
August 5, 2009 the regulator ANACOM confirmed that 17 submissions had been received and approved the report of
the public consultation. More information at
Serbia has completed a consultation on the Digital Dividend
In Italy, Communications Undersecretary, Paolo Romani, announced that frequencies vacated during the analog
switch off will be auctioned
Analog switch off in Croatia began for national broadcasters in January 2010 and will be completed nationwide on
October 5, 2010 Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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790-862 MHz is the DD band in Europe
Key developments (4)

Belgium is undertaking a consultation on the Digital Dividend, so too is Poland

In Latvia, analog television was switched over fully to digital transmissions on Tuesday June 1, 2010.
In Russia, the Russian Ministry has stated that the price they have placed on moving ARNS services out of
the 790-862 MHz sub-band is 2bn. Politically, the decision to award the band to mobile has been made. At
the ComNews LTE Russia and CIS conference (May 25-26) in Moscow, Yuri Zhuravel, Head of the State
Commission for Radio Frequencies, made new statements, explaining how a firm plan to clear the 790-
862MHz band was being put in place and would be released by the end of this year. He also re-confirmed the
Ministry of Communications estimate of the cost for clearing the band at 2bn, and stated that clearing the
band may be within 3 years.
In Ireland, ComReg has completed a consultation into how digital dividend spectrum will be allocated.
Digital switchover is scheduled by end 2012. ComReg has published its response to the consultation on
Irelands Digital Dividend policy and expressed its support for freeing 800 MHz frequencies from exclusive use
by the broadcasting industry, which will pave the way for using digital dividend spectrum for mobile broadband
networks in Ireland. ComReg is committed to encouraging innovation through its Test & Trial Ireland project,
which will involve mobile communications devices using the digital dividend spectrum Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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790-862 MHz is the DD band in Europe
Key developments (5)

Telefonica-owned O2 UK has obtained a trial license from Ofcom to test LTE in the 800 MHz frequency band.
O2 will begin the trial in Q3 2010 in Carlisle so becoming the first mobile operator in the UK to test LTE in the
digital dividend spectrum.

One of the stated goals of the trial will be to monitor for possible interference if any - between mobile LTE
services and broadcasters' services.

Deutsche Telekom plans to begin a friendly user trial of LTE in newly acquired 800MHz spectrum in
underserved areas in Germany by the end of this year Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
More actions globally (1)

The US is leading the way in freeing up and allocating digital dividend spectrum.

The FCC completed the auction of 700 MHz spectrum in March 2008 and distributed the
spectrum to a variety of providers mainly via a technology-neutral approach. The final
switchover to digital TV occurred on 12 June 2009.

Meanwhile, the winning operators including Verizon Wirless are trialling services on the
released spectrum now and are expected to launch commercial services in 2010. Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
More actions globally (2)

Caribbean regulators, policy specialists and professionals in the Broadcasting,

Telecommunications and wider ICT community will meet in Kingston from June 7 8
2010 to discuss the future of broadcasting in the Caribbean. One issue is the digital
switchover, which the chairman stated would provide an excellent opportunity to utilise
the country's bandwidth for social and economic development. The switchover from
analog to digital is likely to free up quite a bit of spectrum space. It will be how the
digital dividend is managed, and the extra space and opportunities [mobile, broadband
and third generation services] that are generated by virtue of switching to digital.

According to telecoms regulator Subtel's head, Jorge Atton, Chile is expected to hold
an auction for LTE licenses in March 2011. It is anticipated that the 700MHz band will
be released for the auction as part of the "digital dividend" as analog television is
migrated to digital services. Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
More actions globally (3)

The Indonesian Ministry is looking into allocating the 700MHz band (694-806MHz) for
mobile broadband

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has launched its
my Spectrum Plan 2010 consultation. This is a broad perspective consultation which
includes regulatory and policy framework topics as well as plans for future use of the
UHF band. The deadline for submissions is 6th July.

In Colombia, the Minister of Information and Communications Technologies, Daniel

Medina, stated in May 2010 that the 700 MHz band will be cleared in Q2 2010 and
spectrum will be made available for auction to incumbents and potential new market
entrants. The process will follow the proposed 2.5 GHz auction. Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
More actions globally (4)

On January 5, 2010 the Communications Minister published the Digital Dividend green paper
in Australia. Analog TV transmissions will be switched off by end 2013. The paper establishes
a government target of 126 MHz of contiguous UHF spectrum. Achieving this will involve
moving some digital television services to new channels. Responses to the consultation were
required by February 26, 2010 and more than 100 submissions were received. The mobile
network operators in Australia have called for certainty about the auction timetable. Another
portion of spectrum - in the 2.5 GHz band - may also be auctioned

In New Zealand, The Economic Development Ministry has announced plans to make 112
MHz of UHF spectrum in the range 694-806 MHz available for mobile telecommunications
and has stated that it will decide on allocations of its digital dividend spectrum by the end of
this year. Analog broadcasts will be switched off once three-quarters of the population have
adopted digital television, or by 2015 at the latest.

Ghana is to switch of analog broadcasting services before the ITU international deadline of
June 17, 2015* helping to free spectrum which could be developed into a digital dividend to
be allocated to other services and for the use to connect the unconnected in remote areas
*ITU deadline for ending analog broadcasting in areas where cross-border interference is a problem Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
More actions globally (5)

Africa Digital Dividend discussions took place at the South African Development
Community (SADC) meeting in Swaziland in February. It was agreed that 790-862 MHz can
definitely be allocated to mobile broadband by 2014. An ad hoc working group will be created
to recommend following the CEPT plan for 790-862 MHz. Other plans will also be considered
and SADC may support a wider band. The wider plan was due to be signed by SADC
Ministers at their meeting on 10th May 2010
(SADC Member States: Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe)

In India, The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued a pre-consultation on

IMT-Advanced (4G) Mobile wireless broadband services which mentioned digital dividend
spectrum amongst other aspects the date for comments was extended to April 15, 2010

In Bangladesh the regulator, BTRC has held a consultation on its proposed National
Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP). The NFAP proposes allocation of 698-806 MHz band for
mobile services and appears to support a band plan similar to that supported by local
operators in India. Discussions are also taking place on the possible allocation of spectrum in
the 700 MHz band for mobile services Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend
More actions globally (6)

Bahrain: The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority published a consultation document in

December 2009 on telecommunications spectrum, which included the UHF band and identified 790-
862 MHz as a candidate band for LTE in the proposed re-working of Bahrains national table of
frequency allocations. Comments were due February 14, 2010

Mexicos telecoms regulator COFETEL has announced that during 2010 it will carry out an
assessment of the possibility of licensing the 700 MHz band for 4G services. The initiative follows
a 700 MHz spectrum tender proposal from the Mexican Ministry of Communications and
Transport (SCT). Cofetel has also announced auction rules for bidding for an additional 120MHz
of spectrum in the 1.7 and 1.9 GHz bands.

At the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) meeting in Tokyo on spectrum issues at the beginning
of April it was agreed that an Asia-specific spectrum plan would be developed for the region to
help promote the deployment of UHF digital dividend spectrum. A pragmatic approach was
decided upon to develop a 2 x 45 MHz FDD paired spectrum band plan Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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Digital Dividend

Digital Dividend news and updates are appreciated please,

to the GSA Secretariat:

GSA LinkedIN Group
Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) Global mobile Suppliers Association 2010

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