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SS Answer Template on Inference (Purpose)

Anglican High Prelims 2016

(a) Study Source E.
Why was the exhibition carried out? Explain your answer.
Source E:


A 2015 photo exhibition organised by SingTel on new immigrants doing daily

activities such as taking the bus, cycling and buying provisions from
neighbourhood stalls around Singapore.

Focus on a DIRECT Answer

(Need to clearly state the target audience)
The message in the exhibition was meant to show how new immigrants were integrating
into Singapore society. The immigrants were beginning to live like Singaporeans as they
began take bus and buy provisions from neighbourhood stalls. The target audience for
this exhibition could be both Singaporeans and new foreigners in Singapore.
Firstly, the exhibition was carried out BECAUSE it aimed to close the gap between the
new immigrants and Singaporeans. It hopes that by doing so, Singaporeans would be more
receptive and welcoming of new immigrants and not treat them as aliens. Based on my
understanding of the context from the background information and in Source Y
where there were tensions between locals and new immigrants. This exhibition was created
as more and more Singaporeans are voicing out their dissatisfaction with Singapore being
crowded and showing xenophobic behavior as seen in Source F where Singaporeans
demand for Singapore to be for Singaporeans only. The intended impact was for
Singaporeans to feel for the new immigrants, to understand and tolerate the new
immigrants are they try to integrate into Singapore society and for Singaporeans to continue
to support the governments foreign talent policy.
Secondly, the exhibition by SingTel could also be to welcome new immigrants and to show
them how they can live easily in Singapore. As new immigrants integrate into the society,
they will feel more welcomed by Singapore. SingTel could be targeting these new
immigrants as new customers to their services. The other intended impact was to boost
SingTels business as more new immigrants meant more customers.

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