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Welding fume - Reducing the risk

This page expand on the basic what you need to do guidance contained in the welders, managers pages.
Here you will find more detailed information on issues that may help you reduce the amount of fume you
generate and working practices that can help reduce the risk to the welder. For information on local
exhaust ventilation (LEV) see welding do I need fume extraction also the LEV website which has
plenty of further information.
There are some links to other areas of the HSE website and some selected external websites. We have
attempted to direct you to external websites that provide good quality information however HSE is not
responsible for web content on these external websites. Information found on external linked websites
may not be sufficient for you to comply with the law. Opinions found on these sites are not necessarily
those of HSE.
Fume and gases from welding and cutting
Minimise fume
Can the job be designed so there is less hot work (welding, gouging, manual flame/plasma cutting)?
There are numerous options, the following are just a selection. Some, or all of them may not be applicable
to your particular job:

CAD/3D design techniques allow complex items to be designed and manufactured with more
accuracy. Combined with CNC cutting, it is possible to design and automate raw materials cutting
so that the is less minimal grinding and gap filling when complex parts are fitted together later in
the fabrication process.

Simpler solutions include use of cold jointing techniques. There are numerous mechanical
fasteners (bolts, rivets etc). Adhesive technologies have progressed in recent years. Bonded metal
structures are used in some new cars. More novel techniques such as friction stir welding can be
used for certain applications. There may be other risks associated with friction stir welding but
produces little or no fume.

Friction stir welding - TWI website

Could the job be redesigned to use thinner gauge material? Thinner gauge material will generally
need fewer weld passes or, for sheet metalwork, lower power requirements on the welding set.
Less power = less fume.

In some applications MIG brazing can produce a result with equal physical properties to a full
penetration weld but brazing has the advantage of producing less fume. Many modern welding
sets have settings to allow brazing operations so you may not need to replace your welding sets.

Can the manufacturing sequence or techniques be modified so there is less hot work?

Can you use automated or self propelling weld profilers before parts are formed or have parts
added that prevent their use. This can reduce the use of hand held grinders. Can the raw materials
be bought-in with the edge profiles already cut. The raw material may cost more but this
additional cost may be offset by faster production.

Use of ceramic backing tiles and inert gas backing techniques can reduce the need to back-gouge
root pass welds. Use of inert gas in these systems may need additional safety measures to prevent
risk of asphyxiation.

Can you use a welding technique that makes less fume?

Lowest fume

Submerged arc

Resistance welding

Laser cutting


Plasma cutting


Flame cutting



Flux core



Manual arc welding processes

TIG produces the least fume aAlthough it does produce significant amounts of ozone and nitrous oxide
both of which are irritant gases. MIG and MAG generally produce quite a lot more fume. MMA (stick)
welding and flux cored tend to produce the most fume. If you can automate the arc welding process then
submerged arc welding, hot wire TIG or perhaps electron beam welding may be practical and cost
For further information on welding and jointing techniques and their characteristics see the TWI Job
knowledge sheets .
Resistance welding
Resistance welding generally produces less fume than manual arc welding processes. One example of
replacing manual arc welding with resistance welding techniques is the fixing of fairing aids in ship
building. These can be fixed using stud welded bolts rather than arc welding the bracket directly to the
hull. There is less fume produced when welding the item and less grinding to remove it afterwards.
Are your welders using the optimum set up?
Excessive currents and long duty cycles tend to generate excess fume and can affect weld quality.
Optimise your shielding gas so you get the best production speed and lowest fume emissions. All the
major welding gas suppliers produce shielding gases which allow welders to lay down welds faster,
produce better quality finishes and reduce fume at the same time. Ask your gas supplier which is the
optimum shield gas mix for your application.

Further information on the best welding set up - TWI website

Useful FAQs and you can register, free, and get access to their technical helpdesk.

Reduce the time the welder is forced to breathe the fume arising directly from the torch

Minimise the work carried out in enclosed or confined spaces.

Can you make it easier for the welder to work with their head out of the fume cloud. Its not
always possible but planning the welding sequence differently could allow the welder to work in
a position where they are not directly breathing in the fume cloud.

Generally a welder working in a crouching position will be more likely to have fume passing
their nose and mouth than a person standing while they weld. A seated welder will tend to have
the least fume round their face.

Is it practical to use turn tables or other devices to manipulate the work piece so the welder can
weld in a position where the fume rises away from their face? However if you do chose to move
the fabrication around makes sure its lifted and supported properly. Accidents involving the
unintended movement of heavy objects is one of the biggest causes of fatal accidents in
manufacturing industries.

In larger scale fabrications where you are creating internal voids or rooms, can you organize the
welding sequence to reduce the internal welds. Consider where the fume will go when welding
in tight internal corners. Small bore high flow fume extractors can help remove fume when
welding in tight corners and the reduced size still allows the welder to see what they are doing.

Fume facts - What is it and what does it do to you

This page expands on the basic what you need to do guidance contained in the welders and managers
pages. The information here is essentially background information but it may help you assess the level of
risk at your workplace and hence decide if you need additional ventilation, fume extraction or RPE.
What is the fume and gases from welding and cutting
The fume given off by welding and hot cutting processes is a varying mixture of airborne gases and very
fine particles which if inhaled can cause ill health.
Gases that may be present in welding and cutting fume are:

nitrous oxide (NOx),

carbon dioxide (CO2),

carbon monoxide (CO)

shielding gas (eg Argon, helium) and

ozone (O3)

The visible part of the fume cloud is mainly particles of metal, metal oxide and flux (if used)
The exact level of risk from the fume will depend on 3 factors:

How toxic the fume is

How concentrated the fume is

How long you are breathing the fume

How toxic is the fume?

For arc welding, the visible fume comes mostly from the filler wire when its exposed to the electric arc.
The amount of hazardous substances in the filler wire should be included in the product information that
is printed on the original packaging. Many of the common metals used in filler wires are harmful and
several have Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL). Cadmium and Beryllium are rarely found, but are
particularly toxic. Chromium, Nickel, Vanadium, Manganese and Iron all have WELs. see Table 1 of
EH40 for a complete list. Generally the smaller the number for the WEL the more toxic the substance is.
The toxic constituents of fume can be affected by the choice of welding process.
Stainless steel MIG welding fume usually contains about 18% chromium but most of it is trivalent
Chromium (WEL= 0.5mg/m3). Stainless steel welding using MMA equipment tends to contains less
chromium (up to 8%) but most of it is the more toxic hexavalent Chromium (WEL = 0.05mg/m3). This
means that although there is more Chromium in MIG fume, overall the fume tends to be less toxic. If all
the other factors are the same and it is practical, it would be preferable to use MIG/MAG welding
techniques for welding stainless steels.
It is generally accepted that stainless steel fume is more hazardous than mild (carbon) steel fume due to
the higher chromium and nickel content.
TIG and flame welding techniques do not normally involve putting the consumable directly in to the arc,
they generate much less visible fume particles. For these techniques and also resistance welding and
flame/ plasma cutting, the health risk from the gases found in the fume cloud becomes as important as the
risk from metal particles in the fume.
Flame cutting with an oxidising flame usually leads to increased levels of nitrous oxides. Using a
reducing flame usually creates carbon monoxide. Both gases are toxic and have WELs associated.
However they are not normally produced in large enough amounts to present a significant hazard
provided there is good ventilation.
How concentrated is the fume?
The concentration of harmful substances will be highest in the plume of fume that rises from the weld
point. As the plume rises it mixes with the surrounding air effectively diluting itself. Fans can be used to
forcibly dilute it. In HSE guidance this is known as forced ventilation. The more air the fume can mix
with the lower the concentration of harmful substances. By reducing the concentration of harmful

substances in the air, you reduce the level of risk. This is why it is important to try to work with your head
out of the rising plume of fume.
Case study

MAG welding on mild steel inside an enclosed space (not a confined space)
The enclosed nature of the workplace means that there is a restricted amount of air to dilute the fume.
Forced ventilation can be used to increase the dilution particularly if the welding process will take a
significant amount of time (eg more than 10 minutes).
How long you spend breathing the fume
Some welders, particularly fabricators, spend a significant amount of time setting up a job before they
pick up the welding torch to start welding. This means in an 8 hour working day the welder may only
actually weld for an hour or 2. Conversely a production welder who is supplied with ready cut parts and a
jig to hold them will spend much more time actually welding. If you are assessing risk it is important to
consider how long a welder will actually be welding. This is sometimes referred to as arcing time or
trigger time. It equates to the period of time that fume is being created. Lower arcing time means there
is likely to be less fume exposure and hence less risk.
Aluminium fume
The predominant risk associated with aluminium welding is exposure to ozone. Exposure to ozone can
result in streaming eyes and nose. A sore throat is often a symptom. In severe cases ozone can cause
emphysema (water on the lung). Ozone exposure may make existing medical conditions like asthma,
Ozone is an irritant gas and has WEL of 0.2 ppm (0.4 mg/m3). The exposure limit is likely to be exceeded
at most aluminium welding operations (particularly TIG) unless there is effective LEV or the welder
wears suitable RPE.
Case study
Optimise your shielding gas compared to using pure Argon, using a gas containing 98% Argon
2%Hydrogen results in significantly less Ozone production when TIG welding aluminium. You will
usually see production benefits (reduced arc time and weld quality) that can be used to justify any
additional costs.

Illness caused by welding fume and gases

There will be people who dont get ill but some welders do get ill from breathing welding fume.
Some may be ill for only a short time, others may get permanent illnesses like asthma. There is
no easy way to know if it will be you. A few welders get so ill they have to stop welding and find
a new career.

So what can happen to you if you regularly breathe in

welding fume?
Welders are particularly prone to a lung infection that can lead to severe and sometimes fatal
Modern antibiotics usually stop the infection however in severe cases you could end up in
hospital. HSE estimate that breathing metal fume at work leads to 40-50 welders each year being
hospitalised. Pneumonia kills about 2 welders* each year. It can affect young welders as well as
older people.
Exposure to welding fume in the past does not increase the chances of you getting pneumonia
*Palmer et al (2009). Mortality from infectious pneumonia in metal workers: a comparison with
deaths from asthma in occupations exposed to respiratory sensitizers. THORAX Online first,
published on August 23, 2009 as 10.1136/thx2009.114280

Occupational asthma

In a recent review
HSE found that the scientific
evidence relating to welding fume and asthma was not strong enough for HSE to list welding
fume as a confirmed cause of asthma. However, we know that about 9 welders, each year, get
asthma so badly that they are able to claim benefits (Industrial Injuries and Disablement Benefit).
HSE advises welders to protect themselves and follow the safe way of working that their
employer should provide for them. Stainless steel fume has chromium oxide (CrO3) and Nickel

Oxide in it. Both these chemicals can cause asthma. For this reason, stainless steel welding fume
is considered more harmful than mild steel fume.

Phil Hydes video interview

Welding fume is internationally classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (IARC
classification group 2B). Although primarily associated with stainless steel welding, this
classification is not limited to stainless steel fume. It covers all welding fume. The UK system of
classifying substances (Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations

) does not consider by-products of a process. This
means that welding fume is not currently assigned a hazard classification.
Further information

A scientific review paper

Working Group on Action to Control
Chemicals (WATCH) committee in 2010

International Agency for Research on Cancer, Monographs on the evaluation of

carcinogenic risk to humans Vol 49

nickel and welding.

HSE presented to the

, chromium,

Metal fume fever

Many welders report flu like symptoms after welding. The effects are often worse at the start of
the working week. Metal fume fever is usually linked to welding or hot work on galvanised
metals. High exposures to mild steel weld fume can also cause this illness. Metal fume fever

does not usually have any lasting ill effects. Dont believe the stories about drinking milk before
welding. It does not prevent you getting metal fume fever.

Irritation of throat and lungs

Gases and fine particles in welding fume can cause dryness of the throat, tickling, coughing or a
tight chest. The effects tend to be short lived. Ozone is a particular cause of this when TIG
welding stainless steels and aluminium. High exposures to nitrous oxides (generated during most
arc welding operations) can also cause this health effect. Extreme exposure to ozone can cause
pulmonary oedema (fluid on the lungs)

Temporary reduced lung function

Overall lung capacity and the ease at which you can breathe out (peak flow) are affected by
prolonged exposure to welding fume. The effects tend to get worse through the working week
but gradually improve when not exposed (eg over the weekend).

Electrical hazards
The arc welding process requires a live electrical circuit. This means that all arc welders using
hand held equipment will be at risk of electric shock and electrical burns. The risk for MIG/
MAG and TIG welding is much less as the welding current is normally switched on and off using
the trigger or foot switch.
For all arc welding processes the essentials of safe practice are:

Welding equipment conforms to the appropriate international (ISO) or British (BS)


Installation of fixed welding equipment is carried out by a suitably qualified person and is
connected as recommended by the manufacturer.

The insulation on the welding and current return leads is undamaged and the conductor is
thick enough to carry the current safely.

All connectors are clean, undamaged and correctly rated for the current required.

Dont use welding equipment with damaged insulation on the welding cables, plugs,
clamps or torch/electrode holder.

Use the appropriate personal protective equipment for the task.

The welder is responsible for daily checks of equipment and reporting defects. Management
should implement a programme of regular checks for fixed and mobile welding sets. Further

guidance on maintaining electrical equipment is available on the Maintaining Electrical Safety

web page and in HSE publication HSG107 Maintaining portable and transportable electrical

Stray welding currents

For most welding operations, it is better to clamp the current return cable close to where
you are welding.

Stray welding currents are electrical currents that return to the welding set by paths other than
along the welding return cable. Stray currents may be substantial and comparable to the welding
current resulting in a risk of electric shock, burns and damage to property. Stray currents are
more likely if the welding return path exhibits a high electrical resistance eg the return is
clamped onto a rusty surface rather than clean metal.
When welding on large structures and pipework installations clamping the welding return to
handrails, pipes or the frame of the structure should be avoided unless they form part of the work
piece itself.
Some older MMA welding sets are built specifically to use an earth return cable that is shared
between several welding sets. This type of equipment was common in the shipbuilding and ship
repair industry. This type of welding set up should only use equipment that is designed to be used
this way. The current return path should be as short as possible and may need to be carefully
planned to ensure risk is minimised.

3 phase electrical supplies

When using three-phase welding circuits or single-phase circuits derived from different phases of
the mains supply, the welding positions connected to different phases or transformers should be
segregated by partitions, or distance, whenever it is reasonably practicable to do so. This reduces
the possibility of electric shock from simultaneous contact with any parts of two different
systems, irrespective of the voltage of either one to earth.

Welding in environments where there is an increased risk of

electric shock
If you are in control of operations where there is a need to:

weld in damp or wet conditions

Position the welder inside a metal structure eg inside a tank

Position the welder on the metal workpiece

You may need to provide an insulating mat or some other dry platform, so welders are not in
direct contact with wet or conductive surfaces. Often a wooden pallet or rubber floor mat will
suffice. The mat should be large enough to offer protection to the welder if they are required to
kneel or lie down to complete the task.

Welders should wear clean, dry welding gloves and overalls. Overalls or other clothing
should be worn to minimise the amount of naked skin, particularly on arms and legs.

Normal welding PPE is not designed to prevent electric shock however it does provide some
protection. The electrical resistance of clothing that is damp or contaminated may be
significantly reduced giving rise to a greater risk of electric shock.
When MMA welding it is better to use a welding set that has an open circuit voltage (no load
voltage) limiting device. These devices reduce the risk of electric shock from inadvertent contact
with the electrode.
For further information see the Electrical safety web pages, in particular the page for work with
electrically powered equipme

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