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Breaking the glass ceiling: 5 reasons why women

have not excelled in the tech sector

Business, Caribbean, Computing, ICT/Tech, Lists, Telecoms

In the last 40 years or so women have been recognised as significant contributors in the work force, but
there are still some sectors where they are poorly represented. This post provides 5 reasons why women
have not excelled in the tech sector.
In April this year, McKinsey, the global management consulting firm published the outcome of a study that
examined, among other things, the factors that prevented women from making greater contributions to
their companies. Although the exercise was not sector-specific and limited to the United States, it does
offer some insights that might be relevant for some traditionally male dominated industries, such as IT
and Engineering. This post hopes to start a conversation by highlighting a few of the reasons why more
women are not as widely represented in the tech industry, and especially in senior management and
executive positions.
1. Women not expected to succeed in Maths and Science. Although considered anecdotal, there is
still a widely held view that females are no good at STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics. As a result, although female enrolment at university generally outstrips that of men by 2 to
1, in fields such as IT and Engineering, the ratio can be reversed with much wider disparities. For
example, in 2009 at the University of Technology in Jamaica, men exceeded women in Computer and IT
by 2:1, and in Engineering by 6:1 (Ministry of Education, Jamaica) Further, many successful female
engineers have reported that some of their lecturers and tutors made it clear to them that they did not
posses the necessary skills and were wholly unsuitable for certain courses. So even entrenched in the
learning process can be prejudices and deterrents to women pursuing historically male-dominated
careers in the first place.
2. Few role female models. Starting in university and even on the job, there are few women in senior
management positions. Hence there are relatively few female mentors available to guide other girls and
young women getting into the industry, or to be role models of what can be achieved, or even to share
their experiences and keys to success.
3. Organisation and superiors still implicitly nurture certain stereotypes. Although women have
come a long way in the workplace, especially in relation to pay and benefits, employers still make certain
assumptions about women and their capabilities that ultimately limit their professional development when
compared with men. The McKinsey study made the following observation:
The most insidious barriers for women are imbedded mindsets that halt their progress. Managers (men
and women) still tell diversity officers that Everybody knows you cant put a woman in that particular
slot. Or That job could never be done part-time. Even at major corporations, not-so-subtle differences
linger. Several diversity officers and experts told us that despite their best efforts, women are often
evaluated for promotions primarily on performance, while men are often promoted on potential.
Management may be acting with best intentionsto prevent women from failingyet another mindset
that forms a barrier to advancing women

4. Women limit themselves and their own ambitions. Separate and apart from corporate prejudices
that still exist, many women although clearly intelligent, limit themselves and their own ambitions. This
issue is linked to some of the earlier points made, where women might not feel as encouraged to
succeed, and there is also an argument made that girls are not socialised to succeed. For example, in a
team, although the female members might be key contributors to a project as hardworking or even more
so than their male counterparts they often shy away from leading a project or making presentations. In
essence, they are prepared to work in the background, satisfied to contribute to a common cause, but are
uncomfortable with individual recognition of their contribution to the teams or projects success. On the
other hand, men generally are more prepared to take the lead and to welcome having their contributions
5. Societal and cultural issues. Consider this all too frequent observation: A single woman; she has
solid academic credentials perhaps even a Masters Degree or PhD, and appears to be ready to take
the world by storm. A few years after starting her career, she is in a committed relationship, and may even
be thinking about starting a family. Her professional aspirations seem to have ground to a
halt Admittedly, many women are prepared to lower their horizons to make space for a life outside of
work. However, there is still an expectation, especially in the Caribbean, that women should be the
primary caregivers, with organisations trying to facilitate these circumstances.
In December 2010, Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, gave a widely publicised speech on Why We
Have Too Few Women Leaders, at a TED conference. She also provided three tips to women, who
wished to advance up the corporate ladder.

The above five points and even Sheryl Sandbergs talk have, arguably, barely scratched the surface of a
complicated situation, where societal, organisational, academic and personal views and biases are at

play. Suffice it to say, there are no easy answers or quick fixes. Those of us in the tech industry both
men and women would either have experienced or have observed the challenges women face. Do you
agree with the issues raised? Do share your thoughts

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