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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
Bradley Agyeman
IT 104 009 (75025)

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the term used to described machines or software that can perform
functions on their own without any assistance from humans. It has taken humans thousands of
years to get to this stage of technology. Research in Artificial intelligence or AI is responsible
for completing certain tasks that require intelligence behavior. Some examples of their
responsibilities include planning, handwriting, facial recognition, speech, and even planning. AI
is slowly advancing and has started to focus on solving the sophisticated problems in our lives.
AI is now being implemented in different branches of the workforce such as the military,
medicine, engineering, and economics. Artificial intelligence is even making its way into
computer software at home in classic games like chess or online checkers. It is helping humans
to become more technological instead of primitive by todays standards. AIs can become very
useful if used the correct way, and they can also become very dangerous if used the incorrect
way. AI technology is always evolving and will continue to evolve if mankind has the knowledge
to update them to make them more advanced.
Current Use
There are many different uses of artificial intelligence that humans are currently using.
For example, the most popular form of artificial intelligence that humans are using today is Siri
for iPhones. An iPhone user can speak to Siri and ask for directions to various locations, the
meaning of words, schedules, and other assignments. Android users also have many forms of
artificial intelligence such as Cortana, Google Now, Robin, Assistant.AI, Dragon Mobile
Assistant, and Jarvis which all complete similar tasks that Siri can accomplish. Another current


use of AI is virtual tutoring. Education is another field that AI plays an important role in.
Students can take online tutoring sessions with a virtual instructor that can memorize their study
patterns and help them if they are having trouble with a complicated question. This technology
can adapt to the needs of different students, grade assignments, and provide criticism on
assignments that are turned in. AI is also very useful in transportation as well. Trains without a
driver, and cars that are being programmed to drive themselves are already being put to use in
todays society and will eventually be able to the general public in 2020. AI transportation
systems would help inexperienced drivers reach their destination safely. Speech Recognition is
another current use of Artificial Intelligence. AI systems can help translate different languages to
and pronounce them for users to learn how a word is said in a different language. AI speech
recognition software can also help users to learn different languages as well, which is another
great function. Artificial Intelligence is not only useful for these trivial matters, but also for
security concerns as well.
Security Aspects
There are many different security aspects of Artificial Intelligence. AI security systems
could help detect unfamiliar activities that could threaten a companys security. The way an AI
security system does this is by observing items in an environment that is monitored, and then
taking feedback of the accuracy of different events and using this information for its own
knowledge. AI systems are programmed to detect what is usual behavior and what is not. If a
human does not detect a usual behavior that could potentially cause harm to a company, the AI
system could catch it before further damage is made. Humans have an attention span of up to 19
minutes, any time after that it decreases which could cause many security errors. If humans have
to observe multiple objects at once, it decreases their attention span as well. The result of this is


AI security systems being implanted to heighten security surveillance and to make it very
complicated for a companys security to be exploited. There is also a downside of AI security
systems such as the system malfunctioning which could become a huge problem for a company
that requires 24/7 surveillance. If an AI system malfunctions, a company could be exploited and
many thieves and hackers could use that timeframe to steal from them. Another security concern
that is a downside of artificial intelligence is autonomous weapons which are AI systems that are
programmed to destroy. If these autonomous weapons are used by the wrong people, many lives
could be lost. An AI weapons race could also lead to an AI war that could result in the loss of
countless lives. These autonomous weapons could even be programmed to be very complicated
to turn off which could lead to a situation spiraling out of control that humans could not direct.
AI systems could also have destructive methods to achieve their goals. An example of this would
be if a user asked their AI for transportation to take them to the nearest airport as quickly as
possible, the AI could have a high possibility of not obeying traffic signs, and speed signs as
well. Humans currently control the world not because were the fastest, biggest or strongest, its
because they are the most intelligence species. If humans are no longer the most intelligent
species, would they still be in control?
Ethical and Social Implications
AI faces many troubling ethical and social concerns. A main concern of artificial
intelligence systems is hacking. Hackers could send their own malware to infect an AI and that
could potentially lead to a dangerous situation. Such as autonomous weapons as previously
stated in the paragraph above. When AI becomes more advanced, hackers could try to hack
certain machines and turn them against the owner(s). Another major concern of AI is that the
emergence of superintelligence could be very rapid. This could pose a terrible threat to mankind


if the AI system starts to write its own source code without a humans assistance. Autonomous
vehicles are already seen as the start of robotic tanks and automated war. Many of these ethical
and social concerns all come down to one question: How would people keep AI systems out of
the wrong hands. There is absolutely no answer for that because it is impossible. Artificial
Intelligence systems could pose a threat to society if the wrong hands get a hold of them.
Artificial Intelligence is growing so rapidly that an explosion of AI could happen at any time. It
could be within the next few weeks or even the next few days that society would have
superintelligence fully aware of their knowledge. There are many other social implications of
artificial intelligence such threats towards human dignity. If artificial intelligence systems are
misused, they could also pose a threat to human privacy. People could have their credit card,
bank details, home information, and other types of data stolen from them. There are already
different areas in the world that are using Smart Homes for the elderly. They have artificial
intelligence systems implemented in them that monitor, and study health related activities of
elder people. These kinds of artificial intelligence systems could lead to an increase of social
isolation. If an automated system is constantly reminding humans of what they need to do in
their daily lives, humans could lose interest of what they enjoy doing.
Future Use
Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and AI could have many benefits if used the
correct way. If AI systems advance at an unsteady pace, humans could have a major problem on
their hands that they would have no control of. Artificial Intelligence could assist people in
different ways in the future. People would become stronger due to the assistance of AI systems.
Humans would also have the ability to pick up objects that are 5x their weight because of the use
of these systems. AI would make humans virtually better at everything they do. Artificial


Intelligence would also help humans explore new worlds such as the deeper parts of the ocean,
or even new planets! Artificial Intelligence could even solve many of the complex problems that
humans face today such as climate change for example. AI could also assist in helping to predict
dangerous storms that are about to occur and help to warn officials to evacuate civilians from the
targeted area. Another use of artificial intelligence systems that could be implemented in the
future, is friendship. Intelligent robots soon have the capability to communicate with humans on
a very small basis. The future of Artificial Intelligence looks extremely promising regardless of
the many concerns that plagues this topic.

Artificial Intelligence would help humans to achieve new heights. There are
countless possibilities to the endless list of complex problems that AIs could potentially complete
for humans. Artificial Intelligence will only grow more intelligent as the years pass by. Despite
the problems that could arise from AIs becoming smarter, there are also many positive sides as
well. Artificial Intelligence could potentially help save the world. Even though AIs are not as
advanced as depicted in the movies, there many attempts to try and reach the level of
consciousness AIs have in the movies. There are many advantages of using AIs because they do
not get tired, or lose temper. AIs are becoming smarter and faster as time goes on. The future of
Artificial Intelligence looks extremely promising regardless of the many concerns that plagues
this topic.



Kurzweil, R. The Age of Spiritual Machines: When computers exceed human

intelligence, Viking, New York, 1999. 1999
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Chen, A. (2014). Is artificial intelligence a threat? The Chronicle of Higher Education,

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Ford, P. (2015, Mar). Our fear of artificial intelligence. Technology Review, 118, 74-79.
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Bostrom, N. (2003). When machines outsmart humans. Futures, 35(7), 759-764. Retrieved from

Gaskin, J. E. (2008). Whatever happened to artificial intelligence? Network World, 25(25), 3032. Retrieved from

Artificial intelligence -- artificial intelligence and learning environments by william J. clancey

and elliot solloway. (1991). Library Journal, 116(10), 182. Retrieved from


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