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Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Friday Bulletin


Issue No. 706

The Weekly Muslim News Update

Drought relief initiatives in

high gear

s part of the efforts to mitigate the biting drought which

has affected several parts of
the country, several initiatives have
been undertaken to alleviate the
suffering of hundreds of thousands
of Kenyans who are on the brink
of starvation. Last week at Jamia
mosque, more than Sh1.5 million
was raised by worshippers in a drive
to raise funds for the drought victims. Various dry foodstuffs are also
being collected at the mosque to be
disbursed to the affected areas in
a programme that is being coordinated by Jamia Mosque Committee
and Ummah Foundation.
This programme aims at helping
those who are suffering from the effects of the drought mainly in Coast
and North Eastern regions. We
have an obligation to help our fellow countrymen who on the verge of
starvation, said the Jamia Mosque
Mvita MP Abdulswamad Sharrif Nassir carries a bale of maize flour during a relief food
secretary general Abdulbary Hamid.
distribution exercise in the drought stricken area of Ganze, Kilifi county. More than 1,500
The committee has dedicated the
residents of the area benefited from the food distribution exercise.
rest of the Fridays during this month
for raising funds for the victims of
the drought.
Monetary support can also be channeled towards the Jamia MPESA
The committee of Jamia Mosque Nairobi The demolish notice was first issued in March
paybill 150770 Account no. Relief.
has sued the Kenya Urban Roads Author- 2014 and this was followed by subsequent
Donations can also be remitted
ity (KURA) over the latters menacing plan to threats to flatten the mosque.
though the First Community Bank
demolish City Park Mosque in Nairobis ParkJamia Mosque Committee-ReWhile the government can acquire land comlands area.
serves Account no. 00101464004
pulsorily for the public use, this should be carThe committee which is the custodian of the ried out after full compensation. For the sake
or through Swift Code IFCBKENA.
mosque argues that KURA did not follow due of City Park Mosque, no option of compensaIn Mombasa, the Imam of Masjid
procedure when it verbally issued the demoli- tion has been provided.
Huda Sheikh Abu Hamza appealed
tion orders.
to Muslims to actively get involved in
Unless they are restrained by this honourable
the efforts to save people from star- In the suit filed under certificate of urgency at court the applicant stand to lose his lawfully
vation. The situation on the ground the high court in Nairobi, the Jamia Mosque acquired property and suffer irreparable/ subis distressing and as we take our Committee wants the court to restrain KURA stantial loss and damage and for other reasons
meals, we should remember those from demolishing or relocating the mosque. In to be adduced at the hearing hereof, adds the
who are going for days without food the application the committee argues that the application.
or water. The least you can do is to land was legally purchased in 2005 and the Apart from the mosque that serves over 2500
skip one meal and donate it to those land procedurally transferred to the mosque. worshippers, the area also houses a madrasa
The application herein is of utmost urgency
who are suffering, he said.
and ought to be heard forthwith. The applicant block which caters for more than 100 students.
Sheikh Abu Hamzah who is the
to commence judicial review proceedings re- The mosque was earmarked for demolition by
chairman of Markaz Dawa Trust is
straining the respondent from demolishing or KURA to pave way for the construction of road
coordinating effort to provide relief
relocation City Park mosque and Madrasa, from Limuru Road to join Thika Super Highway
food to drought stricken victims in
read part of the application made through Nai- and is part of the Nairobi Eastern Missing Link
Kwale and Kilifi counties.
robi law firm Rasheed Rage and Nassir Advo- roads which is expected to reduce congestion
Speaking during a food distribu- cates.
in the city.
Continued To Page 2
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Jamia Mosque sues KURA over City Park mosque demolition

The Friday Bulletin

Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Mombasa man seeks return of children from Israel

A man in Mombasa has sought out a court

intervention to compel his divorced wife to
return back his children who are now in Israel.
Ahmad Muhammad Al-Amoody said his
former wife Naima Sidik Yusuf took their
two sons, 8-year-old Marwan Ahmad AlAmoody and Mushbir Ahmad Al-Amoody
who is ten years out of the country without
his consent and knowledge.
He said Naima through a Kenya Gazette
notification dated October 6 also changed
names of the two children from Marwan
Ahmad Al-Amoody to Asher Al-Amoody
and Mushbir Ahmad Al-Amoody to Moshe
Al-Amoody Amir after reportedly converting
them to Judaism.
The former wife also changed her name
from Naima Sidik Yusuf to Naama Sidik
According to the distraught father, Naima
is now engaged in a relationship with an
official at the Israeli Embassy in Nairobi
who he accused of being an accomplice in

the moves to take the children out of the

In a case filed at the Childrens court in
Nairobi on November 3, Ahmed wants the
court to compel his former wife to return
their children back to the country.
Narrating his ordeal to the Friday Bulletin,
Ahmad said when he learnt of her plans to
move the kids out of the country; he immediate filed a petition to stop her but his
efforts were frustrated by security and staff
of the Israeli embassy.
I tried to stop her through the court but the
Israeli officials frustrated my efforts and by
the time my application was officially received by the court she was already gone
with the kids, he told the Friday Bulletin.
Even after the court issued an order for the
children not to be taken out of the country
and another order to the Immigration department not to issue passports to the children pending determination of the case,
this was not heeded to as the children were
flown out of the country last week.

He noted that one of the officials made

threats on his life if he kept demanding to
see his sons.
On one occasion after going to see the
children at Riara School, he said he was
bundled into a car by Kenya and Israeli
security officers and detained for hours at
Muthangari police station.
The OCS at the station ordered me to never set foot at the school again, he added.
When he sought help from the Ministry
of foreign Affairs, he was informed to get
a court order which the ministry promised
would act upon.
His main concern is that he might never
see the children who he says were being
forced to renounce their religion Islam.
Ahmad and Naima separated in January
2013 and in August 2015 she filed a court
case seeking custody of the children and
the court granted her a temporary custody
of the kids. The case will be heard on November 24 2016.

Judiciary Service Commission promotes 27 Kadhis

The Judiciary Service Commission has
made promotions in the Kadhi courts which
has seen a total of 27 Kadhis at different
levels being elevated to new positions.
Top on the list in the promotion exercise
carried out last month is Sheikh Hassan
Omar Sukyan who has been the Principal
Kadhi and is now a senior principal Kadhi.
According to the new structure, the senior
principal Kadhi is at the same level in the
Kadhis hierarchy with the deputy Chief Kadhi Sheikh Rashid Ali Omar.
Sheikh Sukyan who was erstwhile the principal Kadhi of Kisumu is now based at the
Judiciary Training Institute in Nairobi.
In the promotions, five Kadhis were elevated from senior resident Kadh to the position of principal Kadhi. There are Mshali
Hamisi Mshali of Lamu, Abdallah Ali Juma
of Hola, Said Bedzega Hamisi of Kwale,
Dickson Ratori Sabastiany of Bungoma
and Muhammad Kutwa Abdallah the Kadhi
of Nyeri.
The commission also recognized the longevity of service for four Kadhis and promoted them to the position of principal Kadhi after waiving the requirement of degree
The four who previously held the position
of senior resident Kadhi are Salim Muhammad who is stationed at Malindi, Muhammad Abdullahi of Marsabit, Twalib Bwana
Muhammad of Kilifi and Muhammad
Sheikh Hassan who is based in Garissa.
A total of 17 Kadhis were elevated from the
positon of resident Kadhi to senior resident
Kadhi. On the list is Sheikh Abduljabbar
Hussein Ishaaq who is based at the Kashid
courts at Upper Hill, Nairobi, Mukhtar Salat
Billow of Habaswein Kadhi court, Ramadhan Khamis who is based at the Mombasa
Kadhi court, Rashid Otundo Kokonya of Kisumu and Ali Wako Dida of Moyale.
Others are Abdiaziz Muhammad Maalim
the Kadhi of Nakuru, Abdi Sheikh Osman of

Page 2

Wajir,Tullu Aden Ibrahim of Migori, Swaleh

Ali Muhammad of Voi, Salim Mwaito Juma
of Machakos and Salim Vumbi Habib, the
Kadhi of Mandera. Also to make it to the
list of senior resident Kadhis are Sheikh
Kunyuk John Tito of kakuma, Muhamama-

dnoor Isaak Hassan of Eldoret, Abdullahi

Salim Mwidadi of Mombasa, Adan Galgalo
of Isiolo Abdulatif Malampu Silau of Muranga and Shaban Issa Muhammad the kadhi
of Kakamega.

Eight people were over the weekend killed

and others injured in Wajir County after inter- clan clashes erupted at Baqala, Eldas
The clashes pitting two Degodia sub-clan
communities living along the borders of
Wajir West and Eldas constituency broke
out on Saturday morning.
Area leaders quickly moved in to contain
the clashes between the two communities
to prevent further retaliatory attacks.
The leaders condemned the attacks and

called on the communities to end the

bloodshed and maintain peace harmony.
Wajir West MP Abdikadir Ahmed said the
situation had calmed down and promised
to mobilize elders and religious leaders
from the communities in a bid to calm down
the rising ethnic tension in the area.
Perennial boundary dispute has been a
major source of conflict between the communities in northern Kenya over the recent
years. The clashes have led to deaths and
displacements of people.

8 killed in Wajir inter-clan clashes

Drought relief initiatives

Continued From Page 1

tion exercise in Samburu, Kwale country,
Sheikh Yusuf Abdi the Imam of Masjid Ibrahim in Ganjoini Mombasa and vice chairman of the Komesha Njaa Group spoke
on what he said were the shocking and
deplorable conditions faced by thousands
of people who are in urgent need of relief
food. There is no food and they have nothing to eat. What will we tell Allah when people die of starvation? the Sheikh who is
also the vice chairman of Komesha Njaa
Group asked.
Meanwhile the government has dispatched
relief food to Mandera county in the efforts
to alleviate the suffering of people affected
by the severe and prolonged drought.
Mandera governor Ali Roba on Monday
confirmed that relief food meant for 63,000
households was ready for distribution.
Distribution of relief food to 63,000 household across the county has also kicked off.

We are also equipping the recently drilled

boreholes on emergency basis among other measures, he said.
Roba said the county government will supplement the efforts of the national government to mitigate the effects of the devastating drought in the area.
He was speaking in the company of local
area leaders during a drought and security assessment programme in the six subcounties. The leaders said the current 5
billion allocation to the National Drought
Fund is too little to address the effects of
the drought the urged the national government to make more allocation to the fund.
The food items that will be distributed to
the families include rice, maize and beans.
The drought has largely been caused by
insufficient rains where some areas have
not seen a single drop of rain for months.

The Friday Bulletin


Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal The champion of Islamic belief

So far in our four part series on the four
great imams of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), we have seen each one of the
imams have a special and enduring role
in Islamic history. Imam Abu Hanifa was
the trailblazer when it came to codifying
fiqh and establishing the basics of how it
is to be studied. Imam Malik upheld the
importance of hadith in the field of fiqh
through his landmark collection of hadith,
al-Muwatta. And Imam al-Shafii revolutionized the study of fiqh by establishing
the field of usul al-fiqh, the principles behind the study of fiqh.
For the last of the four great imams, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, his contribution went
beyond just fiqh. Although he was one of
the greatest jurists and scholars of hadith
of his time, perhaps his greatest legacy
was his courage to stand for the orthodox
beliefs of Islam as they were imparted to
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa
sallam in the face of persecution and
imprisonment at the hands of the political authority. For this reason, Imam Ahmads legacy is far more than just the establishment of the Hanbali madhab, but
also includes the preservation of core Islamic beliefs against political oppression.
Early life
Ahmad ibn Hambal ash-Shaybani was
born in 780 in Baghdad, the capital of the
Abbasid Caliphate. The relatively new
city was fast becoming a center of scholarship of all forms. So as a child, Ahmad
had numerous opportunities to learn and
expand his intellectual horizons. Thus,
by the time he was 10 years old, he had
memorized the entire Quran and began
studying the traditions of Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, the
Like Imam Shafii, Imam Ahmad lost his
father at a very young age. So in addition
to spending his time studying fiqh and
hadith under some of Baghdads greatest scholars, he also worked in a post office to help support his family. He was
thus able to afford studying under one of
Imam Abu Hanifas foremost students,
Abu Yusuf. From Abu Yusuf, the young
Ahmad learned the basics of fiqh such as
ijtihad (intellectual decision making), and
qiyas (analogical deduction).
After becoming proficient in the Hanafi
Madhab, Ahmad ibn Hambal began to
study Hadith under some of the greatest Hadith scholars of Baghdad, including Haitham ibn Bishr. He was so eager
to expand his knowledge of the sayings
and doings of the Prophet that he would
regularly be waiting after fajr outside of
the homes of his teachers, ready to start
that days lesson.
After studying in Baghdad, he went on
to study in Makkah, Madinah, Yemen,
and Syria. During this time, he even met
Imam ash-Shafii in Makkah. Ash-Shafii
helped the young Ahmad move beyond
just memorization of hadith and fiqh, and
be able to instead also understand the

principles behind them. This collaboration between two of the four great imams
clearly shows that the schools of Islamic
law are not opposed to each other, but
rather work hand in hand. In fact, when
Imam ash-Shafii left Baghdad, he was
recorded as having said, I am leaving
Baghdad when there is none more pious, nor a greater jurist than Ahmad ibn
Ahmad ibn Hanbal the scholar
After studying with Imam ash-Shafii,
Imam Ahmad was able to begin to formulate his own legal opinions in fiqh.
When Imam Ahmad was 40 years of age
in the year 820, his mentor Imam ashShafii passed away. At this point, Imam
Ahmad began to teach hadith and fiqh to
the people of Baghdad. Students would
flock to his lectures, and he especially
took care of the poorer ones, keeping in
mind his own humble origins.
Despite being in the capital of the Muslim world, Baghdad, Imam Ahmad refused to be attracted to a life of luxury
and wealth. He continued to live on very
humble means, and rejected the numerous gifts that people would offer him, instead choosing to live on whatever small
amounts of money he had. He especially
insisted on not accepting gifts from political figures, ensuring his independence
from the political authority which could
affect his teachings.
The Mihna
Imam Ahmad was in Baghdad during the
time of the Abbasid Caliph al-Mamun,
who reigned from 813-833. Although alMamun was vital to the establishment
of Baghdad as an intellectual center, he
was heavily influenced by a group known
as the Mutazila. Mutazili philosophy
championed the role of rationalism in all
aspects of life, including theology. Thus,
instead of relying on the Quran and Sunnah to understand Allah, they relied on
philosophical techniques first developed
by the Ancient Greeks. Chief among their
beliefs was that the Quran was a created
book, as opposed to the un-created literal word of Allah.
Al-Mamun believed in the Mutazili line of
thought, and sought to impose this new
and dangerous belief system on everyone in his empire including the scholars. While many scholars pretended to
subscribe to Mutazili ideas in order to
avoid persecution, Imam Ahmad refused
to compromise his beliefs.
Al-Mamun instituted an inquisition
known as the Mihna. Any scholars who
refused to accept Mutazili ideas was severely persecuted and punished. Imam
Ahmad, as the most famous scholar of
Baghdad, was brought before al-Mamun
and ordered to abandon his traditional Islamic beliefs about theology.
When he refused, he was tortured and
imprisoned. His treatment at the hands of
the political authority was extremely severe. People who witnessed the torture

commented that even an elephant could not

have handled the treatment that Imam Ahmad
was subject to.
Despite all of this, Imam Ahmad held to traditional Islamic beliefs, and thus served as an
inspiration for Muslims throughout the empire.
His trials set the precedent that Muslims do not
give up their beliefs regardless what the political authority imposes on them.
In the end, Imam Ahmad outlived al-Mamun
and his successors until the Caliph al-Mutawakkil ascended in 847 and ended the Mihna.
Imam Ahmad was again free to teach the people of Baghdad and write. During this time, he
wrote his famous Musnad Ahmad ibn Hambal,
a collection of hadith that served as the basis of his school of legal thought, the Hambali
Imam Ahmad passed away in Baghdad in 855.
His legacy was not restricted to the school
of fiqh that he founded, nor the huge amount
of hadith he compiled. Unlike the other three
imams, he had a vital role in preserving the
sanctity of Islamic beliefs in the face of intense
political persecution.
Although the Hanbali Madhab has historically
been the smallest of the four, numerous great
Muslim scholars throughout history were greatly influenced by Imam Ahmad and his thoughts,
including Abdul Qadir al-Gilani, Ibn Taymiyyah,
Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Kathir, and Muhammad ibn
Abd al-Wahhab.

Wachu feted by UN
The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) secretary general Adan Wachu has been
recognized by the United Nations for his efforts
in advocating for the end of preventable maternal deaths.
Wachu who is also the Chairperson of (IRCK)
was declared as the second runners up person

of 2016 in a ceremony held recently at the UN

headquarters at Gigiri in Nairobi.
The recognition was for his abilities to bring
together the Government, other development
partners and the Inter-Religious Council of
Kenya in addressing challenges of maternal
deaths in the country.
I am proud to be honoured for the efforts and
will continue to be involved in the efforts to end
maternal deaths, he said.


Topic: Tarbiyatul JInsiyyah Part 2 (Sex Education)

By: Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu
Date: 12th November 2016
Time: After Dhuhr Prayer (1.30 to 3.00 pm)
Venue: Mens section of the Mosque

Page 3


The Friday Bulletin

Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Guidelines for interacting with the opposite sex

Ustadha Zaynab Ansari

In Islam, interactions between the sexes
are permitted within certain limits specified
by the Quran and the Sunnah. To some,
these limits might appear to be very strict.
However, there is a divine wisdom underpinning the limits set down by the Shariah.
In adhering to the boundaries set by the
Shariah, we can uphold the Quranic command to the believing men and women
to be awliya of one another, or protecting
friends, while at the same time maintaining
the modesty and purity of heart that come
from obeying Allah and His Messenger in
this regard.
In brief, when interacting with a woman
who is not a member of your unmarriageable kin or your wife, you must avoid khalwa,
or seclusion; guard your gaze; and obviously, avoid any physical contact.
Khalwa takes place when one man or more
than one man are alone with one woman
in a place where no one can see them or
enter. If there are two women and a man,
for example, this is not khalwa. However,
when there is only one woman, this situation is considered as seclusion, and becomes unlawful. Obviously, this is for the
protection of the woman and the man (or
men) so that a situation will not arise where
the male becomes tempted and the woman
possibly harmed.
If you are in a situation where you are in a
room with two or more women, this is not
khalwa and there is no need for you to be
Guard your gaze
Guarding your gaze is a good practice that
fosters modest interaction between the
sexes. The Quran commands both believing men and women to guard their gaze.
Unfortunately, many Muslims have lost this
What guarding the gaze means is that
you should refrain from staring at a womans face (if shes not a member of your
unmarriageable kin or your wife). It does
not mean keeping ones eyes glued to the

The Friday Bulletin


Banana Blast Smoothie


2 bananas
Ayah of the week
1 cup of milk
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons brown sugar
8 cubes ice
Salt and pepper to taste

In a blender, combine bananas and milk.

ground. In Western societies, guarding ones gaze

can sometimes be interpreted as a lack of assertiveness or respect for the other person.
However, with Muslims, guarding ones gaze indicates respect for the other persons space and modesty of intention. Our scholars have said that looking
at a womans face is permitted in certain occasions.
For example, if you are seeking a woman in marriage,
it is permitted to look at her face. If you work in any
type of job that requires you to look at people and
interact with them, looking is permitted as long as you
dont look with desire. If you are a teacher, looking at
your female students is permitted as long as you dont
look more than necessary or with desire. In short, be
modest and respectful.
If you cant look, you cant touch
According to the Shariah, where looking is not permitted, then touching is also unlawful. This can be a
sensitive topic for Muslims living in the West where
handshaking is commonplace and is considered a polite thing to do. Shaking the hand of someone from the
opposite sex is unlawful.
According to our scholars, the Prophet, peace be
upon him, never shook the hand of a woman who was
not a member of his unmarriageable kin or his wife.
So you should do your utmost to avoid shaking hands.
But try to do it in a way that does not offend the other
person. For many non-Muslims, if you simply explain
to them that your religion (or culture) does not permit
shaking hands and that you mean no offense, then
usually people are okay with that.
Covering the Awrah (nakedness)
Covering the awrah or ones nakedness. Another requirement of interaction between the sexes is that
everyone should observe Islamic modesty or covering
the awrah.For men, this means covering whats between the navel and the knee. For women, this means
covering the whole body except the face and hands.
Obviously, this is possible in a Muslim gathering. But
there are very few places in this world where you will
encounter women who are always covered. Obviously, if you live and work in the West, everyday you will
see women who are not properly covered. What you
need to do here is to simply be modest, behave respectfully, and avoid looking at women without need.

November - December Holiday Programme

Basic Arabic, Pillars of Islam, Quran, Hadith, Fiqh,
Life skills, Sign Language, Education trip and much more...

Quote of the week


Pulse until bananas are chopped.

Pour in water and brown sugar.
Blend until smooth.


Ksh: 5,000 /=

Toss in the ice cubes and blend until smooth.

Pour into 4 glasses and serve immediately.

Page 4

Banda Street, Jamia Complex, Ground Floor | P. O. Box 100786 - 00101 Nairobi, Kenya, Jamia Mosque
Tel: +254 (20) 2243504/5 Cell: +254 - 718 33 71 41| Email:

In conclusion, when you find
yourself in a situation with women, Muslim or otherwise, simply
be modest and respectful. There
is no problem with talking to a
member of the opposite sex or
working with that person when
there is a need. As long as we
adhere to these boundaries,
inshallah everything should be
There is no need to be uncomfortable when there are women
around. I have seen some Muslim brothers who when they
sight a woman or hear her voice,
immediately start scowling or
act very tense. This is unnecessary. I have also seen Muslim
brothers who feel very comfortable chatting with non-Muslim
women, but as soon as a Muslim woman comes around, they
ignore her and wont even give
salaams. This too is unnecessary and looks very strange to
the non-Muslim observers.
Whats important to remember here is the example of our
Prophet, peace be upon him.
He was modest, respectful, and
kind to everyone. He also interacted with women when there
was a need to do so. He is the
best example for us.

PERIOD ENDING 31/12/2017
We are pleased to invite
interested and competent bidders
to tender for prequalification of
supply of goods and services
for the period ending Dec 2017.
The deadline for submission is
23rd November 2016. For further
information visit our website home page
(under New Tenders)
Address to:
Umma University
P. O. Box 713 - 01100 Kajiado
Along Nairobi - Namanga
TEL: 0739 969 020,
0739 969 021

The Friday Bulletin

Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Page 5


The Friday Bulletin

Khaled A Beydoun

Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Donald Trump: The Islamophobia president

Islamophobia won resoundingly tonight.

Instead of the first female president, the
United States got its first Islamophobia
From start to finish, the 2016 presidential
election vividly revealed that Islamophobia
is alive, and potent and politically resonant
as ever. Scapegoating Islam and vilifying
Muslims was far more than merely campaign messaging; for Donald Trump it was
a winning strategy.
Trump's full-blown Islamophobia resonated
deeply with voters. Moreover, it mobilised
more than just a fringe or rabid demographic, but a sizable segment of the American
polity to cast votes in his favour.
It helped him carry Ohio, Florida, North
Carolina, and virtually every battleground
Long before election night, earlier numbers
indicated that Trump's deployment of Islamophobia as a primary campaign strategy would pay dividends and register votes.
An NBC poll conducted in December 2015
found that 25 percent of Americans supported Trump's Muslim ban. A March 2016
poll indicated greater support, with 51
percent favouring Trump's Ban " until our
country's representatives can figure out
what is going on".
Trump interpreted these staggering figures,
which rose as the campaign progressed,
as strong support for his Islamophobia
He delivered what the market demanded,
and doubled down on his anti-Muslim rhetoric. He fed the Islamophobia his loud and
angry base demanded, and as indicated by
election results, a sizable portion of the silent, white majority.
Trump won because he was willing to deliver Islamophobia in the blatant and brazen
terms his Republican peers and predeces-

sors would not fully commit to.

Instead of adopting George W Bush's or
Mitt Romney's cautious Islamophobia, or
Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton's exclusive mention of Muslims from the lens of
national security policy - Trump went all the
He stripped any mitigating rhetoric, aimed
to placate liberals and moderates, from his
message. He did away with staple qualifiers like "peace loving" and "moderate"
when talking about Muslims.
In fact, Trump swept aside every political
platitude and carefully crafted talking point
for a blatantly hateful grassroots framing.
Instead of "Islam is peace", Trump declared
that, "Islam hates us", giving disaffected
bigoted voters exactly what they wanted.
He embraced the hateful language of
Quran-burning rallies, anti-mosque protests, and perhaps most violently, the ugly
underbelly that is the comments' sections
of news articles. Trump sounded more like
the Islamophobes on-the-ground torching mosques, instead of Islamophobes in
political offices supporting surveillance of
This presidential campaign foreshadows
what is sure to follow. Hate crimes against
Muslims rose considerably in 2015 and
statistics show a similar trend in 2016. If
a Trump presidential campaign resulted in
an unprecedented number of hate crimes
against Muslims, one can only imagine
what a Trump presidency will bring.
It will bring an expanded surveillance state,
where counter-radicalisation policing in
Muslim communities will be more pervasive and far-reaching. This will make it far
more difficult for Muslims to freely exercise
their faith, and the most benign symbols of
Muslim identity will trigger suspicion.
It will bring in "extreme vetting" of Muslim

immigrants, and very likely, entirely bar

the entry of refugees from war-torn states.
Therefore, even if a fully-fledged Muslim
ban is not enacted - sweeping, strident policies impairing legal admission of Muslim
immigrants will be law.
It will bring an administration that is entirely
devoid of Muslim Americans and at minimum, individuals without genuine reach
into or backing from Muslim Americans.
The Trump campaign lacked any bona fide
Muslim American involvement, and the
Trump administration will likely reflect that.
Most alarmingly, it will usher in a cultural
movement (and moment) whereby the
highest office in government authorises
discrimination and violence against Muslim
If the president of the US is the very archetype and orchestrator of Islamophobia,
then assailing Muslims, torching mosques,
and attacking anybody who looks Muslim
is fair game.
What seemed a far-fetched idea is in fact
America's reckoning. The absurd is reality.
Islamophobia is no longer campaign messaging or strategy, but come January, formal, full-blown White House policy.
I watched the election night returns alongside 200 Muslim Americans in Dearborn,
Michigan - the most concentrated Muslim
American community in the country.
Fear was palpable. Adults cried. Young
people led prayers. What loomed tomorrow
was bleak, and the wedge between Muslim
and American seemed never stronger.
Enter Donald Trump, American President.
Brace yourselves, Muslim Americans.
Khaled A Beydoun is an Associate Law
Professor at the University of Detroit
Mercy School of Law. He is also Affiliated
Faculty at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley.

Somali-American woman makes history in US elections

A Muslim woman made history on Tuesday,
November 8, becoming the countrys first
Somali-American legislator, securing an
easy win in Minneapolis district.
Its the beginning of something new, said
Ilhan Omar, who faced only nominal Republican opposition in a heavily Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Minneapolis district, Star Tribune reported on Wednesday,
November 9.
This district has a legacy of making history. I am excited for our progressive values
and to be able to be on the ground at the
Capitol representing the diverse people of
my district and being a champion with them
and for them.
The 33-year-old Omar was born in Somalia
before she fled to the US to escape civil
She stayed for four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before ultimately moving to the
Somali-American neighborhood of CedarRiverside, where she has lived for nearly
two decades and is currently director of

Page 6

policy initiatives at Women Organizing

Though she is a Muslim, she ran a campaign grounded in progressive agendas
predicated on standing up for all Americans, regardless of faith or lack thereof.
House Minority Leader Paul Thissen said
Omars victory is a statement about the
states future: It says something important
about the future of Minnesota, and what it
means to be a Minnesotan.
Omar said the district has rallied around
her in the face of the scrutiny.
She said her family has remained steadfastly with her, and alleged the marriage
story was a political con meant to derail
the progress of the kinds of people she will
represent, including the Somali-American
I feel like I have answered all of the questions mostly rumors in the statements
that I have put out, she said.
DFL leaders have stood by her, and local
supporters remain committed as ever.

Hodan Adan, a mom who lives in the district and an Omar supporter, said an East
African Muslim woman at the Capitol will
inspire other women in the Somali migr
community, who are working hard to find
their niche in Minnesota.
Were a minority in this country, Adan
said. I am glad we see a role model for
many women and students. I want a woman and someone from our community to
Continued To Page 8


The Friday Bulletin

Safar 11,1438/November 11, 2016

Kakamega youth protests over poor leadership and wrangles

Muslim youth in Kakamega took to the
streets on Friday last week to protest
poor leadership and alleged corruption at Kakamega Jamia Mosque and
Islamic centre.
The peaceful demonstration that began after Friday prayers at the Kakamega Jamia Mosque through the town
streets proceeded to the office of the
area governor Wycliffe Oparanya to
present their grievance and seek for
his intervention. The governor Oparanya was reportedly out of office at the
The protesters led by Youth leader
Kassim Watako Musotsi complained
about leadership wrangles and corruption which have marred Kakamega Jamia Mosque committee and demanded
an immediate end to the vices.
''We are tired of leadership wrangles
that has been here with us for long now
and as you can see the end result it

has divided Muslims,'' said Kassim.

He pointed out that the biggest challenge
Muslim faithful in Kakamega are now facing
is the grabbing and selling of Muslim land
fraudulently by greed leaders and the former
officials of the mosque committee.
Reacting to the protests, the national chairman Council of Imams and Preachers of
Kenya (CIPK) Sheikh Abdalla Ateka refuted
claims that the former mosque leadership had
fraudulently sold part of the mosque land to
private developers and instead pointed fingers
at individuals who he said were not willing
to accommodate others to participate in the
pending elections of the mosque committee.
Sheikh Ateka who is the former chairman of
Kakamega Jamia Mosque Committee was
particularly incensed by a faction which sought
a court injunction against the elections which
had been scheduled to be held early in June.
Sheikh Ateka called on Muslims who took the
matters to court to withdraw the case and bury
their differences and unite to attain progress

for the community.

''I appeal to the warring Muslim leaders to
withdraw two cases filed at Kakamega Law
Court, bury their differences put the interests of Muslims first, reunite and allow elections to take place for Muslims to choose
leaders of their choice,'' Ateka said.
He emphasized that unity was paramount
to achieve development and called for the
wrangling parties, an aspirant for chairmanship Ramadhan Sakali and a faction led by
the Kakamega based businessman Ibrahim
Muhammad Awadh to resolve their differences for the betterment of the community.
As it is mandated in Islam, solving our
problems in an amicable manner is the ideal situation and it is a better approach than
taking the matter to the courts, he said.
The Kakamega Jamia Mosque and Islamic
centre has for several years been faced by
disputes which have spiraled their way to
the corridors of courts.

Call for Muslim law students to provide legal services

Muslim students studying law at various universities in the country have
been challenged to embrace the
spirit of giving back to the community
through the provision of legal aids and
services to the society.
The call was made by the Senior
Principal Kadhi Sheikh Hassan Omar
Sukyan who said that the move will go
a long way in helping Muslims familiarize themselves with the court processes and smoothen legal procedures.
Speaking during the first annual law
conference organized by Muslim Students Association of University of
Nairobi(MSAUN) at Jamia Multi-purpose hall last Saturday, called on the
students to appreciate their Islamic
values and formulate programmes
aimed at helping Muslims with legal
advice and services.
Kadhi Sukyan noted that while other
courts usually have advocates which
provide service to those without legal
representation, such services are not
available in the Kadhi courts and urged
Muslim lawyers and law students to
provide free legal aid services to the
In his address Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome
advised Muslim students while striving
to pursue higher education to step up
programmes aimed at explaining the
correct teachings of Islam to debunk
the misconceptions leveled against the
faith and its adherents.
He also called on the Muslim students
to be good ambassadors of Islam
through their conduct and relations
with people of other faiths.
''Islam teaches us to live in harmony
with non-Muslims.Our conduct and relationship with others should be a representation of what Islam teaches,'' he

Sheikh Lethome who is also a member of Jamia Mosque committee emphasized on the
importance of seeking knowledge saying that
this will help to nurture a better understanding of Islam and guide the faithful towards the
proper practice of Islam.
In his remarks Nairobi lawyer Swaleh Kanyeki advised Muslim students to be agent of
change in the society and be at the forefront
in development programmes and community
based services in order to better the society.
''The youth are the future of every society
and therefore it is your responsibility to bring
change and development in the Muslim community,'' he said as he stressed on the need
for young people to acquire a better understanding of the religion as enshrined in the
teachings from the Qur'an and the traditions

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of the Prophet peace be upon him.

The event held under the theme ''Awakening the spirit of Advocacy'' saw an attendance of more than 50 Muslim students studying law from various universities.
Others speakers at the event included Nairobi based lawyer Ali Mahmoud and Mustafa
Ali from BRAVE movement among others.


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Page 7

US Muslims urge Trump to respect rights of all


A leading American Muslim civil rights group issued a statement on

Wednesday calling on President-elect Donald Trump to respect the
rights of all Americans and pledging to work with the new president
to strengthen the nation. As citizens of this great nation, we accept
the result of the democratic process that has bound us together as
one nation, Nihad Awad, National Executive Director of the Council of
American Islamic Relations (CAIR), said.
Regardless of who won or lost yesterdays election, American Muslims are here to stay. We are not going anywhere, and will not be intimidated or marginalized. God willing, the American Muslim community
will continue to mobilize to challenge bigotry, to uphold justice and to
protect the freedoms and rights of all Americans.
The statement came as billionaire businessman Donald Trump defeated former secretary of state Hillary Clinton in hard-fought election on
Wednesday early morning.A former reality TV star, Trump announced
his candidacy in June 2015. Since then, the billionaire businessman
from New York has consistently alienated minority groups, refused
to release his tax returns and remained seemingly unapologetic for
leaked tapes in which he brags about sexually assaulting women.
American Muslims vowed to increase outreach to other faith groups to
build bridges and extend mutual understanding.
Prior to Tuesdays election, CAIR joined a coalition of interfaith and
civic groups across the country in asking Americans of all faith, racial
and political backgrounds to commit to working with each other after
the election to build a more united country..CAIR will continue to be a
fearless and principled defender of the Muslim community, regardless
of who leads our nation.
To those in the American Muslim community who are fearful of the
future, know that America is your home and you have the same rights
and responsibilities as all other Americans. Rest assured that CAIR is
here for you, your family and your children.God is the best of planners.

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Youths holiday programs

Youth mentoring program is increasingly becoming the most

popular way of providing guidance and support to young people in need. Both research and common sense leave little
doubt that youth need caring and consistent relationships with
adults in order to navigate their way through adolescence and
beyond. For many youth, however, there is no adult who
is naturally available to provide this kind of support. To fill this
void, there has been an increase in formal mentoring programs, most prominently in community-based settings.
These community-based programs have shown the ability to
improve youth behaviours and attitudes. Evaluation results
provide clear evidence that involvement in consistent, longterm, well-supervised relationships with adults can yield a
wide range of tangible benefits for the youth, including improved grades, nice family relationships, decreased alcohol
and drug abuse and more importantly the essence of idleness
that has resulted into radicalization.
Recent studies have shown that most youngsters find a lot of
idle time to engage in myriads of vices during school vacations. Now that schools have closed for the long holidays,
most parents find it too hard to cope with the behavioural
changes their children go through. Ummah Foundation in collaboration with Muslim University students are organising a
two day youth program that is geared towards educating and
motivating the secondary school students to be conscious
and adopt meaningful activities during these long holidays.
This will held in Kibera at Makina Mosque. More than 40
youths are anticipated to attend this program that is full of
learning and fun.
While we targeted the students in the informal settlement of
Kibera, Ummah Foundation also intends to engage our Muslim students at University levels to be meaningful to the community during this vacation. The University students will go
through a design and implementation course that will prepare
them to run an effective mentoring and motivation program.
They are also tasked to give well researched presentations
that will have a positive impact to their young brothers. At the
end of the thorough training sessions, the students will become mentors and possess the skills, attitudes, and activity
ideas needed to effectively mentor young persons. To us this
is like killing two birds with one stone, the initial training for
the University students and the final implementation among
the youth utilising the volunteer students. Some of the topics
that will be covered during the program are: How to curb drug
abuse and social vices among the youths, Islam and keeping
of good company, The BEST example of a Muslim youth
and character, Emphasis of Education and culture of reading,
The spirit of volunteerism and service to society and Pros and
cons of social media from an Islamic perspective.
After the two days of class work and indoor activities, the
students will be subjected to a practical exercise of giving
services to the community by cleaning the Mosques, clearing trenches and making sure the environs around the worship areas are clean. These Community -targeted mentoring
programs can be operated at a fairly low cost. They will also
have some extra-curricular activities that will involve different
types of games like soccer, tag of wars, volleyball and running
Contact us:
Ummah Foundation
Village Plaza, 2nd Floor,Ngara Rd
P.O. Box 58717-00200 Nairobi
Tel: +254-20-2680610/13 Mob: 0734845277

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street

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