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It is the science of the properties and relations of

lines, surfaces and solids.

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Various Geometric Shapes

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It is a measurable extent, as length, breadth and

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It is a allowable variation in any measurable
The total amount that features of the part are
permitted to vary from the specified dimension.
The tolerance is the difference between the
maximum and minimum limits.
Two common methods to specify tolerances
limit tolerances
plus-minus tolerances

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Limit tolerances

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Plus Minus Tolerances

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Dimension Anatomy

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What is GD&T
ASME Y14.5M-1994 - The national standard
for dimensioning and tolerancing in the
United States.
ASME stands for American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.
The Y14.5 is the standard number. "M" is to
indicate the standard is metric, and 1994 is
the date the standard was officially

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What is GD&T
Geometric Dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) is
a language used on mechanical engineering drawings
composed of symbols that are used to efficiently and
accurately communicate geometry requirements for
associated features on component and assemblies.
A method to specify the shape of a piece of
hardware on an engineering drawing.


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What is GD&T

A set of fourteen symbols used in the

language of GD&T. It consists of well-defined
of symbols, rules, definitions and conventions,
used on engineering drawings to accurately
describe a part.
GD&T is a precise mathematical language
that can be used to describe the size, form,
orientation, and location of part features.
GD&T is also a design philosophy on how to
design and dimension parts.


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Why GD & T ?
Since GD & T is a language of communication
on engineering drawing it is better to understand
by the study of engineering drawing with and
without GD & T symbols.


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Advantages of GD&T

Use of this language or tool can provide economic and

technical advantage stated the ASME.

Geometric dimensioning dramatically reduces the need for

drawing notes to describe complex geometry requirements
on a component or assembly by the use of standard

Ensures the design requirements are carried out.

Ensures interchangeability of mating parts.


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Advantages of GD&T

Maximizes quality of the products.

Provides maximum production tolerances (Bonus

tolerances always provided)

Provides uniformity of specification and interpretation

(reducing guesswork and controversy)

And finally saves money.


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Geometric dimensioning dramatically reduces the need for

drawing notes to describe complex geometry requirements
on a component or assembly by the use of standard


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Ensures the design requirements are carried out.

GD&T facilitates an efficient means to communicate
specific datums on a part. Without the use of a datum
system (zero reference) on a part, it is not clear to
manufacturing or quality where to manufacture or measure
from. Additionally, the use of datums dramatically
simplifies the design and specification of parts for use in
manufacturing and quality verification steps. .


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Provides maximum production tolerances (Bonus

tolerances always provided)


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Top 21 reasons to GD&T

1. Create a part design that focuses on the product
2. Convert product requirements into dimensional
3. Better define parts without the need for
4. Document the design for future use.
5. Discover problems in the design stage.
6. Ensure that parts will assemble.
7. Have less "hand fitting" at assembly.
8. Ensure that parts are inspected as intended.


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Top 21 reasons to GD&T

9. Inspect parts more quickly.
10. Specify additional tolerance for the manufacture of
11. Reduce scrap or rework.
12. Make a replacement that fits into the assembly.
13. Have multiple sources on various parts of an
14. Have critical dimensions that will be related to
product function.
15. Make valid engineering calculations.
16. Have common parts across similar assemblies.
17. Design subassemblies in different locations and
have them function correctly.

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Top 21 reasons to GD&T

18 Do tolerance analysis to study the effect of part
tolerances on the assembly.
19 Use state of the art software tools to analyze parts in
an assembly.
20 Use state of the art software tools to inspect the
21 Reduce the risk caused by vague specifications.


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Key Terms
The general term applied to a physical portion of a part,
such as a surface, pin, hole, or slot.


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Key Terms
Feature Of Size
One cylindrical or spherical surface, or a set of two
opposed elements or opposed parallel surfaces,
associated with a size dimension.
Examples: Cylinder, sphere, slot, etc.


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Key Terms
Actual Local Size
The value of any individual distance at any cross
section of a FOS


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Key Terms
Actual Mating Envelope (AME)
A similar perfect feature counterpart that can be
circumscribed/inscribed about/within the feature
so it just contacts the surfaces at the highest points
(Envelope is an imaginary, mathematical surface
of a perfect form which establishes a boundary for
a physical feature.)
It is derived from an actual part

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Actual Mating Envelope (AME)


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Tolerance Stack-up
The additive rule for tolerances is that
tolerances taken in the same direction from
one point of reference are additive.The
consequence is that tolerances to the same
point taken from different directions become
additive. The effect is called tolerance stack


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Tolerance Stack-up


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GD&T Concepts
Basic Dimension
A numerical value used to describe the theoretically
exact size, profile, orientation, or location of a feature
or datum target.
A basic dimension is always associated with a
feature control frame or datum target. Block tolerance
does not apply and the applicable tolerance will be
given to the feature control frame.
Specified by enclosing the numerical value in a rectangle


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Basic Dimension


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Regardless of Feature Size

Regardless of feature size, a statement to the
effect that the size of the considered feature may
not influence the tolerance or the datum reference
frame under consideration.
Indicates a geometric tolerance applies at
whatever size the part is produced.


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Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

The condition in which a feature of size

contains the maximum amount of material
everywhere within the stated limits of size.


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Maximum Material Condition (MMC)


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Least Material Condition (MMC)

The condition in which a feature of size contains

the least amount of material everywhere within
the stated limits of size.


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Maximum Material Condition (MMC)


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Bonus Tolerance
An additional tolerance for a geometric
control permitted with MMC or LMC


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Bonus Tolerance
When the MMC modifier is used, it means:
the stated tolerance applies when the FOS is at
as part size goes away from MMC, an increase in
the stated tolerance is permitted
the increase is equal to the departure from MMC called the bonus tolerance
geometric characteristic can be verified with a
fixed gage

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Bonus Tolerance


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Bonus Tolerance


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Bonus Tolerance


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Bonus Tolerance


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Bonus Tolerance


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Bonus Tolerance


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Bonus Tolerance


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Virtual Condition
The boundary generated by the collective effects of
MMC, size limit of a feature and any associated
geometric tolerance.

The Virtual Condition of a feature is a concept used

to describe the worst-case envelope which either of
two features must lie within in order to mate
acceptably. For a shaft that fits into a hole, the shaft
virtual condition must be smaller than the hole
virtual condition.

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For an external feature of size, such as a shaft, the

virtual condition is equal to the size at MMC plus the
size of the tolerance zone. For the shaft in Figure , the
diameter of the virtual condition is the diameter of the
MMC shaft plus the diameter of the position tolerance


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For an internal feature of size, such as a

hole, the virtual condition is equal to the
size at MMC minus the size of the
tolerance zone. For the hole in Figure ,
the diameter of the virtual condition is the
diameter of the MMC hole minus the
diameter of the position tolerance zone.


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Figure shows the shaft and hole virtual

conditions superimposed. Since the shaft
virtual condition is smaller than the hole
virtual condition, the two parts will always


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In summary, the way to calculate virtual

condition (VC) for a shaft and hole is:
SHAFT VC = MMC diameter + Position
Tolerance Zone Diameter
HOLE VC = MMC diameter - Position
Tolerance Zone Diameter


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Application Of Virtual Condition

Virtual condition is extremely useful in the
design of functional gauges. A functional
gauge made to virtual condition will ensure
that a part will always mate with its


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Symbols and Modifiers

Feature Control Frame
A rectangular box that is divided into compartments
within which the geometric characteristic symbol,
tolerance value, modifiers, and datum references are


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Symbols and Modifiers

Feature Control Frame


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Symbols and Modifiers

Geometric Tolerances are divided into five

Form control
Orientation control
Location control
Composite control
Profile controls


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Symbols and Modifiers

Form control


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Symbols and Modifiers

Orientation Control


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Symbols and Modifiers

Location Control


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Symbols and Modifiers

Composite Control


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Symbols and Modifiers

Profile Controls


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Summary of control tolerances


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Symbols and Modifiers



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Symbols and Modifiers

Free State
Free state variation is the amount a part distorts after
removal of external forces applied during manufacture, for
instance, parts consisting essentially of shells or tubes with
a thin wall thickness in proportion to the diameter. Geometric
tolerances (e.g. circularity, cylindricitry, and concentricity)
cannot be properly applied without specifying the amount of
free-state variation on parts of this type.
Variations in the free state can occur in two ways: (1)
distortion of a part due to its weight or flexibility (i.e. a nonrigid part), or (2) distortion due to internal stresses set up in
fabrication (e.g. any pre-loading operations).

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Free State

Free state variation is a term used to describe distortion of a

part after removal of forces applied during manufacture.

This distortion is principally due to weight and flexibility of

the part and the release of intern1 stresses resulting from

A part of this kind, for example, a part with a very thin wall in
proportion to its diameter, is referred to
as a non-rigid
part. In some cases, it may be required that the part meet
its tolerance requirements while in the free state. In others,
it may be necessary to simulate the mating part interface in
order to verify individual or related feature tolerances. This
is done by restraining the appropriate features. The restraining forces are those that would be exerted in the
assembly or functioning of the part.

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Symbols and Modifiers

Projected Tolerance Zone
Free state variation is the amount a part distorts after
removal of external forces applied during manufacture, for
instance, parts consisting essentially of shells or tubes with
a thin wall thickness in proportion to the diameter. Geometric
tolerances (e.g. circularity, cylindricitry, and concentricity)
cannot be properly applied without specifying the amount of
free-state variation on parts of this type.
Variations in the free state can occur in two ways: (1)
distortion of a part due to its weight or flexibility (i.e. a
non-rigid part), or (2) distortion due to internal stresses
set up in fabrication (e.g. any pre-loading operations).


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GD&T Rules
As the purpose of the GD&T is to describe the engineering
intent of the item, there are some fundamental rules need
to be applied.

All dimensions must have a tolerance.Nothing can be made to

a perfection;therefore, an appropriate tolerance must be
available.Tolerances may come in the form of limits of size
applied to basic dimensions, style tolerance applied directly
to dimensions as a tolerance block or a general note. The only
exception is when a dimension is marked as minimum,
maximum,stock or reference.
All dimensions necessary to exactly reproduce the shown
geometry must be present.Measurement and scaling should
not be required.
In order to avoid ambiguities, only the minimum dimensions
required should be present. If additional dimensions would be
helpful but not required, they should be marked as reference.

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GD&T Rules

Dimension should be applied to features and arranged in such a

way as to represent the function of the individual features.

Descriptions of manufacturing methods should be avoided. The

geometry should be described without explicitly defining the
method of manufacture.

If certain sizes are required during the processing, but are not
required in the final geometry (due to shrinkage or other causes)
they should be marked as NON-MANDATORY.

All symbols should be arranged for maximum readability. They

should be applied to visible lines in true profiles whenever possible.

When geometry is normally controlled by gage sizes or by code, the

dimensions should still be included but should with the gauge or
code number in parentheses following or below the dimension.


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GD&T Rules

Angles of 90 are assumed when basic dimensions or centerlines

are used but no angular dimension is explicitly shown.

Dimensions and tolerances are valid at 20 Celsius unless stated

otherwise.Unless explicitly stated, all dimensions and tolerances are
valid when the item is in a free, unconstrained state.

Dimensions and tolerances apply to the full length, width, and depth
of a feature.

Dimensions only apply at the level of the drawing where they are
placed. If the intention is for them to apply at multiple levels , this
must be stated.


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GD&T Rules
Standard Rules

Rule #1

Where only a tolerance of size is

specified, the limits of size of the
individual feature describe the extent to
which variation in the geometric forms as
well as size are allowed.
The actual local size of an individual
feature at any cross section shall be
within the specified tolerance of size.

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GD&T Rules
Standard Rules

Rule #1

Used to ensure that FOSs will assemble with one

When Rule #1 applies, the maximum boundary (or
envelope) for an external FOS is its MMC
Minimum envelope for internal FOS is its MMC.
When Rule #1 applies, the size limits define the size
and form of an FOS (not orientation, location or
relation between FOS)


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Standard Rules

Rule #1

The control of geometric form based on

size is not applicable to :

Stock such as bars

Structural shapes

The forms of these shall be as per the industry

standard norms.


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When Rule #1 Applies

Actual size shall be within limits of size
Form of feature:
Surfaces must not extend beyond a boundary of
perfect form at MMC
Where actual size has departed from MMC
toward LMC, a variation in form is allowed
equal to that amount of departure


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Rule #1 boundary:
The part must be within the MMC envelope.


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Standard Rules


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Standard Rules

Rule #2a

For all applicable geometric tolerances,

RFS applies with respect to the individual
tolerance, datum reference or both,
where no modifying symbol is specified.
Modifiers for MMC and LMC must be
specified on the drawing where it is


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Standard Rules

Rule #2a

Characteristics and controls which can be

applicable to size features and thus to which
RFS applies under Rule#2 unless modified to
MMC or LMC are:

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Standard Rules

Rule #2a

Characteristics and controls which are always applicable

at RFS under Rule #2 and due to the nature of the
requirement cannot be applied at MMC or LMC are:
Circular Runout
Total Runout
Profile of line
Profile of surface

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Standard Rules

Rule #2b Pitch Diameter Rule

Each tolerance of orientation or position and datum

reference specified for a screw thread applies to the axis
of the thread derived from the pitch cylinder.
Where an exception to this is necessary, it has to be
mentioned below as MAJOR or MINOR

Each tolerance of orientation or location and datum

reference specified for gears, splines must designate the
specific feature of the gear to which it


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Standard Rules

Rule #2c Datum/Virtual condition Rule

A virtual condition exists for a datum feature of

size where its axis or center plane is controlled
by a geometric tolerance. In such cases, the
datum feature applies at its virtual condition
even though it is referenced in a feature control
frame as MMC or LMC.


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Datum feature

An actual feature of a part that is used to

establish a datum.

Datum feature Symbol

The symbolic means of indicating a datum
feature consists of a capital letter enclosed in
a square frame and a leader line extending
from the frame to the concerned feature,
terminating with a triangle.

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Datum feature symbol


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Datum vs. datum feature


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Datum vs. datum feature


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Datum feature symbol


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Datum feature symbol


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Datum feature symbol


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Datum feature symbol


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Datum feature symbol


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Datum target

A specified point , line or area on a part used to establish

a datum.

Datum target frame

The datum targets are indicated by a circular frame

divided in two compartments by a horizontal line. The
lower compartment is reserved for a letter and a
digit.The letter represents the datum feature and the
digit datum target number. The upper compartment is
reserved for additional information, such as
dimensions of the target area. If there is not sufficient
space within the compartment, the information may
be placed outside and connected to the appropriate
compartment by a leader line.

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Datum target

A specified point , line or area on a part used to

establish a datum.


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A common_datum is a type of Datum that
corresponds to a datum that is established
from more than one datum feature.
On technical drawing, a datum that is established
from multiple datum features is indicated by by
placing the identifying letters of the datum features,
separated by a dash, within a single compartment in
a feature control frame. There is no significance to
the order of the datum feature identifying letters
within a compartment of the feature control frame.


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Datum system

A group of two or more separate datums

used as a combined reference for a
toleranced feature.

Datum reference frame

A framework that consists of three mutually
perpendicular datum planes, three datum
axes(located at the intersection of each pair
of datum planes), and a datum point (that is
located at the intersection of the three datum

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Datum reference frame

Datum reference frames are coordinate
systems used to locate and orient part
A Cartesian coordinate system established
using the Datums extracted from a set of
Datum Features referenced in a Feature
Control Frame.Datum Reference Frames
serve to orient and locate tolerance zones.

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Datum reference frame

Datums Are Mutually Perpendicular - Even When the

Datum Features Are Not.
It isn't always possible or practical to select datum features that
are mutually perpendicular to one another when establishing a
datum reference frame. Notice that datum feature C is not
nominally perpendicular to datum feature B. The datum feature
simulator for C would be made at 35 to the datum feature
simulator for B (shown here in red). The actual datum planes
(shown in blue), which comprise the datum reference
framework, would however be mutually perpendicular to one
another as is illustrated in the last figure. The deviation of the
hole from the 55mm BASIC location would be measured from
the third datum plane-not from the sharp point on the actual


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Cartesian coordinate system

collection of three perfectly straight, mutually

perpendicular lines, called axes, which meet in a
point, called the origin, form three perfectly flat,
mutually perpendicular planes, called bases planes,
and are outfitted with linear scales.
Cartesian coordinate systems have three degrees of
rotational freedom, called pitch, yaw and roll, and
three degrees of
translational freedom, called
.x, .y and .z. Cartesian coordinate systems serve,
with the help of BASIC dimensions, to define the
orientations and locations of the True Features of
machine parts and of the tolerance zones which limit
the imperfections of Actual Features.

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Datum reference frame


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Datum precedence

A datum precedence assignment corresponds to the

specification of the order in which a datum is established
within a datum system.
On technical drawings, the precedence of a datum within a
datum system is typically specified in a feature control frame.
The location of the compartment containing the letter(s)
corresponding to the datum feature(s) from which the datum is
established indicates the assigned precedence. The
compartment for the primary datum (if it exists) is immediately
to the right of the compartment containing the tolerance value.
The compartment for the secondary datum (if it exists) is
immediately to the right of the compartment for the primary
datum. Lastly, the compartment for the tertiary datum (if it
exists) is immediately to the right of the compartment for the
secondary datum.

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Datum precedence
EXAMPLEFigure (b) contains a feature control frame that specifies a datum
system in which datum A is the primary datum, datum B is the secondary datum,
and datum C is the tertiary datum.


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Datum precedence
EXAMPLEFig. (c) contains a feature control frame that specifies a datum
system in which datum A is the primary datum, datum C is the secondary datum,
and datum B is the tertiary datum.


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Datums of size

MMC and LMC on a Datum Reference do not Affect the Feature's

Referencing a datum feature at MMC or LMC does not change the
tolerance on the feature(s) being toleranced. These modifiers,
however, may allow the part to float or shift relative to the datum
reference frame. Notice that the 15mm diameter hole references both
B and C at their MMC. Therefore, if both B and C are produced at
their MMC, there is no shift of the datum feature relative to the datum
reference frame established by A, B and C. If, however, datum
feature B happened to be produced at 8.1 (its LMC size) and was
perfectly perpendicular to the primary datum, the part could shift as
much as 0.2mm total, relative to the datum reference frame. In o ther
words, the part could be slid left or right 0.2mm total while
maintaining contact with datum A in order to bring the 15mm hole into
its allowable position tolerance zone. Some inspectors treat this
0.2mm shift as an additional bonus tolerance on the 15mm hole
which would allow additional deviation in all directions. This would be
incorrect since no movement of the part is allowed perpendicular to
the primary datum.

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Datums of size


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Datum simulators


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Datum simulators


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Datum simulators


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Datum simulators


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Datum simulators


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Composite Datum Features

A composite datum feature is a datum feature that is composed of other

features. Figures depict two examples of composite datum features.


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Composite Datum Features


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Dimension origin
When a dimension origin is specified for the
distance between two features, the feature from
which the dimension originates defines an origin
plane for defining the tolerance zone. In such
cases, the origin plane shall be established using
the same rules as are provided for primary datum
Signifies that the dimension originates from
the plane established by the shorter surface
and dimensional limits apply to the other

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Dimension origin


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Dimension origin


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Dimension origin


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Dimension origin


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Pattern locating tolerance zone

framework(PLTZF) and Feature relating
tolerance framework(FRTZF)

The control of the location of the pattern as a group

is called the patrem-locating tolerance zone

When the pattern consists of two or more features,

there is the possibility, through the use of composite
tolerancing, to control the relative location of
features within the pattern. This is done by
specifying a secondary location tolerance, called the
feature relating tolerance zone framework

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Flatness is the condition of surface having all of its

elements in one plane.


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A flatness error (out of flat condition) is the amount a

surface can very from a flat plane.
Flatness is the distance between two parallel planes,
which includes all the elements (high and low points) of a


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A flatness control zone is two parallel planes spaced apart

by the flatness tolerance value.
In theory one plane of the tolerance zone is oriented by
the high points of the surface.
The remaining plane is parallel to the first plane and
offset by the flatness tolerance value.


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Size tolerance:
The actual local size must be within the maximum and
minimum limits of the size dimension.


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Rule #1 boundary:
The part must be within the MMC envelope.


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Flatness Control:
All surface elements of the tolerance feature must lie between
two parallel planes 0.2 apart.


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Inspection of Flatness:
One plane of flatness tolerance zone is established by a
surface plate.
When the part is brought into contact with the surface
plate, the high points of the part contact the surface plate
surface. Thus, the high points of the surface are contacting
one plane of the tolerance zone.
A dial indicator is placed in the hole of a surface plate.
The dial indicator is calibrated to zero when it is line with
surface plate.
When the part is placed on the surface plate and moved in
a random fashion over the dial indicator. The dial
indicator is reading the difference between the surface
high and low points.

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Inspection of Flatness:
The maximum dial indicator reading is the distance
between the places that contain the high and low points of
the surface. This is the flatness error of the surface.


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Sealing surface.


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Sealing surface.


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Flange mounting.


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Flange mounting.


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Flange mounting.


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A condition where an element of a surface or an axis

is a straight line.

Straight can be defined for

Straight of surface
Straightness of Axis(RFS)
Straightness of Axis(MMC)


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Straight of surface


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Circularity is a condition of a surface of revolution.

Controls the roundness of any feature with circular

cross section.

The circularity tolerance is applied in either view of

the drawing, whichever is most convenient.

The tolerance zone for a circularity tolerance is

bounded by two concentric circles.


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The tolerance value is determined by the radial

distance between the circles, not the distance
between the diameters..

Tolerance specifies a tolerance zone within which

the element or axis must lie.

Tolerance zone is bounded by two concentric circles

within which the each element must lie.

Tolerance value should equal to or less than, one

half of the size tolerance(limits)

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All elements of the surface are to be within the

specified size tolerance and the boundary of a
perfect form at MMC.

The feature control frame is attached to the

concerned surface by a leader.

Circularity tolerance does not associate with the

datum reference, each circular element relates to a
perfect counterpart of itself, a circle thus no datum is

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Circularity of each circular element compares the

form of each element to a circle. Since the control of
the surface itself is of concern, its size variation is
irrelevant to the form. Therefore, MMC or RFS
principles cannot be applied.

Circularity tolerance may be applied (with differing

conditions) to the cylinders, cones and
spheres.I.e.any part having circular cross-sections.

Part size may vary within its tolerance, yet the

circularity tolerance remains the same.Where size of
the produced part approaches LMC, the roundness
tolerance proportionately diminishes.

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Circularity and the position


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Circularity Inspection


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Cylindricity describes a condition of a surface of
revolution in which all points of a surface are equidistant
from a common axis.


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Cylindricity inspection


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Some more definitions:

Cylindricity tolerance specifies a tolerance zone

bounded by two concentric cylinders within which
the surface must lie.

The cylindricity tolerance must be less than the

feature size tolerance.

Cylindricity tolerance is composite control of form

which includes circularity, straightness and taper.

Cylindricity tolerance differs from circularity

tolerance in that it applies to the total surface (entire
length) simultaneously.

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All the elements of the surface controlled are to be

within the specified size tolerance and the boundary
of perfect form at MMC.

Cylindricity tolerance relates to the control of the

surface form which is irrelevant to size, therefore
RFS or MMC principle cannot be applied.

Cylindricity tolerance is applicable only to cylindrical

features, either inside or outside cylinders.

Cylindricity tolerance does not associate with a

datum reference, the cylindrical elements relate to a
perfect counterpart of itself, a cylinder, thus no
datum is needed.

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Part size may vary within its size tolerance, yet the
cylindricity tolerance remains the same. Where the size of
the product approaches LMC, cylindricity tolerance
proportionately diminishes.

How to inspect a feature of size in accordance with Rule #1 of the Y14.5

Standard. If size is inspected correctly, the geometric form (straightness,
flatness, circularity and cylindricity) of the feature must be within the total
size tolerance. Therefore, form controls are usually not necessary.
If for example, two point checks were made of this pin and it measured
2.005 everywhere (which could only be possible in theory) and it could fit a
ring gage of 2.005, this pin would have to be perfectly straight, circular and
cylindrical. If production produces this pin smaller than 2.005 (MMC)
straightness, circularity and cylindricity are allowed, but may not exceed
the total size tolerance of .010.


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Below is a redraw of a print that was sent to me by a
supplier who wanted to quote on the job but was
concerned that he did not have any equipment that could
measure the cylindricity callout. I pointed out that by
correctly inspecting the size of the 40mm hole according
to Rule #1 of the Y14.5 standard, the form (straightness,
circularity and cylindricity) of the hole would all have to be
within 0.04. In other words, the hole must accept a full
form go-gage not smaller than 39.98 and the actual local
size at each cross section must not exceed 40.02. The
cylindricity requirement in this case is redundant given the
size tolerance


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This could be considered flatness or straightness of an

axis 90 degrees to a datum.


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Two common tolerance zones for a perpendicularity

control are.
-Two parallel planes.
-A cylinder.
Usually, when perpendicularity is applied to a surface or a
planar feature of size, the tolerance zone is two parallel
When perpendicularity is applied to a cylindrical feature
of size and a diameter symbol precedes the tolerance zone
is cylinder.


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Two common tolerance zones for a perpendicularity

control are.
-Two parallel planes.
-A cylinder.


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When a perpendicularity is applied to a planar surface, the

following conditions apply.
The tolerance zone is two parallel planes.
The tolerance value defines the distance between the
tolerance zone planes.
All elements of the toleranced surface must be within
tolerance zone.
The flatness of the surface is also controlled.


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When perpendicularity is applied to a feature of size, it

controls the orientation of the axis (or center plane) of the
actual mating envelope of the feature of size.


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When a perpendicular control contains the MMC

modifier, a fixed gauge may be used to verify the
The gauge size is equal to the worst case boundary of the
tolerance feature.
Three points of contact must be maintained between the
primary datum feature and the gauge surface.
The orientation of the toleranced feature may vary as long
as the part will fit into the gauge.


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Assembly-Pilot diameter to mounting face.


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Orientation-Controlling the orientation between datum


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Orientation-Bracket mounting surface.


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The condition of a surface or axis which is

equidistant at all points from a datum of reference.

Parallelism tolerance always requires a datum

reference ; it is the control of a feture in its
orientation to a datum feature.

The parallelism tolerance must be less than the

associated size dimension.(and more appropriately
less than one half the size tolerance.

The parallelism tolerance and size tolerance is

verified separately. The surface must be within the
specified size limits.

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Parallelism vs. Flatness
One common area of confusion within GDT is
between parallelism and flatness. With,
parallelism, a reference is made to a datum
plane, while flatness is independent of a
datum. Next slide shows a block on a surface
plate whose three points of contact define the
-A- datum plane. As specified, the opposite
face of the block must lie within two planes
which straddle a plane parallel to and 2.0
from -A- and .125 to either side of it.

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Parallelism vs. Flatness


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Parallelism vs. Flatness
Next slide shows a flatness specification on
the same surface. No datum plane is
involved. A "best fit" plane (3 point contact)
defines the mid-plane, and all surface points
must lie between two planes which are
parallel to this plane, and .125 to either side
of it.


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Parallelism vs. Flatness


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When a surface is to be parallel to a datum, the feature

control frame is either connected by a leader to the
surface or directly connected to the extension line of
the dimension.

Parallelism Applied to a Surface


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When parallelism is applied to an axis the axis of the

hole may be specified within a tolerance zone that is
parallel to a given datum.

The feature control frame is place with the diameter


Parallelism Applied to an Axis


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Parallelism to line elements.

When it is desirable to control only individual line elements,

rather than the entire surface, the note EACH ELEMENT


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The considered feature surface must lie within a

tolerance zone between two parallel planes, the stated
tolerance apart, which is parallel to the datum plane.


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The distance between two parallel planes, inclined

at a specified basic angle in which the surface, axis,
or center plane of the feature must lie.

The condition of a surface, center plane or axis

being exactly at a specified angle (other than 90
degree) from a datum plane or axis.

This could be considered flatness or straight of an

axis at some angle to a datum.


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Figure 1 the application of angularity to a surface.
Figure 2 is the application of angularity to an axis.
Figure 3 is the application of angularity to a center plane


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Angularity Tolerance Zone


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Angularity tolerance always requires a datum

reference, it is control of a feature in its orientation to
a datum feature.

Angularity tolerance is independent of the size

tolerance and is verified separately. The part also
meet all size requirements. Aspects of the controlled
angular surface , which is also dimensioned and
toleranced as a separate requirement, must also
meet such requirements.


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Inspection of Angularity:When setting up a part for

the measurement of angularity on a sine bar, it is
difficult to orient the part before performing the


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This problem is overcome if second datum is

referenced in the angularity callout.


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Circular Runout

Runout is a composite tolerance used to control the

functional relationship of one or more features of a
part to a datum axis.
A composite control affects the form, location and
the orientation.
Runout controls are often used to control the coaxiality of the diameters.
There are two types of runout control, circular runout
and total runout. The type used is dependent upon
design requirements and manufacturing
considerations. Circular runout is normally a less
complex requirement than total runout.

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Circular Runout

There are two two requirements when using a

runout control
1. The datum reference must establish a datum axis.
2. Runout must be applied at RFS.


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Circular Runout

There are three ways to establish a datum axis for a runout


1. Use a single diameter of sufficient length as a datum

A single diameter can only be used when it is long enough
to orient the part.
If a diameter is too short to establish an axis for
inspection, the diameter will not serve well as a primary
datum feature for the part in its assembly.

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Circular Runout
2. Use two or more coaxial diameters a sufficient distance
apart as datum features to create a single datum axis.
Two or more diameters are used to establish a datum axis
when they serve an equal role in establishing the
orientation of the part in its assembly.


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Circular Runout
2. Use a surface as a primary datum feature and use a
diameter at a right angle as a secondary datum feature.
A surface primary and a diameter secondary are used
when the surface orients the part and the diameter locates
the part in the assembly.
When the surface is used as a primary datum feature, the
diameter should be very short.


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Circular Runout
A dial indicator is often used to verify a runout control
First, the part is located in a chuck or collet to establish
datum axis A.
A dial indicator is placed on the surface being checked.
As the part is rotated 360 degree, the dial indicator
movement is the runout value of the circular element.
Several independent dial indicator readings are made at
different places along the diameter.


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Circular Runout


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Circular Runout

The dial indicator movement (runout error) can be a result
of form error of the diameter.

The dial indicator movement (runout error) can be a result

of axis offset of the diameters.

In industry, most parts have a combination of form error

and axis offset. When the dial indicator reading is taken, it
combines several types of part errors into a single dial
indicator reading.


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Circular Runout

Since the dial indicator reading contains several types of
errors and provides a single out put (runout error) a runout
control is considered a composite control.


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Circular Runout

Locate coaxial diameters on a part.


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Circular Runout

Create an axis from coaxial diameters.


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Total runout Runout

Surfaces Constructed at Right Angles to a

Datum Axis

A total runout tolerance for a surface

constructed at right angles to a datum axis
specifies that all points of the surface must
lie in a zone bounded by two parallel planes
perpendicular to the datum axis and
separated by the specified tolerance.


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Total runout Runout

Surfaces Constructed Around a Datum Axis

A total runout tolerance zone for a surface

constructed around a datum axis is a volume
of revolution generated by revolving an area
the datum axis.


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Total Runout

Surfaces Constructed Around a Datum Axis

Is the variation across the entire surface of a

cylindrical feature.
Total runout is used to control the combined
variations of
circularity, straightness, coaxiality, angularity,
taper and profile when applied to surfaces around
and at right angles to a datum axis.
The symbol for total runout is .


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Total Runout
Surfaces Constructed Around a Datum
Note that total runout cannot be applied to conical or curved
surfaces as can circular runout.
The following two examples give some of the different
applications of total runout.
Figure gives the application of total runout as applied to a cylinder.
The total runout feature control frame, in this figure, references a compound
datum of A and B.
When checking the feature that references a compound datum both datums A
and B must be used together to establish an axis of rotation.


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Runout circular vs. total


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Runout circular vs. total


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Concentricity describes a condition in which two or more

features (cylinders, cones, spheres, etc.) In any
combination have a common axis.
Concentricity is that condition where the median points of
all diametrically opposed elements of a figure of
revolution (or correspondingly located elements of 2 or
more radially disposed features) are congruent with the
axis (or center point) of a datum feature.
Concentricity tolerance is a cylindrical (or spherical)
tolerance zone whose axis (or centre point) coincides with
the axis or centre point of the datum feature(s). The
median of all correspondigly located elements of the
feature(s) being controlled, RFS must lie within the
cylindrical or spherical tolerance zone. The specified
tolerance and the datum reference can only apply on RFS

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A Concentricity (coaxiality) tolerance controls the axis of one feature

relative to the axis of another feature. In following case , the axis of
the larger cylinder must lie within a cylindrical tolerance of 0.04 mm
of the axis of the smaller cylinder (defined as datum A)


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Concentricity tolerance is an axis to axis type of control

which can effectively relate coaxial features where part
tolerance, uniform distribution of part feature mass in
rotation, controlling the geometry of a non rigid rotational
part, etc is required.
Concentricity tolerance is more restrictive and potentially
costly requirement due to the possible need for detailed
analysis of the part in verification. Before concentricity
tolerance is selected, the options of position tolerance at
MMC or runout tolerance should be considered.
Concentricity tolerance considers in composite the effect
of various surface errors such as out of straightness, out of
circularity, out of cylindricity, etc as the median points are

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Concentricity verification requires a form of differential

measurement at opposed elements of the surface, to
determine the resultant feature median point. Where
precision spindle machine methods are used, polar graph
printout and analysis with overlay gages will achieve the
same results. Computerization analysis is also used where
such capability is available.
Concentricity tolerance is always specified and implied on
an RFS basis. If MMC principles are desired, consider
position tolerance.
All size tolerance must be met independent of the
concentricity tolerance.

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Concentricity and position

Position may use the MMC and LMC modifiers on

the tolerance and Datum references.
Concentricity ignores the size, roundness and
cylindricity of the feature
The next slide shows a possible gage (ignoring gage
tolerance and wear allowance) that could be used
when MMC is the modifier. If the sizes are within the
size tolerances but the part doesn't fit the gage, the
features position (coaxiality) is out of spec. This type
of control works well when the main concern is the
assembly of this part to another. The gage may
usually be thought of as representing the worst
mating part

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Concentricity and position


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Runout vs. Concentricity

Avoid specifying concentricity. Concentricity requires

deriving the median line of a feature. All of the
features shown below are concentric. Usually,
designs require that a feature be round as well as
concentric like example A. A better geometric control
is usually circular runout. Circular runout controls
circularity (roundness) as well as concentricity.


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Symmetry is condition in which a feature (or
features) is symmetrically disposed about a canter
plane of a datum feature.
Symmetry tolerance is the distance between two
parallel planes equally disposed about the center
plane of the datum feature.
All size tolerances must be met independent of
the symmetry tolerance.


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True Position
The theoretically exact location of a FOS as
defined by basic dimensions.

Position Tolerance
defines a zone within which the axis or center
plane of a feature is permitted to vary from
true (theoretically exact) position.


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Location tolerances control position as well as orientation

and form.Thus for a hole , a location tolerance will
control the position of the hole axis relative to specified
datums, tilt of the axis of the hole, and form deviations
such as convexity or concavity of the axis.

A position tolerance controls the position of the feature

relative to one or more datums.

All points on the axis of the hole must lie within the
tolerance zone. The zone applies over the complete depth
of the hole.

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Profile Tolerances
Profile tolerance
The outline of an object represented either by an
external view or by a cross section through the
Profile tolerances may be used to control form,
orientation and location.
The manner in which the profile tolerance is applied,
How it is dimensioned, and
How datums are utilized all effect the level of control desired by
using profile tolerances.

There are two profile tolerance types,

Profile of a line and profile of a surface.
Note: when the profile is other than flat, basic dimensions must be
used to describe the profile.
A basic dimension is depicted with a box around the
dimension and is considered an exact dimension


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Profile Tolerances
Profile of a Line
A two-dimensional cross section tolerance that extends along the
length of the feature.
The line profile tolerance is used where parts have changing cross
section along their length and do not have to be along the entire
The symbol for profile of a line is e.
Figure shows the feature control frame for profile of a line
geometric tolerance.


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Profile of a Line
Many automobile companies use an exact profile to gage sheet metal parts that
have changing cross sections.
The hood of an automobile is a good example of such a cross section that
has a changing profile.
The profile tolerance is assumed a bilateral tolerance, which is the tolerance
both above and below the true profile line.
The following examples give usage of the profile of a line tolerance.

Figure 1. Cross section of a

simple contour that is
controlled by line profile

Figure 2. Uses profile of a

line to control all around
across section of a wing.

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Figure 3 is a special case

of using profile of a line
for a unilateral

Profile of a Surface
Profile of a Surface
Used to control all the elements of a surface and
treats them as a single entity.
Profile of a surface, as its definition states, covers
all points on a surface in three dimensions.
The symbol for profile of a surface is f.
Figure shows the feature control frame for profile
of a line geometric tolerance.


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Profile of a Surface
As with profile of a line, profile of surface can be measured with a mater gage
to control features of the surface or profile.
The following examples give usage of the profile of a surface tolerance.
Figure 1 is a cross section of a plate with a slot. The slot is controlled by a
profile of a surface tolerance. That means that the depth of the slot as well
as its cross sectional profile is controlled.
Figure 2 uses profile of a surface to control the surface of a part similar to
that seen in figure 3g.i.2.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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Functional gauge design

GDT functional gauges designed according to virtual

condition ensures part fit. Virtual condition is the
envelope for worst-case part fit. A part which fits on
such a functional gauge is guaranteed to fit to all mating

Virtual condition is extremely useful in the design of

functional gauges. A functional gauge made to conform
to virtual condition will ensure that a part will always
mate with its counterpart.
In summary, the way to calculate virtual condition
(VC) for a shaft and hole is:
SHAFT VC = MMC diameter + Position Tolerance
Zone Diameter
HOLE VC = MMC diameter - Position Tolerance
Zone Diameter

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