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Classroom Management Plan

Pre-service Teacher: Emily Brightwell

Class: 3S
style (links to
learning and

Philosophy: I believe the foundation for a thriving classroom relies on a students' feelings, for each student to feel safe and have a sense
of belonging. To feely ask questions and communicate in the classroom and not feel judged or afraid. This aligns with Patrick Conner's
Pain model which focuses on the teacher being sensitive to the child's beliefs and feelings to provide them with a welcoming place to
learn(Edwards & Watts, 2004). I believe that exposing students to team building activities, letting students have an input in their
classroom rules and taking the time to listen to each student are important in order to create an inclusive and safe learning environment.
Discipline: To understand how to discipline your students you first need to understand your students and how they learn. I think the
consistency management and cooperative discipline program which "provides consistent messages for all members of the school
community about appropriate behavior and what it means to be self-disciplined" is a program which I would like to in bed in my
classroom. (McDonald, 2013) Establishing high standards for behaviour and planning how your classroom will operate will help to
prevent any misbehaviour. Freiberg(1999b) believes that prevention is 80 per cent of classroom management therefore classroom
management is about prevention rather than problem solving. It is my belief that developing a supportive and caring environment will
give students the opportunity to become more self-disciplined.
Learning: I want my students to want to learn and participate in class activities. For this to happen I as the teacher I will create a positive
learning environment and reinforce or reward behavior. My understanding of how students learn is similar to that of Skinner who has
developed behaviorism as a position in learning(Hannum, 2015). "Skinner uses the consequences of a behaviour to explain why the
behaviour continues or fades"() Therefore by encouraging positive behaviour in my classroom will encourage a continuation of what is
considered acceptable behaviour. I believe that by demonstrating positive behaviour and becoming a role model for my students it will
therefore enrich their development.

expectations of

It is my belief that my students will make positive choices and want to do their best. I feel that each child should not have to worry about
being the best or getting excellent marks, because life is about making mistakes and building on them. Therefore encouraging
participation and trying their hardest in all aspects is all that matters. As a teacher I will try my hardest to engage and enrich my class to
be able to reach their full potential. I expect learners to respect and encourage each other in order to succeed as a team.

Class rules and


My student would have input into the creation of our class rules although I would expect:
no bullying
respect for other and ourselves
to have pride in our work and presentation
I am not a strong believer in punishment, I feel as though positive reinforcement is a better approach to preventing
further disruptive behavior.
Having a reward system put into place such as a 'money bank' to teach students about the importance of
saving and counting.
For those students who need to be accountable for their actions, the child will have to talk to the teacher
after class about their actions, how they can fix them and what is a suitable punishment.
This is by far my favorite behavior chart where students have a visual of their both positive and negative behavior,
where they have a chance during the day to redeem themselves if they are not behaving positively.
In 3S the classroom rules(aligns with school rules) are displayed on the wall:
Give it your best shot
Be responsible, Be safe
One voice at a time
Be positive, no put downs
There is two individual behavior charts and one group chart
The 1st individual chart is a 'traffic light' chart(displayed on a wall at the back of the room)
The 2nd chart is sticker chart(sheets are in a basket)
The group chart is a whiteboard chart (displayed at the front of the room)



Strategies to incorporate
explicitly into my lessons
Caring and positive classroom:
plan and consider your
students needs
be sensitive to the layout
of my room (carpet space,
desk arrangements)
setting expectations and
reinforcing them
praising positive
behavior(cueing with
linking prior knowledge
giving positive feedback on
work and behavior

Strategies to use throughout the day

plan and consider your students needs

create visual displays or posters to encourage learning
display children's work to give a sense of belonging and pride
calling on a student by using their name to make them feel
important and have a sense of belonging
praising positive behavior both verbally and through the use of
the banking system
giving children a 'brain break' to break up the lesson and give
them time to refuel

getting down on their level

encouraging discussions on
cueing with parallel

giving a choice
tapping on book
using proximity
reinforcing expectations
wait and scan

using supportive language such as(nice work, I like how..)

discussing the topic and encouraging participation

tone of voice
following through
reinforcing expectations

Restorative Practices strategies to retain strong relationships with the learners after corrective strategies have been
Restorative Chat:
seeing a chance to praise anything you see as positive behavior
discussing why the behavior was not appropriate
making reference to behavior chart
asking students about the rules and getting them to refresh their memory and reinforce expectations.

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