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Dangers of the Internet

Mackie Barber

#1: Cyberbullying

Nothing others can do about it when it is

first happening
Often times others do not have access to
your accounts
Easier for bullies because they dont see the
victims reaction
Most of the time the bully isnt around
their victim while the bullying is taking
People arent always who they say they are
Bullies dont always pose as themselves
Sometimes they make up fake people or
pretend to be someone you know and trust
If you are being cyberbullied, try to block
that person from having Internet contact with

#2: Sexual Predators

Bad (and often older) people may try to

target young people on the Internet.
These people may try to get pictures of
their targets
Be very careful if you plan meet up with
someone you meet up online
Do so in a public place and make
sure you bring at least a couple
other people with you for safety
If you get a bad feeling about someone
while talking online, remember that you
are not obligated to reply to them
If someone makes you feel
uncomfortable, simply do not respond
to their messages

#3: Inappropriate and Unwanted Pictures/Videos

Often times, inappropriate pictures can pop

up while just doing a simple Google search

Filtering systems can be installed on

computers to stop such sites from
showing up
Be aware of what you are typing in

If you know that something may have an

inappropriate double meaning, you might
want to try to think of different search
Filtering systems are not perfect

Some bad sites might still slip through,

and some sites that are perfectly fine
might be flagged

#4: Damaged Reputations

If you post something on the Internet, it will

be there forever

Even if you delete something you post,

there is still a record of it being there
and people are able to screenshot anything
that pops up
Future employers may look back at your profiles
and accounts

Make sure that you arent hurting your

chances of making a good impression by
posting things you shouldnt
If you have any doubts about putting something
online, you probably shouldnt do it

Youll thank yourself later

#5: Your Computer May Not Belong To You

If you have a company issued computer,

it still belongs to the company

Even if you have your own

passwords, the company can still
get into the records of what you
are doing with their computer
Be mindful of what you are doing

A work computer is most likely

intended for you to do your work
Have separate work and personal

Work means work and personal is

strictly personal. Crossing these
lines could end badly

#6: Copyright Infringements and Plagiarism

Almost everything on the Internet is

If you use someone elses words and call them
your own, you are plagiarizing

The best way to make sure you arent

plagiarizing is reading a paragraph or two
and then summarizing in your own words
If you really think that something is so
perfectly said that you cannot put it into your
own words, put in in quotation marks
Make sure you always give credit where credit
is due

#7: Phishing

A lot of websites that ask for personal

information may be phishing for a
chance to steal your identity

Only give your information to

well-known and trusted websites

If a website has a lot of ads or

pop-ups, you might want to think
twice before giving that credit
card number
Some websites may try to get your
information so they can log onto your
other accounts

Websites may try to gain access to

your social media sites or email
This could put not only you, but also
your company at risk

If a virus infiltrates the company

network, confidential information
could be leaked

#8: Streaming

Be courteous to coworkers and keep your

streaming to a minimum

Streaming music and videos

constantly can really slow down
the network for everyone
Music and TV can be distracting

You are paid to work, not watch

videos and listen to music

If they are work related it may be

okay to a point, but streaming to
get out of doing your work is
dishonest and tasteless

#9: Spyware

Spyware can result from visiting

sketchy sites
It is a pain to remove

The IT people probably wont

appreciate you very much either
Spyware removal may also cut into your
work time

Your computer will be out of

service while the spyware is being
Again, only visit reputable sites that
you know and trust

Dont click on any pop-ups or

attention grabbing article titles,
they most likely do not lead to
what you expected

#10: Harassment

Make sure you do not send anything that

could be taken the wrong way using an
electronic device

People cannot hear the tone you put

behind the words and may interpret
them differently than intended
Stay professional

Dont bring personal opinions or

biases into the workplace
Do not send multiple messages if someone is
not replying

Give them time to process and respond

to an email or instant message. They
may feel uncomfortable if you send
them a lot of messages or obsess over
a certain question

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