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Language Writing System

People in modern society use language to communicate and record information

and history . Language also has contributes contributed to human civilization as well
as social development. After experiencing a long historyThroughout history, language
has evolves evolved a lot. And thenAs such, language writing system is was gradually
invented and introduced by our ancestors. On this occasionAt this turning point, our
culture, history and customs can bewere all inherited from them. In all ages, language
writing system plays an important role in human civilization and accompanies us
through thousands of years of history. Hence, iIt is significant for us to understand
and grasp the knowledge about of language writing system. This essay will introduce
some knowledge facts about knowledge about of the writing system, including
history, the difference between pictures and, language and Chinese writing system.
In many myths and legends, people believe that someone has created language,
such as Cang Jie and Huang Di. Archaeologists also discovered a large amount of
scripts which are incised on bone or chiseled on rocks. However, because we are
stillthere is a loophole in term of lack of evidence, so hence, most theories that people
used to put forward failed because they contain many uncertaintyuncertain factors and
as such we cannot be sure whether it is correct or not (Crystal, 1997). But what can be
can be confirmedagreed upon today is that today, is that the language writing system
is becoming more and more complex. For example, a thousand generation ago, people
use ropes to record simple numbers such as how many beasts peoplehunters have
hunted today. However, with time goes passing by, more information appears in
peoples daily life. As a result,Thethis increasing in information forces people to
create a systematic language system of language to better record it. And then, with a
long-term evolution, language writing system gradually turns into what we are
familiar with today.
When we talk about pictograph, it is difficult to distinguish the difference
between pictures. As a matter of fact, the difference between language and pictures
can be strictly divided into two parts, ; although both of them can be used to
communicate. Picture is a direct symbol. It which can transmit information to others
straightforward. By contract, in contrast to

language which only describes

information. We use language to metaphor instead of indicating something directly.

(Haliday, 1985). SecondlyMoreover, picture is abstract in term of information. For
instance, children can draw naturally, no matter how they paint. But actually,
childrens painting does not belong any category of to languages. When they grow up,
children start to study and writing write and they start with drawing characters. So
As such, we can say conclude that Ddrawing has evolved gradually until it became
writing (Haliday, 1985). Lastly,Nevertheless, language is more formal than pictures.
and Compared in contrast with language, picture will changewill vary with with
different person, so, it does not have because it does not have an exact shape for exact
a particular meaning. On the contrary, language is also widespread that and it allows
people to communicate without by transcending barriers. In a wordTo sum up, when
if pictures have fixed format, it can be described as language, then writing begins
(Haliday, 1985).
At lastLast but not the least, this essay will focuses on Chinese writing system.
As the one of the oldest writing system, Chinese writing system is different from
other writing systems all around over the world. The characters look like square but
which is not just a set of simple lines. In ancient China, people carved on animals
bones or tortoise shells for divination. This kind of writing appeared in Shang
Dynasty and was called Oracle. Depending on how the characters are created, people
roughly divided Chinese writing into three different categories: pictorial, iIconic and
sSemantic compound. Pictorial is to create creating the characters to as what they
really look like. For example, the word tree (mu) in Chinese writing is drawn just
like a real tree with branches. The word watershuiin Chinese writing resembles
a running river. Iconic is to give an iconic representation ( according to Haliday,
(1985). It will explains what it means in a direct way. Like the word up (shang) in
Chinese is writing written with is a dot above the line and down (xia) is in contrarythe
opposite. Semantic compound created depends on the meaning for instance, g. mMost
of them have two parts to express a certain situation to show the words meaning. The
word trust (xin) in Chinese writing looks like a man stands by what he says
(Haliday, 1985). Generally speaking, Chinese writing system represents Chinese
culture and contains lots of aspects. Chinese writing is has gradually improving
improved immensely throughout thousands of years.

In conclusion, language writing system is a record or representation of an

accurate language (Thompson, 2016). Different writing systems may have different
shapes but they all express the same meaning and ideas. Hence, lLanguage writing
system promotes the development of society and is beneficial to culture inheritance
and development.

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