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Translate the following sentences(Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii):

1.Tu ar trebui sa mergi la doctor.
2.Tu nu ar trebui sa mergi la doctor.
3.Tu ar trebui sa urmezi o dieta daca vrei sa slabesti.
4.Prefer sa merg cu masina pana la scoala deoarece ajung mai repede.
5.Pisica are coada neagra.
6.Pot sa iti imprumut masina?Mai degraba nu!
7.Mike mai degraba nu ai purta blugi la birou.
8.Stii,mai degraba nu ai fuma in fata sefului.
9.Mai degraba ai lua un insecticide daca vrei sa mergi cu cortul .
10.Mai bine ai lua umbrela.
11.Cainele are urechile maro.
12.Sora mea are un calculator nou.
13.Noi nu avem multe teme de facut.
14.Prefer sa raman acasa astazi.
15.Mai bine nu i-ai spune nimic lui Bob.
16.Mai degraba as invata azi caci maine am test la limba engleza.
17.Mai ales in orele de varf ar trebui sa conduci atent.
18.Mai degraba i-ai spune totul adevarul acum.
19.Mai degraba nu as veni la aceea intalnire.
20.Ar trebui sa ma intorc la lucru.

2.Match the modal with the right definition(Uneste verbul modal cu definitia
had better
specific situations

It is used to give advice about

would rather
general situations

It is used to express preference

It is used to give advice about

3.Translate the following sentences(Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii):

1.We had better meet early.
2.We had better not miss the start of the presentation.
3.You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.
4.I should not listen to negative people.
5.He should dress more appropriately for the office.
6.You should not say her anything.
7.You had better do what I say or else you will get into trouble.
8.I had better get back to work or my boss will be angry with me.
9.We had better get to the airport by five or else we may miss the flight.
10.They have a new dog.
11.You have not got red hair.
12.Emily has got green eyes.
13.Max has got new toys.

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