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Poland is from the continental of Europe and is from the combination of western and the
eastern of Europe. Polands border appearance is from Germany on the west, while the the
Czech Republic along with Slovakia on the south Europe, and also country like Belarus,
Lithuania and Russia make up the east and the north-east of Europe. The whole area of
Polands land and sea border is around 3,496 km and whole external capacity is more than
300,000sq km, it is around 312,685sq km (304,255sq km of land and also 8,430sq km is for
water). This will make Poland rank in the top 10 in Europe, exactly in position 9th and also
ranked inside the top 100, at rank number 70th in the worlds largest country. Polands climate
has been steadily normal and have reasonable weather characteristics such as reasonably col
in winter weathers and also hot in summer because of the extensive on agricultural science
along with organic sources. Polands population is maybe around 38 million people, the
official population is 38,415,284 million people that live in Poland (July 2012 Est.) and the
official capital of Poland is on Warsaw. Warsaw is also the largest population in Poland right
around 1.7 million population. Warsaw is known for the business and also party-political base
for Poland. Poland has a few of cities that have a large of population, which the notable like
Lodz (782,000), Krakow (758,000), Wroclaw (639,000), Poznan (576,000), Gdansk
(462,000) and also Szczecin (415,000). Polands official language is Polish and the official
financial currency for Poland is Zloty (PLN), which is also translates as gold and also the
recent give-and-take rating is probably right around 4 Zloty and move to Euro currency.

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