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1.0 Enzo Ferraris background

Name : Enzo Anselmo Ferrari

Age : 118
Gender : Male
Ethnicity : White
Origin : Italy

The great entrepreneur that I have choosen in my life as roll model and most I admire is Enzo
Ferrari. Enzo Ferrari one of the famous an Italian motor racing driver and entrepreneur, the founder of
the Scuderia Ferrari Grand Prix motor racing team, and subsequently of the Ferrari automobile marque.
One of the most inspiring quotes that I have come across over the years and use regularly in my
training room is by Enzo Ferrari My motors have a soul . Enzo Ferrari was born on 18 February 1898
in the small town of Modena, Italy. He was born to a manufacturer called Alfredo Ferrari and grew up in
Modena without any formal education.
He had a passion for race cars and race car driving since a very early age in his life and
decided that he wanted to be a racing driver at the tender age of 10, when his father took him to see
the 1908 Circuit di Bologna. These competitions left a very strong impression on his mind of Enzo.

In 1914, Ferrari started working as a teacher at the Lathe Operator School in the Modena fire brigades
workshop. During the first war world, in 1916, both his father and brother died due to the outbreak of
the Italian flu. Ferrari became severely ill himself in the1918 flu pandemic and was consequently
discharged from Italian service. Upon returning home he found that the family firm had collapsed. This
is a factor that he start his carrer life as a test driver, in Turin, in a motor company that changed light
trucks into chassis, collaborating with an Italo-Argentinian body shop in Milan. In 1919, Enzo started
working with a company called Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali, in Milan, as a test driver. But soon he
was promoted to the post of a racing driver. In the same year, he drove his first race he stood at the 4th
position in the race. He participated in another race in the same year, the Targa Florio race but could
not really achieve any great success in that too because of a problem with the fuel tank. In 1920, he
participated in the Targa Florio car race yet again, drove an Alfa Romeo, and stood at the second
position. This win was the beginning of his 20 year experience with Alfa Romeo where he first worked
as a test driver, then racing driver, then sales staff member and ultimately the head of Alfa-Corse team.
His achievements start grew up. In 1929, he formed the Scuderia Ferrari Grand Prix racing team, and it
was the racing team for Alfa Romeo. In 1931 he abandoned racing in this year, Because of his
increasing family and other professional commitments. In 1939, Ferrari left Alfa Romeo. In the same
year, he founded his own company called Auto Avio Costruzioni, Modena, in a garage in Viale Trento e
Trieste. In 1945, he started designing the first ever Ferrari car. He built the kind of engine for the car
which later on became the hallmark of the brand. In 1951, Ferraris firm won its first Grand Prix with
Jose Froilan Gonzalez at Silverstone. Companys first championship was earned in 1952-53. This was
the time when the company also started selling sports car in order to finance its racing events. In 1974,
Ferrari retired from the position of managing director of the road car divisions position. In 1982, Ferrari
made sturdy cars and chose world-class drivers. Although Ferrari remained involved with Scuderia until
his death but there were not anymore championships for Ferrari. Ferrari was a recluse and hardly made
any public appearances or gave any interviews. He was also known to be a workaholic. He was
awarded the title of Commendatore for his contribution in sports in Italy. Ferrari was awarded with the
title of Cavaliere del Lavoro for his contribution to the car industry, helping to enhance the image of
Italy in the world. He died on August 14th 1988 at the age of 90. But, His death was made public two
days later.
2.0 Companys background
The companys story officially began in 1947 when the first Ferrari emerged from the historic
factory entrance on Via Abetone Inferiore in Maranello. The 125 S, as it was known, embodied the
passion and determination of the companys founder. Car production is the key to a ferrari Enzo Ferrari

business. Enzo Ferrari was born in Modena on February 18th 1898 and died on August 14th 1988. He
devoted his entire life to designing and building sports cars and, of course, to the track. Having been
made an official Alfa Romeo driver in 1924, within five years he had gone on to found the Scuderia
Ferrari on Viale Trento Trieste in Modena which assisted mostly gentlemen drivers in racing their cars.
In 1938, Enzo Ferrari was appointed head of Alfa Corse but quit the position in 1939 to set up
his own company, Auto Avio Costruzioni, which operated out of the old Scuderia buildings. This new
company produced the 1,500 cm 8-cylinder 815 spider, two of which were built for the Mille Miglia in
1940. All racing activities ground to a halt, however, with the outbreak of the Second World War and, in
late 1943, Auto Avio Costruzioni moved from Modena to Maranello. The end of the war saw Ferrari
design and build the 1,500 cm 12-cylinder 125 S, which made its competitive debut in the hands of
Franco Cortese at the Piacenza Circuit on May 11th 1947.
On the 25th of the same month, it won the Rome Grand Prix at the citys Terme di Caracalla
Circuit. Since that fateful day, Ferrari has garnered over 5,000 victories on the worlds tracks and roads,
becoming a modern-day legend in the process. In order to meet growing market demand, Enzo Ferrari
sold the Fiat Group a 50% stake in the company in 1969, a figure that rose to 90% in 1988. Ferraris
share capital is currently divided as follows: 90% Fiat Group, 10% Piero Ferrari. After the founder
passed away in the late 1980s, the shareholders decided to relaunch the struggling company,
appointing Luca di Montezemolo as Chairman in 1991.
Under the latters guidance, Ferrari returned to predominance in Formula 1, launched a string
of new models and opened up new markets whilst still retaining the core values from its past. Ferrari
also embarked upon Formula Uomo, a major renovation programme that puts employees firmly at the
centre of company life by creating a bright, safe, innovative and eco-friendly working environment.
The legendary symbol used by Ferrari has heroic origins. It was first adopted as a personal
emblem by a highly decorated Italian World War I pilot, Francesco Baracca, who had it painted on the
fuselage of his aircraft.
At the end of the war, Baraccas parents offered to allow Enzo Ferrari use the Cavallino
Rampante (Prancing Horse) symbol. He adopted it as the logo for his racing Scuderia, placing it on a
yellow shield in honour of his hometown of Modena and topping it with the Italian tricolour.The classic
Ferrari red, however, was simply the colour assigned by the International Automobile Federation to
Italian grand prix cars in the early years of the last century.

Ferrari is an Automobile market. Most Ferraris customer is rich businessmen and first class
people. In keeping with the different target market, the Ferrari is fitted with a folding hard-top roof,
making it exclusively a convertible. Between the convertible layout and the name its clear the Ferrari
California will be heavily targeted at the US market; some have even suggested its targeted at cashed
up American baby boomers. Ferrari is one of the most recognisable automotive brands in the world.
They hire a staggering 2,900 employees and 70 per cent of them are engineers. They are hiring more
and more at graduate level, but Ferrari Company also hire people that arent graduates, but have a lot
of experience. The Ferrari Company usually take on about 60 per cent engineering graduates and 40
per cent business graduates. The business graduates are more likely to be involved in the Sales and
Marketing team and obviously the engineers help with the production of the cars, although if the
engineers have taken finance courses with their degree, they may work on the business front as well.
Within the programme, the graduates get exclusive opportunities to work with experts in the
different fields of production. For example, there are very few people who know about the aluminium
process, so they would get an expert to teach the graduates about this area and then after about two
and a half years they might move on to one of our other offices. These are the things might help the
Ferrari company employees to succed in their life and carrer.
3.0 Achievements
In addition to all the accolades of being one of the richest and most successful businessmen in
the history of the world Enzo Ferrari has also received numerous awards for philanthropic work. In
1924, Ferrari was recognized by the state as a Cavaliere for his valuable contribution to the field of
sports and in 1925 he was made a Cavaliere Ufficiale. In the same year he founded Corriere dello
Sport in Bologna, catering to his passion for sports journalism. In 1927, he was awarded the title of
Commendatore for his contribution in sports in Italy. In 1952, Ferrari was awarded with the title of
Cavaliere del Lavoro for his contribution to the car industry, helping to enhance the image of Italy in the
world. Up to now Ferraris list of racing plaudits such as 15 F1 Drivers World titles, 16 F1 Constructors
World titles, 14 Sports Car Manufacturers World titles, 9 victories in the Le Mans 24 Hours, 8 in the
Mille Miglia, 7 in the Targa Florio, and 216 in F1 grands prix. In addition, Ferrari, the pinnacle of motor
cars and motorsport, has posted a full-year financial result that saw it glean a miserly 46,000
($A62,000) for each vehicle it sold in every year. The sports car maker recorded more than 1.9 billion
in revenue on the back of just 6573 cars delivered to customers. The profit which is earn by Ferrari
company in every year is higher. Furthermore, the key success factors of the Ferrari business is
proaktif. Enzo Ferrari is a proaktif entrepreneur. He will act more aggressively in all behavior and

actions in the business world. He has goals, vision and always wanted to move forward. Enzo Ferrari is
more creative and produce Ferrari car and services in the business world. Enzo Ferrari also involves
finding new opportunities beyond the field operations business.
Apart than that, Enzo Ferrari is an open risk taker. Every business which is done by Enzo Ferrari
whether small or large will take risks to get the rewards and make something change in perfecting the
business. However, the features of this open risk taking should be planned carefully and safely and
should be offset by knowledge and understanding so that these risks do not present a problem to
4.0 Why do Enzo Ferrari became my admire to success in my life
The main reason why Enzo Ferrari become my admire to succesd in my life is because of his
curiosity to success in his life. Eventhough he faced a lot of disspointed in his life, but he still looking at
his dream. Apart then that, he lost his father and brother in same year and his family collapse but he
will not deny the confidence and he can do good job in his dream by achieving it by his own wayAn
inspiration for managers, leaders and everybody who is interested in Enzo Ferrari's life. These are
some philosophy given by him to motivated us when we feel dismotivated when achieving our dream.
Apart then that, he also give message to our society through his words probably to people who want to
succesed in their life. A car with a soul. Its mean , a Ferrari has a soul of its own. The red color
stands for passion, for the will to be the first, for the strength and boldness of confidence; the prancing
horse, so vital, so nervous, aggressive. It is a symbol of rebirth. Of pure, sheer life. It is incredible how
much driving a Ferrari is enjoying any small detail studied, developed and loved by the very man who
started it all. As long as technology, enhancement and progress dont cancel that, I take Ferraris
success for granted. This is one of the messasge that really attract me to follow his path to success in
my life. This great message enable us to rebuild our family background through education and our
curiosity to success on life.

5.0 What can you learn from this entrepreneur?

I can learn from this Enzo Ferrari entrepreneur is gain experience- work in other startups. The gain
experience is the knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in or
exposure to it. Foe example,In 1921 he moved to race for Alfa Romeo, which was also a startup. There
he got to experience various aspects of the company by putting his hands in management and factory
production, other than racing. Start now, whether you are ready or not which is I learn from this

entrepreneur. He soon left his earlier job to start Scudera Ferrari on his own, though Alfa Romeo
partnered with him. The team managed to hold themselves tall against established players like
Mercedes, as the quality of the drivers they hired was top class.
In addition, dont compromise your vision. Dont compromise your vision is means dont let your goal
of our life. For example in 1937, Alfa Romeo decided to take full control of Scudera Ferrari and left
Ferrari with no choice but to accept the title of Sporting Director. An obviously unhappy Enzo decided
to move out despite having a contract clause that restricted him from racing or designing cars for four
years! He instead found an ingenious way to continue working with cars. He started a company
supplying car parts to other teams. I also learn from Enzo Ferrari is never back down. Due tu that, he
managed to find a way to sneakily design and manufacture two cars for the 1940 Mille Miglia race. And
then World War II happened. Enzo was forced to undertake war production for Mussolini. His factory
was even bombed by the allies. But once the war ended, he reclaimed Ferrari.
Furthermore, I learned dreams do come true when we work for them. Its not enough to have a
dream, you have to pursue that dream, and this requires courage. Many of the goal books youll read
say that you should have a dream, turn it into a goal, and get your dream bigger. This is some lousy
advice because it doesnt take into consideration the amount of courage it will take to pursue a giant
dream. You have to have dreams that you believe in, and ones that you feel courageous enough to
hunt down. Its OK to start with smaller dreams that you believe in and have the courage to pursue. For
example, The Ferrari team debuted in 1948 and soon they were winning various European local racing
competitions. In 1950 Ferrari enrolled in the newly born Formula One World championship and rest is
history. The word work, work, work which is say by Enzo Ferrari is correct. When we work hard only
we achieve something in our life. For example, The tangled path that Enzo Ferrari took to success
began when his fathers carpentry business collapsed and he decided to search for a job in the car
industry. He unsuccessfully tried to work at FIAT, and ended up as a test driver for C.M.N. (Costruzioni
Meccaniche Nazionali), a Milan-based car manufacturer. They promoted him to race car driver and he
made his debut in 1919 in a local race where he finished 4th.
I learned from Enzo Ferrari is Consistency is Important. Consistency is the most important thing in
business," Enzo Ferrari once said. Ferrari began racing open wheeled race cars for Alfa Romeo and
gained success by being a consistent driver on the local circuit. His success was so consistent that Alfa
offered him a spot on the more prestigious racing circuit. He turned them down and for some unknown
reason, did not race again for another four years. Pursue Ambitious Goals is one of lesson that we
should learn from Enzo Ferrari. For example, Enzo Ferrari told his employees about advancing the

technology of his race cars. Ferrari believed that you had to pursue ambitious goals to be successful in
the automotive industry. Even though he only built production cars to support his racing teams, Ferrari
still believed that a person had to set high goals for everything they did, whether it be racing cars or
designing cars. It did not matter to him if the car was designed to win a race or to be driven on the
streets by everyday drivers, he demanded the highest standards from his employees, as well as
himself. In addition, look towards the future. For example, "Aerodynamics are for people who can't build
engines," Said Enzo Ferrari. The car engine was the most important thing that Ferrari concentrated on
when he was building race and production cars. The innovations, horsepower and designs were
unmatched by any other manufacturer when Ferrari first attempted to innovate his race cars. Only after
the success of his engines did his competitor's believe that his innovations were a viable option. Other
than that, the lesson that we should learn is keep up with your competitors. "You stick to building
tractors and I will stick to building sports cars," Enzo Ferrari said to Ferruccio Lamborghini when he
presented some concerns about the Ferrari automobile Lamborghini owned. This started a rivalry that
would make Enzo learn that the rest of the car was also important.
Lastly, we should learn is people are more important than cars. For example, "There is no triumph or
glory in the world that's worth an inch of human skin," Enzo Ferrari was once quoted as saying after
one of his drivers was killed in a race accident. Ferrari faced a lot of tragedy in his life, including the
death of his first son, Alfredo Ferrari, best known as Dino. This death affected Ferrari throughout his
career and made him pay a lot of attention to people.

6.0 Conclusion
Enzo Ferrari possesses natural leadership and ability to collect great wealth. He has great talent for
management in all areas of life, particularly in business and financial matters. Enzo ferrari understands
the material world; he intuitively knows what makes virtually any enterprise a success. His gift lies not
with the bookkeeping or petty management, but with the larger picture, its purpose, and long-term
goals. Enzo Ferrari is a visionary and a bit reckless. He possesses the capacity to evoke people to join
him in his journey, but frequently they are incapable of seeing what he sees. Thus, those around Enzo
Ferrari need his continual leadership, inspiration, and support. Enzo Ferrari needs to prod them into
action and direct them along the lines of his vision. Enzo Feerari draws success more than any other
Life Path, but effort is still required.
His challenge in life is to achieve a high level of detachment, to realize that power and influence
have to be use for the benefit of humankind. Those born with the Number 9 Life Path who does not
understand the absolute and relative value of money are bound to suffer the consequences of gluttony;
they run the chance of losing it all. Enzo must learn to bounce back from setbacks and defeats. He has
the character and agility of a real survivor. It is not common for someone with Enzo Ferrari Life Path to
experience major setbacks, including bankruptcies and financial failures, but he also has the talent and
the sheer guts to make more than one fortune, and build many successful ventures. Enzo Ferrari is a
good judge of character, which aids him well in attracting the right people to him.

7.0 References

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