Here List of Books For GATE Preparation

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Here list of books for GATE preparation.

1. Thermodynamics -- P K Nag.
2. Fluid mechanics -- Bansal/ modi & seth /SOM
(Bansal is simple and upto the mark.. Modi & Seth is good book for clearing concepts.. SOM is
good book if you are good in vector mechanics and differentail equation)
3. Heat and mass transfer -- Sachdeva/Holman/RAJPUT
(Sachdeva & Holman books are same, fundamentals of Heat and mass transfer by sachdeva is
Indian edition of Holman book).
4. SOM -- B.C. Punamia / Timoshenko.
(Punamia is good for both concept and problems... Timoshenko gives full clearity of all concepts
but you won't find GATE related problems)
5 . I C engine -- Mathur & Sharma / V Ganeshan
(I used V ganeshan book its good and have sufficient problems... Mathur & sharma is aloso good
book i heard it from friend but i never used)
6. Material science -- Narula & Narula / Callister / IP Singh
( Callister is very good but very vast, if you time then refer some times.. Narula & Narula and IP
Singh good books for GATE point of view).
7. Theory of Machines and Mechanical vibration SS Rattan.
8. Machine Design -- Bhandari/ Shigley.
(Bhandari is perfect book for GATE and IES... Shigley is very good book for concept).
9.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-- P. K Nag /CP Arora Domkundwar
10. Industrial Engg -- O. P. Khanna Buffa & Sarin
(for Industrial Engg i used hand made notes, so i am not sure of how khanna book is, you can
take help of others to decide the book)
11. Operational research --- kanti swarup/ SD Sharma.
12.Manufacturing process -- P N Rao Vol 1& 2/ R K Jain/ Hajra & Choudhary/S K mondal notes
which is available in major book houses.
Or A text book on Production Engineering- Dr. Swadesh Singh.
( while preparing for MP be little choosy and stick to the syllabus, because as per my knowledge
no book will give you complete information, but i am not sure)
13.Mathematics --BS Grewal/Erwin Kreyszig
(Both books are good, if you like maths then go for erwin kerysing book, really good book and
vast... or else for simple GATE preparation Grewal; is more than enough)

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