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Brief Bio-Data

Begum Salma Mumtaz

Cine Stage, Radio,TV Artist Film Producer, Distributor & Exhibiter
Second Lady Cine Director of Pakistan Film Industry 1933-2012
Salma Mumtaz originally belonged to a Muslim conservative Pathan family from both sides. Her
native place is a small village of UGGI, Distt: Mansehra. It is very well-known by every Pakistani
that the conservative attitude of Muslim social set-up precludes ladies to be out of their homes.
But she herself proved a bridge between old and new era. She though circumstantially
constrained, but dared to pass upon the gap.
Before her entrance into performing art-world, she was one of such a conservative-lady that she
virtually wore veil and wrap herself into "Burqa"(hijab) from head to toe. She offered five time
prayers till her death. Even during her extreme busy schedule she never would forget it.
Her domestic name was "Mumtaz Begum" by birth. Her father having conflict with some relative
migrated to India. There he started his own trading business. The Family lived in Bombay, Delhi,
Kashmir and Jalandhar.
In late 1930s, when the family was in Delhi, an English man intruded into their house. He was
badly drunk. Sher Zaman Khan, her father ill-felt and could not bear the insult of the sanctity of
his home. He threw the man from upper story onto the ground. The man died on the spot. A
murder case was registered against him. Her mother alone, children being minor, fought the case
up to Privy Council but in vein. Ultimately he was hanged in Delhi Jail. This ruined the family which
consists of 3 girls and two brothers. After having got married her elder daughter in Jalandhar, the
mother decided to migrate to Pakistan.
Salma Mumtaz was married in early age. This was her first marriage which gave her a boy and
a girl. Unfortunately her husband lost somewhere in East Pakistan (now Bangla Desh). After her
father's death, once again, she was deserted. She joined her mother as there was no other way
left behind. Her mother, at that time lived in Lahore. Salma Mumtaz's younger sister, Shamshad
Begum had started working in Pakistan Film Industry as a heroine with name of "Shammi".
Soon after doing some movies she got married with Shah Zaman Khan Alias "Sudhir" a
renowned hero at that time. Till her death she lived as house wife. Due to the marriage of
"Shammi", the family was once again caught into crises. This was the time when Salma
Mumtaz joined her mother with two of her unemployed brothers. Her addition with two children
made the family living more hard, tough and almost miserable. Under the circumstances, living a
hard, difficult and miserable life she won't ever let her honor, dignity and sanctity down. She
bravely decided to be a working lady. Sewing clothes, cleaning of grocery on order, teaching Holy
Quran she started with.

Radio Pakistan:

Qari Ali Husaain Siddiqui (Late) the then Qari in the Provincial Assembly came to her
rescue. He fatherly advised her to take part in radio programs. He sure had found some

evidence of good quality in her voice which she could utilize for her earning. Sewing clothes
etc. gave her meager income to run the family expenses. The advice appealed to her and she
decided to step out to try her luck by participating in radio programs.
Qari Ali Hussain Siddiqui introduced her to Mr. Ishrat Rehmani (Late), the then Asstt: Station
Director at Lahore Station of Radio Pakistan in 1957. She successfully passed the audition
test and started taking part in programs. As the time passed she made herself capable of doing
almost every sort of program such as Dramas/ Features, Narration, Dialogues, Comparing etc.
She also wrote bed time stories for children. She started with a fee of Rs. 15/ and reached to
special category.

H. M.V :
(Late) Mr. Sultan Khoosat (father of Irfan Khoosat), Muhammad Rasheed, Muhammad Hussain,
Aqeel Ahmad, Latifee (the father of Rashid Dar), M.J. Thakur (the father of Nusrat Thakur), Mr.
Aftab Ahmad and Mirza Nizam Din, the then very renowned & famous Radio Artists introduced
her to H.M.V where dramas were recorded on old plastic discs, for playing on old
gramophone machines. Mostly for rural areas. Really they were the great artists who have left us
behind having no audio or video record. They were really devoted-to- art artists. They worked
getting small remuneration, insufficient for a facilitated living. They were sympathetic and helpful,
very honestly, to each other. They lived like a family. They wont ever even think of any misdeed.
The name of Begum Khursheed Shahid and Rafi Peer (a play-righter too) Sheikh Iqbal, Rekha
Iqbal, Mehboob Kashmiri, more over Tariq Aziz the first announcer of PTV, her contemporary
artists cannot be ignored.

Mr. Ishrat Rehmani, the Asstt. Director at Radio Pakistan Lahore had a delicate desire and craze
to promote stage in Pakistan. He selected a team of Radio artists. She was selected to play
leading roles. She performed into the following stage plays:

1) "Rustom-o-Sohrab"
3) "Khawab-e-Hasti"
5) "Khudkushi"

2) "Naik Perveen"
4) "Jameela of Algezire"

These plays were staged at "Alhamra". Sometimes the (only one hall) was not available; the plays
were staged at Y.M.C.A Hall, Central Model High School Hall and sometime in Wapda House
auditorium. In those days, late 50s, no proper requirements / necessities to stage a play were
available practically. Alhamra" had an old, small and dilapidated hall. To attract public towards
stage was rather a very difficult job. Actually this was the primary period of revival of real literary
theatrical activities in Pakistan. Whereas now-a-days the conception and trend of stage has totally
changed from literary plays to commercial mockery. A little value of art and literature is left. Time
changes everything with timely needs. Ambition to serve art was more than earning money.
Almost all the radio / stage artists lived then from hand to mouth. A well-known saying "one who
has the feeling of hunger can have no other feeling" did not apply to that time artists. They
sincerely did their work with complete devotion to Art. The video-tape was not introduced at that

time. Although audio tape had come into use. Almost all the radio / stage artists use to come to
their jobs on foot, bicycles or Tongas. She unveiled herself only for stage plays or otherwise uses
"Burqa" (hijab).

Her Entry Into Pakistan Film Industry:

Mr. A. Riaz was directing a film entitled "Darbar". He saw her in Agha Hashar's "Naik Perveen"
stage play and offered to act upon a play back song as a classical singer in a King's Darbar. She
had been a dancer.
Immediately Late Mr. Khaleel Qaiser, a renowned director, selected her for his film "Clerk". All
the films at that time were being produced Black & White. Color negative was introduced in the
middle of her career. It would be regretful to my conscience if I dont acknowledge the help of
respected Late Tufail Hushiarpuri, a well reputed Poet, Editor and Proprietor of the magazine
Mehfil. He supported her much in introducing her to various producers and Shabab Mufti,
Advocate in getting custody of her children from her in laws.
On knowing about a talented artist, Mr. Ashfaq Malik, the film Producer/ Director and studio owner
, called her for an audition / interview. In audition test he gave her some dialogs of a widow talking
to the portrait of her late husband. During her performance a Board was watching her facial and
voice expressions. She got through successfully and was offered to play a role of a mother in his
film "Salma" (Urdu film). Mr. Ashfaq Malik was perhaps right to find in her motherly feeling,
sentiments and expressions. The sentiments of deep sorrow were, perhaps were driven from her
own life. Here from she started doing elderly roles though she was not so old at that time. There
are so many films wherein she played young to old. In this movie Salma there were also
Yasmin Shaukat, Bahar Begum and Late Allaudin, playing young. The movie
was produced in 1960.
Apart from performing an Urdu feature films, she has a turning point in her career as a Punjabi
feature film character artist. This was the release of her Punjabi film "Mauj Mela" in 1963. It was
an extra-ordinary super hit movie. The writer of the film respected Late Hazeen Qadri, the legend
writer of Pakistan Film industry taught her much in the field. With the success of the "Mauj Mela"
gradually the number of her Urdu films noticeably decreased and Punjabi increased.
Ultimately, she became a renowned, famous and accomplished artist of the Pakistan film industry.
She became a symbol of loving, dignified, affectionate, emotional, sacred, sentimental, good
nature, peaceful, brave, patriotic, prestigious, principle full artist as a mother or elder sister etc. In
her off-screen life, she was, as well, treated and respect by the public in the same manner. She
was the very first lady titled as "Queen of Sentiments".
Being Pashto speaking, upon request of some of Pashto film Producers / Directors, she did a few
Pashto films also. She performed in approximately 450 movies Urdu / Punjabi, Pashto released
or to be released. She was the first artists to achieve a maximum number of films at her credit but
after her leaving to work, the credit went to others.

Her Second Marraige:

Feeling weak alone in the race of life she naturally needed partner. When she was only a radio
artist with a fee of Rs.15/, we developed understanding. I thought, a woman wearing Black Burqa
(veil) which had gone white with sunlight in her struggle must have a character. During meetings
on her mother's house, her complete unfortunate life story came to my knowledge. I was Program
Secretary at that time in Radio Pakistan, Lahore. Knowing more and more we started caring for
each other. The sympathies resulted into marriage in 1958.
My family belongs to a pure Syed Family where never as yet any marriage had taken place outside
"Sadaat". A huge reaction came into family and I had to cut relations with my family. We took a
rented house and started our own independent life .Anyhow, after sometime the relationships with
my family were re-instated. I resigned from Radio Pakistan in 1969. Both of us struggled hard and
hard. Resultantly we were capable of establishing our own film production office under the title
"Salma Art Production".
The first production was "Meri Dharti Mera Piayar" Punjabi. The experience was fruitful. The
2nd production "Putter Da Piyar" Punjabi was much more and extra-ordinary super hit. Apart
from An established, well reputed, good luck artist for the producers with the production, of
successful movies, she became a good luck producer too.

Big Catastrophe Of Our Life:

In 1963 we were enjoying a happy and full of successes and prosperous life. Her fame was at its
peak with the release of Punjabi color film "Mauj Mela". We went on a recreational tour to
Rawalpindi / Murree. While we were at Rawalpindi a bad shocking news appeared in news-papers
that "the Salma Mumtaz's son Shahid who was only 16yrs old and a matric student, having his
education in Muslim Model School committed suicide. We rushed back by PIA but there was left
nothing to do. We never found ourselves as helpless as today. She had a biggest mental shock.
The sudden and unexpected incident shook her brutally. She lost herself mentally. This incident
was covered by every newspaper with their deep sorrow and sympathy. The police enquiry could
find nothing except some "Love Story". This was established upon his some writings found from
his room. On his "Janaza" (funeral ceremony) I can say nearly half of the Lahore city accompanied
with up to graveyard to express their deep sympathies. She was unable to work for a year or so
.There after gradually she came back to herself with the help of the treatment of a psychiatrist.

Re-start of her career:

She first started completing shooting of the clogged movies due to her mental sickness. Afterwords she started taking into hand new contracts. Some of the well-established Producers and
Directors have already got her signed for their multiple movies.

As a Producer, Distributor & Exhibitor :

Up to 1967-69 we were able to save a handsome amount. To quench the thirst to do some extra
ordinary work, she seeked my advice to start producing our own films. I agreed and formed a
production house under the title "Salma Art Production". We also agreed that these movies should
be such that semi-commercial having base upon eradication of social evils, Patriotism, Law and
order, obedience to Almighty ALLAH and freedom movement etc.

1. "Meri Dharti Mera Piyar" (my land my love):

Our first project under the above title "Mere Dharti Mera Piyar" Punjabi B&W was based upon
"patriotism. The story and the theme song were written by her. It was a success and fruitful for
us. Thereupon, I resigned from Radio Pakistan in 1969 (my 19 yrs of service) as I was unable to
run my duties simultaneously.

2. "Putter Da Piyar" ( A son's love) Punjabi color :

This movie was to educate public "Not to Take Law Into their Hands". And that, we should solve
all our problems remaining under the law of the land. This movie was a block buster and gave us
a very handsome profit. Keeping in view the subject and its success, it was decided to dub the
movie into "Pashto Language". So it was.
3. Da Zue-e-Meena":
Under the above titled Film "Putter Da Piyar" was dubbed into Pashto language. Technically due
to our own and Cine-Editor's efforts, we have been able to give 98% synchronization. Not only
upon dialogues but also on the same Punjabi music tracks Pashto songs were recorded. This
was daring to be done in Pakistan for the first time and more over by a Lady Director. Its release
became a controversial issue between us and Pashto film producers. A huge protest started in
Pakistan Film Industry. The basic objection was upon the Punjabi dresses worn by the artists and
speaking Pashto language. They claimed that this contrast doesn't represent their culture. By
mouth publicity, newspaper and magazine, its making was sternly opposed. Even the Censor
Board was involved. This could have easily covered by us but the decision of dubbing into Pashto
was taken when the movie had been shot nearly quarter of its length. Pashto film producers
"cause of protest upon dresses that does not represent their culture" was not solid and justified.
As a matter of fact they were scared of the result that if a Punjabi film with huge top-class artists
of Pakistan film industry dubbed in Pashto makes a success then every Punjabi/Urdu producer
will have a gate way to do so. Resultantly they thought Pashto film industry will collapse. Now-adays Pashto film producers are inclined to dub their Pashto film into other language: The act we
have done 40 years before.
To satisfy their reservations, cause, objection of "difference of culture" a clarification as speech in
Pashto by "Salma Mumtaz" by herself was affixed before titles of the movie. Where it was
elaborated that "This is a story of a mother and son and the sentiments between a mother and
son or brother and sister. Father and a daughter likewise others are universal. These sentiments
have no difference in any nations culture. Hence movie may be watched under these sentiments
and not by cultural point of view. All kept quiet.

Unfortunately the controversial issue and under-current mischievous activities did not let it
succeed. In our presence in Peshawar the first three days were outstanding. Unexpectedly we
have to come back to Lahore. Thereafter, in our absence, all the opponents had free hand to let
it flop, by choking sound, darkening the picture etc etc. At Karachi it made a good business as
there was enough Pashto
speaking community.
Here I find it necessary to mention that dialogs were translated by Murad Shanwari and songs
were translated by Qasim Hasrat a Pashto poet. Mostly Radio, TV and Singers were called upon
from Peshawar for dubbing.I do not want to be lengthy but slightly keeping in mind that due to her
credit and struggle, some past of Pakistan Film Industry may remain on record.

4. "Beaulad"(Being Issueless) B/W Punjabi :

The production of afore-said movies could not satisfy her artistic esthetic sense and religious
spirit. Hence she selected a religious subject wherein a message by Almighty said that "This
worldly richness and your children may be your enemy".
She decided to direct the film herself. So she got the honor of being the second Lady Cine Director
of Pakistan film industry. First being Madam Noor-e-Jahan (the melody queen of Pakistan). She
herself wrote the story. This film being more preaching then commercial could not achieve much
response. We even then continued our efforts.

5. Multan Khan color Urdu:

This time we took a character of a real freedom fighter of NWFP (Now Khyber Pukhtoon Khua).
He was "Multan Khan". One of the then political Agent Roos Keeple in his book addressed him
as "The Robin-Hood of the Frontier". As the subject was related to NWFP, the film was also
dubbed into Pashto language under the following title.

6. "Multaney"Pashto colour :
The above mention feature film "Multan Khan" was dubbed into Pashto under the above
mentioned title, as the subject belonged to N.W.F.P. This was more appreciated then the Urdu
version because "Multaney" was the historic hero of N.W.F.P who fought for freedom throughout
his life. As there is no authentic record available she had to effort much to collect segments of his
struggle for freedom. Musarrat Shaheen was introduced in the movie.

The Pakistan Television (PTV) :

The pilot project of PTV was started for "Adult Education". I know it because I took the dictation
of feasibility plan from Mr. Mahmood Nizami, a litterateur, the then Station Director of Radio
Pakistan Lahore thereafter D.G.P.R. After some time its canvass was widen, adding other
categories of different type of programs. To produce plays there was no other way for them except
to look towards radio and film artists.
Upon the personal request of the Late Mohamad Nisar Hussain (MNH), despite her utmost
preoccupation in film, she agreed to work for PTV. She performed into different plays of renowned
writers e.g. Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi, Dr. Ijaz A. Meer etc. Since then up to her sickness, she
accepted whatever was offered to her by Pakistan Television. In the early days of Pakistan

Television, there were no video tapes and the programs were telecast live, which apparently
needs special talent and experience. Resultantly, performance should have been mistake less.
Radio artists were more capable of meeting the demands. Those artists with an experience of
stage were more suitable for PTV. They were very few. As aforesaid there was no video tape due
to which there is no record of the primary work of P.T.V. As nearly half a century passed, the
artists of that time have also passed away except a few. Radio Pakistan also has no drama or
feature recording of the then renowned artists available so is as PTV.

Social Relations (General) :

Our social relations with our own families were amazing. All the members of our families respect
us much. She practically helped them a lot. She helped her brother in producing his movies "Latri"
and "Balwant Kaur". Bore expenses of girls of the families and their marriages. She helped poor
extra girls and women of film industry. Our own home was more of an orphanage house as where
ever and whenever she would find anybody who needed help and shelter her use to bring him/her
home. She use to send them to school as she believed that only education can bring change in
life and later in society. Other than studies
she use to arrange technical training for those who were interested in doing something in film
industry as editor, director or writer. To be brief she stood where ever she was required to be.
She was really a
Philanthropist. We completed our mission admiringly, dutifully and to our maximum.

Social Relations with the people of Pakistan Film Industry

We use to meet everybody with love and affection. Our colleagues and peers had huge respect
for us, It was visa versa but we never used to attend private parties or functions like card party or
alcoholic evenings etc. Our family values did not allow us to be a part of such GTs. This aloof
attitude kept us departed from being social. We hung in between. Even being loved by everybody
even then we could not attain concurrence to their society. One can say we adopted suicidal
attitude having social relations. We felt ourselves as Misfit. May be we were outdated.
To understand our restricted social behavior one has to have a bird eye view on the development
and history of the Indo Pakistan film industry which has completed its century lately.
In the very beginning, the movies were produced silent after that a development was made. The
dialogs between the characters were displayed in Urdu language simultaneously on a small side
screen. With the passage of time it has now taken the place of subtitling.
In its starting days of Indian Film Industry girls were not available from private families Therefore,
girls to play heroines and other female roles, a selection was to be made from professional
dancing women called Tawaifs. In those days, even kissing was allowed, as I saw in the Late
Yaseen Gorejas film Journal. Muslims were totally against it. This impression of bad name
prevails as yet. It is unfortunate that as soon as this impression is fogged some new scandal
appears and strengthens it again. The modernization of the society with the help of education,
social attitude has changed up to enough value. Major number artists are coming from good,
gentle and educated families. But as yet a bad perception remains there. That was the reason we
committed suicidal attitude in developing social relations with Pure Filmi families. Was it right or
wrong can well be evaluate under the above circumstances. Can two different parts of societies
based on different ideologies be merged?

She had gentle and dignified attitude from spot boy to director or producer but at the same time
carried very firm behavior. Due to it everybody around her not only respected her but also knew
that she would never tolerate any misbehave, rot-talk or any abusive language on the set.
Everybody used to be conscious of her presence.

Her Boldness :
She invested not only physical and mental skill but also invested her very hardly earned income
into the movies based on "Patriotism", Development of moral values, Freedom Fighting and
Eradication of social evils. It certainly proved her devotion to her country. She is readily a
symbolic example for Pakistani ladies to be brave and bold for the progress and prosperity of their
country. By elaboration of the above facts, it is evident that serving Radio, Stage, Films, PTV, she
really has proven herself to be an asset artist of multiple talents, caliber and dimensions.
The most important of her life was that passing through miseries, ups and downs, she enriched
herself not only in earning "money" but "honor", "dignity" and "prestige" at the same time. She
could attain it only due to the fact that she had no fear of anybody, who-so-ever it was, rich or
strong. She only had the fear of God.
The following instances can help understand her fearlessness, braveness & truthfulness:-


This incident happened with a renowned director & producer with whom she had an
agreement of multiple movies. He had number of super-hit movies at his credit.
Resultantly, he had gone proud. Once she was sitting on the set, the producer / director
while giving instructions for lighting abused a light-man. She forbade him to use dirty
language in her presence. Instead of feeling apologetic he said that it was not for her. On
this response, she lost her temper and picked a brick, lying aside, aimed at him and said
How dare you say so". The Director ran outside of the floor to save himself. She followed
him keeping brick in her hand. She chased him until he took a shelter in studio owner's
room. She went after him. He hid himself behind the chair of studio owner. The studio
owner was astonishingly watching that what was happening there. He snatched the brick
from her hand with much effort and inquired about the facts and reason of her anger. She
told him about his using un-cultured language on the set. In short, he calmed her down
and made the director to apologize for his act. She had no fear of cancellation of
agreement, which could result into a monitory loss. She preferred her dignity.


As said above, some of the regular producers, noticing her rapidly increasing popularity
got her signed an agreement of their forth-coming numerous movies in advance. Among
those producers, there was a big studio owner. Five days of every month were reserved
for the shooting of his movies and a monthly remuneration was to be given to her for
those days. Under some circumstances there was no shooting during a month and
suddenly, due to some reason an urgent need of money raised. She went to his office
and requested to release her installment. He flatly refused on the basis that there was no
shooting during the month. She replied him that it was not her fault and that her five days
has gone waste. Nobody from your side acted professionally and informed her before
time. Had she been informed about the cancellation of shooting she would have given
those dates to somebody else. He got annoyed, called his manager and asked him in
Pashto to give HER (abused in Pashto) a cheque of due amount. He did not know that

being a Pathani she herself knew Pashto very well. She became hyper and threw the
cheque on his face and said that money was never her priority. She had always valued
her prestige and dignity over money. A very many renowned personalities were sitting in
his office. Among those there Lala Sudheer, a renowned hero and also her brother-inlaw was sitting there. He made him realize that he was wrong by adopting this kind of
behavior. She came back saying, now you will send money at my home. Here again,
she never bothered to evaluate the consequences as he was a studio owner and by using
his powers he could have banned her entry into his studio premises and also cancellation
of his agreements of multiple movies.

In Pakistan film industry (now called Lollywood) there were some ill-reputed, notorious
and arm-holder producers also. But even knowing the facts we never disrespected them
because they always gave due regard to us. We have observed them minutely to
understand their behaviors. They had their own cause of battle. None of them use their
power while producing films. They were more principled as compared to others. They
all respected her due to her spotless character and well maintained reputation. They
always treated her as their own mother. In between a newly born, really ill mannered,
disreputable man, entered into the industry as a film producer. One day we were sitting
on a shooting set that an unfamiliar man approached us and orderly said "Tomorrow is
my shooting and you are going to play a role in it ". As the man was not more than a
stranger, in return she inquired calmly, "Who are you son? I did not recognize you & also
did not listen the character and script as yet. I have not signed any agreement in this
respect. Also, I have not given you any dates. Tomorrow I am committed for this film, I
am on the set upon. Her reply was totally unexpected for him. He flared up and
threatened, Dont you know me who I am? She said, I have nothing to do with that whoso-ever you are. I don't do films like that. First you come to me, let me listen the script
defining my role only then I will decide if it suits me or not, make an agreement then I will
give you dates after consulting diary. All the persons on the set were very attentively
listening to the dialogs, having a fear in their eyes. These faces clearly expressed that
any moment something is going to happen as they all, except us, knew the fellow and his
notorious reputation including murders. On her answer with high rate of anger, the mans
face was redden. Unexpectedly, he could not do any practical action except giving a
verbal strong warning. He said, I will see, how you will not come to my shooting
tomorrow. Alright, she said firmly, "let tomorrow come". He went away with all his
guards accompanied with him displaying their ammunition. Fortunately, he did not turn
back. After some months he coincidently met in a studio. His jaws were broken. He could
not speak as the jaws were tightened with steel wires. He, surprisingly, paid a gesture of
respect by putting his hand on his fore-head. He had met an accident. Here also she had
no fear of any worst consequences.


One of famous Writer, Poet, Director & Producer of Indian Film Industry migrated to
Pakistan. He initially stayed at Lahore but later he moved to Karachi. Once she received
a phone
call of him. He offered her a character role in his current project. He briefed her about the
role and the script. She liked the role and accepted the offer. He said that payment as
you like and dates as I wish and that is seven night shifts from tomorrow. She
mentioned that it was not possible as the day shifts are committed in Lahore. He
suggested to cancel her day commitments, No, this I cannot do she straight away
declined. Madam, if you will work with me, I will make you an artist he said. She

outspokenly said, Time will prove that you will make an artist or I will make you a
Director. He thoroughly enjoyed her bold comment and appreciated her outspokenness.
OK Madam, lets see, he offered her every day return ticket of PIA for next seven days.
She accepted the offer. For next seven days she use to fly to Karachi in evenings and
come back to Lahore by night coach. This is a rare example of commitment in the history
of Pakistan Film Industry.
All above mentioned incidents reflects her bravery that helped in making her character and dignity
as bench mark for others.

Disability Period:
She was very affectionately, carefully and honorably looked after by me, her grand-daughter and
her cousins daughter Nida Mumtaz, who were raised very well to be a worth part of society. Nida
Mumtaz worked for PTV, did Modeling and afterward in movies.
She lived a wonderful happy life with us. There are very many blessings of Almighty Allah and we
have been given every sort of living necessities. Even during her disability she refused to accept
any monitory benefit coming from any beneficial shows. Although, numerous event management
companies approached her but she refused. She was never comfortable to visit studio on her
wheel chair.
We lived a happy and successful married life of 54 years from (1958-2012) which is very rare to
find in Film Industry. A very few couples of film industry might had or have a concurrence record.

A shock:
At her death some of news-papers wrote that she died in a miserable condition. It is absolutely
wrong and incorrect. We have our own house. She had every facility to lead a happy life. On the
contrary, whenever she came to know about a needy or miserable condition of some artist, she
felt sad. She used to say, I feel bad, when they know that their earnings are depending on
contracts or agreements, then why don't they save something for their hard times.
She lived gracefully and respectfully (without any scandal) and died honorably, having no desire
else she was not Duly recognized by the Government of Pakistan.
Once her bio data was obtained by Mr. Fakhar Zaman, the then Chairman of Academy of Letters
but it remained unfruitful. He offered her to grant some money but she refused to accept it saying"
I don't need any monetary aid but recognition of my services to the country". My all produced
movies have constructive subject-e.g. patriotism, eradication of social evils and old bad traditions
and efforts for freedom. But she was not lucky enough to achieve her desire which she deserved.

I wish I could do something in that regard too.. But I can only wish



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