Impact of Emerging Technologies

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Impact of Emerging Technologies

By Minahil Javed

Individuals and their lifestyle

Individuals experience increased leisure time as robotic vacuum cleaners are becoming
more and more popular. Theses can detect walls and other objects in order to vacuum
around them. People can leave them running while people enjoy extra spare time.

Safer transport has emerged as cars that can self-park already exist and it is predicted
that cars that drive themselves will be available soon. These could drastically reduce road
accidents. Driverless trains already exist in some countries making transportation for
individuals more automated.

There has been an increase in personal safety of individuals as modern home alarm
systems use artificial intelligence software that can tell the difference between the home
owners and intruders. The software automatically alerts the police when intruders are
detected. Thus making peoples lives safer.

Improved medical care for individuals as Robotic surgery assistants are being used
to quickly and accurately pass the correct surgical tools to doctors. The few seconds
saved in getting the correct tool to the doctor can save patient's lives.

It adds to our safety. Global Positioning Systems, emerging technology for home alarms
and fires, and cellular technology have helped to make our lives safer in a number of
ways. If you are lost you can simply plug in your destination to GPS.If we witness a crime
we can report it instantly on our cell phone. In addition, emerging technology has made
homes safer with the ability to detect deadly gases and smoke in the home.

ATM, or Automated Teller Machines, as well as internet banking, have made it easier and
more accurate to manage finances.

Mobile phones contain our lives. We used our phones for everything from social media to
shopping online. They need to be as secure as possible in order to protect the valuable
data that they contain. Apple recently released an iPhone model that uses a fingerprint
reader to identify the true owner of the phone. It will not unlock for a fingerprint that it
does not recognize.

As they are machines, they obviously can't provide you with that 'human touch and
quality', the feeling of a togetherness and emotional understanding, that machines
will lack the ability to sympathize and empathize with your situations, and may act
irrationally as a consequence.
As machines will be able to perform almost every task better than us in practically all
respects, they will take up many of our jobs, which will then result in masses of
people who are then jobless and as a result feel essentially useless. This could then
lead us to issues not only more unemployment but of mental illness and obesity
problems etc.

Over reliance if we rely on machines to do almost everything for us -- we have

become so dependent, that if they were to simply shut down (or even decide they
want to give up this working gig) they have the potential to ruin our economy and
effectively our lives. Although the films are essentially just fiction, they still present a
real possibility if we become too heavily dependent on machines. It wouldn't be too
smart on our part not to have some sort of backup plan to potential issues that could
arise, if the machines 'got real smart'.

When you use internet for online transactions, there is always a possibility of being a
victim of online fraud. As for example, impostors may steal your credit card information
and use them for their own monetary gain.
Emerging technologies is and continue to take the world by storm as it transforms the
lives, making them safer, easier and basically more comfortable .However over
dependency on these technologies may result to hamper the progress of humans but if the
balance is kept it will be prime time for humans to exist.


They have been able to advance in such ways that associates can communicate across the
globe without ever leaving their respective offices. They can send information
instantaneously; download important documents, and a number of other things.

Web conferencing as technology advances at rapid paces each day, more and more
companies are finding that web conferencing is an effective, cost-effective way to handle
business. Web conferencing is a form of technology that uses an internet connection to
hold group meetings or trainings in real-time via the internet. Web conferencing allows
businesses to save a great deal of money on travel costs while increasing productivity.

Teleconferencing is similar to web conferencing; teleconferencing is a popular option for

holding meetings, conferences, or training seminars for many small businesses. Basically,
teleconferencing is a phone call in which more than two people participate. Almost all
businesses rely on teleconferencing to some extent.

Emerging technology has had a dramatic increase on communication in the workplace.

Not only does emailing and instant messaging allow employees and business partnerships
to communicate, but it allows them to send files and important documents instantly
online. In addition, wireless devices allow business people to send emails, check stocks,
and talk to people around the globe from any location.

Expedite processes. Because of emerging technology, products are made and delivered to
store much faster than ever before. In addition, machines and technology help to
eliminate or greatly reduce human error.

By storing data on remote servers, administrators can access the data from anywhere,
even outside of their local office network. This allows information to be better organized in
one place and more easily shared between administration and other parties. Cloud storage

is also cost-effective because administration only has to pay for the exact storage space
that they need.

Technology that protects valuable data is constantly evolving out of necessity. Only the
most up-to-date techniques are used to protect private and valuable government
information. This keeps the most important administrative data locked up where hackers
are almost certainly never to reach it.


While technology has definitely made life easier some fear that the work of technology
and machines in general will make the need for people obsolete in the workplace. This
could have a negative effect on the economy in general as it would increase
unemployment rates.

With technology playing such a large role in the workplace, people have become
disconnected from final products and each other. Job tasks are often delineated; therefore,
fewer people are a part of the final creation. This can lead to dissatisfaction or workplace

Having cutting-edge technology is an ongoing expense. There are initial purchasing costs,
as well as ongoing maintenance, updates and training expenses. Should a system failure
occur, loss of revenue can result due to loss of services rendered or product production

Although emerging technology systems allow business to be conducted at a faster pace,

they are not without their flaws. Systems are vulnerable to security breaches, particularly
when they are accessible via the Internet

With so many devices and abilities, emerging technology has had and will continue to have a
great impact on organization in booming their businesses however due to the imitations of these
technologies organizations must weigh the pros and cons before integration these into their


Robotics can provide improved diagnostic abilities; a less invasive and more comfortable
experience for the patient; and the ability to do smaller and more precise interventions. In
addition, robots can be used as adjunct care providers for some physical and mental
health care provision.

Human organs can be "bioprinted" for transplant by 3D printing. This technology involves
the creation of replacement tissues and organs that are printed layer-by-layer into 3-

dimensional structure to form human tissue and eventually human organs for replacement

Computerized Physician/Provider Order; Entry (CPOE) and Clinical Decision Support

fundamentally change the ordering process resulting in lower costs, reduced medical
errors, and more interventions based on evidence and best practices.

Less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment will also change
nursing practice in the future. For example, heart disease is likely to be diagnosed by a
new blood test that eliminates the need for risky diagnostic angiogram.

Scanning technology is predicted to improve to the point that images of soft and hard
tissues in the body will be so clear that exploratory surgery and invasive procedures will
virtually be eliminated within a few decades.


More research is needed on comparative effectiveness of robotics and human care

providers. Many healthcare providers have expressed concern about the lack of emotion in
robots, suggesting that this is the element that will never replace human caregivers.

The measurement of biometric markers may occur in less than ideal situations in
healthcare settings and in a rapidly changing workforce, cost may become an issue.

Healthcare is just beginning to explore the limits of this technology. There are limits to the
materials which can be used for printing and materials science is a laggard in 3D printing.

The introduction of Computerized Physician/Provider Order; Entry (CPOE) and Clinical

Decision Support requires providers to alter their practice. Resistance is common due to
the time spent on order entry. Implementation and training costs are often significant.

Emerging technologies are without a doubt saving lives and improving the quality of life for
millions thus their advantages outweigh the limitations. Emerging technologies will change the
practice of medicine and proactively create the educational models and leadership development
programs necessary to assure that nurses will have the competencies they need to address
these emerging technologies.


Due to artificial intelligence accurate prediction of weather can be made. Its software will
soon be used to sift through weather data more accurately that humans can and will be

used to predict approaching storms and automatically issuing warnings.

Any carbon-based waste, from turkey guts to used tires, can, by adding sufficient heat and
pressure, be turned into oil through a process called thermo-depolymerization. This is very
similar to how nature produces oil, but with this technology, the process is expedited by
millions of years to achieve the same byproduct thus we can make oil from just about

Hydrogen fuel cell usage has been touted as a pollution-free alternative to using fossil
fuels. They make water by combining hydrogen and oxygen. In the process, they generate
electricity. Most recently, scientists have come up with ways to power laptops and small
devices with fuel cells, and some car companies are promising that soon we'll be seeing
cars that emit nothing but clean water. Thus reducing pollution.

Green technology has come up with better solutions of generating heat and energy. The
suns powerful UV rays are being harnessed through solar panels instead of the wood
burning process. The kinetic powers of wind and water currents are being utilized to
produce electricity that can lessen the demands for coal and fossil fuels. To not only
reduce fossil waste but to generate energy sustainably.

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion technologies convert the thermal energy contained in
the oceans and turn it into electricity by using the temperature difference between the
water's surface, which is heated, and the cold of the ocean's bottom. This difference in
temperature can operate turbines that can drive generators in a sustainable way.


The problem with the emerging technology is that it is expensive and uses a lot of energy.

Power consumption is high due to technology. We are addicted to television, smart phones
and other gadgets. So we always need electric energy to make them work non-stop. This
electric energy is generated by use of fossil or nuclear fuels on large scale which is
polluting our environment.

We contribute a large amount of toxic waste in the name of technological up-gradation.

Now we tend to use laptops and tablets for their compactness and portability. They do not
have separate parts like monitors, keyboards etc. So in upgrading to laptops, all the large
size desktop computers were disposed into environment.

In the name of development, comfort etc. there is widespread deforestation. This is

possible due to the larger capacity of machinery technology.


It can be surmised that the accumulation of negative technological impact can be remedied by
green technological concepts and change of lifestyle. Although technology damages the
environment in many ways, it also has the capability to limit or prevent the damage using such
environmental technologies as recycling, the exploitation of renewable-energy sources such as
solar power and wind power, the purification of polluted air and water, the treatment of sewage
and factory wastes, and the development and production of devices that promote energy
conservation. Thus this is an area of constant progress, but still has not reached the level
widespread practical usage.

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