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Worksheet 9: Audience Appeal - Uses and Gratifications

TASK: Rank these uses and gratifications in order of most importance.


At (usually) 30mins and with no previous knowledge of

characters/narrative necessary, they provide quick and easily
accessible, non-committal viewing.


They offer the opportunity to test your

knowledge/intelligence against someone the enjoyment both of
affirming or boosting your confidence in your own intelligence and
the enjoyment of competing against another.


Because the competition is indirect (you are not

actually in the studio head to head with anyone) the format
allows you all the joys of winning and taking part, shouting at the
screen, without the confrontation if you dont get any right you
can always say that you werent competing anyway!


The format, particularly aided by lighting, music and

the skill of the hosts provide drama with real people.


The host can be entertaining and may make you laugh

or impress you with their assertiveness, their wit/charm. You
may be a fan of the person and therefore enjoy watching
anything they do for the fact that it is a commitment which
you want to honour and it gives you a body of specialist
knowledge which you covet.


You may enjoy the voyeurism of watching real people

and enjoy
criticising them and picking a favourite(s) to
support, shouting and cheering at the telly.


With the aid of computer graphics making it easier to

follow on screen, you may enjoy the pleasure of playing along

and genuinely seeing how well you could have done. Quiz
shows encourage very active audiences.

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