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Location Recce Sheet 1

Name: Liam Woodgate

Date of visit: 30th October

Alleyway near
west parade
and Ashton
Lower school.

Description of scene:
I will be filming the first part of my teaser trailer in which Alex-the main
protagonist-will approach the dealer character and attack him. It is
taking place at night to show contrast between the light in the lamppost
and the darkness surrounding it.

Lighting level:
As I will be filming at night, there may be a lighting issue, however most
of the scene takes place under a lamppost shown in the picture so
hopefully light wont be an issue.
Noise level:
It will be taking place at night and the alleyway comes off a dead end road
so the noise level will be generally low. However it is near the main road
and as such there might be a little bit of noise coming from the traffic.
Potential hazards:
It is near a main road so we will have to be careful about traffic, we will be
filming in the dark so a potential risk will be that we wont be able to see
where we are going and what we are doing.
Overall suitability:
This location is extremely suitable for what I am going to film and the
message I am trying to represent.

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