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Problem Definition:

With the increasing number of human in any country, human

need and use the energy to do work and well-being ever since
existed millions years ago. As a result, many resources have been
wasted with impurity. So, non-conventional energy is very
essential at this time to any nation.
Energy from human locomotion is a non conventional source.
Walking is a common activity performed by a person in his or her
everyday life. When a person is walking, the energy will be
reduced due to the weight transfer to the surface of the foot. This
loss of energy to human body can be made a gain by converting it
to electrical energy using piezoelectric techniques.
During the past decades a few human powered generators or
human power harvesting methods have been proposed.
The first proposed suspended-load backpack generated
electricity by the vertical movement of load carried by human
body during walking. If the weight of the carried load was 20 to
38 kilograms, it would generate 7.4 watts electricity. Next kneemounted generator harvested power using negative muscle
work. An average of 5 watts of electricity could be produced by
each leg with such generator during walking.

Our proposal is to capture human power and generate electricity

for storage and amplify the current or power from this source to
charge our battery faster with less steps. Challenge is developing
a piezoelectric generator that can be employed in the flooring of
trade mill, weighting machine and public places like malls,
railway station overcoming the poor source characteristics (high
voltage, low current, high impedance) and relatively low power


(1)Public places
If we implement piezoelectric effect on the stairs of the malls
railway station, bus station: every time passenger steps on the
tiles they trigger a small vibration that can be stored as energy.
The flooring tiles are made up of rubber which can absorb the
vibration. This vibration generates when running or walking on
it. Under these tiles piezoelectric material are placed. When the
movement is felt by the material they can generate the electricity.
Energy is generated by step of one human being is too less but if
number of steps increases ultimately energy steps increases
ultimately energy production also increases

(2)Dance floors:
Piezoelectric crystal can be used for energy generation in night
clubs. Floor is compressed by the dancers feet and piezoelectric
materials makes contact and generate electricity. Generated
electricity is nothing but 2-20 watt. It depends on impact of the
dancers feet. The constant compression of piezoelectric crystal
causes a huge amount of energy.
(3)Trade mills:
We can employ this technique to flooring of trade mills. This way
exercise machines in gyms can promote themselves as
environmentally friendly and also reduce electric bills.

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