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Swot analysis

Sime Darby is a successful business in Malaysia and it is a company which
involved different types of nature of business in its operations. In the way
to become such successful company, there are some strengths that have
been performed by Sime Darby. One of the strength is Sime Darby
provided a wide and comprehensive range of goods and services in over
300 companies which located in more than 20 countries especially in the
Asia Pacific. These business operations and activities of Sime Darby have
been performed by more than 30,000 employees (Sime Darby, n.d.). In
fact, this has directly increases the marketing position of Sime Darby in
the competitive market. Sime Darby owned the strong presences with the
huge number of existing businesses and companies all over the world.
Besides that, Sime Darby has the strength of lower risks in its operations
due to the diversification of the business. Sime Darby is diversified into
few categories which named as Sime Darby Plantation, Sime Darby
Motors, Sime Darby Industrial, Sime Darby Property and Sime Darby
Energy and Utilities (The Sime Darby Group, n.d.). This diversification
actually leads to the reduction of risks in the company. When there is
uncertainty in one sector and losses might be happened, the
diversification is able to decreases the amount of losses in the company
since it is not only focused in one sector. Moreover, other strength of Sime
Darby is the strong financial performances. In the recent year, Sime Darby
obtained a strong and all round financial performance which it has records
a pre-tax profit of RM 3.1 billion and a net profit of RM 2.2 billion (Sime
Darby, n.d.). It showed that Sime Darby increase the profit by almost 40
percent and this indicated that Sime Darby has an efficient and effective
financial management in its operations. Furthermore, Sime Darby has a
strong governance structure which considered as one of the strength to
improve their growth. The governance framework of Sime Darby is two-tier
board structure which is headed by the main board and followed by the
Flagship Subsidiary Boards (FSBs) (Corporate Governance Report, n.d.).Its
a strong governance framework for

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