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32 Methods For Positive Thinking

32 Methods for
Positive Thinking

32 Methods For Positive Thinking





32 Methods For Positive Thinking





32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction.....Pg. 9
Chapter 2
Think Positive All the Time...Pg. 10
Chapter 3
Use Powerful Words & Images..Pg. 11
Chapter 4
Remove Toxic People from your Interactions.....Pg. 13
Chapter 5
Look for Solutions...Pg. 15
Chapter 6
Dont be Afraid to make Mistakes.....Pg. 16
Chapter 7
Visualize a Positive Outcome....Pg. 17
Chapter 8
Practice Relaxation Techniques..Pg. 18
Chapter 9
Make a List of Reasons to be Positive........Pg. 20
Chapter 10
Daily Quotes...Pg. 21
Chapter 11
Daily Exercise...Pg. 22

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 12
Reduce Stress.Pg. 24
Chapter 13
Be Realistic about Daily Accomplishments.....Pg. 26
Chapter 14
Prioritize your Time...Pg. 27
Chapter 15
Improve Self Confidence....Pg. 29
Chapter 16
Find Hobbies you Enjoy...Pg. 31
Chapter 17
Love your Career Path..Pg. 33
Chapter 18
Continue to Learn and Grow.Pg. 34
Chapter 19
Be Open Minded..Pg. 35
Chapter 20
Forgive and Ask for Forgiveness....Pg. 37
Chapter 21
Engage in Social Activities.Pg. 38
Chapter 22
Give Back to your Community.Pg. 39

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 23
Encourage OthersPg. 40
Chapter 24
Pamper Yourself...Pg. 41
Chapter 25
Start and End Day with Appreciation.....Pg. 43
Chapter 26
Have Fun.......Pg. 44
Chapter 27
Identify Obstacles and Plan to Overcome Them.Pg. 45
Chapter 28
Make your Dreams Reality..Pg. 47
Chapter 29
Embrace Change..Pg. 49
Chapter 30
Stop Procrastinating..Pg. 50
Chapter 31
Slow Down...Pg. 51
Chapter 32
Dont Make Excuses..Pg. 52
Chapter 33
Believe in your Success.Pg. 53

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Conclusion..Pg. 54
Recommended Resources
More Free Resources Just For You...Pg. 55

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means whatsoever without express
written permission from the author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Please refer all pertinent questions to the publisher.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
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32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 1
There are variables all around us every single day. While we cant control
everything that happens or how other people act, we can control how we
react. Gaining control over emotions and the decision to be positive all the
time is going to change your life!
It is going to help you to see improvements in how you feel about yourself
and others. It is going to change your personal and professional
relationships. You will become a magnet that other people desire to be
around. People are going to feel comfortable and encouraged by you.
Such an evolution can be a challenge, but it is never too late to make some
positive changes. Our behaviors are shaped by the world around us. Yet we
have the freedom to change those behaviors at any time. You may have
picked up bad habits you have been locked into for a very long time.
Make the choice to choose joy in all aspects of your life. From the moment
you wake up until you close your eyes for the night. You can decide if what
happens in your life is going to make you miserable or if you will make the
best of it and move forward.
Not everything you face each day is going to be the way you want it to be.
However, when you are faced with adversity, you need to remember things
can always be worse. Identify those obstacles, find a solution, and hold your
head high.
Inspire yourself to be happy and to appreciate the small things in life. Be a
role model for others so they can be encouraged to be positive too.
Implement these methods into your life and you will be on the path to
positive thinking! Soon, it will happen automatically!

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 2
Think Positive all the Time
Your ultimate goal should be to think positive all the time! If you allow
negative thoughts to control you, then you are a prisoner of your own mind.
Being negative can be a dark cloud that hangs over you day after day. It can
be a heavy weight on your shoulders and cause unhappiness.
When you think positive, you will feel in control of your life day after day.
You will feel empowered and that provides you with the strength you need
to get through the challenges. No one has a perfect life, but you can create
one where you are happy and you enjoy what takes place.
One of the easiest ways to think positive is to smile more often! Do so while
you are in the car or when you are walking down the street. This is a simple
way to change your mindset in a short amount of time.
Focus your attention on being conscious of negative thoughts. They enter
the average persons mind more often than we realize. Every single time
one comes along, stop it. Turn it into something positive. Push the negative
away and replace it with the good.
Positive affirmation is a good technique to use in order to do this. Teach
yourself some phrases that you can repeat any time you start to feel unsure
of yourself or it is a bad day. The more you say them, the more you will
believe them to be true. They can help you to stay positive when you are
Some good examples to consider include:
I deserve this!
I am worthy of this!
I want to be happy!

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 3
Use Powerful Words & Images
Remove negative words from your vocabulary! You may say them far more
than you remember, but once you look for them, they should be struck
down! Replace them with better options.
For example:

I cant = I can
I dont = I do
I wont = I will
I never = I always

Spin what you say so that it is positive, and you will feel much better. Only
use positive words with what you write and what you speak. Use words that
encourage and show you are trying your best. Do what you can at the time
and continue to move forward.
Be selective with the words you use. Identify those that symbolize success
and strength. Fill your thoughts with those words and they will help you to
feel stronger emotionally. They will help you to regain control of your life
and to feel happier.
Concentrate on developing your umbrella of such words. You want to
diversify so you dont say the same thing all the time. Any time you have a
word that makes you feel defeated or negative, think of at least three
positive options.
Write down your new words and glance at them often. Try to use them all
throughout the day and the week so you dont forget them. In time, this will
become a natural habit for you.

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Positive images should be part of your daily routine. Have photos around
your home and work environment of those you love. If you enjoy spending
time with a particular hobby or location, have photos of those in place too.
Just looking at them throughout the day can help you to feel relaxed and
more positive.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 4
Remove Toxic People
from Your Interactions
Nothing is going to zap your positive energy faster than spending time
around toxic people. We all have family, friends, and co-workers who are
chronically negative. It is to your benefit to spend as little time with them as
Be aware of your own thoughts and any time you notice you are negative,
spin it the other direction. Do this around other people too who are always
negative. Ask them a simple question when they are complaining about
something what can you do to make it a better situation?
They will either stop in their tracks and think about it and come up with
some ideas or they will be stumped. If you do this to them enough times,
they going to change their ways or they will stop complaining to you. Either
way, it is a winning outcome in your eyes!
You may find it is time to end relationships with people who are always
negative. They seem to create drama and turmoil around them all the time.
You can simply try to step back and hope they dont try to save the
relationship or you may have to have a heart to heart with them.
Tell them you are trying to improve your way of thinking and you are
focused on positive thoughts and outcomes. Let them know being around
them and their negativity makes that very hard for you. It can be a tough
conversation but you will feel a huge weight lifting once you do so.
Sometimes, that isnt possible if the person you are talking about works
with you. There may be no way you can get around working with them.
Limit your interaction with them as much as possible. Try to communicate

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

via email if you can so you dont have to get involved in a verbal
conversation with them.
When you surround yourself with friends, family, and co-workers who are
already thinking positively, it will boost your efforts and lift you up. Toxic
thoughts are like poison spreading like a wildfire. The same is true when
you are around those offering positive outlooks. Strive to find those to be
around whom always look for the bright side of the equation.
We tend to learn by example, and that includes the attitudes of others. Why
do you always turn to certain people when you have a bad day? Chances are
they are always encouraging and comforting no matter what is taking place.
Their positive attitude always helps you to see things in a better


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 5
Look for Solutions
The outcome of any situation can look grim if we are only focused on the
negative side of it. You can let life happen to you or you can jump into that
drivers seat and steer. The path you see may be blurry and unknown, but at
least you are doing what you can to keep yourself on track.
Get into the habit of looking for solutions. Rather than seeing barriers in
front of you, look for opportunities. There is more way to do just about
everything, and you have to make the decision to do nothing and give up or
to keep moving forward.
Every single one of us faces setbacks at certain points in time. You are
mistaken if you think anybody out there has a perfect life where they always
get the outcome they want on the first try. What all successful people have
in common is they never give up!
You may have to work to get around your issues but dont let those setbacks
stop you. Time is going to pass by and you can invest that time in obtaining
results or you can sit there and do nothing. How do you want your future to
shape up?
Think about what if scenarios. What would happen if you tried this or you
tried that? Give yourself credit for what did work and then fine tune the
plan. Sometimes, you dont know it isnt going to work out until you try it.
Experience can be the best teacher, and give you new ideas for how to try
again. Avoid criticizing yourself as that will hold you back and it will ruin
your mood. You may be disappointed but if you are constructive, you can
turn it into a positive experience overall.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 6
Dont be Afraid to make
The fear of making a mistake is the biggest mistake many people make.
They never put themselves out there on the line because they worry the
outcome wont be what they desired. You either win or you learn in every
scenario, so there is no loss.
Take some time to reflect on what went wrong and what you could have
done better. If you didnt give 100%, acknowledge that fact. Identify what
has caused you to be in the situation you are in with a less than desired
outcome. Sometimes, there was nothing you can do about it.
In other situations, there is plenty you could have done differently. Dont
beat yourself up about it. Instead, learn from the past to make a better
future. If you continue to repeat the same mistakes, you are living a very
negative lifestyle.
Take some time to research some of the most successful people around the
world. Men, women, business gurus, politicians, etc. What you will find is
we see their success and we are in awe of it. However, when you look at the
path they took to get there, it was full of mistakes! They didnt give up
though and that is why they were eventually successful.
Dont dwell on the mistakes you have made. Everyone has been there but it
is how you rebound from them that make a difference. Accept the outcome,
make peace with it, and create a new plan of action as you move into the
next phase of the project. Remember, the windshield is bigger than the rear
view mirror so you can see where you are going rather than always
reflecting on where you have been!


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 7
Visualize a Positive Outcome
Visualization is very powerful, and something you should embrace if you
want a positive lifestyle. This is a type of method that allows you to focus
your energy on seeing the outcome you want. Sit in a quiet place without
any distractions. Close your eyes and let the story unfold.
It should be as if you are watching a movie. What takes place? Who is there
with you? What do you smell? What do you feel? By visualizing what you
would like to take place, you can direct your efforts to make that the
outcome. You are in control of your own destiny, but part of that is being in
control of your thoughts.
Create happy visions to help you get through the rough patches and to stay
motivated. Next, find ways to take what you have visualized and turn it into
action steps. This is what takes your dream and moves it towards reality
Visualize the outcome you want as being very successful. This can be
completing a given project or getting a promotion. It can be losing the
weight you are tired of or seeing a relationship taken to the next level.
You may have several visions you create at once. These can be mini movies
that appeal to you. For example, you may have one about your career that is
important to you and one about your social life that you wish to pursue. You
dont have to be limited to just one vision.
Be patient and continue to add new details to what you envision as your
progress continues. When times are tough, focus on a happy thought or a
happy place. Use this as a tool that can help you get through situations that
create unhappiness and anxiety.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 8
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Too much stress can cause you to regress, and that is when you need to hold
fast to your positive thinking. More than ever, it needs to be able to carry
you through the difficult challenges in life. When times get tough,
remember it is a hard day not a hard life.
There are several relaxation techniques you can try to help you boost your
mood and to help you with reducing anxiety. By eliminating the stress you
can focus on your positive thoughts with ease. Start by counting down and
letting go. You may be upset or beyond frustrated with someone or a given
Count down from 100 and focus on relaxing each part of your body from
your head to your toes as you count. Do this slowly and dont allow
anything to interrupt you. When you reach 0, make up your mind to let
those emotions go. Try to relax and put the situation on a back burner until
you can think rationally and logically about it.
Focus on your breathing. This is a technique that is simple and you can do
it just about anywhere. We take for granted we breathe in and out all day
long. Slowly take in a breath and count to 10 as you let it out. This will help
you to relax and to focus on positive outcomes.
Self-hypnosis can be a tool to help you reach an elevated state of money.
You will be able to let go of stress and to be more open to positive thinking.
It will help you to get your mind and body in sync where you can be
healthier overall.
Meditation is a very common form of relaxing to clear the mind. It takes
time to learn so be patient. You need to be motivated and disciplined for it


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

to work. Visualize the negative elements being pushed out and making
room for the positive thoughts.
Start out with basic techniques. Once you master those, you can add more
difficult ones. You may wish to explore options a bit to find what you like
and what works the best for you.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 9
Make a List of Reasons
to be Positive
There will be days when you are ready to toss in the towel. You may decide
all of your efforts have been a waste and you are DONE! This is why you
need to make a list of reasons to be positive. I suggest adding to that list all
the time. Any time you think of something new, add it.
Print copies of your list and keep them handy. Early on in your efforts to
think positive, have them all over the place. They will help you to stay
motivated and to continue to work for what you desire as your outcome.
Some of the places to put them include:

Bathroom mirror
Inside of daily planner
Purse or briefcase

These listed reasons are going to offer you strength and empowerment
when you are at your weakest. There are going to be people and situations
that tick you off and make you ready to blow your gasket. Use the
techniques above to calm down and think logically.
When you face a huge let down, look at those reasons so you can remember
why you should get what you want. It isnt entitlement, it is positive
reinforcement. Do this rather than focusing on why you didnt get what you
wanted or why you may not deserve what you really want.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 10
Daily Quotes
Boost your confidence by starting out each morning with a daily quote.
They are inspirational and you can spend a few moments thinking about
how each of them is going to influence you and what your goals are. You
will find calendars that offer a quote for each day.
There are also apps that allow you to get a daily quote sent to you via email
or text. Think about the way you would like to get your information so you
will make it a habit to look for it. I will tell you; at first I wasnt big on this
idea. Now, I wake up each morning and wonder eagerly what the daily
quote is going to say! It is like getting a small gift to start the day!
I have started holding on to those that are very meaningful to me. I use the
calendar method and each morning I tear off the previous quote to get to
the next one. If it is one I really like, I save it in a folder.
It is nice to have all of those powerful sources of quick inspiration to reflect
upon when you need them. I have also used them to help me create
something positive to give to others when I was at a loss for words.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 11
Daily Exercise
Just the word exercise can make plenty of people cringe! If that is your
mindset, you need to change it! Exercise is important to take part in every
single day. Strive for at least 30 minutes each day. It will help your body to
stay healthy and it will boost your mood.
Exercise is a natural way to boost the chemicals in the brain that are
responsible for your mood. If you feel irritable, depressed, or just not right,
try to go for a brisk walk or take part in another form of exercise. You will
find it does change your feelings in a short amount of time.
Engage in physical activity each day that takes your body into account. If
you have limitations due to your health, talk to your doctor. Even low
impact forms of exercise are good for your body and your mind.
If you arent in good physical shape right now, dont try to go out and run 5
miles. Instead, take it slowly and build up your endurance and abilities.
Challenge yourself to walk a mile, then a mile, and continue adding to it.
This is just an example though, do what you LOVE! The reason people dont
engage in exercise regularly is they find it to be a chore. One more thing
they have to fit into their daily schedule.
When you make exercise something that you love, you will look forward to
it. You will be disappointed when you have to skip it now and then. Try
sports, weights, walking, running, swimming, and more. Find what you
enjoy the most and then keep that as your workout routine.
I for one hate to exercise, but I love to play basketball. Spending some time
playing it doesnt seem like I am working out at all. I have fun; it gets my
body moving, and my heart pumping! I also love jumping on the

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

trampoline with the kids. We bond, we act silly, and we are being active so
it is a winning outcome!


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 12
Reduce Stress
Stress can sometimes be a motivator, but too often it is like a heavy chain
that holds you back. Unfortunately, we can get so used to dragging that
stress around with us that we dont even recognize it. Not until we let go of
Identify the stressors in your life and make an effort to reduce them. While
no one has a stress free life, you can remove a great deal of it. As you
learned in a previous chapter, you need to distance yourself from negative
people and their toxins. That one change is going to reduce your stress
Focus on the important things in life and let the rest go. You dont have to
have a perfectly clean home. You dont have to work around the block.
Balance your time between work and personal life. Dont feel back about
saying no and always make some time for yourself.
Relax and let go of things in your life. Dont worry about things that are out
of your control. If you have done your best to be prepared and to help
others then you can look in the mirror and not feel bad. When you hold on
to grains of sand tightly in your hands, they will still slip through.
Open your hands and take a look at what is inside. Learn how to relax and
how to unwind. Dont let stress get the best of you. Too much stress can
cause the following problems:

Lack of trust
Body aches and pains
Difficulty sleeping

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Difficulty focusing


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 13
Be Realistic about
Daily Accomplishments
We only get 24 hours each day doesnt matter who you are! Yet it is
amazing how many people try to pack every single minute they can with
something to get done. Being ambitious is admirable, but you cant
consistently burn the candle at both ends and not get burned out.
Being realistic about your daily accomplishments is very important. Make a
list of what you need to do and then prioritize it. If you find you are
constantly moving items to the following day you are either expecting too
much or you arent using your time wisely.
Prioritize your day with the most pressing matters to be taken care of first.
If you are a procrastinator, take care of what you dont want to first! You
will feel terrific knowing you got that done!
Get a daily planner and carve out time for sleep, for exercise, for family, for
you, and for work. It may sound silly at first, but by doing this you can limit
your time in any given area. If you arent working enough you can get into
trouble with the boss. If you work too much, your personal relationships
may suffer. It is all about finding a balance.
Dont be too hard on yourself if you dont get everything done each day that
you said you would. This can be a wakeup call that you have too much on
your plate. It may be time to re-evaluate your routine and your priorities.
Do what you can to simplify your life. You will find it is a huge boost to your
positive thinking efforts.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 14
Prioritize your Time
To build on the previous chapter, being in control of your time is important.
If you feel like the clock is your enemy, you need a new game plan. Dont be
afraid to say NO when it comes to new projects or activities. If your boss
asks if you can take on something and you really cant, tell them.
If you are asked to volunteer your time for something and you really cant,
say thank you for asking but I cant commit at this time. You dont have to
give a lengthy explanation and you dont have to feel guilty. If you feel
inclined, you can offer a donation of goods or money to help with the cause
when you cant give of your time.
Be aware of time zappers such as spending too much time on social media.
This is a common problem these days. You arent going to miss out on
anything if you dont know what everyone is up to all the time! Allow
yourself a certain amount of time for social media each day and then shut it
Make time every single day to complete at least one task that makes you feel
good. You should also take time for at least one task each day that moves
you towards your goals.
If you feel like time isnt on your side, keep a log of how you spend your
time for an entire week. Write down everything you do and the amount of
time you spend doing it. You are going to be surprised at where you are
losing your time. Then you can make changes and fill those time slots with
things that are important to you and important for you.
For those of you not well organized, now is the time to do so. Both at home
and at work. Spend some time de-cluttering and getting everything in place.
Get rid of items you no longer use by donating what can be used and tossing
out what cant. Have efficient practices in place at work.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

I discovered getting up an hour earlier each day allows me time for exercise,
checking my emails, and making my to do schedule for the day. I can do all
of this before the rest of my household wakes up. Since I have reduced
stress and I sleep better now, that hour isnt cutting me short on my rest.
The key is to find what works best for you with your time. Be in control of it
so you arent a slave to the clock. Plan meals so you only go to the store
once a week, pay bills online so you dont have to run so many errands.
Find ways that help you to save time but still accomplish what you need to.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 15
Improve Self Confidence
How can you expect anyone else to believe if you if you doubt yourself? You
may not get that promotion because you dont show enough confidence to
your boss. They may like your work but they dont see you as leadership
material yet. You may not like the way your partner treats you, but you
make excuses for it.
There is a huge difference between self-confidence and arrogance. A person
who is self-confident knows their worth. They work hard, they help others,
and they strive to do their very best. At the end of the day, they are
comforted by their efforts and not just looking at the outcome.
Someone who is arrogant is self-centered, and they only think about
themselves. They will do anything for personal gain, even if it is unethical,
and even if they hurt others in the meantime. They are after immediate
satisfaction and they feel their worth is based on their accomplishments
and what they own.
If you dont have much self-confidence, now is the time to change that!
Positive thinking starts with feeling good about who you are and what you
look like. If you have bad habits, make a conscious effort to change them. If
you dont like something about your appearance do what you can to change
that too. Accepting who you are inside and out is very important.
Give yourself credit for what you have done. Your outcome may fall short
but your efforts didnt. Feel confident that you can accomplish what you set
out to do. When you do reach such a goal, you should feel great about it. If
you gave it your all and it didnt pan out, you should feel good about that


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Your body language tells others plenty about your self-confidence. Walk
with a purpose and smile at others. Make eye contact when you talk to
someone and offer assistance when you can. Start conversations, give
genuine compliments, and help others to relax around you.
Dont be your own worst critic! How many times have you given a friend a
pep talk and some encouragement for their goals? Yet you dont do the
same for yourself! Talk to yourself just as kindly as you would talk to them.
It does make a difference!
Visualization that we covered in a previous chapter applies here too. Believe
in yourself and what you can do. Visualize yourself getting the job you want,
dating the person you want, or learning a new skill. Take those visions and
make them part of your life!


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 16
Find Hobbies you Enjoy
If your life seems to be all work and no fun, it is time to change that around.
Find hobbies you enjoy. Perhaps you used to spend time reading or
painting but you havent for quite some time. Make a plan to take part in
those events again. Maybe you have always wanted to take piano lessons or
learn to speak another language. Now is the time to make it happen!
You dont want to let your life get boring and routine. Find ways to shake
things up and to continue to be motivated. Find things to do that challenge
you both physically and mentally. As you try new things, you will find those
that you really are passionate about.
Creating something is a wonderful way to release energy and to obtain a
sense of accomplishment. You can even create items such as hats and
scarves that you donate to a homeless shelter as winter begins.
If you enjoy creating things, take old items you no longer use and make
something new. This is referred to as upcycling. Rather than tossing out
items, you find another purpose for them. This can be a fun and useful way
to let your creative side loose.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking





32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 17
Love your Career Path
The reality is most of us have to go to work daily. Who wants to go down a
career path with something you hate? Your career should be something you
are passionate about. If that isnt where you are right now, make changes.
Go back to school to complete your degree. Continue to look for other job
opportunities in your field while you work the current one you are at.
Explore new directions if you are burned out with our current career. It
may have seemed like a great idea once upon a time but now you are
miserable. I know a guy who became a teacher and it was nothing like what
he had envisioned. For 10 years he hated it every single day.
One summer, it got an extra job doing freelance writing online. He fell in
love with it and decided not to return to teaching. He is now one of the
happiest people I know. All because he made the decision to change his
Give your job 100% and be a great asset. Dont do the bare minimum and
make it harder for the rest of the employees. Go out of your way to do what
you can for customers.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 18
Continue to Learn and Grow
No matter how old you are, what your profession is, or what you would like
to do in the future you need to be open to new things. Continue to learn and
grow both personally and professionally. In reality, none of us stay the
same over time. What we are exposed to in life shapes us and changes us.
You have the choice to allow it to make you bitter, to make you robotic and
emotionless, or to make you happy. Becoming routine and stagnant in life
holds you back. It can prevent you from realizing your full potential. The
quality of your life is every bit as important as the number of years.
Take a look at the big picture. Dont let getting a speeding ticket or the need
for car repairs get the best of you. If we feel negative about everything that
goes wrong or what other people say, you are going to have a hard time
having very many good days.
Let go of the past, but hold on to the good memories. Read books that teach
you and inspire you. Watch movies you love as well as engaging in new
movies. Stop watching the news all the time because it is full of negative
Take a class at the local college to learn a new skill. Go on a trip and learn
about a culture first-hand. Ask your boss what you can do to increase your
skills at work. Find things to do that help you to enrich your life and your
knowledge. This should be something you do ongoing, dont reach a goal
and then stop.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 19
Be Open Minded
You can like people and not agree with everything they say or believe. Do
you want to be happy or do you want to be right? Everyone has an opinion,
and that is what makes us unique. However, you cant be closed minded
and live a positive lifestyle.
It is fine to share your opinion with others, but you also need to be a good
listener. If you are going to share details, you need to let other parties do
the same. Agree to disagree if you cant come to some common ground. Be
respectful with differences and learn from them.
Listening to others is an insightful experience. It is a chance for you to learn
and to explore. You may have had tunnel vision on a given topic for quite
some time. Now you can get some new prospectives. What you hear may or
may not change your stand on the topic, but at least you are open to the
Being open minded can also reduce the risk of conflicts or
miscommunications. Deactivate the situation by asking questions in a nonjudgmental way. Let the other party know you are interested in what they
have to say. It will help turn the issue into a discussion rather than a fight.
Always remember not to take it personally. This is often easier said than
done it is one of my weak points. Keep in mind that everyone if fighting a
battle that we know nothing about. Do your best to be kind to everyone
around you. This certainly doesnt mean you allow people to take advantage
or you dont stand your ground. It just means you are selective in your
When you can look at things through a fresh outlook, it does make a
difference. You may need a few days to reflect on any given conversation

32 Methods For Positive Thinking

before you can start to break it down. You have to get beyond the emotional
pieces of it first.
Try to develop a mantra that is personal for you. It can be the words you are
going to live your life by day after day. It can help you to be positive and to
get through those challenging situations that rise from time to time.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 20
Forgive and Ask for Forgiveness
Relationships change often in our lives, and some are for the better. Yet
there are times when you do have regrets. You may feel like what you did
was wrong. It is never too late to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Make
sure your apology is sincere and it is complete.
This means you apologize for something specific that you did. Dont make
excuses and dont lay blame. If you arent sure how the other person will
respond to it, consider writing them a letter. This gives them time to reflect
on what you have to say. Tell them if they would like to talk, they can
contact you and leave it at that.
Be willing to accept forgiveness when someone else apologizes too. It can be
hard to let go of what happened but do your best. Be honest with them
about how you feel about it. You may decide you dont want to repair the
relationship but you still accept their apology.
One of the bravest things you will ever do is accept the apology you didnt
get! You may be carrying around heavy baggage due to something that
someone did to you. It is time to let go of it and not reflect on it anymore. If
you struggle to do that on your own, consider seeing a counselor for some
professional help.
Depending on the person and the circumstances, you may consider writing
them a letter telling them how they feel. It at least gives you a chance to
share your feelings and get them out. It isnt a good idea to confront
someone who has caused you such pain or hurt so dont interact with them
in person.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 21
Engage in Social Activities
Seeing other people at work isnt engaging in social activities. Seeing other
people in your household isnt engaging in social activities either! You need
to get out there and have some fun. You may have a few good friends at
work you also go out with. Try to keep the lines separate if you feel there
could be any conflicts from it.
Go out there and meet new people! Sign up for a class where you can meet
people with similar interests Go to a concert and enjoy the music with
people who have similar tastes. We tend to get into a habit of only going out
with people we know but then that prevents us from meeting new people.
Find out when there are community events and go to them. This is a
wonderful way to connect with some new people in your area. If you enjoy
sports, sign up to play on a rec team. You will get to know other players
both on your team and on those you play against.
You dont have to stay out until all hours or drink to have fun. You dont
have to fill up your calendar with social commitments but sprinkle them
here and there so you can have new experiences to look forward to.
Consider hosting your own events too. Have a movie night with friends.
Plan a dinner party and have people come over for some great conversation.
Host an 80s music party at your house. You can also plan an event around
the holidays. You may feel more comfortable hosting an event at home than
going out.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 22
Give Back to your Community
In a previous chapter, we talked about not feeling guilty if you want to say
NO to something you are asked to do. Even if the community event is for a
wonderful cause, you may not have time to take part in it. See if you can
donate money or donate items. Maybe you can help with setting up or
cleaning up.
Giving back to your community is something you should do when you can.
Volunteer your time at the schools or the library. Offer to take elderly
people to the doctor. Spend some time at the animal shelter walking the
animals or cleaning the pens.
Offer your time at a soup kitchen or by conducting a clothing drive at work.
Just a few hours of your time donated every single month can add up. Just
think how that would boost any community if all adults did this. You will
also find this is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet other generous
You may not have money to donate, and that is fine. You can share your
time, donate your unwanted items, or help a family in need. Perhaps you
can offer childcare services so other parents can go to parenting classes.
There are so many ways we can all help each other.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 23
Encourage Others
Nothing is going to generate negativity and self-doubt faster than
comparing your life to that of others. Some people brag all the time about
their job or their relationships. Just smile and keep in mind there are plenty
of things they arent sharing with you.
Social media can often give the impression that people are living a life that
you arent. They may be posting photos of their vacation and their families.
This is all good and fine but look at it sparingly. Dont assume the grass is
greener on the other side.
Strive to be genuinely happy for other people and their achievements.
Remember, you dont know how hard they have worked to reach that point.
You dont know the struggles they have encountered or the mistakes made
along the way.
Always look for the good in people, even if you have to dig a bit harder with
certain individuals. Instead of looking for flaws in those you love, focus on
their best qualities. I have a friend who is chronically late and it used to
really make me made. I cant change that about her but I also know she is
one of the most generous people out there. She will do anything to help you
but she will be an hour late getting there!
A few simple words of encouragement to a co-worker or to a family member
is important. When you see your friends going through a tough time, give
them something positive to take away from your conversation.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 24
Pamper Yourself
Do you feel guilty about a day at home relaxing? When was the last time
you spent time at the spa or just doing something that was completely for
you? Most people dont do this often enough. Yet you really do need to
pamper yourself regularly. It will help to rejuvenate your mind and your
If you are constantly taking care of everyone else, there is nothing left for
you. Resentment and negative thoughts can spring from this. Make time for
you first and then you will be physically and emotionally ready to help
Women tend to be less likely to pamper themselves than men. This is
especially true if they are wives and mothers. However, it is always
important to take time for you. Get a sitter now and then so you can go out
for a few hours alone or with friends. You will enjoy coming home to your
family afterwards!
Find ways to pamper yourself that make you happy. This is going to be
different for each of us. It doesnt have to be expensive or time consuming.
For me, it is buying my favorite chocolates a couple of times per month. For
my best friend, it is getting a weekly massage.
It is often said that music is the window to the soul. I believe that, and you
should be aware of what you hear. Most retail stores, casinos, and many
other businesses have upbeat positive music planning. Why? It evokes
positive emotions from their customers.
As a result, they are more likely to linger and to make a purchase. When
they do leave, they connect that location with a very positive experience.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Make sure the music you listen to when you work, when you are in your
vehicle, and when you pamper yourself isnt giving you negative vibes.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 25
Start and End Day with
There is something good about every single day, and some days you have to
look harder than others. Get into the habit of starting and ending each day
with appreciation. Before you get out of bed, open your eyes and think
about what you will do that day. What is it that you are looking forward to?
Each night when you go to bed, drift off to sleep thinking about the good
things in your life. Reflect on the positive things you did that day and you
will be content. Things can always be worse, even when you had a bad day.
Tomorrow is a clean slate to have a better outcome.
Never take your blessings in life for granted. Those you love can be gone
before you know it. Always let them know how much they mean to you and
that you care about them. You may not get to spend as much time with
them as you would like, but drop them notes or emails to remind them they
are important to you.
Take the time to say thank you to those who have been good to you and who
help you. Sometimes, they are just there at the right time to help you
through a tough time. They may have helped you physically, emotionally, or
mentally. Maybe they helped you with a project or they showed you how to
do something more efficiently at work.
Dont assume people know how much they mean to you or they know you
appreciate them. Take the time to say it and to show it. This does make a
difference and it helps you to continue your mission to live a positive
lifestyle. It also makes you someone other people enjoy being around.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 26
Have Fun
No matter how old you are, laughter is always the best medicine. Nothing
will reduce stress or a bad mood faster than being able to laugh. Find
humor in day to day situations. Be able to laugh and joke at your own
mistakes. Dont take everything so seriously.
Being playful with those you care about makes life more enjoyable for all of
you. Of course you need to know your limits. Dont get into trouble at work
due to horseplay. Find activities to spend time with that offer you plenty of
fun. Life shouldnt be about all work.
Having fun is a great way to bond with friends and family. It is a great way
to help others feel comfortable so you can develop new relationships. It is
also a wonderful ice breaker. Explore what is going on in the world around
you, dont be captive to what you know and what is familiar.
Break out of your routine and out of your comfort zone. Create adventures
where you can have some fun and make new memories. Do this alone or do
it with others but make sure you get it done. You dont want to have regrets
later in life when you realize all the things you wanted to do but you never
got around to them.
Having some fun events on the calendar will get you excited and it will keep
you motivated. This can do wonders for you positive thinking. You cant be
very negative when your side hurts from laughing so much and your mouth
is sore from smiling all day.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 27
Identify Obstacles and Plan
to Overcome them
Everyone has obstacles that occur in their life. It is how you plan to
overcome them that determines our future. You can go over them, through
them, or around them. You have to keep going forward and consider it as
an opportunity to take new action.
There have been times in my life when I thought the situation was the worst
that could happen to me. It was really negative and I didnt think I was
strong enough to get through it. What I have learned though is you can
always move forward if you make the choice to do so.
You cant just sit around and feel sorry for yourself. You cant engage in
self-sabotaging behaviors. You have to create a positive attitude and you
need to engage in activities that help you get closer to your goal.
It doesnt have to be an all or nothing outcome. Identify those obstacles that
are challenging you. Then make a plan to break them down piece by piece.
It may take longer to do so with certain ones, but you will get there.
Continue to move forward dont stand in place and dont turn around and
give up.
What is happening in your life right now is just a small speck in time. Look
at the bigger picture to help you relax. This is a temporary situation, a
temporary setback. The combination of time, positive energy, and passion
will help you to get through it.
Always find the bright side, as every cloud does have a silver lining. You
cant have a lovely rainbow without some rain. It may be a sprinkle at times


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

and a downpour at others. Learn to dance in the rain and your life will be
more positive in every way.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 28
Make your Dreams Reality
They sky is the limit when it comes to your goals. Dont shortchange
yourself when it comes to your dreams. Dont dismiss them; work on
making them your reality. It will take patience, discipline, and positive
What is it that you really want? You need to identify that goal before you
can understand if you are on target for it. At various points in your life, that
goal is going to change. There is nothing wrong with it write it in pencil
not in stone.
Once you have that goal in place, create action steps to help you get there.
Assign each one a timeframe so you can hold yourself accountable. Dont
say someday or time will slip through your fingers.
Dont let your negative thoughts be what holds you back. With selfconfidence and no fear of failure, you have already eliminated two of the
biggest barriers most people face.
You have to believe you are going to succeed. If you dont, how is anyone
else going to believe you can? Surround yourself with other people who are
achievers and who are successful. Surround yourself with people that listen
to your dreams and encourage you to make them reality.
Never give up on what it is that you want. Dont let the hard times break
you down. Dont let the challenges get the best of you. Create strength when
you feel like your source is depleted.
Make sure the goals you set for yourself are realistic. They shouldnt be too
easy but they shouldnt be impossible to achieve either. Create


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

opportunities to get results instead of waiting for everything to fall in your

lap. If you never ask for what you want, the answer will always be NO!


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 29
Embrace Change
As a society, it seems we are conditioned to fear change. Yet it is everywhere
we look. It is in our personal and professional relationships. It is in our
communities and on a global scale. It is also part of technology.
If you can condition your mindset to be excited about change and to
embrace it, you will have more success than you ever thought possible. This
should be a very important part of positive thinking that you focus on. This
doesnt mean all changes are going to be easy.
If you know why the change is necessary and what it offers, that makes it
more acceptable. Large changes can be scary and they can cause us to doubt
our decisions. Some changes are up to us and others are forced upon us.
Dont ignore changes, face them head on. Do the best you can with the
information you have at that point in time. No regrets, no fear of rejection,
and no fear of failure. Be confident, be dedicated, and make the best of it no
matter what the outcome happens to be.
All of us have the ability to embrace change, doesnt matter if you havent
before. Dont let it cause you panic and anxiety. These changes can be
exactly what you need to embark on a happier life!


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 30
Stop Procrastinating
NOW is the time to make positive thinking a way of life for you! Not
tomorrow, not next week, and not at the beginning of the next month on
the calendar. Stop procrastinating as that gets in the way of your success.
Days turn into weeks, months, and then years and you are still engaged in
the same hurtful habits.
Face these challenges head on and you will be very proud of yourself. This
is an ideal way to change your negative thinking and to get the results you
want in your life. You may not be able to change a given situation
immediately, but you can make a plan of action and get started. Baby steps
are better than being frozen in place!
The biggest reason people procrastinate is they are stuck on the problem.
With positive thinking, you should be focused on the solution. We all have
problems, but you have to work through them. Be proactive and in control
and you will feel great about your efforts.
Dont let anything stop you. Look for resources to help you find that
solution. Turn to friends and family for the support you need to get over the
hurdle. Keep yourself moving in the direction you want to go, no matter
how hard it is.
If you make a poor choice, dont beat yourself up for it. Hold yourself
accountable, assess the situation, learn what you could have done
differently, and move on. Procrastination is only going to make you feel
worse in the long run. Motivate yourself to take action, and that starts


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 31
Slow Down
For so long we have been told to multi-task so we can get more done in less
time. Then we fill up that free time with more things to get done. It is a
vicious circle that never seems to end. Stop pushing yourself to that point of
exhaustion day after day! It doesnt help your mindset and it doesnt help
you physically.
You arent lazy if you have some free time or you just relax. You dont have
to do all the dishes and fold the laundry before you watch TV or call a friend
to visit. You dont need to have every single day on the calendar with
something written in there. Leave some time to sleep in, to stay in your
pajamas all day, or for some spontaneous plans.
Slow down and reflect on the good things that have been going on in your
life. Think about the good people you know and how generous they are with
their time and other characteristics. You will find you are rich beyond any
measureable amount of money if you are happy with yourself and you have
good people who love and care about you.
Being too busy can create anxiety, and it can be overwhelming. Too many
families dont have enough downtime for them all to be together. Your kids
and your spouse will love it if you can all just hang out with no pressing
needs on the agenda to accomplish.
Even though there are always terrible things on the news, believe there is
good in the world. There are good people engaging in random acts of
kindness. Those stories dont get as much attention but they are real and
they do affect the overall value of humanity.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 32
Dont make Excuses
You can make excuses all day long, but when all is said and done you know
the truth. You know if you werent exercising and you were sneaking sweets
which is why you didnt meet your weight loss goal. You know if you didnt
study until the night before the test and then you got a bad grade on it.
Excuses are often for the benefit of others. We dont want them to
disapprove of us or our choices. Put an end to making excuses for any
outcome. If you make a mistake, own up to it. If you didnt give 100% like
you should have then admit it. People will admire you for doing so.
Dont place blame on anyone else either. You always have the choice for
your own actions and behaviors. There are times when other people can
influence what you do. For example, when you have a group project you
have to participate in. If you do your part that is all you should be
concerned with.
Never get into the habit of playing the victim. Bad things happen to all of
us, and life isnt always fair. Do your best to overcome those situations.
Remember, dont take it person. Most of the time it has nothing to do with
you and everything to do with the other person or people involved.
You dont have to complete any given project all at once. Make small
connections that allow you to see progress. This will motivate you to move
forward and it will also boost your self-confidence.
Any progress is good progress, so dont give up. When you start to get
frustrated, look at how far you have come. You will be very proud of
yourself when you reach your goal. You just have to believe you can make it
happen no excuses and no barriers.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Chapter 33
Believe in your Success
This chapter intertwines with the one about visualization. Always believe
you can succeed and you will. Visualize you getting what you want.
Visualize how you will look and how you will feel. Always give yourself the
benefit of the doubt about success or failure. If you dont take any action,
you are going to fail!
You are in control of your destiny, your mindset, and your behaviors. If you
believe in yourself others will too. When you have integrity and good
character, it will shine through with all you do. It will help you to build trust
professionally and personally.
Be in control of who you are and be self-confident. Make good decisions
with the information you know at the time. None of us have a crystal ball
that will show us the outcome of our decisions. Dont let the fear of the
unknown be what holds you back.


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

Now is the time to take these methods for positive thinking and implement
them for your life. Try to see the beauty in everything and everyone around
you. Find the good things in each day. When you are stressed or in a bad
mood, engage in behaviors that will help you to feel better.
You can let your thoughts be negative, and they will own you. They will be
invisible chains that hold you in place. You are in charge of your own
thoughts and when you make that positive, you will see amazing changes in
how you feel and how you react.
Your future is yours to decide, dont leave it up in the air or put it in
someone elses hands. You can shape it, you can control it, and you can pick
where you would like to go in your life. It all starts with you making the
decision to seek positive outcomes and positive changes in your life.
Believe you deserve the very best life has to offer. That isnt something
other people should get and not you. Dont allow your past mistakes to
make you think you arent worthy of an amazing future.
To Your Success,

Pathway to Triumph


32 Methods For Positive Thinking

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