Poster Titles November 2016

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HPP Post titles 2016

A diet of pills; what could we take to replace food and still maintain good health?
Can we mend a broken heart? (will stem cells cure heart problems?)
Can we sneeze in our sleep?
Caveman to office man, how has human physiology adapted to the modern environment?
Could we use a drop of blood to predict the best drug therapy for you?
Death by grapefruit. (How can felodipine medication and grapefruit juice interact?)
Development of in vitro fertilization
Discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging
Discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells
Discoveries of a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasite
Discoveries of growth factors
Discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system
Discovery of anti-malaria medicine
Discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells
Discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer
Discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection
Discovery of the bacteriumHelicobacter pyloriand its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease
Does the time for an animal to empty it's bladder related to the size of the animal?
Effect of diverticulitis on absorption
Evidence for and against the existence of Leaky gut syndrome
History and examples of Bionics
History and mechinism of general anesthesia
History and mechinism of local anesthesia
How are gastric transit times affected by diet?
How can a grapefruit kill? Interactions with liver metabolism.
How can a peanut kill?
How can the immune system protect the brain from the wrong side of the blood-brain barrier?
How can we use nano technology in medicine?
How do birds sleep on the wing?
How do camels keep their cool?
How do dolphin sleep?
How does temperature affect the taste of food?
How high can a flee jump compared to it's height, and why?
How many types of electronic microscopy are there?
How was DNA double helix discovered?
How was quantum release of neurotransmitter discovered?
Macronutrient food combination has a negative effect on health fact or fiction
Migration of wild geese
Should pre-embryonic genetic diagnosis (PGD) be used for sex selection?
Taking the tears out of chopping onions
The advantages and limitations of personalised medicine.
The Herceptin story (history of the development of the drug)
The story of ouabain
Veggie pharmacology; how does 5 a day prevent disease? (it's not necessarily the vitamins)
What is barberine used for?
What is near infrared spectroscopy?
What is optogenetics?

What is patch clamp?

What is STORM and how is it used?
What's the difference between TEM and SEM?
When is it ethical to take a drug off the market?
When people die of electric shocks, what kills them, current or voltage?
Which mammal run the fasest compared to their body length, and why?
Why are puffer fish toxic to most animals?
Why did Dolly the cloned sheep only live 6 years?
Why does resting heart rate vary in mammals?
Why doesnt a wood pecker get cerebral concussion?
Do Loud Noises Affect Heart Rate?
What effect does nitrous oxide have on the body?
How can we use nutrition to control renal failure?
Is shiftwork detrimental to health?
Is gastric bypass surgery a cure for type 2 diabetes?

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