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Schlum berger

Dow ell



Coiled tubing (CT) has become a widely accepted and routinely prescribed tool for well service and work-over operations
in many areas of the world. What was originally developed in the early 1960s as a means of entering live wells for the purpose
of removing sand bridges has evolved into a multi-faceted technology. The traditional CT well intervention, or workover
applications, still account for over three-quarters of CT work, however, the use of CT technology for completion and drilling
applications is rapidly becoming technically feasible and economically viable.
This extension of CT technology from well-intervention to drilling and completion applications has been achieved within a
relatively short time, largely due to the close cooperation of oil companies, CT service companies, and equipment
manufacturers in developing innovative tools and techniques, and in improving the performance and reliability of the CT
Since 1981, ARCO has been directly involved with the development of several innovative CT applications intended to
resolve specific wellbore, reservoir or production related issues. This involvement has helped to expand the knowledge and
capabilities of existing CT well-intervention techniques, and helped push the frontiers of new CT applications, such as CT
completions and CT drilling. In each case, the resulting benefits reinforce an ARCO belief that CT technology can, when
intelligently applied with a clear purpose, play a major part in the future progress of our oil and gas production industry.
The intent of this manual is to provide the reader with an overview of CT service development and a basic understanding
of a technology that is continuing to expand and evolve into a critical part of the oilfield. Within this introduction section
reference has been made to key elements, companies, and circumstances that have played a key role in the development
of CT equipment and services. In this, every effort has been made to provide information that is current and accurate.

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Basics of Coiled Tubing

Perhaps the major driving force behind the origination of CT
as a basic concept was an understandable desire to
perform remedial work on a live well. In order to do this,
three key elements would have been required:
A continuous conduit which can be inserted into the
wellbore (CT string).
A means of running and retrieving the string into the
wellbore under pressure (injector head).
A device capable of providing a dynamic seal around the
tubing string (stripper).
Coiled tubing technology is based on the use of a continuous, flexible steel tube (the CT string) which is coiled on a
reel for transport and storage. The surface end of the CT
string is connected to a high-pressure swivel joint on the
reel hub to enable fluids to be pumped through the string continuously if so desired.
The CT string is run into and retrieved from the wellbore by
the injector head which combines several hydraulically
operated functions to enable the coiled tubing unit (CTU)
operator a high degree of control over the position and
movement of the CT string.
A stripper assembly mounted below the injector head
provides a dynamic seal around the tubing string enabling
the tubing to be run and retrieved on live wells. Secondary
and contingency pressure control functions are provided by
a blowout preventer (BOP) assembly mounted between the
stripper and the wellhead.
The CTU is operated from the control cabin which is
designed as a single point control and monitoring station for
the primary functions of the CTU and associated equipment

Schlum berger
Dow ell

contra-rotating chains, a design that is still used by the

majority of CT units today. The stripper was a simple,
annular-type sealing device that could be hydraulically
activated to seal around the tubing at relatively low wellhead pressures.
The tubing string used for this early model was fabricated
by butt-welding 50 ft sections of 1-3/8-in. OD pipe into a
15,000 ft string and spooling onto a reel with a 9 ft diameter
Although this was the first operational CT unit, it was based
on concepts and ideas that had been previously developed
for other purposes as early as 1944.
Prior to the Allied invasion of Europe in 1944, engineers
developed and produced very long, continuous pipelines for
transporting fuel from England to the European Continent to
supply the Allied armies.
PLUTO was an acronym for Pipe Lines Under The Ocean,
and the effort involved the fabrication and laying of several
pipelines across the English Channel. A total of 23 lines
were laid; 17 were made from lead pipe and 6 from steel
pipe. The steel lines were fabricated by butt-welding 20 ft
joints of 3-in. ID pipe into 4,000 ft. sections. These
intermediate lengths were then welded and spooling onto
floating drums that were 70 ft. wide and 40 ft. in diameter.
The pipelines, approximately 70 miles in total length, were
laid by towing the drums across the channel while the
pipeline unspooled.
The successful fabrication and spooling of continuous
flexible pipeline, laid the foundation for further developments that eventually lead to downhole tubing strings used
in modern CT.
Steps leading to the 1962 Bowen unit included:

Origin of Coiled Tubing

In the late 1940s, several concepts relating to the

injection of continuous tubing or cable into a live wellbore
were patented.

It is generally agreed that the first practical, fully functioning

CT unit was developed by the California Oil Company and
Bowen Tools in 1962 for the purpose of washing out sand
bridges in wells along the U.S. Gulf Coast.

In the early 1950s, several concepts relating to drilling

with continuous, flexible strings were patented.

The injector head operated on the principle of two vertical,

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In the early 1960s, a device was developed by Bowen

Tools for use in antenna-deployment aboard submerged

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Prefabricated tubing lengths

Commencing spooling

Spooling the pipeline

Laying the pipeline

Figure 1. Operation PLUTO - "the birth of coiled tubing ?"

submarines. The antenna, a 5/8-in. brass tube, was
spooled onto a reel for storage and was capable of
reaching the surface from a submerged depth of 600 ft.
This system used the same principle of the contrarotating chain drive that would be later adopted for CT
In 1962, Bowen adapted the injector design used on the
antenna deployment for the prototype that was developed
with the California Oil Company.

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Following the success of the Bowen Tool, California Oil

Company efforts, in 1964, Brown Oil Tools and Esso
collaborated to develop a system that utilized a slightly
different principle for the injector design. Instead of a set of
contra-rotating chains to grip and drive the tubing, the
tubing was squeezed between a single chain and a grooved
drive wheel. The entire unit was mounted in a portable,
hydraulic mast that suspended the CT unit above the

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Figure 2. Brown injector head circa 1964.

A variation of this design exists today as alternative to the
widely-used contra-chain systems. The Brown Oil Tool unit
was designed for 3/4-in tubing and was successfully used
for wellbore cleanouts, on onshore and offshore wells.
In both the Bowen and Brown Oil Tools developments, the
CT units were developed for specific clients and were oneof-a-kind prototypes. However, the success of these prototypes soon generated a commercial interest in CT as a
service to be provided on a call-out basis for oil companies.
In 1967, NOWSCO first provided CT services to several
clients who did not want to develop or purchase their own
units. Nowsco began by leasing a modified version of the
original Bowen Tools design (for 1/2-in. tubing) for nitrogen
injection services. As a result of increased demand for CT
services, NOWSCO ordered 12 similar units from Bowen
Tools. This marked the beginning of the CT service

accommodate tubing up to 1-in CT. By the mid-1970s, over

200 of the original-design CT units were in service.
In the late 1970s, the evolution of injector design was
influenced by several new equipment manufacturing companies (Uni-Flex Inc., Otis Engineering, and Hydra Rig
Inc.). In general, these companies based their units on the
original Bowen Tools contra-chain design, however UniFlex Inc., improved the design significantly. Although UniFlex stopped production of its units around 1978, many of
its design concepts have been incorporated into the equipment of modern manufacturers.
At about the same time Uni-Flex ceased manufacturing CT
equipment, Brown Oil Tools also ceased manufacturing the
drive-wheel model. However, a variation of this design was
re-introduced in 1985. This unit retains the drive-wheel
concept, but used rollers, instead of chain, to force the
tubing against the drive wheel (providing traction).

Improvement and Evolution of Coiled Tubing

Evolution Of The Continuous String Tubing

Throughout the remainder of the 1960s and into the 1970s,

both Bowen Tools and Brown Oil Tools continued to
improve, modify, and enhance their respective designs to

Throughout the period when injector heads were being

improved, the tubing string was also undergoing some
significant development.

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The Bowen Tools prototype of 1962 used 1-3/8-in. tubing,

however, the models produced commercially for NOWSCO
used 1/2-in. tubing. By the early 1970s, the tubing size was
increased to accommodate 1-in. tubing.
The Brown Oil Tools prototype of 1964 used 3/4-in. tubing,
but was modified by 1967 to handle 1-in. tubing.
In summary, the early commercial period of CT services,
during the late 1960s and early 1970s, was dominated by
tubing sizes up to 1-in. and relatively short string lengths.
The tubing diameter and length was limited by the mechanical properties of the tubing material and the manufacturing
techniques of that era.
Early CT operations were plagued by string failures due to
the inconsistent quality of the tubing strings. A major part
of the problem related to the many butt-welds in the tubing
string, necessitated by manufacturing limitations.

Early tubing manufacture used techniques developed during the PLUTO project and involved butt-welding 50 ft.
sections of milled tubing into a continuous length for
spooling onto a reel. This meant that there was a butt weld
every 50 ft throughout the tubing string.
By the late 1960s, techniques had been developed to allow
tubing strings to be milled in much longer lengths. This
decrease in the number of welds throughout the string was
accompanied by an improvement of the steel properties.
The resulting improvement in string reliability significantly
benefited CT services (Figure 3).
In 1969, the quality of the tubing was further improved when
Southwestern Pipe Inc. began manufacturing CT using
improved material and techniques. Another company,
Quality Tubing Inc., started manufacturing tubing in 1976
using a process similar to Southwestern Pipe. At that time
Quality manufactured exclusively for a single CT service
company. However, by 1982, Quality Tubing provided CT


Operation PLUTO - 30 ft lengths


250 ft strip lengths (Republic Tubing, USA)


1000 ft strip lengths


1700 ft strip lengths


3500 ft strip lengths (Japanese Suppliers)


Tubing milled continuously

Figure 3. CT string construction.

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CT string and

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Control cabin
and power pack

Injector head
H igh

Temperatur e

LowOi l

l an

i ur
Pr O


Per m

i ne
t er

St rat
Kilne Em Ki

r e
Pr s

Quad BOP

Fluid handling
and pumping

Nitrogen handling
and pumping

Electric power to
the toolstring

Tool string

Electronic data
from the

Figure 4. CT operations - principal equipment components.

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strings to the general CT industry, and with Southwestern

Pipe, dominated this market. The techniques used, at that
time, allowed for the manufacture of 1-1/4-in. CT in continuously milled lengths of 1,500 ft.
During the 1980s, CT materials and strings improved
1980 - Introduction by Southwestern Pipe of 70 ksi yield
steel for milling tubing
1983 - Introduction by Quality Tubing of continuouslymilled tubing lengths of 3,000 ft.
1987 - Development by Quality Tubing of bias-welding
the sheets of steel prior to milling to provide a stronger,
milled tubing.
Over this period of development, the maximum practical
CT size was increased, first to 1-1/2-in. and subsequently
to 1-3/4-in. By 1990, the first 2-in. tubing was being
produced, followed shortly by 2-3/8-in., 2-7/8-in., and 3-1/
Today, 2-3/8-in. tubing is generally considered the largest
practical size CT well service work. The larger sizes are
more commonly used in CT completion applications,
where cycling, and the resulting fatigue is not a major issue.

Coiled Tubing Today

As the complexity of CT equipment and services has
increased it has become more difficult to briefly summarize the advantages of applying CT technology. Speed and
economy were early drivers or incentives for the use of CT
and still remain a key feature. The relatively small unit size
and short rig-up times compare favorably with those of
conventional workover units . However, many other technical advantages can now be applied, depending on the
specific wellbore, reservoir and location conditions.
Commonly cited advantages over conventional workover
methods, e.g., a workover rig, include:
Safe and efficient live well intervention
Capability for rapid mobilization, rig-up and well site
Ability to circulate while RIH/POH
Reduced trip time (RIH, POOH) and production downtime
Lower environmental impact and risk
Reduced crew/personnel requirements
Lower cost with greater flexibility

CT Drilling
Although a more detailed history of coiled tubing drilling is
given in the Coiled Tubing Drilling Manual, reference should
be made to influence given to the general evolution and
development of CT technology.
The initial concept of using a continuous drill string dates
from the late 1940s. However, it was not until 1964 that the
concepts were actually employed. In similar, but independent efforts, the French Petroleum Institute and the Cullen
Research Institute developed working prototypes of continuous drilling systems. In 1976, the Canadian company
FlexTube Services Ltd., developed and commercial operated a continuous drilling system for several years.
The modern CT drilling era began in 1991 and has rapidly
progressed providing the major driving force behind the
development of the 2-in. and 2 3/8-in. CT sizes.

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Similarly, it is becoming more difficult to summarize the

growing list of applications for which CT can be considered.
Early applications were designed around the fluid circulating/placement capabilities of the CT string, while more
recent applications can rely on several unique features of
the CT string and associated equipment.
The majority of current CT applications are enabled by one
or more of the following unique features.
Live well operations - CT pressure control equipment
enables the functions listed below to be safely applied
under live well conditions.
High pressure conduit - CT string provides a high pressure
conduit for fluid circulation into, or out of the wellbore. In
addition, hydraulically operated tools may be operated or
powered by fluid pumped through the string.

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Select treatment
(i) Fluids
(ii) Tools

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Acquire job design data

(i) Reservoir
(ii) Wellbore
(iii) Wellsite/location
Select equipment
(i) CT equipment
(ii) Pressure control equipment
(iii) Special equipment

Prepare plans and procedures

(i) Normal operating procedures
(ii) Emergency responses
(iii)Contingency plans

Perform treatment

Evaluate treatment

Figure 5. CT operations - principal job designand execution elements.

Continuous circulation - fluids may be pumped continuously while the CT string is run and retrieved.
Rigidity and strength - the rigidity and strength of the CT
string enables tools and devices (and the string itself) to
be pushed and pulled through highly deviated and horizontal wellbore sections.
Installed conductors and conduits - electrical conductors
or hydraulic conduits may be installed in the CT string,
and terminated at the CT reel. This enables additional
control and power functions to be established between
the BHA and surface facilities.
The ability to easily adapt equipment, tools and techniques
for specific purposes is a significant advantage of CT
technology. This flexibility combined with specific location
or local requirements, has resulted in regional "hot spots"
of activity and development. In such areas, CT technology
is not only accepted but is supported by often pioneering
work in equipment or technique development, e.g., zonal
isolation and coiled tubing drilling (CTD) in Alaska.

widely varying conditions, using a range equipment of

differing capacity and capability. As a result, there is no
standard equipment configuration which is applicable to all
conditions. However, there are principal equipment components used on each operation that are generally considered
to be common to all applications. The illustration in Figure
x identifies the principal equipment components typically
required to complete safe and efficient CT operations.
The variety of applications, equipment configurations and
operating conditions means there is no standard job planning and design process. However, there are job design and
planning elements which should be applied to each operation. The illustration in Figure 5 identifies the principal job
design and execution elements that should typically be
considered for all CT operations.
The components and elements identified above provide the
basis for the content and structure of this manual which is
compiled in four distinct sections and supported by supplementary information in appendices.
CT String

Modern coiled tubing equipment is now commonly used to

perform a variety of applications on wellsites or locations of

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CT Equipment

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First downhole CT
1.315 in. x 50 ft butt
-welded to length


1 in. CT

3-1/2 in. CT
gas lift strings


4-1/2 in. (flowline)

2 in. CT


Hydraulic conduit
(control string)

1-3/4 in. CT


2-3/8 in.
& 2-7/8 in. CT

CT string
in 3000 ft lengths


Continuous string
using bias weld

1-1/4 in. CT


1-1/2 in. CT

Canadian string
using 2.3/8 in.
X-42 pipe


70 ksi yield

First continuous
CT (1/2 in. & 3/4 in.
x 2000 ft lengths)


Canadian string
using 2-3/8 in.
aluminium tubing

Operation PLUTO
3.35 in. x 20 ft butt
welded into 4000 ft lengths

CT sizes
in 80 ksi yield


Figure 6. CT string material and product developemnt.

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CT Applications
Safety and Contingency Planning
Many technical papers, magazine articles and similar
reference sources have been used in the preparation of this
manual. The publication of case histories and actual
experiences are acknowledged as providing valuable contribution to the general furtherance and acceptance of CT

Schlum berger
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Despite the considerable technical advances in modern CT

string chemistry and design, a CT string should still be
regarded as a consumable product, which has a limited
safe working life. Many demands are made upon CT strings
so reliability and predictable performance are critical qualities if operations are to be completed confidently within the
safe operating envelope of the string. Since many desired
string properties are contradictory in effect, the requirements of a CT string are typically determined as a compromise of specifications relating to material chemistry (metallurgy) and the material physical properties. For example,
a material having high corrosion resistance may have low
fatigue resistance.

Most coiled tubing strings are constructed from highstrength low alloy steels which are formed into high specification tubing with the desired chemical, physical and
geometrical properties. Under development are composite-material, special alloy, and fiberglass tubing. Improving
the reliability of CT strings was generally regarded as the
prerequisite necessary for the acceptance of CT services
as a viable well servicing option. Manufacturing processes
and quality control/assurance systems can now deliver a
consistent product with a predicable performance and the
manufacturing process is adaptable to the extent that CT
work strings are commonly designed to the individual
requirements of the customer (typically the CT service
Coiled tubing, or pipeline was first developed during World
War II as a means of supplying fuel to the invasion forces
following the Normandy landings. The PLUTO (Pipe Line
Under The Ocean) project investigated the feasibility of
coiling 3-in. pipeline onto to massive floating spools were
designed to lay the pipeline as they were towed across the
English Channel. In excess of 20 pipelines were subsequently laid providing the allied forces with fuel to sustain
the liberation of occupied Europe (Figure 3).
While the chemistry, physical properties and construction
of modern coiled tubing is significantly different form that
fabricated for the PLUTO project, many of the issues and
concerns identified then are equally valid now. For example
the inherent weakness associated with butt welding tubes
and the resulting influence on fatigue were identified during
this early work.

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The reliability of modern CT services is assured through

application of a comprehensive string management system throughout the life of the string. This is based on a
thorough understanding of the parameters influencing string
performance, and the implementation of procedures designed to control or monitor resulting effects. For example,
fatigue and corrosion can significantly reduce the safe
working life and reliability (predictability) of a CT string. By
tracking the parameters influencing these mechanisms an
efficient string management system does not necessarily
prevent fatigue or corrosion, but provides a reliable means
of accounting for the effects, thereby ensuring continued
reliability of string and service.
Further explanation of this development process and factors effecting the design and operation of modern CT
strings are contained in Section 100 of this manual.
At first glance, much of todays CT equipment bears great
similarity to the early equipment designs of the 1960s.
However, over this period the "weak areas" have been
improved and as factors or parameters influencing service
quality became known or better understood, equipment
modifications and reworked designs were implemented. As
with most well servicing industries, there has been a
preference for generic or "standard" coiled tubing unit (CTU)
designs which enable a higher degree of flexibility in
application and wellsite conditions. With the increased
global CT market and the wider acceptance of specialized
services such as coiled tubing drilling, the use of custom
designed equipment is becoming more common.

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Early live
cable injection


Contra rotating
chain drive system

Side door


Live well

of wheel
injector head


5000 &
10000 psi Quad

Otis & Uniflex
CTU Introduced


Combi BOP

Brown & Esso

use 3/4 in. wheel


Brown & Uniflex

cease to

Bowen system
used on


Bowen 5M
& 8M CTU


40,60 & 80K

injector heads


Automatic stab
BHA deployment

Figure 7. CT equipment development.

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Wellbore fill
removal and fishing
inside tubing

CT completion
velocity string


CT completion
gas lift string

First commercial
CT drilling
1500 ft gas wells



Test drilling
with CT


CT logging




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Resumption of


Figure 8. CT application evolution.

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The basic functions required of CT equipment largely

remain as they did in the early days of CT services, e.g.,
run-in, pull-out, maintain well security. However, the conditions under which these are now to be achieved can be
considerably different. Modern CT strings are typically,
larger (OD), heavier and longer. They are run and retrieved
from wells which are deeper, hotter and have higher
wellhead pressure. In addition, the wellbore can be deviated, horizontal or, in some cases, fearsome combinations
of both.
Many modern applications have very close depth tolerances and can require the application of highly controlled
force downhole. Also, tools and downhole equipment providing data for real-time analysis are now routinely used.
Each of the factors above have been addressed by equipment designers and manufacturers. The result is efficient
but complex CT equipment spreads which require operator
skill and competency far beyond that which has historically
been considered adequate for safe CTU operation.

One of the most visible developments influencing the

design and operation of CT equipment is the introduction of
software modeling, monitoring and recording equipment.
Sophisticated computer models can accurately predict the
forces exerted on the CT string for any given wellbore and
treatment conditions. In addition, the behavior of treatment
and wellbore fluids can be modeled. This combined with the
ability to use powerful wellsite computers to monitor operating parameters assists CTU operators to complete the
operation while fully understanding the implications of their
Significant developments in the evolution of modern CT
equipment are shown in Figure 7. Further explanation of this
development process and factors effecting the selection
and operation of CT equipment are contained in Section 200
of this manual.



Well Security
Figure 9. CT operation safety and contingency planning factors.

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An important aspect of CT operations that is often overlooked is that CT simply provides a means of conveyance
for fluids, tools or equipment required to complete the
desired treatment. Only by successfully combining such
fluids and tools with well executed CT services can CT
applications be successfully completed. Consequently,
most CT applications are undertaken through the collaborative effort of two or more service company "disciplines",
departments or organizations. In such circumstances,
good communication skills and team working are prerequisites for a successful job. One obvious, but often overlooked means of encouraging better team working is to
ensure the goals, i.e., the operation objectives, have been
clearly defined. This enables personnel and organizations
to focus on a common objective rather than their individual
The unique features offered by CT conveyance, e.g., safe
live well operations, continuous circulation and electrical
connection with the BHA, provide benefits that cannot be
achieved by any other well intervention method (e.g., work
over rig, snubbing, wireline). In the development of CT
applications, these features have been applied in two main
ways. Earlier efforts focused on adapting existing technology to use with CT, e.g., using CT to push logging tools
through deviated wellbores. However, more recent technique developments combine two or more CT features and
incorporated them into application systems specifically
designed for CT conveyance, e.g., underbalanced drilling
with wireline telemetry and control system or stimulation
treatments performed with a real-time bottom hole pressure
and temperature sensor system.
The profile and configuration of oil and gas wellbores have
changed significantly over the relatively short history of CT
services. For example, highly deviated and horizontal
wellbores are now common, completions are now specially
configured with the intention of using CT for subsequent
intervention and many completion or intervention activities
require highly accurate depth correlation. Therefore, it is
understandable that routine CT applications have changed
accordingly. Such changes are evident not only in the
equipment, tools and hardware but significant developments are also noticeable in the design methodology
applied in the preparation and execution of modern CT

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The value of adequate and accurate job design data has

been realized, as have the benefits of comprehensive and
documented operating procedures which typically also
include a means of verifying that equipment and personnel
are prepared and capable of completing the operation as
intended. With the increased demands being made of CTU
operators it is becoming increasingly important that personnel are fully trained, and verified as competent, for the tasks
to be undertaken. While this rationale has its roots in safety
and pressure control issues, the complexity of modern CT
operations and the implications of wellsite incidents often
demands that on-the-job-training is no longer a feasible
Significant developments in the evolution of modern CT
applications are shown in Figure 6. Further explanation of
this development process and factors effecting the design
and execution of modern CT applications are contained in
Section 300 of this manual.
The equipment and techniques employed on almost all CT
operations today have evolved from a process within which
safety is a major concern. In this context safety issues are
generally categories in one of four areas:
Well security/pressure control
No attempt is made at prioritizing the importance of these
areas, rather that safety issues in each of these areas be
adequately addressed during the planning and execution
phase of every operation.
A vital part of any job planning process relates to contingency planning which is intended to minimize response
time or operation downtime. Contingency plans provide a
reference source in the event reasonably foreseeable, but
unplanned conditions are encountered during an operation.
Note: Contingency plans should not be confused with
emergency responses which are rapid and instinctive

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actions performed by the CTU operator to prevent, contain

or resolve an emergency condition.
The safety and contingency planning recommendations
made in Section 400 of this manual are provided as
guidelines for the preparation of detailed plans or procedures. Such documents should be prepared for every CT
operation and take account of the specific treatment
requirements and wellsite conditions.

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