Mock Revision List Yr11

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Year 11 Mock Revision List

Paper 1 The Physical Environment (Thursday 8th December)

TOPIC 1: Coastal Environments

Topic Area
Types of wave destructive and constructive
4 types of coastal erosion hydraulic action,
corrosion/solution, abrasion, attrition and types weathering
Mass Movement slumping and soil creep
Landforms created by erosion headlands/bays, wave-cut
platforms, caves/arches/stacks/stumps
Process of Longshore Drift and formation of beaches, spits
and bars
Factors affecting rates of coastal erosion
Effects of coastal recession on people/places
Coastal Flooding prediction, planning and prevention
Coastal Defences range of hard and soft engineering

Case Study?

North Norfolk Coast, Holderness

Coastline, Walton-on-the-Naze
Walton-on-the-Naze, Cornwall
(revision guide)

TOPIC 2: River Landscapes

Topic Area
Drainage basins and river processes
Changes in river profile characteristics
4 types of coastal erosion hydraulic action,
corrosion/solution, abrasion, attrition and types weathering
Mass Movement slumping and soil creep
Upper course features v-shaped valleys, waterfalls,
interlocking spurs
Middle course features - meanders
Lower course features oxbow lakes, floodplains, levees
Human & physical causes of flooding
The effects of flooding
Flood prevention & prediction hard & soft engineering

Case Study?

Bangladesh, York, Boscastle,

South England
River Ouse, York (HIC), river
Nene, Bangladesh (LIC)

TOPIC 3: A Wasteful World

Topic Area
Types of waste & differences between waste production in
LICs and HICs.
Domestic types of waste in HICs.
Local scale waste solutions.
Recycling paper & cardboard, glass, cans and plastics.

National scale waste solutions (HICs).

Advantages & disadvantages of the production &
development of a non-renewable & renewable energy
Global energy consumption.
Energy wastage domestic scale & in industry.
Solutions to energy wastage national, local & domestic
Carbon Footprints differences between HICs and LICs

Case Study?

re3 waste management

partnership between Bracknell
Forest Council, Reading Council
& Wokingham Council Recycling paper & cardboard,
glass, cans and plastics.
Germany Municipal waste,
nuclear waste and toxic waste.
Coal & wind.

House regeneration - Lakes

Estate, Milton Keynes.
Waste incineration Eastcroft
Energy, Nottingham.

Paper 2 The Human Environment (Friday 9th December)

TOPIC 1: Settlement Change

Topic Area
Characteristics of functions of Settlements (Residential,
Market Centres etc)
Changes to settlement function over time in the UK
Counter-urbanisation causes and effects on rural areas
Rural Depopulation causes and effects
Causes of UK Housing Shortage
Deindustrialisation > Brownfield Sites advantages and
Greenfield Sites advantages and disadvantages
Causes and effects of rapid urban growth of LIC cities

Case Study?
Aberfan, Wales
St Ives, Cambridgeshire
Scottish Highlands
Norwich Riverside Development,
Bradford (revision guide)
Peacock Farm Estate, Bracknell
Cairo, Egypt. Dhaka, Bangladesh
(revision guide)

TOPIC 2: Population Change

Topic Area
Global population change including future predictions.
Demographic Transition Model (DTM) causes of birth &
death rate changes.
Population density & distribution.
Anti-natalist policies (reducing birth rates).
Pro-natalist policies (increasing birth rates).
Population pyramids.

Ageing population.
Youthful population.

Case Study?

China & UK.

One Child Policy, China.
Three Or More Policy, Singapore.
Philippines (LIC) Rapid growth.
Brazil (MIC) Slow growth.
Germany (HIC) Negative growth.
Japan, UK(revision guide)
The Gambia.

TOPIC 3: A Tourists World

Topic Area
Different types of tourism
Reasons for growth in tourism social, economic,
Physical & human tourist attractions

Case Study?

Butler Model of resort development

Positive & negative impacts of tourism social,
economic, environmental

Blackpool, Benidorm
Machu Picchu, Peru (LIC), Malham, UK
(HIC), The Maldives, Dubai
Machu Picchu
Footsteps Lodge

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