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Journal of Wind Engineering

and Industrial Aerodynamics 69-71 (1997) 731 744

~ l ~ i ~

An experimental study on vortex-induced vibration

of a circular cylinder tower at a high wind speed
Tetsuya Kitagawa "'*, Toshihiro Wakahara b, Yozo Fujino u,
Kichiro Kimura b
"Department of Civil Engineering, Nihon University, 1-8 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan
bDepartment of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan

A wind-tunnel experiment using a circular cylinder tower rocking model is conducted to
study the characteristics of the across-wind response. Special attention is paid to the vortexinduced vibration which occurs at a wind speed higher than the occurrence wind speed of the
ordinary vortex-induced vibration. Included in this study are the discussions on the effects of
the turbulence of wind and the damping of the model. The wavelet analysis clarifies that the
tip-associated vortices which are formed rather intermittently around the model top are
concerned with the cause of the vibration.
Keywords: Circular cylinder tower; Vortex-induced vibration; Wavelet; Wind velocity fluctuation measurement

1. Introduction
The v o r t e x - i n d u c e d v i b r a t i o n of a circular cylinder occurs a r o u n d the w i n d speed
where the p e r i o d i c v o r t e x - s h e d d i n g frequency coincides with one of the n a t u r a l
frequencies of the structure. M a n y studies have been m a d e on the v o r t e x - i n d u c e d
v i b r a t i o n , a n d m o s t of t h e m c o n s i d e r the p h e n o m e n a only a r o u n d the a b o v e m e n t i o n e d wind speed.
O n the o t h e r hand, a l t h o u g h s o m e e x p e r i m e n t a l studies using circular cylinder
m o d e l s i n d i c a t e the possibility of o c c u r r e n c e of v o r t e x - i n d u c e d v i b r a t i o n at a w i n d
speed higher t h a n t h a t of the o c c u r r e d wind speed of the o r d i n a r y v o r t e x - i n d u c e d
v i b r a t i o n (Vvs), the m e c h a n i s m of that v i b r a t i o n has n o t been clarified.
F o r a t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l c i r c u l a r cylinder, Durgin et al. [1] m a d e a w i n d - t u n n e l
e x p e r i m e n t to investigate the a c r o s s - w i n d r e s p o n s e of a circular cylinder. T h e y

* Corresponding author. E-mail:

0167-6105/97/'$17.00 @, 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S01 67-6 1 05 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 2 0 1 - 8


T. Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodvn. 69 71 (1997) 731 744

obtained the response of the ordinary vortex-induced vibration as well as that of the
vortex-induced vibration at a wind speed three times as high as V,~. According to their
consideration, the mechanism of that vibration was explained as subharmonical
vibration due to the K a r m a n vortex-shedding. On the contrary, Matsumoto et al. [2]
indicated the three-dimensional vortex-shedding in a two-dimensional model as
a cause of the vibration at a wind speed higher than V,s. They used a uniform circular
cylinder cable as the experimental model and measured the wind velocity fluctuation
behind the model at various positions in span-wise direction. As the result of spectral
analysis of the data, the K a r m a n vortex-shedding frequency varied in span-wise
direction, which had been similarly observed in the experiment by Bearman et al. [3].
M a t s u m o t o et al. mentioned that long periodic vortex-shedding was produced due to
the span-wise difference of the K a r m a n vortex-shedding frequency and the long
periodic vortex could cause a kind of vortex-induced vibration at a wind speed higher
than Vv~.
For tower-like structures, Wootton [4] carried out a wind-tunnel experiment using
circular stacks and obtained a peak of the across-wind response at a wind speed
2 times as high as Vvs. He described that the vibration was induced due to the flow
influenced by the tip of the model but no evidence was shown. Similarly, Kawai [5]
made a wind-tunnel experiment using circular cylinder rocking models and obtained
not only the response of the ordinary vortex-induced vibration but also the response
peak at a wind speed 2.5 times as high as V,~. In the power spectra of the across-wind
response, the peak due to an aerodynamic force different from that of the K a r m a n
vortex shedding appeared. He inferred that this force could lead to the response peak
at the wind speed 2.5 times as high as V,~.
In the present study, this phenomenon observed in tower-like structures will be
called as the "vortex-induced vibration at a high wind speed" (VHW), and a windtunnel experiment is conducted to investigate its characteristics. A cantilever circular
cylinder that vibrates in across-wind direction is used as the experimental model. The
model response and the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model are measured and
their frequency components are studied. Furthermore, the wavelet transform is
applied to the data of the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model to investigate the
detailed characteristics of the fluctuation due to the vortices.

2. Experimental model and measurement setup

The wind-tunnel experiment was carried out at the circulation-type wind tunnel in
the Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation. The test section of the wind-tunnel
was 2.1-2.4 m high, 2.6 m wide and 18.9 m long. The experiment was conducted under
two types of approaching wind: uniform flow whose profiles are shown in Fig. la and
Fig. lb, and turbulent flow produced by roughness blocks whose profiles are shown in
Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b. These profiles were based on the data measured at the mean wind
speed, V, of 10m/s. In Fig. la and Fig. lb, the flow was almost uniform but the
boundary layer generated by the friction of the floor surface is seen for H = 0-200 mm
(H: height from the floor of the test section). In Fig. 2a, the curve calculated by the

Z Kitagawa et al./,~ Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69-71 (1997) 731 744





400 I

10 1 5 0 5 10 15 20
Mean windspeed (m/s) Turbulence (%)



Fig. 1. Profiles of the uniform flow: (a) mean wind speed, (b) turbulence.



I ((x=~


510 20 30 40 50
Mean wind speed(m/s) Turbulence(%)


Fig. 2. Profiles of the turbulent flow: (a) mean wind speed, (b) turbulence.

power law, V = Vo(H/Ho) ~, is also illustrated with a dotted line, where Vo = 10 (m/s),
Ho = 500 (ram) a n d ~ = 0.22.
As s h o w n in Fig. 3, a circular cylinder tower model was used, with a height, Hc, of
500 m m a n d a diameter, D, of 20 mm. The cylinder was s u p p o r t e d by a plate spring
a n d allowed the v i b r a t i o n in across-wind direction. The n a t u r a l frequency, f~, was


77 Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69 71 (1997) 731-744

Acce!ero; _

10 mm:~"
I-type probe



D =20 mm--~
.,,.,.,...." .....

,.:.::/. Floor

Fig. 3. Experimental model.

17.5 Hz and the critical d a m p i n g ratio, ~, was 0.28%. An accelerometer was installed
on the model top to measure the across-wind response and an I-type hot-wire
a n e m o m e t e r was used to measure the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model. The
position of the a n e m o m e t e r was 5D d o w n s t r e a m and 1D aside from the model center.
Also the height was varied in the range of H - 200 500 m m with a 10 m m pitch to
investigate the span-wise characteristics of vortex shedding.

3. Across-wind response

Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the reduced wind speed, V/f,D, and the
reduced across-wind response (RMS) of the model, y/D, which was obtained under the
uniform flow shown in Fig. la and Fig. lb. In addition, the result for the case of
a larger d a m p i n g is shown with black dots. F o r ~ = 0.28%, the ordinary vortexinduced vibration (VIV) was observed at V/flD = 5.7. The response peak at
V/f,D = 17 is V H W mainly discussed in the present study. The time histories of the
across-wind response at V/f,D = 5.7, where VIV occurred, and VffnD = 17, where
V H W occurred are, respectively, shown in Fig. 5a and Fig. 5b. While the amplitude of
VIV was nearly constant, that of V H W changed slowly.
Comparatively, in the case of ~ = 0.66 0.81% in Fig. 4, the amplitude of VIV at
V/fnD = 5.7 decreased significantly whereas the response amplitude of V H W a r o u n d

T. Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69-71 (1997) 731 744





o ~=0.28%

0"1- x~=0.66~0.81%#~
rr 0.08
',Vortex-induced v


0.06 -


vibrationata highwindspeed







Reduced velocity



Fig. 4. y/D versus V/f,D (under the uniform flow).

~" 5





Time (sec)



Time (sec)




-~ -2
o 0.0



Fig. 5. Time history of the across-wind response: (a) V/f.D = 5.7, (b) V/f,D = 17.

V/f~D = 18 did not decrease. This result is consistent with Kawai's result [5]. The
reason of the phenomenon is thought to be the strong non-linearity of the aerodynamic force, but further study is necessary to clarify the mechanism.
Fig. 6 shows the relationship of y/D versus V/fnD in the case of ~ = 0.28%, which
was obtained under the turbulent flow shown in Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b. The response of


Z Kitagawa et al.,/J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69-71 (1997) 731 744
/'~ 1 "-1

~ 0.1- l~--..~.Vortex_induced
:; 0.08-



-~ O.02rr"

Fig. 6.

0 20 30 40
Reduced velocity

y/D versus V/f,D( u n d e r

the t u r b u l e n t flow).

VIV was observed at V/JnD = 5.7. However, the response peak of V H W was not
identified and the discussion on this phenomenon will be made in Section 5.

4. Power spectra of across-wind response and wind velocity fluctuation behind model
For the case of ~ = 0.28% under the uniform flow, the power spectra of the
response and the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model are studied to investigate
the cause of VHW.
The power spectra of the across-wind response of the model at V/f,D = 5.7, where
VIV occurred as shown in Fig. 4, is shown in Fig. 7a. The peak at f/f, = 1 (.~Ji~:
non-dimensional frequency) was remarkable and it is thought that the Karman vortex
shedding frequency coincided with f,. In the following, the Karman vortex shedding
will be called as "2-D vortex shedding" (two-dimensional vortex shedding) to distinguish it from other vortices produced due to three-dimensional effects. In Fig. 7b, the
power spectra of the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model is illustrated as
a function off/f~ and H/Hc (non-dimensional height). The peak at J/in = 1 was found
over the whole height (H/H = 0.4 1.0) where the measurement of the wind velocity
fluctuation behind the model was done, although the peak around the model top was
small. It means that the 2-D vortex shedding whose frequency is equal to f , exists
along the whole height. On the other hand, the small peak around fir, = 2 is due to
high harmonics of the fluctuation by the 2-D vortex shedding around the model top
and is not a substantial phenomenon.

T. Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69-71 (1997) 731-744




~" 10 ~
E 10 I

o.4 o

~o 101

10 "2



HIHc O . 8

n 10-4



f/f .








Fig. 7. Power spectra: (a) across-wind response, (b) wind velocity fluctuation behind the model at various
heights (V/f,D = 5.7).

"~ 1'.,I Tip-associated

,o ~vortex



/12-D v o r l e x





s/s =2








' '10.0

1.0 ~




Fig. 8. Power spectra: (a) across-wind response, (b) wind velocity fluctuation behind the model at various
heights ( V/f,D = 11 ).

Fig. 8a shows the power spectra of the across-wind response at V/f,D = 11, where
the response amplitude was small as shown in Fig. 4. Comparing with Fig. 7a, with
the wind speed increasing the peak due to the 2-D vortex-shedding frequency moved
tof/J~ = 2. On the contrary, another peak was found atf/f. = 0.7, which is thought to
be due to a different vortex from the 2-D vortex. The power spectra of the wind
velocity fluctuation behind the model at V/JnD = 11, illustrated in Fig. 8b, provides
the information about the height where that vortex appears. In Fig. 8b, the peak due

T. Kitagawa et al. ,/J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69 71 (1997) 731-744



10 ~


10 I




~. 10 ,3

O_ 10 .5






. . v




Fig. 9. P o w e r spectra: (a) across-wind response, (b) wind velocity fluctuation behind the model at various
heights V,'y~D = 17).

to the vortex was observed at f/f, = 0.7 and H/Hc = 0.78 1.0. In the following, this
vortex will be called "tip-associated vortex" since it appears only around the model
top. In addition, the 2-D vortex shedding frequency atJXfll = 2 was not observed in the
region higher than H/Hc = 0.78.
In Fig. 9a, the power spectra of the response at V/J~D = 17, where V H W occurred
as shown in Fig. 4, is shown. Both peaks due to the 2-D vortex shedding and the
tip-associated vortices moved to the higher-frequency region with the wind speed
increasing. At this wind speed, it is seen that the frequency of the tip-associated
vortices coincides withfn. This coincidence is also confirmed in the power spectra of
the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model. In Fig. 9b, the peak due to the
tip-associated vortices was located at f / f l - 1 and H/Hc - 0.78 1.0. Therefore, it is
considered that V H W is caused by the tip-associated vortices and this consideration is
consistent with Wootton's conjecture [4] described in Section 1. Also, the tiny peak at
f/Jn = 1 was barely observed in the range of H/Hc = 0.4 0.78, which is thought to be
due to the wind velocity fluctuation deriving from the across-wind vibration of the
The relationship of VS[I,D versus y/D and vortex-shedding frequency is summarized
in Fig. 10. The frequency of the tip-associated vortices as well as the 2-D vortexshedding frequency were proportional to the wind speed. The response peak due to
V H W was observed at a wind speed where the frequency of the tip-associated vortices
coincided with f,.
It is considered that the tip-associated vortices are generated by three-dimensional
flow around the model tip. Although some experimental studies about the flow
around the tip of a cantilever circular cylinder have been reported [6,7], more detailed
measurements are needed.

T. Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69 71 (1997) 731 744



2-D Vortex


~ =0.28%





Vortex-induced vibration-



E 0,04




Reduced velocity



Fig. 10. Relationship between vortex-shedding frequency and across-wind response.

5. Case under turbulent flow

As shown in Fig. 6, the response peak due to V H W was not seen under the
turbulent flow whose profiles were shown in Fig. 2. In order to investigate the reason,
the power spectra of the across-wind response is studied although the wind velocity
fluctuation behind the model was not measured in this case.
Fig. 1 la shows the power spectra of the across-wind response at V/fnD = 5.7 under
the turbulent flow, where VIV occurred as shown in Fig. 6. The peak of fn was
remarkable and it is considered that the 2-D vortex-shedding frequency coincides with
fn- At V/fnD = 11 (Fig. llb), the peak due to the aerodynamic force by the 2-D
vortex-shedding moved to f/f, = 2 in accordance with the wind speed increasing.
Comparatively, in the case under the uniform flow at this wind speed, the peak due to
the tip-associated vortices was found at f/fn = 0.7 as shown in Fig. 8a. However, in
this case, that peak was not observed. At a higher wind speed of V/fnD = 17 (Fig. 1 lc),
the peak due to the tip-associated vortices was not found.
According to those results, there are two possibilities which explain the reason why
V H W did not occur in the case under the turbulent flow. Firstly, the generation of the
tip-associated vortices can be prevented by the turbulence of the approaching flow.

71 Kitagawa et al./J. ~7nd Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69 71 (1997) 731-744



10 3

10 ~

10 ~
10 1

10 3

10 4


, ,~




10 ~

10 o

f2-D vorle s h o d d i n 9

10 ~
10 ;
l O `3
10 4

10 .5

i iiii






10 2
10 ~


-D vorlex





10 1
10 ~
mQ. l O 3
10 4


10 5

. . . . . . . .

i J,,,I






1 I.









flow: (a)


= 5.7, (b)

V.,J,,D = 11,

V/JaD = 17.

Then, V H W is not led because of no aerodynamic force to make resonance. Secondly,

although the tip-associated vortices is generated, the response of V H W is not able to
be distinguished from the response of buffeting. In fact, the response curve at
V/f~D > 10 in Fig. 6 was larger than that in Fig. 4. Also, in Fig. 11 b and Fig. 11 c, the
frequency component except for fn was larger than that in Fig. 8a and Fig. 9a.

7~ Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. hid Aerodyn. 69 7l (1997) 731 744


However, the measurement of the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model is
necessary to investigate the phenomenon in detail.

6. Wavelet analysis of fluctuating wind velocity behind model

In order to investigate the characteristics of the vortex shedding, wavelet transform
[8] is applied to the time history of the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model
(d = 0.28%), which was obtained in the case under the uniform flow.
The wavelet transform is a mathematical technique for non-stationary signal
analysis. Bases localized in both of time domain and frequency domain are used for
integration, which allows us to unfold the time-history signals into time and frequency. The continuous wavelet transform of the function, f (t), is the inner product
betweenf(t) and the base, ~9(t), called wavelet, which gives the wavelet coefficients, W:

W(I, t') = (f(t)lO(t)) = ~

Or*t,(t)f(t) dt,

where ~b* is the complex conjugate of ~b, ~bt,t,(t)is the wavelet family of translated and
dilated wavelets:
/t - t'\

(l,t'~R,l 0),

where I is the scale dilation parameter corresponding to the width and the frequency
band of the wavelet, and t' is the translation parameter corresponding to the position
of the wavelet. In addition, ~9 should satisfy the admissibility condition

co =


< oo

(~((o) =

exp( - kot)~s(t) dt).

Since any function can be a wavelet if it satisfies the admissibility condition, the choice
of the wavelet implies arbitrariness. Then, m a n y kinds of wavelets were developed
[-8 12]. In the continuous wavelet transform, the scale dilation and translation parameter can vary continuously, whereas in the discrete wavelet transform, those parameters are discrete. Additionally, while in the continuous wavelet transform the base
is non-orthogonal, the discrete wavelet transform allows an orthonormal projection.
In the present study, Morlet's continuous wavelet [12] is used (Fig. 12a).


(kp: wave vector).

As shown in Fig. 12b, the frequency band of the wavelet varies depending on the scale
dilation parameter, I.
Fig. 13a shows the time history of the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model,
which was obtained at V/fD = 5.7 and H/He = 0.7. V/fD = 5.7 is the wind speed


i~ Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aeroclyn. 69 71 (1997) 731-744




Time domain

Frequency domain



Fig. 12. Morlet's wavelet: (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.


-~ 0




g 5







Time (sec)

Fig. 13. (a) Wind velocity fluctuation behind the model a! H/Hc = 0.7, (b) wavelet coefficient (real part),
(c) across-wind model response (V/f,D = 5.7).

where VIV o c c u r r e d as s h o w n in Fig. 4, a n d H / H c = 0.7 is a height where the 2-D

vortex s h e d d i n g was f o r m e d d o m i n a n t l y as s h o w n in Fig. 7b. T h e result of the wavelet
t r a n s f o r m of the time history d a t a s h o w n in Fig. 13a is illustrated in Fig. 13b as
c o n t o u r . In Fig. 13b, the real p a r t of W is shown. T h e h o r i z o n t a l axis is time a n d the
vertical axis is n o n - d i m e n s i o n a l frequency, f / f , , which was used in place of the scale
d i l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r in o r d e r to facilitate u n d e r s t a n d i n g . The brightness of the c o n t o u r
m e a n s t h a t W is positive a n d the d a r k n e s s m e a n s negative. P e r i o d i c a l fluctuations of
W were seen a r o u n d f / l ~ = 1 a n d t h r o u g h o u t the time (0 2 s), which m e a n s t h a t the
2-D vortex is g e n e r a t e d periodically. The a c r o s s - w i n d response was a h a r m o n i c
oscillation with c o n s t a n t a m p l i t u d e (Fig. 13c).

T. Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 69 71 (1997) 731 744






,- 2
,~ 0






T i m e (sec)

Fig. 14. (a) W i n d velocity fluctuation behind the model at H/H~ = 0.92, (b) wavelet coefficient (real part),
(c) across-wind model response (V/f,D = 17).

Fig. 14a shows the wind velocity fluctuation behind the model at V/f~D = 17 and
H/Hc = 0.92. V/f,D = 17 is the wind speed where V H W occurred as shown in Fig. 4,
and H/Hc = 0.92 is the height where the tip-associated vortices were formed as shown
in Fig. 9b. At this wind speed, the frequency of the tip-associated vortices coincided
with fn (Fig. 9a and Fig. 9b). That coincidence is also observed in the contour of
W (Fig. 14b), which is the wavelet transform of the time history in Fig. 14a. Fluctuations of the brightness and the darkness are seen to occur aroundf/fn = 1. C o m p a r ing with Fig. 13b, the fluctuations atf/fn = 1 are to be non-stationary. This suggests
that the tip-associated vortices are generated rather intermittently. The response
amplitude of V H W (Fig. 14c) changed slowly, and the cause is considered to be the
intermittent generation of the tip-associated vortices.

7. Concluding remarks
A wind-tunnel experiment using a cantilever circular cylinder model was carried
out to investigate the characteristics of the vortex-induced vibration at a high wind
speed. The main findings are summarized as follows:
1. Both the vortex-induced vibration at a high wind speed and the ordinary vortexinduced vibration were observed under uniform flow, while under turbulent flow
the vortex-induced vibration at a high wind speed did not occur.


I2 Kitagawa et al./J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodvn. 69-71 (1997) 731-744

2. The amplitude of the model response due to the vortex-induced vibration at a high
wind speed was not influenced by increasing the critical damping ratio of the model
whereas that of the ordinary vortex-induced vibration decreased significantly.
3. The vortex-induced vibration at a high wind speed appears to be caused by
tip-associated vortices, which are generated around the tip of the model and whose
frequency is proportional to the wind speed.
4. The result of the wavelet analysis applied to the wind velocity fluctuations behind
the model indicated that the tip-associated vortices were generated intermittently.
5. The amplitude of the vortex-induced vibration at a high wind speed changes slowly
due to the intermittent generation of the tip-associated vortices.

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