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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Lexi Reeves

School: Steamboat Springs Middle School

Date: 9/14/16 - 9/16/16

Grade Level: 8

Title: Introduction to Energy/Notes and Energy Calculations Worksheet

Content Area: Science

Lesson #:_1_ of _1_

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

MS-PS3-1: Construct and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships of kinetic
energy to the mass of an object and to the speed of an object.

Standard: 1. Physical Science: 2. there are different forms of energy, and those forms of energy can be
changed from one form to another but total energy is conserved.
Standard: 1. Physical Science: 2. Use research-based models to describe energy transfer mechanisms,
and predict amounts of energy transferred (DOK 1-2)
Inquiry Questions:

Which forms of energy can be directly observed, and which forms of energy must be inferred?

Use research-based models to describe energy transfer mechanisms, and predict amounts of
energy transferred (DOK 1-2)

Concepts and skills students master:

Identify parts of the kinetic energy and potential energy formulas

K = mv^2
U = mgh
Calculate energy using formulas above
Distinguish between potential energy and kinetic energy

Explain the variables that affect kinetic and potential energy

Understand how to calculate kinetic and potential energy

Be able to identify the unit of measure for energy (Joules)

Understand that gravity has a value and unit of m/s^2

Evidence Outcomes:
Every student will be able to:

Identify and label variables that affect kinetic and potential energy

Calculate potential and kinetic energy of a pendulum on Earth, on the moon, and use the formulas
to calculate energy in real life situations

Analyze the difference of energy of a pendulum on the Earth and on the moon.

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Assessment of Evidence Outcomes:

I will use interrupted lecture throughout the activity/notes to check for understanding and teach
more in depth if needed.

I will use the Energy Calculations sheet to assess students comprehension of energy formulas and
solving to find the energy of the object/person in Joules (J).

Students will be asked to have a discussion within their groups as well as contribute to the class
discussion and I will listen and assess here.

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Planned Lesson Activities

Activity Name

Introduction to Energy

Approx. Time

Four, 50 minute periods (200 minutes total)

Anticipatory Set

There will be a warm- up each day that we pull out the notes and begin to learn something new.
Please see Energy Warm up document for additional information
Day 1: (5 minutes)
See Warm-Up #1: Types of Energy
What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?
Think of an example for each type:
Day 2: (5 minutes)
See Warm-Up #2: Energy & The Moon
What would happen to the kinetic and potential energy of a pendulum if we placed it on the moon?
Short video:
Embedded in the moon picture on the slide
Day 3: (10 minutes)
See Warm-Up #4: Energy in Law Form
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
How does the Law of Conservation of Energy relate/apply to the Skate Park PhET Simulation?


Day 4: (5 minutes)
See Warm- Up #5: Calculate It!
A ball with 2 kg of mass is resting at the top of a 6.8 meter hill. How much potential energy does the ball
A cheetah is running at a rate of 11.4 m/s after its lunch. The cheetah has a mass of 13 kg. What is the
cheetahs total kinetic energy?
Includes: Input, Modeling and Checking for Understanding (150 minutes total)
1. Input: The teacher provides information needed for the students to gain the knowledge through lecture, film,

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(Select the most
appropriate teaching
-direct instruction
-presentation model
-concept teaching
-cooperative learning

Day 1: (45 minutes)

This activity serves more as an interrupted lecture style of notes. Students will be discussing in their groups
as well as listening to instruction. I will begin with the warm-up and directly go into the handout/activity
sheet that students will be given. The warm-up for them will be the same as a question on their handout. I
find that by helping students out in the beginning with a warm-up that is similar to the future questions or
tasks gives them the confidence they need to continue to contribute to the learning environment
(discussions) while in class. I will cover the first page with them on Day 1. (Please see student version and the
completed teacher notes attached)
Day 2: (40 minutes)
I will begin with the warm-up, then transition into watching the energy/gravity on the moon video. We will
then start on the second page of the worksheet/handout. This day is more of a student led day with
interrupted lecturing. They will be completing the table using the math formulas that they learned in the
previous lecture of page 1. Students will work on these together in their groups, and then we will go over
each one as a class. I will allow students to come to the board to work out the problems, and explain their
reasoning to the class as a whole. This will be Day 2 of Intro to Energy.
Day 3: (40 minutes)
This is the day that I will be adding in energy calculations. These are not a part of the standards, however, it
is important for students to have some exposure in preparation for their current math curriculum, as well as
going in to the next years of schooling (high school).
I will begin with the warm-up and then transition into the last pages of the Intro to Energy worksheet. We
will go over page 3 of their packet together, and then I will begin to introduce example problems that they
will complete first in their groups and then go over them as a class.
Day 4: (35 minutes)
I will begin with a warm-up and then quickly transition into page 3 of the Energy Calculations worksheet. I
will release them to work on their energy calculations sheet that I will hand out to them. To ensure that
there is no confusion I will check in with each group while they are working on the last page of the packet to
clear up any confusing details. I will also check for understanding with the class as a whole (see my preferred
method below).
2. Modeling: Once the material has been presented, the teacher uses it to show students examples of what is
expected as an end product of their work. The critical aspect s are explained through labeling, categorizing,
comparing, summarizing, etc.
Day 1:
I will have the worksheet on the smart board and I will be toggling back and forth between the worksheet

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and instructional tools as needed.

I will be using a pendulum to explain energy at different positions (A-E). By having the visual of the hands on
pendulum, and a drawing to refer to on the board, I hope to be able to model energy at different positions
for the students.

Day 2:

For this day, I will be using the video from the warm-up as a visual model of how energy can/cannot be
affected depending on which type is being discussed (kinetic or potential). I will have the worksheet on the
smart board and I will fill in the first boxes with them. Once they are released to work in groups, I will have
students come up to explain and fill out the boxes on the smart board to serve as a model for the class.
Day 3 and 4:
I will model what is expected by having page 3 on the smart board and walking them through the steps of
how to complete an energy calculation this will be similar to math requirements that they have such as rewriting the formula, re-writing the formula with the known values plugged in, and boxing their answers with
the correct units attached.

3. Checking for Understanding:

I like the thumbs up/sideways/down method for checking for understanding: Once everything has been explained I
will check for understanding by asking students to show a thumbs up for got it, thumbs down for lost/confused,
and thumbs sideways for I still have questions. At this point I will assess whether or not I need to spend more time
on the material covered:
- If there are 5 or less students with a thumbs sideways or down I will let the class continue and then check in
with them individually. More than 5 and I will take questions as a class.
4. Questioning Strategies: Utilizing the Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives- Questions should progress
from the lowest to the highest of the six levels of the cognitive domain (knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis and evaluation)
L1: Knowledge:
o How would you describe the energy at positions A- E of a pendulum?
o List the variables that affect kinetic energy:
o List the variables that affect potential energy:
L2: Comprehension:
o How would you classify the energy of a rubber band that has been stretched between two points?
o How would you classify the energy of a cheetah chasing after prey?

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L3: Application:
o How would you solve: A dog with a mass of 3.5kg is sleeping on the couch with a height of 0.5 meters. Solve
for the energy of the dog.
o How would you use the pendulum set to model the types of energy it possesses at positions A-E?
L4: Analysis:
o How is kinetic and potential energy related to objects in our lives? Think about in the classroom, or in your
o Why do you think that there is both kinetic and potential energy at positions B and D of the pendulum?
L5: Synthesis:
o Predict whether or not mass of the pendulum on the moon; on earth will affect its amount of energy it
possesses at position C. Explain your thoughts.
L6: Evaluation:
o Based on what you know, how would you explain how mass affects potential energy and kinetic energy?
o Based on what you have learned, compare and contrast the amount of energy the pendulum possesses at
positions A and E. At B and D?

Teaching Strategy:
Guided Practice

*All of the days have a great deal of direct instruction and interrupted lecture within the lessons, so I have included
the amount of time for all of them together above under teaching/presentation.*

Teaching Strategy:

In the upcoming week students will be completing other activities that will advance their understanding of the energy
concepts. I will have a divide this lesson so that it is spread over the correct portions of the unit. The first two days will be
done back to back and then will be supplemented with continued practice with Testing Variables Experiments Day1-3
and Skate Park PhET Simulation.


As the students are discussing the topics in their groups I will observe, praise, prompt, and leave. I will prompt students
with open ended questions regarding the part of the worksheet they are on in order to generate further thought and
application. This applies greatly to Day 2 and Day 3. Day 1 is more direct instruction based.

Day 3 will follow these other activities and Day 4 of this lesson is the independent practice/ supplemental practice for
Day 3.
Day 1, 2, and 3: About 10 minutes
Day 4: 15 minutes

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Each day I will have students either switch groups and partake in a discussion, and write a short response/ticket out the
door. I want to make sure that students are completely understanding the concepts that are being presented to them
during class. I think that by having them switch groups and discuss with new people can help them immensely and
possibly bring up topics or facts that hadnt been mentioned previously.




On Day 4, I will have students stop working on their energy calculation sheet and instruct them to finish it at home (that
way I can see if they can do it by themselves). Next, I will have students login on to an iPad and navigate to the Kahoot
site. We will Kahoot for the last 15 minutes of class. This Kahoot will serve as a closure of all of the things that we have
learned over the 4 days of this lesson. I will be able to retrieve data from this too.
- Pendulum set for modeling
- Calculators
- 1 Pencils for each student
- 56 Intro to Energy Worksheets
- 56 Energy Calculations Worksheets
- 56 iPads
- Smart Board
To modify:
Students will be placed in a group that will aid in the learning of all level students
- orally present/explain data gathered to teacher I have one student that is unable to write
- Explain the difference between kinetic and potential energy
- Give examples of potential and kinetic energy in their lives
- Be given a separate energy calculation sheet that is comprised of multiple choice and simple energy
calculations without conversions.
To extend:
Students will be asked to complete a different Energy Calculations sheet that require them to convert units in each
problem rather than just a few and students will be required to solve for velocity and mass which are both extensions..
- For example students will have to convert from km/hr to m/s or from kg to g.
- Formative Assessment:
o Informal:
Discussions at the end of classes
o Formal:
Energy Calculations Worksheet for grading
Kahoot Questions (results)

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Questions attached on website

Summative Assessment:
o N/A
o There will be a summative assessment at the end of the unit (exam)

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved?
After four days of this lesson throughout the first half of the unit I believe that the objectives
were met at a high level of achievement. The discussions four these four days and during the
activities in between the days showed a great understanding of the material. After the first two
days of this lesson the students completed a three day lab Testing Variables that dealt a lot
with all of the topics covered here. The calculations worksheet that each student took home
and completed showed me that they were able to understand what each variable in the
formula represented and how to properly complete a problem with all of the needed work
shown. The calculations sheet was enlightening in that I needed to do a few more conversions
with them due to a little bit of confusion and many questions.
2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
If I were to teach this again, I would add a half day or whole day on how to correctly convert
from unit to unit. The students had seen a conversion before but not nearly as in depth as what
I was expecting of them. I spent a good chunk of time in class going over how to convert so that
they would have the correct units to complete a few of the questions. Another thing that I
wouldnt do is show them how to solve for the velocity or even touch on it as a whole class. I
would, however, do this individually for the students who needed the extension.
3. What do you envision for the next lesson?
The next lesson after all of the calculations are completed is a review packet. All of the concepts
that were covered in Day 1 and Day 2 will be followed by the Skate Park PhET Simulation and
the Testing Variables Lab Activity. Day 3 and Day 4 will be supplemented/followed up by the
Energy review packet for Part 1 of the Unit. We will also be doing a review jeopardy game that
will serve to help the students reinforce what they have learned as well as learn more.

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Direct Instruction
Presentation Model
Concept Teaching
Cooperative Learning
Describe or demonstrate
Describe or demonstrate
Describe or demonstrate
Describe or demonstrate
the lesson introduction
the lesson introduction
the lesson introduction
the lesson introduction
including how you
including how you
including how you
including how you
establish set (i.e., prepare establish set (i.e., prepare establish set (i.e., prepare establish set (i.e., prepare
students to learn) and how students to learn) and how students to learn) and how students to learn) and how
you share the lesson
you share the lesson
you share the lesson
you share the lesson
Demonstrate or list the
task analysis of the skill or
procedure (i.e., define
precisely what the
learners need to do)
Describe or demonstrate
your modeling of the skill
or procedure.
Describe or demonstrate
guided practice including
the second (or third)
example and then address
your method to check for
understanding (i.e., how
you assess student
learning before moving to
the next stage). Include
examples of feedback you
provide for correct and
incorrect student
Describe or demonstrate

Describe or demonstrate
an advance organizer.
Describe, picture or
demonstrate learning
materials and activities
specific to the options of
this model (e.g., explaining
links and examples; ruleexample-rule; signposts
and transitions). Two or
more of the teaching and
learning activities are rich
and engaging.
Describe, list or
demonstrate one or more
questions, or a discussion
structure you provide to
extend your students
thinking on the content.
Describe or demonstrate
how your students
demonstrate their

Describe or demonstrate
all of the critical attributes
of the concept, identify
the class or category to
which the concept
Describe or demonstrate a
clear progression of
examples and nonexamples; deduction is
illustrated through the
early definition of the
concept; induction is
illustrated through
definition of the concept
late in the activities.
Describe or demonstrate
the assessment processes
you use to test for
acquisition of the concept
at key points during the
presentation of examples
and non-examples.

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Describe or picture the
instructional materials and
resources you use to
reveal their creativity,
functionality, and
appropriateness to the
question(s) posed.
List the specialists and
field experiences you

Describe or demonstrate
the assessment methods
you use to determine the
academic progress of
Describe or demonstrate
EACH student in the class
how you inspire curiosity
(i.e., make each student
on the part of your
individually accountable)
students. Describe or
and how you assess the
demonstrate your review
social and/or interpersonal of classroom guidelines for
skills identified for
social and/or interpersonal
acquisition or practice
during the lesson.
Describe or demonstrate
Describe or demonstrate
how you prompt
the grouping arrangement
investigative processes.
Reveal how you facilitate
the ways in which you
your students efforts as
promote positive
they propose how to
interdependence between gather information, study,
group members.
craft an experiment,
observe and/or conduct
Describe or demonstrate
the instructional materials
and resources; address
Write or demonstrate a
resource interdependence sample question through
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your method of
independent practice.
Two or more of the
teaching and learning
activities during guided
and independent practice
are rich and engaging.
Describe or demonstrate
how your students
demonstrate their learning
after instruction (e.g., a
quiz, ticket-to-leave, etc.).

learning. Address
assessment methods
during instruction (i.e.,
checking for
understanding), and after
instruction (e.g., a quiz,
ticket-to-leave, etc.).

as necessary.
Describe, list or
demonstrate one or more
questions, or a discussion
structure you provide to
extend your students
thinking on the concept.
Two or more of the
teaching and learning
activities are rich and
Describe or demonstrate
how your students
demonstrate their learning
after instruction (e.g.,
students summarize their
definition of the concept
orally or in writing, etc.).

Describe or demonstrate
your directions for group
formation, rearranging
furniture (If necessary)
and how
materials/resources are
Describe or demonstrate
the expectations for
demonstration of
interpersonal and small
group skills
Two or more of the
teaching and learning
activities are rich and
Describe or demonstrate
your method to check for
understanding (i.e., a
description of how you will
assess student learning
academically and socially)
as you circulate among the
groups as well as the
feedback you provide.

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which you assist students

to make connections
and/or discover new
Summarize or
demonstrate your method
to help students share
their new ideas with
others. Possible formats
include a panel discussion,
a debate, a gallery walk, a
science fair, etc. Frame or
illustrate two questions
during which you assist
your students to discuss
the conclusions they can
draw from their collective
Describe or demonstrate
two or more teaching and
learning activities that are
rich and engaging.
Reveal how you promote
reflection. Share one
question that may prompt
students to reflect on the
process they followed;
share a second question
that prompts students to
identify new questions
that arose from this

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