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Laura L.

Department of Biology
Saint Louis University
3507 Laclede Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63103

Office: 136 Macelwane Hall

Phone: 920-740-8852

Current Position
2014 - present

Ph.D. candidate, Graduate Research Assistant, Saint Louis University; Advisor:

Dr. Allison Miller


Ph.D. Biology. Saint Louis University and Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG),
St. Louis, MO.
Dissertation Title: Patterns of genomic and morphological variation in North
American Vitis (Vitaceae).
Advisor: Dr. Allison Miller.


M.S. Botany. Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH.

Thesis title: Morphology and introgressive hybridization in North American
Advisor: Dr. R. James Hickey.


B.S. Biology, magna cum laude. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI.

2012 - 2014
2010 - 2012
2009 - 2010
2008 - 2009

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Saint Louis University

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Miami University of Ohio
Research assistant: SEM, vegetative and reproductive study of Arabidopsis lyrata,
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh; Advisor: Dr. Robert Wise
Herbarium technician: Neil A. Harriman Herbarium, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; Advisor: Dr. Thomas Lammers
NSF Research Opportunity Award Supplement DEB-0810237 undergraduate
beneficiary: taxonomic revision, morphological descriptions, key writing Flora of
China, Campanulaceae, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Missouri
Botanical Garden; PI: Ihsan Al-Shehbaz; Advisor: Dr. Thomas Lammers

Research Interests
Plant evolution; introgressive hybridization; ethnobotany; plant domestication; phenotypic plasticity;
speciation; adaptation, particularly as it relates to climate change; quantitative plant genetics; science

Laura L. Klein CV

Additional Training
Morphological plant models investigative workshop, National Institute for Mathematical and
Bioloigcal Synthesis (NIMBioS), completed September 2-4, 2015 (20 hours)
VCF Tools and PLINK, United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service Grape Genetics Research Unit (USDSA-ARS GGRU), completed June 17-28, 2013 (80 hours)
Taxonomic revision and morphological descriptions for Flora of Paraguay, Campanulaceae,
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Fall 2009; Advisor: Dr. Thomas Lammers
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy operation and specimen preparation, University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh, Fall 2009; Advisor: Dr. Todd Kostman
Wood macerations, slide preparation, gel electrophoresis, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Fall

Computational Skills
Population genetic data analysis with programs Arlequin, CONVERT, DnaSP, GenAlEx,
Statistical analyses using R


National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration. Geography,

variation, and hybridization in North American grapevines (Vitis spp.). PI: Allison
Miller, Co-PIs: Laszlo Kovacs (Missouri State University), Laura Klein. ($18,295)


Saint Louis University Presidential Research Fund. Diversity and diversification in

North American grapevines (Vitis riparia and V. rupestris). PI: Allison Miller, Co-PI:
Laura Klein. ($24,945)


National Science Foundation Grape Research Coordination Network Stipend.

Population genetic variation, structure, and gene flow within and among natural
populations of Vitis riparia and V. rupestris occurring in sympatry and allopatry.
Faculty advisor: Dr. Allison Miller; host advisor: Dr. Jason Londo. ($5,788)


Brennan Dissertation Fellowship Award, Saint Louis University. ($750)


Botany 2013 Travel Award, Pteridological Section, Botanical Society of America.



Reis Biological Research Station Research Award, Saint Louis University. ($400)


Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium Travel Award, Miami University of Ohio.


(Saint Louis University *mentored undergraduate student)
Callen, Steven T., Laura Klein, and Allison Miller. 2016. Climatic niche characterization of 13 North
American Vitis species. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 67(3).
DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2016.15110

Laura L. Klein CV

Warschefsky, Emily, Laura Klein, Margaret Frank, Daniel H. Chitwood, Jason Londo, Eric J.B. von
Wettberg, and Allison Miller. 2016. Rootstocks: diversity, domestication, and impacts on shoot
phenotypes. Trends in Plant Science 21(5): 418-437.
Feature review, cover photo
Chitwood, Daniel H., Laura Klein, Regan OHanlon*, Steven Chacko*, Matthew Greg*, Cassandra
Kitchen*, Allison J. Miller, and Jason P. Londo. 2015. Latent developmental and evolutionary
shapes embedded within the grapevine leaf. New Phytologist 210: 343-355. doi: 10.1111/nph.13754
Deyuan, Hong, Ge Song, Thomas G. Lammers, and Laura L. Klein. 2011. Campanulaceae: Flora of
China, vol. 19: 505-563. Wu Z.Y., P.H. Raven, D.Y. Hong, (eds.). Science Press, Beijing, China;
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO
Lammers, Thomas G., and Laura L. Klein. 2010. A synopsis of Codonopsis subg. Pseudocodonopsis
(Campanulaceae: Campanuloideae), with description of a new species of uncertain provenance.
Botanical Studies 51: 553-561.

Manuscripts in review
Klein, Laura L., Madeleine Caito*, Chad Chapnick*, Cassandra Kitchen*, Regan OHanlon*, Dan
Chitwood, and Allison J. Miller. Digital morphometrics of two North American grapevines:
assessing leaf variation within and among individuals, and among species (Vitaceae). In review for
Frontiers in Plant Science. Draft available.

Manuscripts in preparation
Alexander Bucksch, Acheampong Atta-Boateng, Akomian Fortun Azihou, Mathilde Balduzzi, Dorjsuren
Battogtokh, Aly Baumgartner, Brad Binder, Siobhan A. Braybrook, Cynthia Chang, Viktoirya
Coneva, Thomas J. DeWitt, Alexander G. Fletcher, Malia A. Gehan, Diego Hernan DiazMartinez, Lilan Hong, Anjali S. Iyer-Pascuzzi, Laura L. Klein, Samuel Leiboff, Mao Li,
Jonathan P. Lynch, Alexis Maizel, Julin N. Maloof, R.J. Cody Markelz, Ciera C. Martinez, Laura
A. Miller, Washington Mio, Wojtek Palubicki, Hendrik Poorter, Christophe Pradal, Charles A.
Price, Eetu Puttonen, John Reese, Rubn Relln-lvarez, Edgar P. Spalding, Erin E. Sparks,
Christopher N. Topp, Joseph Williams, Daniel H. Chitwood. Morphological plant modeling:
unleashing geometric and topologic potential within the plant sciences. In preparation for Frontiers in
Plant Science.

(Saint Louis University *mentored undergraduate student)

Invited presentations
Klein, Laura L, Cassandra Kitchen*, Regan O'Hanlon*, Madeleine Caito*, Chad Chapnick*, Dan
Chitwood, and Allison J. Miller. 2015. Digital morphometrics of two North American grapevines:
assessing leaf variation within and among individuals, and between species (Vitaceae). Annual
Saint Louis Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Retreat. St. Louis, MO. September 26.
Klein, Laura L, Dan Chitwood, Cassandra Kitchen*, Regan OHanlon*, Madeline Caito*, David
Bogler, and Allison J. Miller. 2014. Quantifying leaf shape: morphometric analysis of two North
American Vitis species in a common garden. Missouri Botanical Garden: World Exploration:
Behind the Science with Garden Botanists. St. Louis, MO. December 13.

Laura L. Klein CV

Callen, Steven T, Laura L Klein, and Allison J Miller. Comparative Analysis of the Climatic Niches of
Nine Native North American Grape (Vitaceae) Species. 2013. Missouri Grape and Wine
Symposium, St. Louis, MO. May 30.

Published abstracts
Klein, Laura L, Cassandra Kitchen*, Regan O'Hanlon*, Madeleine Caito*, Chad Chapnick*, Dan
Chitwood, and Allison J. Miller. 2015. Digital morphometrics of two North American grapevines:
assessing leaf variation within and among individuals, and between species (Vitaceae). Botany
2015, Edmonton, Alberta, CA. July 27.
Klein, Laura, Dan Chitwood, Cassandra Kitchen*, Regan OHanlon*, Madeleine Caito*, David
Bogler, and Allison J. Miller. 2015. Quantifying leaf shape: morphometric analysis of two North
American Vitis species in a common garden. 21st Annual Saint Louis University Graduate
Research Symposium. St. Louis, MO. April 24.
Second place paper in Biological Sciences
Kitchen, Cassandra*, Laura Klein, Dan Chitwood, David Bogler, and Allison J. Miller. 2014.
Quantifying leaf shape: morphometric analysis of two North American Vitis species in a common
garden. Botany 2014. July 28.
Klein, Laura L, Dniel Pap, Laszlo Kovcs, Katie Hyma, Jason Londo, & Allison Miller. 2014.
Genotyping by sequencing reveals distinct genomic features of North American Vitis species used
for grape rootstock cultivation. Saint Louis University Graduate Research Symposium, St. Louis,
MO. April 11.
Klein, Laura L and R James Hickey. Morphology and Introgressive Hybridization in North American
Ground Cedar, Diphasiastrum (Lycopodiaceae). 2013. Botany 2013, New Orleans, LA. July 30.
Greg, Matthew*, Laura L Klein, David Bogler, Ivan Jimenez, and Allison Miller. 2013. Morphometric
Analysis of leaf variation in three North American grape species (Vitis acerifolia, V. riparia, and V.
rupestris). Botany 2013, New Orleans, LA. July 29.

Other presentations

OHanlon, Regan*, Madeleine Caito*, Laura Klein, and Allison J. Miller. 2015. Using herbarium
specimens to quantify leaf shape: morphometric analysis of two North American Vitis species from
natural populations. Saint Louis University Undergraduate Research Symposium, St. Louis, MO.
March 20.
Kitchen, Cassandra*, Laura Klein, Dan Chitwood, David Bogler, and Allison J. Miller. 2014.
Quantifying leaf shape: morphometric analysis of two North American Vitis species in a common
garden. Research Experience for Undergraduates Missouri Botanical Garden symposium, St.
Louis, MO. July 25.
Klein, Laura L, Dniel Pap, Laszlo Kovcs, Katie Hyma, Jason Londo, & Allison Miller. 2014.
Genotyping by sequencing reveals distinct genomic features of North American Vitis species used
for grape rootstock cultivation. Saint Louis University Sigma Xi Symposium, St. Louis, MO. May
Greg, Matthew*, Laura L Klein, David Bogler, Ivan Jimenez, and Allison Miller. 2013. Morphometric
Analysis of leaf variation in three North American grape species (Vitis acerifolia, V. riparia, and V.

Laura L. Klein CV

rupestris). 60th annual systematics symposium of the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO.
October 12.
Klein, Laura L, Dniel Pap, Laszlo Kovcs, Katie Hyma, Jason Londo, and Allison J Miller. 2013.
Population Genetics of Native Vitis riparia and Vitis rupestris in Sympatry and Allopatry. 60th annual
systematics symposium of the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO. October 12.
Greg, Matthew*, Laura L Klein, David Bogler, Ivan Jimenez, and Allison Miller. 2013. Morphometric
Analysis of leaf variation in three North American grape species (Vitis acerifolia, V. riparia, and V.
rupestris). Third annual Saint Louis Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation retreat, St. Louis, MO.
September 28.
Klein, Laura L, Dniel Pap, Laszlo Kovcs, Katie Hyma, Jason Londo, and Allison J Miller. 2013.
Population Genetics of Native Vitis riparia and Vitis rupestris in Sympatry and Allopatry. Third
annual Saint Louis Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation retreat, St. Louis, MO. September 28.
Greg, Matthew*, Laura L Klein, David Bogler, Ivan Jimenez, and Allison Miller. 2013. Morphometric
Analysis of leaf variation in three North American grape species (Vitis acerifolia, V. riparia, and V.
rupestris). Research Experience for Undergraduates Missouri Botanical Garden symposium, St.
Louis, MO. July 26.
Klein, Laura L, Dniel Pap, Laszlo Kovcs, Katie Hyma, Jason Londo, and Allison J Miller. 2013.
Population Genetics of Native Vitis riparia and Vitis rupestris in Sympatry and Allopatry. Fifth
conference of the Grape Research Coordination Network (GRCN), Davis, CA. July 11.
Klein, Laura L and R James Hickey. 2013. Morphology and Introgressive Hybridization in North
American Ground Cedar, Diphasiastrum. Saint Louis University Graduate Research Symposium,
St. Louis, MO. April 26.
Klein, Laura L and R James Hickey. 2012. Morphology and Introgressive Hybridization in North
American Ground Cedar, Diphasiastrum. Second annual Saint Louis Ecology, Evolution, and
Conservation retreat, Elsah, IL. September 22.
Klein, Laura L and R James Hickey. 2011. Morphology and Introgressive Hybridization in North
American Ground Cedar, Diphasiastrum. Miami University graduate research forum, Oxford, OH.
November 18.

Courses taught as a teaching assistant
Spring 2013 & 2014
Fall 2012 & 2013
Spring 2012
Fall 2010 & 2011, Spring 2011

Biology of Plants & Fungi Lab instructor, Saint Louis University.

Developed lab content.
Principles of Biology 1 Lab instructor, Saint Louis University.
Evolution: Just a Theory? Lecture and discussion assistant, Miami
University of Ohio.
Field Botany - Lecture and lab instructor, Miami University of Ohio.
Designed syllabus, wrote lectures, labs, and exams.

Undergraduate mentoring
1. Erin Knight (2015-present): Digital morphometrics data collection
2. Danielle Hopkins (2015-present): Digital morphometrics data collection

Laura L. Klein CV

Christian Kingeter (2015-present): Digital morphometrics data collection

Chelsea Pretz (2014-2015): DNA extraction and quantification
Chad Chapnick (2015): Field collections, digital morphometrics data analysis
Madeleine Caito (2014-2015): Digital morphometrics data collection and analysis
Regan OHanlon (2014-2015): Field collections, DNA extraction and quantification, digital
morphometrics data collection and analysis
Steven Chacko (2014): digital morphometrics data collection
Cassandra Kitchen (2014): Field collections, 2014 REU student project on morphometric analysis
of two North American Vitis species in a common garden (), digital morphometrics data collection
and analysis
Matthew Greg (2013-2014): Field collections, 2013 REU student project on morphometrics of three
species of native North American Vitis (in conjunction with Missouri Botanical Garden), digital
morphometrics data collection
Tracy Zander (2012): DNA extraction

Guest lectures and panels


Graduate Students and in-the-field professionals panelist for a discussion on

Genetics after undergrad. Advocating Translational Genetics/Genomics
Conference. Harris Stowe University, St. Louis, MO. February 26.
Graduate student panelist for a discussion on graduate school preparation and
graduate life. Research Experience for Undergraduates program at the Missouri
Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO. June 6.
Fruit Development. Saint Louis University biology course: Plants and Fungi.
April 23.
Graduate student panelist for a discussion on graduate school preparation and
graduate life. Research Experience for Undergraduates program at the Missouri
Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO. July 8.
Graduate student panelist for a discussion on graduate school preparation and
graduate life. Research Experience for Undergraduates program at the Missouri
Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO. June 14.



Vitis riparia and V. rupestris in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Assistance: Mary Merello, Missouri Botanical Garden herbarium technician
Vitis leaves for scanning and digital morphometrics at the University of Missouri
- Columbia research vineyard in Mount Vernon, Missouri.
Vitis leaves for scanning and digital morphometrics growing in a common
garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden Kemper Home Gardening Center in
Saint Louis, Missouri.
Herbarium specimens and tissue samples of allopatric and sympatric
populations of Vitis riparia and V. rupestris in Arkansas, Kansas, New York,
Missouri, and Wisconsin.
Herbarium specimens and tissue samples of Vitis species in Missouri.


Herbarium specimens of Lycopodiaceae species in Wisconsin.


Floristic inventory, herbarium specimen collections in Puerto Rico.

Assisting: Drs. R. James Hickey and Michael Vincent, Miami Unviversity of



Laura L. Klein CV

Association for Women in Science (AWIS), St. Louis Chapter Treasurer


Talawanda School District Science Week volunteer, Oxford, OH.


Miami University of Ohio Botany Department G.S.A. Social Chair


Torrey Botanical Society


Association for Women in Science: National member


American Fern Society


International Association for Plant Taxonomy


Botanical Society of America


American Society of Plant Taxonomists


Sigma Alpha Pi National Society of Leadership & Success

Dr. Allison Miller
(314) 977-7653

Ph.D. Advisor. Plant evolution, population genomics; project

design, development, management; molecular/field work;
experimental design and data analysis; grant/publication
writing; collaboration, teaching, student mentoring.

Dr. Jim Hickey
(513) 529-6000

Thesis Advisor. Plant evolution, systematics, biodiversity,

morphology; project design, development, management;
morphological/field work; experimental design and data
analysis; publication writing; teaching and student mentoring.

Dr. Dan Chitwood
(314) 587-1201

Ph.D. committee member and collaborator. Plant

morphology, computational genetics; digital morphometrics data
collection and analysis; project development and experimental
design; publication writing.
Ph.D. committee member. Plant genetics and genomics,
next generation sequencing techniques; project design and
development; genomic analysis.

Dr. Christy Edwards
314-577-9473 x6244

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