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Clarissa Todd

Week 9
Brief- Quick Question-I notice no one posted as of yet. Should we state evidence
within our assumptions that support the statements?
"Given that (this issue) exists and it is assumed (this issue happens for this
reason), this (issue) will not be debated because (of this/these reason(s)).

Given that art education is not a primary content area of study in the
educational system, and it is assumed that this issue is noticeable due to the
decrease in art and music programs this issue of underrated content area will
not be debated because of these reasons.
"Given that (this issue) exists and it is assumed (this issue happens for this
reason), this (issue) will be debated because (of this/these reason(s)).

Given that the value of writing outside of the English classroom does not
always exists in the school culture-Visual journal can bridge the gap between
text and imagery in a visual driven culture. It is assumed that visual
journaling is form of assessing students to think critically and logically and
challenge their thoughts, and views, this will be debated due to the small
percentage of teachers who still incorporate literacy in their lessons.

Given that adolescence may lack self-esteem at this stage in development, it

is assumed that students are not verbally expressing their feelings through
voice or writing, this issue will be debated because of these reasons.

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