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Researcher Reflective Journal Activity: What Data Do You Want To See?

AEGR618 Research Methodology

Amanda Newman-Godfrey, Assistant Professor Art Education
When developing your Data Collection and Data Analysis sections, it is critical to VISUALIZE literally every type of
data you may need to collect. Completing the matrix below will help you: break your research into bite-sized
chunks; understand what part each piece plays in the greater whole; determine the kind of data you need to
collect and where to find it; and accessing the people or place to provide it. Each column contains a few
prompts to help you think about how to complete it. Once you have completed the matrix (add as many rows as
you need), you should be able to better conceptualize what methods of data collection and data analysis you will
engage in for your research.
What do I need to know?

What kind of data will

answer the questions?

Look at your problem

statement and decide what
parts of it will produce
different kinds of data
what parts of your research
will output artifacts to

What kind of stuff do you

need to gather to help
surround your problem
statement, and address the
issues you are researching

I need to know how does

visual journal aids students
in developing their skills in
and outside of the


Where can I find the

data and gain access
to it?
What constituents within
your study will produce
data (i.e. the students,
teachers, school, etc),
and what permissions are
needed for each

Students consent forms

What parts of the data

do I need to look at, and
Once you have your
stuff, what parts of each
kind do you look at
(different visual
appearance, verbal
responses, behaviors, etc),
and how will you pull it
apart and put it together
-Verbal responses will be
within the interviews and
journal entries.
--Daily journals will be kept
by both teacher and
--This will help keep records
of the classmate
descriptions, analyses, and
--Journals provide insight of what
is happening in students lives and
what they feel is important and
relevant to their life, their reality

Researcher Reflective Journal Activity: What Data Do You Want To See?

AEGR618 Research Methodology
Amanda Newman-Godfrey, Assistant Professor Art Education

How is the art making

process beneficial for

Why is it so important for

student to have a platform
in the classroom to express
himself or herself?


Students consent forms

Teachers & counselors
permission forms


Students consent forms

(Mills, 2011, p.86).

--Journal expression will include
writing and visual representation
(imagery and literacy).
-- The forms of expression will be
guided through writing prompts
that will be answered in writing
and drawing. Students will use
journaling as a form of selfreflection, self-discovery and a
way to better themselves.
Observations- I will observe
students interactions with one
another, behavior and attitudes,
and, verbal and visual forms of
expression including body
language during the interview
(same as above)

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