Forbidden Knoledge An Alec and Jane Story Preview - Disclaimer-I Do Not Own

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An Alec and
Jane Story


Disclaimer-I do
not own
Twilight, or any
hops ect. seen
in this story!!!
It was torture, walking through the place we
once called home, the citizens were all smiles,
obviously forgotten about the 'Witch Twins'
as if we never happened, never existed, it was
only two years later, we would be fourteen
now, if we had not been declared witches and
burnt at the stake, and Aro coming to save us.
We would been fourteen had we been allowed
a normal life. Not that I'm complaining, this
was the life. I wouldn't have it any other way,
we, me and my twin - Jane - owed Aro our
lives, which was now for eterninty, and that is
how long we will serve him for. He is - in many
ways - a father figure, but also like the
annoying uncle that no one realy wants,
because they are so embarrasing, but you love
them all the same.

We were here with permission from Aro, to

seek our revenge on this pathetic town. The
town's people was painfully oblivious to our
arrival, which we found odd. Normaly people
dressed in all black, hardly any skin showing -
as we were dressed - would raise suspision
immediatley. But, even stranger, we were not
even trying to hide, but still no one noticed us!

I understood then, when I smelt the burning.

Burning wood, burning flesh, smoke. Some one
else was burning at the stake. No, two people.
I could smell it. Jane and I exchanged a
worried glance, before sprinting off, at a fast
human pace. To use Vampire speed when we
were in the presence of humans, it went
against the grain. No matter when they were
going to die.

We got there fast. That's when we saw it, two

people that looked like us - a boy and a girl - if
we were allowed to live to fourteen. The girl
looked almost identical to Jane when she was
human, just older. And the boy and me were
the same as Jane and the girl. I'd guess they
were twins. But why they looked like us was
beyond me.

The crowd were shouting comments, some

rude, some insulting, but all very nasty. Stuff
"The witches must burn!"
"Children of Satan!"
"The witch twin's will perish!"
"You will not escape this time, no one's going
to save you!"
"Jane and Alec, you will burn tonight, you

The last comment got our attention. Jane and

Alec. That was us. We looked at each other,
confusion on my sister's angelic features, and I
could feel them on mine. We acted on instict.
Our human insinct. They were going what we
were supposed to go through, and they
thought that they were us. Jane nodded,
silently agreeing that we were not going to
stand by. I concentrated, the mist forming,
reaching out to the towns people. Screams
"I'm blind!"
"I can't see!"
"The witch twins are puting a spell on us!"
The two Humans at the stake were, strange.
There was no other way to describe it. They
looked peaceful welcoming the numbness.They
were grasping each others hands tightly, they
boy comforting the girl, as well as reassuring
himself, "it's okay, Tamara, I promise, it'll be
over soon. I love you, you know that. Don't
worry, we'll meet the real Jane and Alec one
day, in heaven. Then we can explain it to
"I know, Richard. I know. I love you, too. We'll
just have to hope that they'll listen to us, and
believe us, I guess."
So their names were Richard and Tamara.
Jane and I ran off - at Vampire pace this time -
to find water to quench the fire. I had to save
them, I have not got a clue why, but I just felt
a compulsion to save them. It was odd, and by
the look in Jane's crimson eyes, I knew she felt
the same.
Soon the buckets were filled for something like
the fiftieth time, and the fire was extinguished.
We wasted no time in running to them and
cutting the ropes that bounded them to the

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