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DEAR FRIENDS, The Georgetown University McDonough School
of Business has many unique assets that enable us to
stand apart from our competitors: a community of

Global Leadership achievement; a focus on leadership; a location in the city at the center of world
politics and business; and a global mindset.

First, and foremost among these, is that the School is part of the Georgetown com-
munity, with world-class faculty from academia and business, a network of
highly successful alumni in high-profile positions, and students, all of whom
embody the rich Georgetown tradition of inquiry, dignity and excellence. Next,
our curriculum is designed to teach students the skills necessary to succeed in
the business world but is also structured to enable students to develop their
leadership potential. The third asset is Georgetowns stature and location in
Washington, DC and its proximity to the international institutions and organi-
zations that are part of the business, political and cultural life of the world. And
lastly, our emphasis is on preparing students to take their places in careers in a
constantly growing and changing global marketplace.

It is to that last quality we have devoted this issue. Inside you will find articles
in which students talk about their global residency projects, an integral part of
the graduate curriculum that no other school has the ability or the resources to
Georgetown University has a 220 year history of dedication to academic excellence and innovative, principled leadership. Today, duplicate. These projects are actual international consulting projects with inter-
Georgetowns McDonough School of Business reinforces that focus through its Executive Education programs, producing extraordinary national clients, not just country visits. Other articles profile the research being
graduates destined for global leadership. The evidence is overwhelming.
done by members of the faculty, our new Georgetown-ESADE Global MBA program,
For the past nine years, Business Week has recognized Georgetowns IEMBA program as one of the top 12 Executive MBA programs and the international make-up of our student body.
worldwide, reflecting the caliber of the McDonough Schools entire curriculum. The same world-class faculty that puts the lessons of
global business into practice in the schools degree programs also delivers the same level of excellence in our custom and open enrollment
programs. And some of the worlds most successful organizations depend on Georgetown for Executive Education programs year after year.
The School has made great progress in enhancing its students, staff, faculty and pro-
grams, and more is on the way. Moving into our new facility in the spring will allow
Perfectly positioned in the nations capital, Georgetowns McDonough School of Business offers executives a unique world perspective on
us to take even greater advantage of our unique qualities. And as we begin our
the constant transformations taking place in the global economy.
capital campaign to support undergraduate scholarships and provide faculty and
Lead your organization to the next level. Visit or call 866-674-1942.
program support, I encourage you to visit us on the Hilltop often, keep track of what
we are doing, provide your thoughts and suggestions, and give generously.

Means Business.
With much appreciation and warm regard,

McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University

3520 Prospect Street NW, Suite 214, Washington, DC 20057 George G. Daly, Ph.D.

International Executive MBA Executive Masters in Leadership Georgetown-ESADE Global Executive MBA
Custom Programs Open Enrollment Programs 1
McDONOUGH BUSINESS w i n t e r 20082009

1 Letter from the Dean

4 Strengthening Global Management:

The International Work of McDonough Alumni

14 The McDonough School of Business and

The Walsh School of Foreign Service:
Working Together to Prepare Global Leaders

19 In the Classroom & Beyond:

George Daly Professors Transform Global Business Thinking
editor and director,
m a r k et i n g a n d

22 McDonough Students: Consultants to the World

c o m m u n i c at i o n s
Keith S. Collins

Senior Writer:
Zia Morales
Writer and Editorial Assistant:
26 Educating World Citizens
Evan Regan-Levine

30 Robert Emmett McDonough

Lisa Carey Design, llc


McDonough Business welcomes

31 New Faculty, Newly Tenured Faculty, New Deans
inquiries, opinions and comments

37 A Real Structure to Show Off

from its readers. Correspondence
should be addressed to:

Editor, McDonough Business

McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University
3240 Prospect Street
Washington, dc 20007
38 Alumni Notes
202-687-7039 fax

Alumni should send address

to, or
contact Alumni Records at
(202) 687-1994.
raduates of the McDonough School are prepared to make
The International Work serious contributions to the world of management. They do
of McDonough Alumni so in traditional corporate roles, working at high levels in
marketing, finance and other functions. But they also guide success-
ful operations with non-profit organizations and help break new
ground in fields such as education, government relations, healthcare
and conservation.

Take a look at a few of our graduates and youll appreciate the depth of
the contributions that McDonough alumni are making in the world.

4 5
After rising to vice president, she realized transmitted diseases treated at our clinics,
Branding and Behavior she had a strong international interest. She she says. Finding New Funding Sources
had heard about the McDonough School and
Change in India She sees social marketing as having a big
for Middle Market Companies
its strength in social marketing and applied
for the MBA program. Georgetown exposed impact in India. The big difference here in Latin America
RISHA HESS mba 2003
me to more people from outside the US, she from the past is the focus on research, she
Director of Research & Communication says knowing what behavioral determinates
says. The student body is so international.
Population Services International, India,
Building relationships with people inside and are correlated to people adopting these behav- CEO & Founder, LW Securities, Ltd.
New Delhi, India
outside McDonough was invaluable. iors. She has been so successful that she was Caracas, Venezuela

After graduation she took a fellowship with
President & Chief Investment Officer,
Population Services International (PSI), a LOTS OF MONEY HAS LW Investment Management, Inc.
nonprofit organization that uses private sec- BEEN SPENT IN THE DEVEL- (subsidiary of LW Securities), Florence, Italy
tor approaches, particularly in marketing, to
address health problems in the developing OPMENT FIELD WITH NO
world. She started running a communica-
tions campaign on HIV for PSI in India,
RESULT. WE REALLY NEED M iddle market companies in Latin
America have more funding sources
today because of Carlos Zalles.
including branding a chain of clinics and TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE
pharmaceutical products. She says she
AT CHANGING BEHAVIOR. During his time at Georgetown, Zalles
applied the marketing skills she learned at became convinced he didnt want to work in
McDonough, such as using audience seg- and eventually run the family businesses in
mentation, consumer insights and branding promoted to director overseeing all PSI/India Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Boring and not
to get people to adopt healthier behaviors. projects, including safe deliveries in rural at all lucrative, he thought. Plus, hed be
areas, diarrhea treatment and prevention, working in the shadow of his father. His
While at Georgetown she had used a model to home water treatment, health insurance for brother had already worked at Citibank, and
develop a branding campaign for the World- the very poor and others. She also handles banking seemed much more interesting.
wide Wrestling Federation. When she joined Asia Regional HIV Communication for PSI,
PSI she started using the same model to edu- traveling to Papua New Guinea, Vietnam and After graduation from Georgetown he took a
Risha Hess, MBA 2002, with friends at ancient city of Fatehpur Sikri, India.
cate her Indian staff on how to brand a prod- Cambodia to build marketing planning and position as a management trainee with
uct. The aim was to get people to treat their communication strategy in the region. American Security Bank, becoming a vice

I ts one thing to change peoples beverage sexually transmitted diseases (STD) by quali- president at the age of 27, running the Latin
choice from tea to Coca Cola, says Risha fied doctors. We needed to brand the doctors She gets frustrated sometimes with more tra- America division in Washington, DC. It was Carlos Zalles, BSBA 1975
Hess. But a more important issue for me is, as well as the treatment and clinics, she says, ditional approaches to development aid, such a small portfolio, and by the late 1970s he had
how do you change peoples social behavior? to help build their confidence that they will as focusing on how many people have been reached a plateau. He jumped at the chance ican countries, and then landed in the top 10
be treated. But doctors dont want to be labeled talked to or how many meetings have been to run a division at Bank of America in 1980 of fixed income underwriters in Latin Amer-
Hess has been in love with social marketing as just STD specialists, and consumers dont held. These are not the right deliverables, in Venezuela, overseeing the Corporate ica, in the same league as Goldman Sachs,
since her undergraduate days at Boston Col- want to be seen going to STD doctors. So we she says. We should be held accountable on Banking and Financial Assets Group that Merrill Lynch, Citi and others. In 1999 he
lege. After majoring in marketing, she moved faced a dilemma: How do you brand some- changing behavior. managed the distressed loan portfolio for founded LW Securities.
to Oakland, California to take a job with Bet- thing without telling people what it is? Venezuela and, later, Mexico.
ter World Advertising, working on advertis- Hess loves her work. She is headed to Kenya
Zalles describes LW as a boutique investment
ing campaigns about HIV-AIDS and drug- After research, she concluded that one pow- soon to become East Africa Reproductive As he puts it, though, he couldnt bridge the bank focused on the middle market corporate
related issues. erful factor in many peoples choice of doc- Health Marketing Advisor. Im excited to gap between the money he was making for sector. Its a sector that big commercial
tors in India was perceiving the clinics to be bring things that have worked in India and the corporation and the money that was banks dont want to focus on, he says. They
She learned a lot at Better World, she says, such modern and English-speaking. Hess gave the see if we can apply them in Africa, she says. reaching his pocket. In 1987 he started Vest- want to focus on deals of $500 million or
as what audience segments watch TV, how to network of clinics an English name that was Lots of money has been spent in the devel- corPartners, an investment banking institu- larger, dealing with big companies or sover-
do research in social marketing (there often pronouncable in various languages: Key Clin- opment field with no result. We really need to tion covering all of Latin America. He began eigns. The $20-50 million sector is too small
isnt enough, she says), and the differences ics. After five years, 34 percent of the four be more effective at changing behavior. converting commercial bank debt to securi- for them. LW, with offices in Miami, Milan
between selling consumer products and selling million men we targeted got their sexually ties, helping create a wave of corporate and throughout Latin America, originates,
sensitive projects.
investment for the region. The company structures and distributes high-yield prod-
grew, creating offices in several Latin Amer- ucts to institutional investors in Latin Amer-

6 7
ica, Europe and the US. The company creates technical. Professionals were trained in the way develop a respect and emotional attach-
credit oriented, structured transactions Transforming a Nonprofit biological sciences and in schools of forestry. ment to the environment, he says. This
asset-based securities geared to hedge More recently, the field came to terms with makes discussions with farmers, fishermen,
Through Marketing Techniques
funds and high yield investors. Zalles says how the worlds ecosystems operate, and mayors, about short- and long-term gains far
yields surpass 16 percent with relatively BRETT JENKS mba 2004 organizations are prioritizing what must be easier to manage. Local environmental pride
short tenors. saved and what critical threats must be miti- is a kind of social capital. It creates the confi-
CEO, Rare, Arlington, Virginia
gated. Conservationists have learned to more dence needed for better decision-making.
Meanwhile, in December of 2007 Zalles set clearly define the problems, rather than just

up a new asset management operation, LW n 2000 Brett Jenks took Rare, an decry them, and this prepared the ground for The conservation field has led some good
Investment Management (LWIM). By March $850,000 conservation organization with a new phase of conservation. education efforts, Jenks believes. People just
of 2008 he had launched his flagship fund, a staff of seven, and began applying com- need a broader perspective. The environ-
LW Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, mercial marketing principles to the problems The next generation of conservationists mental movement has focused most of its
managing about $40 million in assets, which it faced. After eight years its now an $8 mil- realizes that behind every threat is human outreach on educating people about prob-
he wants to take to $200 million. It is a bal- lion organization with a staff of 50, working behavior, he says. But how do you change lems, he says, such as damage to coral reefs,
anced fund, he says, with fixed income and around the world. human behavior? Here is where consumer pollution in our cities, the plight of the envi-
equity components. Asset-based lending in Brett Jenks, MBA 2004 marketing comes in. ronment. It has helped build a movement and
emerging markets is the focus, along with His story starts in 1991. As a professional open up purse-strings. Now, he believes, it is
equities based on natural resource invest- filmmaker, he had spent 15 straight 17-hour develop ecotourism and promote environ- The art of behavior change wasnt devel- time for action. In the next phase, he says,
ments across emerging markets. Zalles says days producing television commercials. Wak- mental awareness, he says. oped by conservationists, Jenks notes, but we have to use more strategic marketing
LWIM is also helping Latin American natural ing up in his apartment after a late night by the commercial marketing field. Creative techniques to promote solutions.
resources and mining companies fund their wrap party, he discovered he had written on During this time he met the executive direc- marketing strategies that sold soft drinks or
projects via private placements or public the wall, Get out of the film business now! tor of Rare, who asked him to help develop cigarettes have also been used to increase
offerings in the Toronto Stock Exchange. new training programs. Jenks agreed and was seat belt use, cut teen smoking and make the A New Day for
use of contraceptives socially acceptable. Japanese Politics

now working two jobs. He was back to his 17
Zalles will soon be moving to Florence from NOW THAT WEVE USED hour days, but he was making one fifth the Now that weve used commercial marketing
Venezuela and working out of Milan. This is money and loving it. Soon he joined Rare to create changes in the health and safety ERIKO TAKAHATA mba 2008
a family project, he says, and Italy is a good
COMMERCIAL MARKETING exclusively, and by 2000 he was asked to arenas, its time to see what it can do for envi- CEO & Chief Analyst,
country for my family and myself. He also TO CREATE CHANGES IN become CEO. He had never run an organiza- ronmental conservation. Political Marketing Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan
appreciates the political climate in Europe. tion before and set out to read every manage- (in Japanese)
Europe has a better understanding of Latin
THE HEALTH AND SAFETY ment, strategy and finance book he could get Jenks and his team at Rare are working to
America, he says. The whole political envi-
ronment in Latin America is changing, mov-
ARENAS, ITS TIME TO his hands on. He decided he needed some
validation for his self study and enrolled in
develop a systematic approach to enable
local conservation leaders not only to identi-
E riko Takahata says she took the job as
CEO of the new firm Political Marketing

ing toward the left, and Europeans can stom- SEE WHAT IT CAN DO the McDonough Schools International Exec- fy threats and prioritize them but also to
Laboratory (PMLab) reluctantly. All she real-
ly wanted was to be an analyst, she says.
change behavior surrounding them.
ach that more than the US. He also feels FOR ENVIRONMENTAL utive MBA program.
Besides, she had only just received her MBA
Europe is a good market to raise money for Changing behavior means helping another
and was nearly the youngest person in the
his fund. CONSERVATION. It was a terrific experience, he says. It person see the benefits of adopting a new Eriko Takahata, MBA 2008
firm. But no one else had the marketing and
gave me a number of tools I use today, as well behavior, helping them see that the benefits
management training she did.
He is still enthused by LWs possibilities. We Listening to his saner, if not sober, self, he as a network of friends and colleagues. One are greater than the perceived costs. How do
are pioneers in asset-based lending, and left the lucrative and exhausting world of McDonough professor, Ed Soule, joined his you get fishermen in the Pacific Islands who
PMLab is a cross between a marketing firm
were venturing into mining and natural commercial entertainment and moved to board and another, Brooks Holtom, has use dynamite as their fishing tackle to see
and a political consulting firm, helping politi-
resource plays, he says. For the last 15 years Costa Rica to volunteer as a rural school helped him develop and write a business case the benefits of not blowing up a reef to max-
cians learn what voters want, and helping
we have been attacking segments abandoned teacher. The organization he worked for saw used in training Rares partners. imize their catch? By helping them see
them develop manifestos (platforms) that
by large investment banks, who have little that Jenks was capable of organizing com- enough short-term benefits to wait around
voters will respond to. With national and
interest in going after smaller companies. We Jenks believes the conservation movement is for what are clearly long-term benefits of a
plex projects and asked him to become direc- Tokyo metropolitan elections coming up
are bringing these companies something at a point where marketing principles can healthy fishery.
tor of its entire program in Costa Rica, work- soon, its an opportune time to grow.
theyve lacked: nontraditional investment have a major impact. Early pioneers for the
ing with the governments ministries of
banking resources. movement wrote emotionally about the need Jenks has tried to take conservation back to
education and the environment. It was so PMLab is not the first political consulting
to care for Yellowstone and Yosemite, he its roots of emotion while updating its
inspiring to be able to bring ideas, resources, firm in Japan. Whats new, says Takahata, is
says. It was more poetry than plan. But by approach to human behavior. We want peo-
and whole programs to help Costa Rica that the information the firm provides its
the 1970s, conservation had become more ple to celebrate their homeland and in that
clients is based on quantitative data. Before

8 9
this, she says, politicians would claim they His work as a marketer is only part of his job. town helped me make the school sustain-
knew what voters wanted, but the assertion Making Consumer Dreams He is also a manager, running teams and build- able, she says. SIG owns all the property
was based on their own agenda. Now its ing relationships internationally. His teams used by the schools, and she notes that real
Come True
based on numbers. consist of managers in marketing, finance, estate in Dubai has gone through the roof.
DAN KARCHES mba 2002 sales, product supply, product development, The group even buys housing for teachers.
Takahata is ecstatic about what she learned consumer insight (research) and design. Indian by ancestry, Aparna has lived all her
at the McDonough School. I tried to imple- Brand Manager, Cosmetics Global Design,
life in Dubai, but she flies regularly to Bom-
Procter & Gamble, Baltimore, MD
ment everything from my marketing class- You have to qualify an idea and make sure bay as well as New York and is an active real
es, she says. the financials work before you invest in the estate investor in both cities.

I t was an epiphany when Dan Karches real- creative side, he says. There is the business
Before Georgetown she worked as an Eng- ized that marketing could combine his two side, the general management side, and there But education is what gets her excited.
lish-Japanese translator, working with politi- loves, math and design. He had majored in is the marketing side, making sure the con- When I look at the younger generation
cians in Japan. She could see that Japanese political science in college and worked in sumer is at the heart of what you are doing. today, she says, and I look at what is hap-
politicians were not meeting the needs of banking in London and New York, but his Design is becoming more and more impor- pening in the world, I dont find a direct cor-
voters. Once at McDonough, she interned creative side lay dormant. Dutifully he pur- tant: packaging and aesthetics are what con- relation between what kids are learning and
with political consulting firm Jamestown sued an MBA and arrived at the McDonough sumers see and therefore what the brand what they should be learning. She wants to
Associates and attended think tank and poli- School. When he took Prof. Ken Homas stands for. You cannot design products with create an environment where children can
cy meetings to learn the American system. marketing course, he said, his life became the lowest common denominator in mind. deal with the future and understand and
She realized that basic political notions, such more interesting. He realized marketing Consumers want products designed for shape what it will be for them. Everyone in
as the desirability of laying out policy in sim- could be both rigorous and creative. Market- them, not for everyone. Dubai has drivers and maids, and the chil-
ple terms so everyone can understand, were ing became his passion, and he stepped into a dren are not as self-sufficient as they should
new to Japan. There, Takahata says, people new career with Procter & Gamble. No one is more engrossed in his job than be. How can we give these kids the skills to
Dan Karches, MBA 2002
worship complexity. If its complicated, she Karches. I love cosmetics, he says. I can tackle the future? Its only getting harder.
says, people think its good. In America, Working with Folgers coffee, then Pringles, make consumer dreams come true. Thats They need skills for the future.
simplicity wins the day. then Pantene Hair Care, he is now one of the the fun of consumer packaged goods.
Brand Managers for Max Factor and Cover She has served Georgetown as president of
She went back to Japan after graduation and Girl at P&G cosmetics, creating products that the alumni group in Dubai, and she has inter-
started working for a parliamentarian run- make the beauty dreams of women around
Educating Middle Eastern viewed many potential Georgetown students
ning for re-election. They had talked about the world come true. Children for the Future from the Middle East. They were straight A
starting a political marketing firm together, students, she says, but nothing else. I told
APARNA VERMA bsba 1993

but then he was elected. Takahata thought them they needed more than A-levels. They
the idea was dead. Then he resigned, and YOU CANNOT DESIGN PRODUCTS WITH THE LOWEST Chairman & CEO, needed to be multi-skilled with sports and
they started the firm together.
charity work and other activities. She makes
sure some of her students participate every
PMLab has only four full-time and two part- PRODUCTS DESIGNED FOR THEM, NOT FOR EVERYONE.
E ducation is Aparna Vermas passion. year in the Global Youth Leaders Conference
time workers, Takahata says, but she hopes
Ever since she graduated from George- in Washington, DC, where artists, directors
to grow bigger soon. Her aim is to recruit 100 The needs in Sweden and Greece may be dif- through a 15-step process, with 15 products,
town she has worked to create a better way and other professionals talk to them about
clients among the 300 electoral districts for ferent from those of users in the US, he says. to look natural. Others go through four steps
for the children of the Middle East to receive life and work.
national elections. Yet she longs for more Consumers in the UK can be very skeptical, to look glamorous. It doesnt matter, as long
an education for the 21st century.
restful days. whereas to Americans the glass is usually half as it makes them happy. Verma has a business education, but her work
full. Americans will try anything. A year after graduating in finance and inter- isnt about the money, she says. A lot of pri-
Right now I do everything, she says. I If Karches has one secret, its that he loves
national relations she formed Scholars Inter- vate schools just want to make money, she
would rather be doing data analysis. Hope- When Karches goes into a new country, he making people happy. When I was working
national Group (SIG) in Dubai and opened a says. They are not giving back. We are really
fully we will get big enough that I can go does three things. I talk to our people and on Pantene I realized that if a woman has a
K-12 school called Dubai Scholars. She now trying to do something different, give back to
back to that. get the P&G perspective, he says. I go to bad hair day she has a bad day. I really want-
has a second school, Scholars International children. I pride myself on being different.
stores to understand the in-store experience ed to help these women. Now that Im with
Academy, and is planning to expand further
for customers of both P&G and competitors. cosmetics, I realize that women are trans-
in the Middle East and elsewhere.
And I talk to consumers. When I can, I even formed every morning through cosmetics.
go into their homes to find out what they love And they look to us to help transform them. The sustainability of her efforts is important
and what they dont. Ive met women who go This is a real energy booster for me. to Verma. My financial education at George-

10 11
overseas as the next avenue of expansion, and family, he watched the private equity market
Creating a Seamless folks overseas are looking to the US market. Finding the Unloved double in size every 5 6 years and in 1998
Our job is to maintain our leading position as
International Real Estate Business and Helping decided to join Blackstone, a major invest-
strategic advisor to our clients, especially now ment house, with $119 billion under manage-
Franchise during the tougher times resulting from the
it Grow
ment in 2008. He moved to London in 2001
liquidity crunch, then ultimately into the next to start a private equity practice for the firm
stage of international growth. At some point, in Europe.
Co-head, Real Estate Department liquidity will return to the system. Senior Managing Director,
Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York, NY The Blackstone Group, London, England Baratta describes his approach to invest- Graziano works hard to create and maintain
ment: In simplest terms, we take our limit-
what he calls the Goldman Sachs culture in his
ichael Graziano didnt set out to go n the early days of private equity invest- ed partners money and buy companies with
into real estate. He just wanted a job at real estate department: seamless, selfless coor- ing, the field became synonymous with it. We look for suitable investment candi-
Goldman Sachs. But in his 18 years at the dination around the world. It would be very hostile takeovers. Investors bought business- dates, do the due diligence, decide if we want
premier investment bank he has seen the easy to act in fiefdoms but thats not very es simply to break them up. Joe Baratta, who to buy and what to pay. We structure the
field emerge from one controlled by families helpful to our clients. Delivering the whole manages corporate private equity for The transaction, negotiate with the sellers, then
Joseph Baratta, BSBA 1993
and private companies into a dynamic, entre- enchilada is hard. We try to do it in an integrat- Blackstone Group in Europe, is glad those buy the business, usually keeping existing
preneurial industry driven by multi-billion ed way, making sure every client has access to times have changed. management. We capitalize the company and
dollar public companies. the enormous expertise available at GS, sit on the board and help management plan
regardless of where it exists. Our approach to private equity is different, their strategy. We build value over 3-5 years,
The field has gone through tremendous he says. We aim to be friends to large corpo- then sell the business.
change in the last 15 years, he says. When He sees his job as twofold: client advisor and rations and never undertake hostile deals.
companies went public in the 1990s many overall internal business manager. My job is Blackstone sometimes becomes a minority
were public companies in format only. With to be the strategic advisor to CEOs as they Baratta has helped to build Blackstones rep- investor, he says, supplying capital to help a
family members on boards and private com- face important decisions and need strategic utation as one of the premier private equity company finance acquisitions or a project.
pany infrastructure and mindset, they were thinking, he says. But he also has to manage firms in the world. We try to find an unloved But the firm prefers to gain majority control.
really still private entities but with public a growing department, and he sees his biggest

clothing. Now, with the widespread equity challenge as making his worldwide opera-
tions run smoothly. The number one task is WE TRY TO FIND AN UNLOVED BUSINESS AND
and debt securitization of real estate assets,
there is much broader coverage of the indus- to put the right people in the right seats, he PROVIDE THE CAPITAL IT NEEDS TO MAKE STRATEGIC
try, which brings with it a detailed focus that says. Then you need to make sure everyone
demands a tremendous amount of discipline. views the business as a global business. This ACQUISITIONS AND GROW.
Were in an era now where these companies, means, for one thing, adjusting compensation
with their extensive boards and professional, and promotion systems to reward the right business and provide the capital it needs to Baratta has built up Blackstones European
deep management teams, are an integral part behavior. We hold people to task to make make strategic acquisitions and grow. Some private equity business from three people in
Michael J. Graziano, BSBA 1988
of corporate America. Yet a number of com- sure that theyre coordinating, and that they of our companies weve turned into industry 2001 to 25 today. The firms European private
panies are still run by the founders, some- dont view the business in any sort of leaders. He cites Southern Cross, which equity portfolio consists of 10 portfolio com-
times second or third generation, so they still parochial way. Blackstone helped turn into the largest nurs- panies in which Blackstone has invested
have lots of skin in the game,and they have ing home operator in the UK, as well as approximately $3.8 billion.
Graziano acknowledges its a challenge. Get- Merlin Entertainments Group, which owns
performed incredibly well on all relative
ting people not to worry about whats in it for Legoland, Madame Tussauds and other busi-
return metrics, standing toe to toe with the
them isnt always easy, he says. We want nesses and has become the second largest
rest of corporate america.
the individual in Asia to help with the Euro- visitor attraction company in the world next
The industry is also now more international pean operation, and vice versa, without wor- to Disney.
than ever. Our real estate group used to be rying about credit or P&L. If were doing
comprised of geographically isolated business- the job right, we differentiate ourselves to After graduation from Georgetown, Baratta
es, Graziano says, but in the last four years it our clients, and the overall franchise bene- worked as a mergers and acquisitions analyst
has been globally structured, integrated and fits, which is good for all the individuals I at Morgan Stanley for two years, then took a
coordinated. It is no longer just US, European, manage, regardless of where they sit. job at a small middle market private equity
Asian, or Australian businesses operating firm, McCown De Leeuw & Co. After mov-
independently. All our US clients are looking ing to Tinicum Inc., where he managed pub-
lic and private investment for a wealthy

12 13
McDONOUGH Working Together to Prepare Global Leaders
strategy investment fund dedicated to the emerging mar- leaders in international business, public policy and

kets, affiliated with The Albright Group and chaired by business-government relations.
former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; and this Courses in the program, which is run by SFS, are

past summer with Goldman, Sachs as a summer associ- taught to more than 600 graduate and undergraduate
ate with the Investment Banking Division. students each year, from both MSB and SFS, but only
Kingsley has found, though, that his most valu- about 90 enter the honors program that yields the IBD

OF FOREIGN able work experience was a consulting project as part

of a joint MSB / SFS team.
certificate. Here they learn in depth how to analyze
policy issues and manage business opportunities inter-

nationally. Students from the McDonough School
I was a volunteer consultant for Agora Partner- begin to master non-market issues in greater detail
ships during the Spring of 2007. This non-profit than they do in MSB courses. SFS students become
organization, co-founded by MSFS alumnus Ben
more adept in finance, accounting and other technical
Powell, seeks to provide entrepreneurs in devel-
fields. The courses are taught largely via cases (see
oping countries with the funding and business
Gerber: Investing in the New Ukraine on page 17 for
skills to launch small and medium enterprises.
a sample of one case used in an IBD course).
My consulting team, staffed by both MSFS and
MBA students, was assigned to work with the
owner of a small shoe-making workshop in

Granada, Nicaragua. Over the course of the
usiness and international affairs semester, we analyzed his business to identify AND MBA STUDENTS BACKGROUNDS ARE. IN
have had a long relationship at Joint MBA/MSFS Degree best practices and outlined a plan to expand the THE BEGINNING, I THINK THE STUDENTS WERE
Georgetown. As far back as the SFS and MSB offer a full-time, three-year joint MBA /
workshop into a small factory that would help ALL PRETTY INTIMIDATED BY ONE ANOTHER.
kick-start the local shoe-making industry. After
second decade of the 20th centu- MSFS degree. Designed for students with strong inter-
our consulting work, the company obtained
ests in foreign relations and global business, the pro- The IBD program is very rigorous, says Jett
ry, even before there was a business school, funding and an important contract, and it has
gram focuses on the growing global interdependence begun offering shoe-making day laborers with a Pihakis, Associate Dean for MBA Programs. Students
the School of Foreign Service offered trade of business and government. It is the most popular of formal employment program, a boon for local who enter it feed off the intellectual energy.
and diplomacy studies. the McDonough Schools joint-degree programs and industry and the community. Alexis Carrico is an MBA student in the IBD Hon-
Today, the McDonough School and the offers terrific summer internship opportunities. ors Certificate Program:
Juan Kingsley, a native of Costa Rica, is one of five With the dramatic changes going on in the field of
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service joint-degree students at McDonough today. He describes I have learned that there are so many factors in
international finance, students like Juan who can
work together to provide a variety of pro- the program: move comfortably between industry, government and doing business internationally. Most of us MBA
grams to meet the needs of students who want international institutions are getting themselves ready students limit ourselves to thinking about finance,
It gives me the context and understanding to for very productive careers. marketing, accounting, operations, etc. My first
careers in international business, internation- apply professional business skills globally. And I SFS class, however, taught me that there are many
al government or their intersection. The can leverage two alumni networks that often other aspects of international business to consid-

School of Foreign Service is the best in the

intersect in both my areas of interest, interna- International Business Diplomacy er, such as international trade laws, labor stan-
tional finance and private sector development. dards, environmental principles, and cultures.
world at what they do, says Dean Daly. Our (IBD) Certificate
Kingsley loves the summer jobs hes taken during the Carrico has found the interaction with SFS students
relationship strengthens us both. Students in both schools can earn an honors certifi-
program: first, with the International Finance Corpora- particularly valuable:
The Schools offer a range of possibilities, tion, the emerging market investment group of the World
cate in International Business Diplomacy as part of a
program begun in 1978. Its purpose is to train future
and students respond enthusiastically: Bank; next with Albright Capital Management, a multi-

14 15
It is amazing how different the SFS and MBA
students backgrounds are. In the beginning, I
think the students were all pretty intimidated by
one another. The SFS students could talk for
hours about the WTO, FTAs, BITs, BIPs etc., and A hypothetical but realistic case from the IBD Program
we MBA students were well-versed in financials,
operations, stats, and marketing. By the end of
the course, however, we were going to happy Gerber: Investing in the New Ukraine
hours together and learning to appreciate our

differences. I have learned so much from my SFS he history of modern Ukraine began in the fall of 2004 when Katherine Chumachenko Yushchenko
peers, and I look forward to working with many (GU SFS IBD 93) thought she noticed a medicinal scent on the breath of her husband Victor
of them in the future. The Georgetown-ESADE program has been designed to Yushchenko, candidate for President. Victor had been poisoned. As he recovered in the closing
accommodate executives with demanding professional months of 2004, a peaceful mass protest the Orange Revolution forced the authorities to overturn a
Prof. Marc Busch, the Karl F. Landegger Chair in Inter- lives. Delivered in modules over 16 months, it enables rigged election. Yuschenko was swept into power. Subsequent internal turmoil in the Yushechnko camp
national Business Diplomacy from SFS, loves the pro- participants, many of whom are not from the United allowed his rival Viktor Yanukovych to engineer a comeback in parliamentary elections and become prime
gram. We give students exposure to non-market States, to study global business in depth with MSB, SFS minister in August of 2006.
issues that are so important, he says. There are a lot and ESADE professors and accomplished peers. By May of 2007, Samuel Heck and Robert Duncan were caught in a delicate position. For months, Heck,
Each of the six, 11-day sessions takes place in a the chief financial officer of Gerber Products Company, and Duncan, the companys general counsel, had been
shuttling between Michigan and Kiev, putting together a deal that would allow Gerber to acquire Nutricia S.A.,
THE PROJECT WORK, EXPECTATIONS OF PROFESSORS, commercial center in Spain, Russia, Latin America,
one of Ukraines largest and most successful food processing plants. On all sides, the deal had seemed to make
the United States, India or China (the latter two on a
DRIVE OF OTHER STUDENTS IT ALL MAKES YOU WANT sense. Gerber would modernize the aging plant, boost its sagging export trade, and give the Ukraine govern-
rotating basis). In every session participants explore
TO USE YOUR TIME HERE WELL. the complexities of business in an industry or country, ment $11 million of the hard currency it so desperately needed. In exchange, the worlds largest baby food pro-
integrating coursework with real-world, real-time ducer would gain a low-cost base in one of the largest and most fertile agricultural regions, adjacent to the
of factors that will decide if a given investment is a challenges presented by working business executives. newly-enlarged European Union and with historical ties as the breadbasket for the former Soviet Union.
safe one, and we take them up directly. There is a ter- In the first module, for example, students come to Until this point, the negotiations had progressed smoothly. After winning a competitive bidding process
rific reward from combining two groups in a single Washington and examine the factors that shape and sponsored by Ukraines Ministry of Privatization, the Gerber
class and getting them to work together. They drive the global economy and the implications for officials had signed a Purchase and Sale agreement on May 1.
approach material from their own vantage points. business. Topics include: Under the terms of this agreement, Gerber had formally com-
Each asks different questions and pursues different mitted itself to the Nutricia deal and agreed to work with the
lines of thinking. The Global Environment of Business government in resolving a series of complicated issues such as
Political and regulatory influences property ownership, worker retention, and taxation. Everyone
involved in the negotiations had acknowledged that these
Comparative institutional analysis
Georgetown-ESADE Global issues were critical to the deals success, but because the dis-
Structure of the macro economy: consumption,
Executive MBA cussions were going so well both sides were confident that
saving, government taxing & spending, they could resolve all issues by the end of the year.
exports and imports
Beginning this year, the McDonough School teamed Then on May 24 politics had intervened. After months of
up with the School of Foreign Service, along with Aggregate supply & demand, growth and productivity internal squabbling, Kateryna Vashchuk, head of the Agrarian
ESADE Business School in Spain, to offer a new exec- Balance of payments, exchange rates Party, prevailed upon Prime Minister Yanukovych to revisit
utive MBA program. The launch was successful and Regional and supra-regional economic integration the idea of turning a crown jewel of Ukraines agribusiness
the reaction so far has been beyond expectations. complexes over to foreign ownership.
International Business Management Heck and Duncan found themselves reconsidering their
The Georgetown-ESADE program develops the options. They knew, at a minimum, that the new government was going to want to renegotiate the Purchase
International trade theory: policies and practices
next class of world managers and leaders its and Sale agreement and take a tougher stance on the issues of ownership, employment, and taxation. Most
like an executive boot camp. You stretch beyond Exporting, foreign direct investment and foreign
likely, the government would also tinker with existing policies on profit repatriation, currency devaluation, pri-
anything you thought you could do. I wanted an market entry
vatization, and worker compensation all of which could have a serious impact on Gerbers bottom line. Like-
education to help me engage more effectively with Economic, social and political contexts of
wise, it was clear that the new government would be unable to deliver many of the promises that had been
the global community, and the program has international business
made in the May 1 agreement.
exceeded my expectations. Challenges of sales and distribution in global In principle, Heck, Duncan, and the rest of the Gerber team were still committed to Ukraine and the Nutri-
markets cia plant. The facilities were in good shape, the enterprise was well-managed, and the entire operation fit nice-
Raamel Mitchell
Corruption, ethics, local vs. universal values, ly with Gerbers plans for global expansion. But before they spent $25 million for an overseas acquisition, the
Central US Engagement Manager,
sustainability Gerber officials needed to reevaluate the merits of investing in such an uncertain situation.
Microsoft Corporation, Dallas, Texas

16 17
Analysis of Financial Statements students it all makes you want to use your time
Global comparisons: ratio and cash-flow analysis, here well. Each residency is 11 days, and in the
long-term debt, bond ratings, consolidation and beginning you say thats a lot, but at the end you

intangibles think its not enough.

Global management: pro forma financials, model- Teresa Gendron

ing growth, cash for growth
Vice President, Financial Operations
Decision-support tools / prediction models NII Holdings, Inc., Reston, Virginia
Executive decision-making and responsibility,
fraud and Sarbanes-Oxley, bankruptcy SFS Prof. Busch helped design the program. Its pret-
ty exciting, he says. Students are very experienced
The module ends with a practical session on the and very international. Its a novel MBA. Rather than
geopolitical business climate. This year the class being international in just one course, international
became immersed in the dispute among Airbus, Boe- infuses all six modules.
As Dean Daly says, This is one of the best single
STUDENTS ARE VERY EXPERIENCED AND VERY INTER- examples of intellectual synergy on campuses I know

of. It allows us to do something no one else does. Its
the only MBA program I know between a business
school and an international affairs program.

ing and Northrop Grumman that erupted early in 2008

over a $40 billion contract for a US Air Force tanker.
Daily Interaction
Participants argued the case, taking sides before a Aside from the joint degree, IBD and Georgetown-
THINKING Stanley Nollen

mock panel of the United States Senate. Very senior ESADE programs, students and faculty from the two
has also led many of the programs editions
industry participants became involved to provide schools interact on a regular basis. For example, he global nature of
Sandeep Dahiya, an MSB finance professor, prepares himself, accompanying students to cities
expertise and act as judges. business education at such as Dubai, Prague, Ho Chi Minh City,
SFS students for case interviews each year, where a job
Georgetown-ESADE is much more than a typical applicant must read a real-life case and suggest a course
the McDonough School Delhi and Bangalore since 1997.
MBA program. It gives you a good foundation, of action. He teaches them how to ask intelligent ques- comes in part from its These residencies let me see transfor-
but it also enables you to think about problems tions, perceive what information is needed, and come professors. They are a varied mations in students lives, Stan says. They
in a new way. A whole host of solutions come to up with the best strategy. Pose a set of assumptions are, I believe, the most distinctive feature of
and dedicated lot, and through our entire graduate business education, and I
mind that you hadnt thought of. The project and justify your conclusions, he tells them.
work, expectations of professors, drive of other SFS and MSB students attend each others class-
their research and work with feel privileged to be a part of it. They offer me
es, and professors from both schools teach in each oth- students they are transforming new experiences, variety and close contact
ers courses. SFS faculty participate in the MSB global the way people and organiza- with top managers from different cultures.
residencies, too. Stan will publish a book in 2009 about
tions think about international
Working with SFS has made me think more the Indian and Chinese software and hard-
business. ware industries. Its conclusions may surprise
broadly about all the relevant stakeholders in business
and government dealings, says Devin Kalman, a cur- many people. The conventional wisdom is
rent MBA student. Its made me realize just how com- Stanley Nollen that Indian software is successful because of
plicated doing business in our global economy is. ample supply of technically well educated
Marc Busch of SFS is enthused about what lies Professor and Director, labor paid low wages in dollar terms, Stan
ahead. The MSB / SFS relationship is getting stronger MBA Global Residency Program says. That is true. But China also has the
all the time, he says. Were likely to see more action same thing ample supply of technically well
between the schools. The future could be exciting. Stan Nollens focus is the program that, prob- educated labor paid low wages in dollar terms.
ably more than any other, has come to define Why wasnt the Chinese software industry
the McDonough School MBA the global equally successful as an export industry?
residency program. As director he keeps its The Chinese industry is as big if not bigger
quality high and its growth consistent, but he and as fast growing as the Indian industry.

18 19
The difference between the two countries is
the management of the Indian firms more Paul Almeida J. Bradford Jensen Prashant Malaviya
acquainted with western markets and pursuit
of foreign alliances, more experienced in proj- Associate Professor, Strategy and Associate Professor, Strategy Associate Professor, Marketing
ect management, quicker to recognize the International Business
value of quality certifications, more fluent in Brad Jensen examines how firms engage the Prashant Malaviya loves the academic life.
the English language, and able to take advan- Paul Almeida spends a lot of his time running global economy. Recently, he looked at how After earning his MBA from the University
tage of Indian national culture. the new Georgetown-ESADE Global Execu- multinationals price exports, comparing the of New Delhi he took a position for a time at
tive MBA program. Hes also a dynamic same firm shipping the same product to the Nestle but decided that working with stu-
teacher and persistent researcher. Among his same country two different ways: at arms dents and researching his favorite subject,
Michael R. Czinkota latest investigations: a study of the Indian length and through internal channels. consumer psychology, was more rewarding.
Diaspora in the United States and its influ- Unsurprisingly, there was a big difference He went back to school and got his Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Marketing
ence on innovation in the high-tech field. 40 percent between the price charged to from the Kellogg School before launching
Indians in the US create many different the outside firm and the price charged inter- his teaching career.
Both inside and outside academia in corpo-
kinds of networks, he says ethnic, social, nally. One reason is government policy (tax His classroom philosophy is simple:
rate, government and university positions
organizational, both personal and virtual treatment and tariffs), another is how com- Teaching is telling people stories. He has
Michael Czinkota has built his career around
helping them build on their knowledge and Ricardo Ernst petitive the market is. many. As an associate professor of market-
international trade. Early on he ran a fur-trad-
share it. They collaborate with other Indians Brad also finds that countries legal sys- ing at the French business school INSEAD he
ing company in Bavaria before selling the
and write papers with them. What surprised Latin America. The board oversees the Latin tems affect whether firms import from relat- researched and wrote teaching cases and
company and traveling to the US to earn his
Paul was that, contrary to economic rationale, American Alliance, a forum in which George- ed parties or at arms-length especially for articles on the Norwegian telecommunica-
Ph.D. at Ohio State. In 1979 he began teaching
the networks are less valuable in economic town alumni, Latin American friends of the sophisticated products. tions company Telenor and the challenges it
at Georgetown, then took a leave of absence
terms the more they are used. The people university, and other members or the George- Before coming to Georgetown, Brad was faced privatizing the Bangladesh telephone
IT WAS to join the Reagan Administration as Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
who participate most in these networks tend town community with an interest in Latin at the Peterson Institute, where he produced company; on the Grameen Bank and its
Michael R. Czinkota
It was rewarding to implement policy
to be the more senior people, Paul says. America can converge.
Ricardo has also put together a program
policy briefs on trade in services and is writ- information technology initiatives; and on
Rather than producing valuable patents, he ing a book on the subject. Why did he decide the challenges Lays Potato Chips faced
TO IMPLEMENT POLICY ON on trade, he says. You build up theories, so
when you have the chance to try them out
says, they want to give back, help other Indi- to bring young people between 24 and 32 to devote his full time to academia? I want- building a brand in Hungary.
years old from the region to Georgetown for
TRADE YOU BUILD UP and see theory drive behavior its exciting.
ans, even if it means it hurts their own work.
The sense of identify, the social aspect, drives 16 weeks of training on social, political and
ed to spend more time doing research, he
says. Being in Washington, DC is great for
Prashants academic research deals with
consumers and how they use information
THEORIES, SO WHEN YOU Michael is co-developer of the stages theory
of internationalization, a model for how com-
them more than economic gain. business leadership. Participants attend the kind of work I do. and make judgments, whether the informa-
classes and visit multilateral organizations
HAVE A CHANCE TO TRY panies go international. It postulates that they
such as The World Bank and the Inter-Amer-
His research helps academicians and
executives understand how firms behave in
tion comes from advertising, web pages,
store aisles or other avenues.
dont do so overnight but over time, starting Ricardo Ernst ican Development Bank, as well as the White the international marketplace, he says, and
in an entrepreneurial mode and gradually
House and the Pentagon. Then they return
DRIVE BEHAVIOR, ITS becoming more and more international. Deputy Dean, Professor and
home and develop projects in their countries
how trade costs, tariffs or changes in the
international economy influence the com-
Trade characterizes his research, too. Co-Director, Global Logistics
EXCITING. Recently he has explored the outcome of the Research Program
based on what they learned at Georgetown. petitive landscape. And it helps policymakers
The program has had a multiplying effect, learn what to do and what not to do.
Korean governments promotion of foreign
Ricardo says.
trade. Governments are not good at taking Ricardo Ernst is an expert in supply chain
He recently created a virtual academic
on corporate functions like marketing, he management, and he continues to teach
journal called Globalization, Competitive-
says, but they are good at bridging market enthusiastically in his field. But teaching is
ness and Governability at
gaps. For example, a company new to inter- not the only thing on his mind these days.
Its an academic, refereed journal, with
national trade might find the initial period in Determined to keep Latin American
abstracts in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
the market so risky as not to want to contin- alumni involved with the McDonough
The journal aims to become a source of new
ue. Here the government can help reduce the School, Ricardo, a native of Venezuela, has
ideas about the effects of globalization on the
risk through programs like the US govern- created and serves as executive director of the
competitiveness and governability of busi-
ments Overseas Private Investment Corpo- Latin American Board. The board, which
nesses and countries in Latin America. It is
ration. Or the government can increase consists of Jose Maria Aznar, former presi-
particularly focused on tools for managers
rewards, such as through permitting defer- dent of Spain, along with a distinguished
and politicians to design better strategies to
ment of taxes on earnings abroad. group that includes 10 corporate presidents,
benefit their businesses and countries.
helps develop Georgetowns relationship with

20 21
J. Bradford Jensen
rom Vietnam and South Africa to Here are a few examples of what students Tunch, who now works as a consumer development sumer preferences toward health and wellness bever-
Brazil and the Arab Gulf Region, have been doing lately on their global inte- manager for Mot Hennessy in New York City, says he ages. Based on their research, the group recommended
learned lessons that have helped him in his career. that PepsiCo educate Vietnamese consumers on low-
Georgetown MBA students are grative teams:
The integrative experience has allowed me to be a calorie and health-beneficial product offerings, bolster
taking their business expertise to more established marketing manager, he says. I con- its partnerships with mini-marts, supermarkets and
the international market and helping solve Vietnam stantly use the tools and strategies that I learned both hypermarkets, vary container sizes to facilitate on-the-
real-world problems. Required global inte- in the classroom and on site in Vietnam. Learning go purchases, explore market opportunities for iced cof-
Creating a Snacking Culture business methods in the classroom is one thing, but to fees and teas, and gradually replace glass bottles with
grative projects, which allow students
actually apply them to a real-life scenario at a leading PET (polyethylene terephthalate) packaging.
direct access to executives in international
organizations through consulting work, are C rab pellets, shrimp crackers and lobster chips may
not tantalize North American taste-buds, but
these snacks are preferred fare in Vietnam. Just 12
global company is priceless.

South Africa
Drinking to Health
months after being launched by Pepsi Cola, the Poca
brands seafood snacks grabbed market leadership. To With over 700 million people poised to enter the mid- Selling the Nation to American Tourists
get insights in order to sharpen their long-term mar- dle class by 2015, emerging markets in Latin America,
keting strategies, Pepsico Vietnam drew on the expert-
ise of a group of five Georgetown MBA students in
South Asia and the Asia Pacific have become major
drivers of growth for companies like PepsiCo. In
I n 2000, the International Marketing Council (IMC) of
South Africa began trying to create a strong, positive
and united image for the country. In 2008 they called on
2007: Tunch Doker, Emily Cunningham, John Lally, 2008, a group of Georgetown MBA students helped
Georgetown MBA students Jenny Lee, Victoria Gelfeld,
Renee Baiorunos and Darren Cogan. The students the company develop marketing and production strate-
Angela Mellon, Alisa Srikacha and Vanessa Ting to
aim was to create brand awareness and equity gies to communicate the health and wellness aspects
help them. The students task: provide the IMC with
throughout the country and come up with an effective of the companys beverages to Vietnamese consumers.
research to help build a brand for the country.
pricing and packaging strategy. The group included Lauren Adamo, Jeffrey Cullen,
Kelly Dirks, Paul LaRusso, Robert Marshall and
The group conducted interviews, desk research and
We started by analyzing the market and getting accli- Nivedita Patel.
analysis and incorporated the perspectives of students,
mated to the demographics of this country of 83 mil-
academicians and international development and nation-
lion, Tunch Doker says. We looked at the consumers The students started off by studying beverage trends
branding professionals from the US and overseas. Our
ages, genders, income levels and how people lived in in the US as well as other parts of the world. We dis-
research focused on general marketing aspects, says
cities. We noticed that family dynamics were changing, covered that with rising incomes and changing
Vanessa Ting. We outlined the strategies used by other
and that life was becoming more fast-paced, with more lifestyles, about 82 percent of demand for soft drinks
Pepsico products sold by vendors on the streets of Vietnam. countries and highlighted best and worst practices.
and more people on the run. This was the perfect oppor- in Vietnam has yet to be exploited, one student says.
tunity to introduce a snacking culture. The group pre- Vietnamese consumers are also showing a greater
The students say they were intimidated by the
a highlight of their McDonough experi- sented its proposed strategy, which included creating an awareness of their health and drinking more non-car-
prospect of taking their limited knowledge of brand-
icon associated with the brand and introducing vending bonated fruit-based, vegetable and fibre drinks. With
ence. What 2007 McDonough graduate ing, which was focused on the private sector and US
machines to the line-up of distribution channels, in all the tropical fruits such as longgan, blue dragon,
Renee Baioronus says of the global project front of a panel headed by PepsiCo Vietnams CEO. mango, coconut and rambutan in the country, and a
she undertook can probably be said by production capacity that only meets 18 percent of Viet-
We learned how incredibly important clear communi- namese demand for fruit juices, the potential for
every student who has been through it: I
cation is, says Renee Baioronus, especially in cross- growth was tremendous.
really valued the chance to take on sophis- cultural situations. From simply defining the scope of
ticated challenges and execute everything our project, to developing recommendations that were To get a better feel for the Vietnamese market, the group
we learned on a global scale. applicable to the Vietnamese market, down to the conducted field research in the streets of Ho Chi Minh
details of conveying those recommendations to our City. They observed both Pepsi and competitor products
client, establishing clear and effective methods of in the marketplace and drew conclusions about con-
communication was more valuable than any of us
would have imagined.

22 The MBA team focused on branding South Africa

for an American audience. 23
national brands, and applying it to a nation. So it was
with trepidation that they presented their work to a Arab Gulf Region
panel of seven brand managers at the IMC and one
member of the Board of Directors. Selling Japanese Cars in the Desert

In their presentation, the group stressed the need to be

consistent in the brand message, better utilize public W ith booming economies driven by oil rev-
enues, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),
which consists of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait,
relations, leverage partnerships to garner maximum
financial support and manage perceptions by tackling Qatar, Bahrain and Oman, is a key market for luxu-
negative issues head-on with concrete facts. ry car manufacturers. And as one of the leading
Japanese players, Nissan Middle East F.Z.E has a
The IMC was more than receptive to their recommenda- major stake in the market. To improve its prospects
tions. Throughout the presentation we saw a lot of in the region, Nissan enlisted McDonough students
heads nodding, and at the end we got an enthusiastic Suk Won Kim, Jeong Hwang, Jimi Taylor, Chris
fantastic job! says Vanessa. They gave us glowing Zheng and Saran Raksincharoensak to improve the
feedback, including a comment from the Board member accuracy of its Total Industry Volume (TIV) yearly The Georgetown MBA team had to learn the ropes of the Brazilian shipping industry.
that they should work with Georgetown again next year. forecasting model.

As with the Vietnam snack team, the IMC team During the course of the project, the group researched In the end, they produced five expansion scenarios
learned lessons in communication. This was a great historical automotive sales as well as industry and eco- Brazil that ranged from building a container terminal to
lesson on the importance of keeping open dialogue nomic data for the GCC region automotive industry, diversifying into value-added logistics. Their recom-
with your client, says Vanessa. We learned you have reviewed the existing forecasting model against alterna- Exploring Opportunities in Brazil mendations, which were presented to eight decision
to establish expectations up front and then remind tive forecasting frameworks and selected an appropriate makers within the company, were accompanied by a
your client of those expectations at the right time.
Then, if expectations werent aligned, it was pretty
methodology for the GCC region. The result was a new
and more accurate TIV forecasting model for Nissan in I n 2007, Ugo Amoretti, Edward Crnkovich, Paul
De Young, Florin Jichi and Joe Varadi explored
list of criteria to guide the companys opportunity-
selection process, as well
easy to get back on the same page. I can imagine if we the GCC Region. strategic expansion opportunities for Brazilian compa- as a detailed opportunity IN THE END, THEY PRODUCED FIVE
waited until the end to check expectations, we would ny Santos Brasil. The company manages and operates matrix. The panel was
have faced a difficult situation. Happy with the outcome of their engagement with TECON 1, the leading container terminal in South pleased with the groups EXPANSION SCENARIOS THAT
McDonough, Nissan Middle East invited Georgetown America, handling more containers in 2005 than the analysis and shocked that
MBA students back in 2008 to further refine the fore- next five largest Brazilian ports combined. With con- none of the students had
casting model to project automotive demand by mar- tainer traffic projected to grow annually by 12 percent
ket and segment. Jason Chi-Hung Cheng, Kai to reach 6.6 million twenty-foot equivalent units
worked in shipping prior
to the project. One of
Huang, Jill Kiatbaramee, Koichi Kitashita and (TEUs) by 2010, Santos Brasil had the potential for them commented that this INTO VALUE-ADDED LOGISTICS.
Seung Ho Lee did in-depth research on industry and major growth. shows Santos how quickly
economic data, analyzed Middle Eastern market they needed to act they said the fact that five stu-
trends to better understand fluctuations and other To help the company get a clearer picture of its dents with no previous industry knowledge could
variables and evaluated alternative forecasting frame- prospects, the team studied the countrys infrastruc- come up with this analysis and these conclusions tells
works and methodologies. The group developed a new ture data and analyzed the South American port indus- us that our global competitors could do the same.
TIV forecasting model that included explanatory try in depth. According to Ed Crnkovich, the work was
economic variables that could better estimate TIV intense. None of us had knowledge of the shipping More than a year later, the experience continues to make
demand by market, year, month and segment level. industry, so we had to learn about the history of glob- a difference, at least in the students lives. It was a great
The group also produced a TIV forecast for the GCC al shipping, South American ports, the transportation opportunity and a great project, Crnkovich enthused.
region at the market-annual-month-segment level for infrastructure in South America, container shipping We learned that handling group dynamics and helping
April 2008 to March 2013. and the kinds of products produced in Brazil, among a team to gel are things that have real implications in the
other things, he explains. We used public records, professional environment. And we saw first-hand the
government records, industry reports, public financial impact of globalization on transportation.
statements and port authority projections.

24 Nissan vehicles await shipment from Japan to the Gulf Cooperation

Council member states. 25
ith roughly a third of each full- to work all around the globe. And I hope to benefit
time MBA class comprising Andreas Hjelde from the international network I have gotten here at
Georgetown, while at the same time being of service to
international students, the
Oslo, Norway my fellow students and alumni in my future jobs.
McDonough School is a truly

global institution. Every year, aspiring business native of Oslo, Norway,
leaders from countries such as China, Kenya, Andreas came to the McDo- Cindy Cui
Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile and Japan enroll in the nough School because of its inter-
Beijing, China
national orientation, excellent rep-
school to take their careers to a new point. With
utation and the opportunities it offered. My
its global network of alumni, a roster of profes-
sors with substantial international experience, a
background is in political science, and I worked in gov-
ernment as an advisor prior to business school, he
C indy was drawn to Georgetown because of its tra-
dition of excellent education, curricular focus on
global business and the resources it offers to interna-
curriculum that provides opportunities for cross- explained. I realized that even though my job was Mike Evans, second from left, in Mongolia
tional students. Because there are so many students
border business experience and a diverse and live- great, it would only take me so far. An MBA from a
from different countries, the McDonough School
ly academic and cultural environment, the school highly recognized school such as Georgetown would Cindy Cui
offers a great opportunity to learn from international
gives students the tools they need to succeed. provide me with the opportunity of working interna- Mike Evans
practitioners and share ideas, she says.
tionally in the corporate sector.
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Here is a glimpse of a few international students Cindy brings experience working in operations and
For Andreas, the school has lived up to its reputation.
customer support at IBM in Beijing to the business
who are members of the MBA class of 2009: merican students like Mike have also thrived in
The professors are readily available. In fact, one
school. Despite the initial McDonoughs global environment. The interna-
accounting professor complained that too few students
challenges presented by
Bruno Sobrai were coming to his office so he moved to the Car Barn. tional student body offers exposure to different cul-
the language barrier and a tures, work ethics and personalities that I might not
Bruno Sobral That kind of accessibility sets McDonough apart.
very different educational otherwise be exposed to, he says. From playing soc-
system, Cindy believes cer to working in groups, I have gained perspectives
Brasilia, Brazil Andreas says that while the corporate world may be
the training at McDo- from people who live in Europe, South America, Africa
highly competitive, the discourse at McDonough is
nough has enriched her and Asia, Evans, who helped start the schools soccer
G lobal opportunities have shaped more by cooperation than cut-throat competi-
professionally. During club, recently returned from an internship in Mongo-
already begun to blossom for tion. Ive asked many of my peers for career advice, and
my undergraduate years lia, where he worked in the Economic Section of the
Bruno, a civil engineer and econo- every student I asked made a serious effort to help me,
in China, she says, we US embassy, investigating Mongolian economic policy
mist with experience working for Andreas relates. I believe the cooperative spirit at the
were always told very issues and writing reports on inflation, mining, avia-
the Brazilian federal government. Almost everything McDonough School sets us apart from other top tier
clearly what to do and tion and other topics for the Department of State. His
I know about finance, operations, strategy and market- schools. He tells of one student who drove 30 minutes
what the deliverables were, and classes were conduct- training in international business under Professor
ing, I learned at the McDonough School, he says. from home and conducted a practice interview with him
ed as lectures. Here, the professor posts the syllabus Nollen, he says, made it easier for him to meet his job
The training I had here was crucial in getting me the for more than an hour on the students day off. His
and we are expected to figure out on our own what to requirements, and his exposure to myriad cultures in
chance to work at [the Brazilian oil company] Petro- classmates help paid off when Andreas landed a job
do. Also, theres more discussion. Ive already learned the business school helped him adapt quickly and
bras and helping me perform well during my time doing financial modeling for a high-tech company dur-
how to see things from different perspectives. She work well in a foreign environment.
there. Georgetown gave me a real-life view of busi- ing the summer. He was thrilled to be able to take the
says she thinks more broadly now. I am more inde-
ness. And my experiences here, from the soccer games holistic approach to solving complex business problems
pendent, she says, and Ive already expanded my
at Yates to beers on the Car Barn rooftop and the life- that he learned at McDonough and use it on the job.
skills base to include marketing, strategy management
long friendships Ive made with people from around
Andreas wants to be able to pay forward the advan- and consulting.
the globe, have turned me into a true world citizen.
tages he has gained at the business school. I hope that
with my education, I will find a job that will enable me

26 27
The McDonough School is home to a wide range of international
organizations and activities. Here a group of MBA students gather
during Japan Trek, an eight-day tour through Japanese economic GEORGETOWN
giants such as Sony and Toyota as well as tourist highlights such
as Osaka and Kyoto.

Sue Choi
Seoul, South Korea
Shiro Omichi
Tokyo, Japan
A veteran of the Asian video
game industry, Sues intro-
duction to diverse cultures at the
L ike Cindy, Shiros perspective has been changed by
his interactions at McDonough with fellow busi-
ness professionals from all over the world. In class,
McDonough School included a
crash course in football. In class, there would be
when we talk about whats happening in places like
China in terms of business ethics, having Chinese stu-
O n New Years Day, 2003, McDonough School
student and missionary Mike Kim packed a
couple of duffle bags and set out from Southern Cal-
handed the reigns over to a
management team, but he
still serves as a donor and
many references to American culture, TV shows, dents talk about their opinions and actual experiences
ifornia for the China-North Korea border on a one- consultant to the organiza-
movies, sports, she says. is invaluable, he says. In a sense, we have access to
way ticket. He would spend the next four years lead- tion from time to time.
It was sometimes hard insider knowledge of business realities. His notions
ing North Korean refugees through the 6,000 mile Kim says his consult-
for me to relate. I finally of leadership have also gained an added, more Ameri-
underground railroad, an experience that would ing work for the organi-
learned what a touch- can dimension. Many Japanese blue-chip compa-
become the basis of his recently released book, zation has been greatly
down means. She also nies think as a group, so strong leadership at the top
Escaping North Korea: Secrets of the Worlds Most enriched by his time at
learned how to communi- isnt a necessity, he says.
Isolated Country. the McDonough
cate better with her class- I strongly believe that we
During my time there I met and interviewed School. I did a brand
mates. Respect for lec- need both. The balance
hundreds of North Koreans and documented their management internship at John-
turers in the classroom is between the top-down
horrific stories of famine, oppression, imprison- son & Johnson McNeil in Fort Washington,
very important in Asian and bottom-up approach
ment and sex trafficking, he says. But I was also Pennsylvania. As a result of that, as well as the mar-
culture, but in the US, this is important.
inspired by how many of the North Koreans had an keting classes I took at Georgetown, Im able to
attitude is sometimes
amazing will to survive and overcome adversity in think broader and bigger when it comes to market-
misinterpreted as being Shiros training at McDo-
their lives. His book, which draws on first-hand ing Crossing Borders. He also has found the com-
too shy, or difficult to talk nough has already bene-
Sue Choi accounts as well as his extensive access to govern- munication training at McDonough invaluable. I
to, or not very smart, she fited Mitsubishi Corpora-
ment officials, journalists and aid workers, is a had a lot of public speaking experience coming into
says. Eventually I got tion, his educational
glimpse into a hidden world of torture, gulags, reli- Georgetown, he says, but I still have made signifi-
used to the collaborative sponsor and a company
gious oppression and famine. cant improvements through doing presentations
environment in American he has worked at for nearly a decade. During his sum-
His desire to help the people he met drove him to among my peers and the management communica-
classrooms. Knowledge is mer internship at Mitsubishi Motors in California, he
set up Crossing Borders Ministries, an organization tions class in particular.
meant to be shared. And if says he was able to apply what he learned in market-
dedicated to aiding North Korean refugees. Original- In the future, the missionary turned NGO organ-
you arent proactive about ing and statistics to make suggestions and fill gaps
ly a vehicle for helping North Koreans navigate the izer and author wants to continue making a differ-
things, you lose opportu- that existed between current and best practices.
perilous escape route and gain asylum, the non-gov- ence by writing books and serving as a consultant to
ernmental organization has since established several NGOs. He also hopes to inspire his peers to go after
shelters and orphanages along the border to provide their own dreams. Whatever success Ive achieved
In her first year at the
food, clothing, medicine and shelter. to this point, he says, I consider it a result of
McDonough School, Sue
Kims leadership for the organization, which dreaming big, never giving up and surrounding
made the most of her
involved vision-casting, recruiting, fundraising and myself with great people. I have never been one who
opportunities, garnering meetings with leading tech
managing the excellent talent that it had, enabled is afraid to go after my dreams or attempt extremely
companies and Hollywood executives thanks to the
Crossing Borders to evolve from a small operation to challenging tasks. Sometimes I fail, and other times
Georgetown Entertainment and Media Alliance.
a self-sustaining, independent NGO. He has since my efforts reap great dividends.

28 29
The McDonough School has recently
recruited a number of distinguished
faculty members, given tenure
to others, and brought on board
dynamic new deans.

cDonough school namesake After his graduation from Georgetown,
Robert Emmett McDonough, McDonough began establishing himself in
NEW FACULTY Preeti Choudhary
who passed away on Novem- the business world. By 1965, he had served as
ber 21, 2007, was not only a an oil executive and had opened the first Assistant Professor, Accounting
great friend of the school but also one of its office of Remedy Intelligent Staffing, a tem- Daniel Brooks Baer
most faithful workers. porary agency. This Riverside, California Preeti Choudhary joins the McDonough
Bob McDonough was a man of excep- firm has grown to more than 260 offices Visiting Assistant Professor, Strategy School after completing her Ph.D. in Busi-
tional intelligence, grace and generosity who across the United States. ness Administration (Accounting) at the
Daniel Baer arrives at Georgetown after a year Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
lived the American Dream and worked to Despite his success in business, McDo-
as a faculty fellow at the Edmond J. Safra She has taught courses in financial account-
make it possible for others to do so, Dean nough never forgot his connection to the
Foundation Center for Ethics at Harvard. He ing, accounting information systems and
Daly said in a message to the school. His Hilltop and remained an active and devoted brings experience as a consultant and project managerial accounting at Fuqua, the McIn-
contributions to Georgetown University and member of the Georgetown community. His leader in consumer goods and strategy with tire School of Commerce at the University
the McDonough School went far beyond his 1998 gift to name the school was the largest The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and as a of Virginia, and the Robert H. Smith School
naming gift. He visited the school often, single gift in Georgetowns history, arising special assistant in African affairs to the U.S. of Business at the University of Maryland.
always in the spirit from his desire to do something special for Ambassador to the United Nations. While She has also worked as an internal auditor
of optimism and the university. The volunteer leadership with BCG, he undertook a series of studies at The Washington Post Company and as an
BOB MCDONOUGH WAS A MAN OF EXCEPTIONAL good will that col- positions he held at Georgetown included focused on issues related to U.S. public educa- auditor on the Enterprise Risk Services staff
ored his personality membership on the Alumni Association tion and international economic development.
and world view. Board of Governors and leadership roles in Dr. Baer received his Ph.D. in Interna- In addition to her Ph.D., Dr. Choudhary
LIVED THE AMERICAN DREAM AND WORKED TO McDonough the Georgetown Club of Orange County. At tional Relations from Oxford University, received an MS in Accounting and a BS in
was a 1949 graduate the time of his passing, he was serving his M.Phil in International Relations from
MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR OTHERS TO DO SO. of the School of fourth term on the Georgetown University Oxford, and AB in Social Studies and African
Commerce from the McIntire School at the
University of Virginia. She has co-authored
Foreign Service, Board of Directors. American Studies from Harvard. several teaching cases on accounting issues
and he served on both the universitys board Georgetown will not forget the stalwart Dr. Baer graduated summa cum laude and and customer satisfaction for Harvard Busi-
of directors and the business schools board service and generous contributions of Mr. Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard, and attended ness School.
of advisors. Every year he and his wife McDonough, and generations of business Oxford as a Marshall Scholar. He has written Dr. Choudhary has presented papers on
Simone welcomed incoming Georgetown students will know his legacy and example. for a number of international newspapers, accounting at several conferences. Her
students at a party at their California home. including The Christian Science Monitor, The research interests include earnings manage-
Guardian and The Sydney Morning Herald. ment, information quality and accounting
It is an understatement to say that he will be
His current research focuses on the intersec- choices.
missed by all who knew him, Daly said.
tion of political theory and global business.

30 31
J. Bradford Jensen Prashant Malaviya Korok Ray Jason D. Schloetzer Jason Sturgess James Wade
Associate Professor, Economics and Associate Professor, Marketing Assistant Professor, Accounting Assistant Professor, Accounting Assistant Professor, Finance Professor, Strategy and Economics
International Business
Prashant Malaviya comes to Georgetown Korok Ray comes to the McDonough School Jason D. Schloetzer joins the McDonough Jason Sturgess arrives at Georgetown from James Wade taught at Rutgers University
Brad Jensen comes to Georgetown from from INSEAD in France, where he was an from his most recent position as Senior School faculty from the Joseph M. Katz London Business School, where he recently and the Universities of Illinois and Wiscon-
the Peterson Institute for International Associate Professor of Marketing. He has Economist for the Council of Economic Graduate School of Business at the Univer- earned his Ph.D. in Finance as well as an MRes sin before coming to Georgetown.
Economics, where he was Associate Direc- served as a Visiting Associate Professor at Advisers at the White House. Before arriv- sity of Pittsburgh, where he recently earned and MSc in Finance. He also received an MSc Dr. Wades research interests include
tor. His research focuses on the effects of the Wharton School and ALBA Graduate ing in Washington he served as Assistant his Ph.D. in Accounting. He received an in Weather, Climate & Modelling from The top management team issues, industry evo-
international trade and capital movements. Business School in Greece and has held Professor of Accounting at the University of MBA from The George Washington Univer- University of Reading and a BSc in Mathemat- lution, social movements, the technological
Dr. Jensen received his Ph.D. in Economics appointments at Northwestern University Chicagos Graduate School of Business. sity and a BS in Mechanical Engineering ics from the University of Nottingham. evolution of standards and the impact of
from Stanford University and BA from and the University of Illinois, Chicago. Dr. Ray earned his Ph.D. in Economics from The University of Kansas. Dr. Sturgess has presented papers at inter- and intra-organizational personnel
Kalamazoo College. Dr. Malaviya received his Ph.D. from from the Stanford Graduate School of Busi- Dr. Schloetzers research interests the European Finance Association, at the flows on organizational and industry-level
Dr. Jensens recent work examines the the Kellogg School of Management at ness and his BS in Mathematics from the cover inter-firm relationships, performance European Doctoral Research Conference outcomes. His articles have been published
effect of increasing import competition on Northwestern University, his MBA from the University of Chicago, where he graduated measurement systems, managerial incen- and at the Transatlantic Doctoral Confer- in Administrative Science Quarterly, Strate-
U.S. manufacturers and the impact of trade University of Delhi and his B.Tech. from the summa cum laude. He has given presenta- tives, corporate governance and auditing. ence in London. He was awarded stu- gic Management Journal, Academy of Man-
in services on the U.S. economy. His research Institute of Technology, Benaras Hindu Uni- tions on accounting and organization theory He has worked as an internal auditor and dentships from the Economic and Natural agement Journal, Organization Science,
has been supported by the National Science versity in Varanasi, India. His research at Duke University, Kellogg School of Man- cost analyst for Equant N.V. and as an inter- Environment Research Council and the Eco- Rand Journal of Economics, Journal of
Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation focuses on how consumers use information agement, INSEAD, Singapore Management nal auditor for Sprint Telecommunications. nomic and Social Research Council. Labor Economics and other outlets, and he
and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur to form product evaluations and make judg- University, University of Aarhus, University He conducted audits in over 30 countries Dr. Sturgess conducts research in the is on the editorial boards of Administrative
Foundation and has been published in the ments. His recent research examines how of Bonn, University of Chicago and the and integrates this perspective into his areas of corporate finance, corporate gover- Science Quarterly, Strategic Organization,
American Economic Review, Review of Eco- meta-cognitions and feelings influence Wharton School. research and the classroom. nance, international finance, banking and and Journal of Engineering and Technology
nomics and Statistics, Journal of Internation- these evaluations and judgments. He has Dr. Ray has published articles in The capital budgeting. His recent work has Management. He also was a senior editor
al Economics, Journal of Monetary Econom- taught courses in marketing management, Accounting Review and the Journal of examined whether multinational firms suc- for Organization Science and served as the
ics and Harvard Business Review. Dr. Jensens marketing strategy, brand management, cus- Accounting Research. His research interests cessfully export corporate governance, how division chair of the Technology and Inno-
research has also been cited in popular press tomer focus, consumer behavior, advertising include managerial accounting, perform- capital market regulation impedes efficiency vation Management Division of the Acade-
publications including The Economist, The and related topics. ance measurement, financial regulation and and the link between ownership, gover- my of Management.
Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dr. Malaviya has published articles in political economy. nance and value. Prior to completing his Dr. Wade holds a BS from Rice Univer-
Fortune and Business Week. Advances in Consumer Research, Journal of Ph.D., Dr. Sturgess worked in the corporate sity in Mechanical Engineering and worked
Prior to joining Georgetown in 2007, Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer finance group at Royal Dutch Shell where as a design and field engineer in the oilfield
Dr. Jensen served as director of the Center for Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of he was involved in international M&A and services industry. He received an MBA from
Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau, Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing project finance. the University of Texas at Austin and a Ph.D.
on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University Theory & Practice, and Psychology & Mar- in Business Administration (Organizational
and as a visiting professor at the Tuck School keting. He was a finalist for the Best MBA Behavior and Industrial Relations) from the
of Business at Dartmouth College. Core Teacher award at INSEAD and was University of California at Berkeley.
named Outstanding Reviewer by the Journal
of Consumer Research. He currently serves
on the editorial review board of the Journal
of Consumer Psychology.

32 33
FACULTY RECEIVING TENURE Robin L. Dillon-Merrill NEW DEANS Jeannette Frett Cindy McCauley
Associate Professor, Operations and Assistant Dean, Assistant Dean and Director,
George Comer Information Management Valeria Bellagamba MBA Career Management MBA Student Services

Associate Professor, Finance A member of the McDonough School facul- Assistant Dean, Academic Planning Jeannette Frett comes to Georgetown with Cindy McCauley worked in day-care man-
ty since 2001, Professor Dillon-Merrill extensive experience in corporate, govern- agement before entering the world of busi-
Professor Comer has been on the faculty of Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina,
teaches Decision Support Systems at both ment and non-profit organizations. A DC ness schools. She arrives at the McDonough
the McDonough School since 2001 and Valeria Bellagamba worked in consumer
the undergraduate and MBA level. native, she returned to the District in 2007
teaches Business Financial Management at banking at Citigroup before coming to the
the undergraduate level. He has been a
In her research, Professor Dillon-Mer-
US for graduate school at the University of
after being hired by Fannie Mae to serve as I WANT TO HELP STUDENTS HAVE A GOOD
rill seeks to understand and explain how and VP for Recruiting. Prior to Fannie Mae, she
member of the PhD Project Finance Doctor-
why people make the decisions that they do
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she
al Student Association since its inception earned her MBA. She speaks Spanish, Por-
under conditions of uncertainty and risk. Resources at Banco Popular and a director
and serves as a faculty advisor for the
This research specifically examines critical
tuguese, Italian, French and German and
in international and domestic Human
organization. Previously, Professor Comer loves to run, ski and read lots and lots.
decisions that people have made following Resources at Verizon, where she held posi-
taught in the analyst training program for
near-miss events in situations with severe
Most recently she served as Director of
tions in human resources strategy and Cindy McCauley, Assistant Dean and Director, MBA Student Services
JP Morgan and currently serves as the Enrollment Management at The George
outcomes (i.e., hurricane evacuation, NASA mergers & acquisitions, leadership develop-
finance instructor for the training program Washington University School of Business.
mission management, etc.). Her past ment, staffing and labor relations. Jeannette School from Fox School of Business at Tem-
of First Manhattan Consulting Group. At the McDonough School she over-
research in risk has included supporting the worked in the 1996 U.S. Olympics as an ple University. A graduate of Robert Morris
He has a Ph.D. in finance from New sees scheduling and planning of curriculum
Department of Energys selection of a new envoy and community organizer and as a University in Pittsburgh, she has spent most
York University, an MA in economics from offerings, including analyzing supply and
tritium supply facility, aiding NASAs Jet U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Africa. She of her professional life in Pennsylvania.
Stanford and a BA in economics from the demand for courses as well as revising new
Propulsion Laboratory in decision making received her BA from Wells College in Auro- As assistant dean for MBA Student
University of Chicago. offerings. She also administers the global
for the Mars Exploration Program, and ra, New York and studied Spanish at the Services, Cindy intends to establish better
Professor Comers research focuses on residencies and the hiring of all adjuncts.
developing a quantitative decision support University of Sevilla in Spain. She received structure and services in her area. I want
the performance and behavior of institu- Her attitude toward work: Smile and get
tool for the management of software project her MBA from the University of Maryland. to help students have a good experience
tional money managers. Past research proj- the job done the best you can!
resources based on an analysis of both the Her new job energizes her because she here, she says. This means supporting
ects have focused on hybrid mutual funds
information system and the design. She has will be able to focus on her passion: the them but also empowering them to succeed.
and exchange traded funds. His current
received research funding from the National development of value-based, global leaders.
research focuses on municipal bond funds,
Science Foundation, NASA, and the Depart- As assistant dean, she is committed to help-
international mutual funds, and unit invest-
ment of Defense. She has also served as a ing MBA students (full-time and evening
ment trusts.
risk analysis and project management expert programs) realize their career goals. She
In 2006, Professor Comer was awarded
on several National Academies Committees will work with employers and alumni to
the Robert E. McDonough School of Busi-
including the Review of the New Orleans identify career options for future leaders
ness Joseph LeMoine Award for Undergrad-
Regional Hurricane Protection Projects. coming out of Georgetowns MBA programs.
uate and Graduate Teaching Excellence.
She has a B.S. / M.S. from the Universi-
ty of Virginia in Systems Engineering and a
Ph.D. from Stanford University.

34 35
Anthony Pirrotti Mary Anne Waikart Kelly Wilson
Assistant Dean, Assistant Dean, Assistant Dean and Director,
Undergraduate Program Executive Masters Programs Full-Time MBA Admissions

Anthony Pirrotti says he was drawn to the Before coming to Georgetown, Mary Anne Kelly Wilson directed admissions for full-
McDonough School because of its openness Waikart worked at London Business School time and part-time MBA programs at the
to innovation. He sees creativity as a hall- as Associate Dean and Director of the MBA University of Pittsburgh for nine years, ris-
mark of the McDonough community, some- program. She has also served as Chair of the ing to assistant dean, before coming to

thing that sets it apart from traditional aca- Board of the GMAC, the organization that Georgetown. Prior to her time at Pitt she
demic culture. owns the GMAT test, and MBA Director at worked for Pricewaterhouse-Coopers and in ast year we just had renderings of Flavin is working with The designers have
He graduated from Georgetown with a the University of Maryland College Park. admissions at George Mason University, the what we expected the building to the Washington, D.C. office THIS BEAUTIFUL paid special attention to the
look like, says Virginia Flavin, of a prominent design firm, audio/visual technology in
major in Renaissance literature, then worked Earlier in her career she was president of a latter position while getting her MBA. She
Director of Facilities Planning and RTKL, to select the furnish-
STRUCTURE IS the auditorium, including
as an editor, actor, high school teacher, and start-up company taking government data has served on the board of directors of the
student services employee for the George- and turning it into marketable products. Graduate Management Admissions Council Special Events. Now we have a real struc- ings for the building. The WONDERFULLY the state-of-the-art high-
as well as on the selection committee for ture to show off! With the dramatic glass, interior of this beautiful definition television sys-
the Muskie Fellowship for students from brick and stone edifice of the new McDo- structure is wonderfully ARTICULATED BY tem. The structure for the
ALUMNI HAVE A LOT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE UNDER- former Soviet nations. nough School building essentially com- articulated by some stun-
SOME STUNNING third floor plaza linking the
GRADUATE EDUCATION OF OUR STUDENTS. Kelly now oversees marketing and plete, the building is on target for opening ning architectural ele- new building to the Leavey
recruiting for the full-time MBA program in mid 2009. ments, Flavin says. There ARCHITECTURAL Center was finished in the
Anthony Pirrotti, Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Program and is working to implement a customer Work now focuses mainly on interior are support columns that summer, with the entire
relationship management (CRM) system for finishes, such as flooring and wood trim, as span four floors, an exciting
ELEMENTS plaza slated for comple-
the program. Her aim is to make every well as creating spaces that will both func- central atrium, bridges that tion by spring 2009. Plans
town Law Center. He continues to research In her current position, Mary Anne student applying to the MSB feel that he tion well and be aesthetically appealing. The take one from the central stairway that floats include finishing the roadway and the grad-
and teach Renaissance literature in addition oversees all the executive masters pro- or she is the only student applying. The design theme is sophistication with a sense in the atrium space into a beautiful wood-clad ing around the building before the ground
to his duties at the McDonough School. grams at the McDonough School, includ- CRM system will serve up customized web- of excitement and fun. While the building is pavilion. The furnishings will both comple- freezes in winter.
Anthony works primarily with juniors ing the International Executive MBA, the content based on individual students an academic structure, there has been a con- ment and energize all the interior spaces. Construction has been largely trouble-
and seniors to assist them with professional Global Executive MBA and the Executive interests and questions.
certed effort to mirror a corporate atmos- Theyll enhance the state-of-the-art technolo- free, with only minor construction delays
development and networking. He has also Masters in Leadership. She says she is
phere, especially in many of the buildings gy in the building and offer everyone a wel- stemming in part from the complexity of the
revitalized the Young Alumni Mentor Pro- working to involve alumni from all three
signature spaces: the atrium, the colloquium, coming and exciting place in which to study auditorium design that includes a very
gram, where alumni help students develop programs in both the admissions and the
student commons and office reception areas. and work. advanced technology plan, unexpected below
meaningful careers. Alumni have a lot to marketing processes at the school. She is
ground excavation issues, and sequencing
contribute to the undergraduate education proud to say she has a son who is an army
work in the large, complicated atrium space.
of our students, he says. officer in Iraq.
When the building is completed, it will serve
as a dynamic space for communication and
collaboration for the McDonough School
community as well as a recognizable symbol
of the school for many years to come.

36 The academic structure reflects an effort

to mirror a corporate atmosphere.
The glass facade will make a bold state-
ment to the campus and the world. 37
tiatives, such as creating new
IEMBA 2006 Undergrad 2004 IEMBA 8 (2003) schools, improving human resource
management, overhauling district
Jen McDonald recently left Revo- Kirk and Ashley Syme (both Class Correspondent:
budgeting processes and rolling out
lution Health and is moving west B04) were married on August 2, Tina Elsner,
major technology systems.
with her husband and daughter to 2008 at Saint Ignatius Church in
Kansas City, Missouri to be closer San Francisco. Rev. Philip L.
Oscar Avalle and his wife, Erica,
to family. Shes accepted a position Boroughs, S.J., Vice President for
welcomed their first child, Mateo IEMBA 6 (2001)
at the marketing/advertising agency Mission & Ministry, was the Princi-
Avalle, on August 18, 2008. Class Correspondent:
VML (part of NASDAQ: WPPG) pal Celebrant, assisted by Rev. Eric
as a Group Account Director. A. Zimmer, S.J., former Assistant Robert Burger and his wife, Bob Wagoner,
Professor of Communications. In Debra, welcomed their first child,
Kirk and Ashley Syme (both B04) were married on August 2,
attendance were over a dozen Seth Jacob Burger, on August 11,
MBA 2006 fellow Hoyas.
2008. First row (L-R): Christopher R.M. Henderson '03, Christian
Terri Stafford Thomas was pro-
moted to Chief Executive Officer of
R. Jenner 03, Stephen M. Feiler '02, Katie Mullaney 05, Kirk
Lawrence Pearlman headed to Syme 04, Ashley Syme 04, Shannon Cunningham 04, Jessica Stephanie Cinocco married Joe BRTRC in November 2006. She
Rome after graduation to work for
the United Nations World Food
IEMBA 9 (2004) Schatz 04, Aimee Scott 04, Jen Rooke 04, David Childs 04 Norrell at the Kona Village Resort and the four other senior officers
then completed a full management
Second row: Aimee Harris 98, Greg Mullaney 05, Rev. Philip on the Big Island of Hawaii on
Program on a year-long contract. Class Correspondents: L. Boroughs, S.J., Rev. Eric A. Zimmer, S.J., John V. Coghlan 06, April 26th, 2008. Stephanie and buyout of the company, signing on
After his contract ended, he took Mike Willhelm, Glenn Schatz 04. Third row: Jim Harris 99, Jim Gregoire 04 Joe have moved to Placitas, New the dotted line in June 2007.
his motorcycle and embarked on Mexico. BRTRC, headquartered in Fairfax,
a year-long journey from Scandi- Angela and Raymond Amy Appleby, Virginia, provides focused profes-
Cheryl Contee recently launched Croughton. Lea also married Drew Mark Damato and his wife,
navia to Australia. Currently in Sulentic, both MBA 06, with sional services to Federal Govern-
Fission Strategy, a bicoastal social Raw in July 2008. Drew is from Kristin, welcomed their first child,
Europe, he is moving back to the their new son, Chase. ment agencies. The company has
Myleeta Aga and her family have media communications consulting Yorkshire, England. Collin Mark Damato, on November
US soon. grown steadily over the past 20
moved to Mumbai, India where firm based in San Francisco and 8, 2007.
Thomas Pablo and his wife years to an organization with over (plural for Joker in Myleeta will be starting up a new Washington DC. Fission Strategy
Lawrence Pearlman Jennifer delivered their third boy Ronaldo Ferreira married Maria 180 employees and revenues in
Arabic), which has been online television network called Whats consults clients on integrating Web
Callum Thomas on 15 Feb 2008. Leopoldina Machado in Curitiba, excess of $27M in 2006. Terri
since August of this year. Both On TV. Myleeta, previously nomi- 2.0 and social media techniques
Callum is joining his brothers Brazil on December 8, 2007. reports shes having a great time
websites were developed through nated for an Emmy award, is the including blogs, Facebook, Twitter,
Burke and Reilly. Thomas also just with thisthe buyout was like get-
his web development company Co-Founder and Channel Head for Bebo, and other sources into their Lisa Gomez has returned to
recently completed his first Hood ting a 2nd MBA and the CEO job
Boundless. Whats On TV. outreach and communications Deloitte Consulting as a Senior
to Coast Relay Race. His team fin- has been an entirely new level of
initiatives. Manager in the Strategy and Oper-
Overjoyed parents Raymond Alice Boyer Wiewel has relocated ished with an impressive 25:21:21 learning as well. Congratulations
Sulentic and Angela Sulentic to Portland, OR and will be work- Jeff Ezell was recently promoted to ations practice. Lisa and her family to our new CEO.
Sujat Sukthankar has accepted a have also moved to a country
(Fajardo), both 2006 MBAs, wel- ing for the Oregon University Sys- Director of Worldwide Public Rela-
new position as General Manager estate in Waterford, VA. John and Sarah Meekhofs start-
comed the newest addition to their tem in their Capital Construction tions for BD (Becton, Dickinson
of Best Nomos, a company that up company, Capstone Consulting
family on August 14, 2008: Chase division. Alice had previously and Company), a leading global Greg Hamilton and his wife, Mau-
develops products used in the Group, LLC received the Depart-
Fajardo Sulentic. Chase anticipates worked for Georgetown University. medical technology company head- reen, welcomed their third girl, Julie
detection and treatment of cancer. ment of Homeland Securitys Small
being a Hoya in 2037. Angela is Additionally, Alices husband Wim quartered in Franklin Lakes, NJ. Cadwallader Hamilton, on Novem-
In addition to his GM duties at Business Achievement Award from
still at LOreal Paris and Raymond was named to the distinguished ber 6, 2007.
Nomos, Sujat is also responsible for the DHS Undersecretary for Man-
at UBS OConnor Hedge Fund. post of president of Portland State
all new product development with- Kamonte McCray has accepted a agement in the spring 2008. The
Rachel Rettman, true to form, in the Best Medical International promotion as Vice President, New award recognized their support to
is doing some interesting things Webb Dryfoos married Emily family of companies worldwide. England Operations for Xerox the DHS Office of Health Affairs
these days. After working at Levis, Elizabeth Barrett in Bluemont, VA Although the offices are located in Corporation in Boston, MA. Avian and Pandemic Influenza Pro-
Barclays Global Investors, and in March. Webb still works at Pittsburgh, PA, Sujat will continue gram. Capstone also won 2008s
UBS private wealth management NeuStar, Inc.. Ali Sadrieh has been promoted to Business Plan Contest through the
to live in New York while managing
in San Francisco she moved to LA staff in Pittsburgh and worldwide Group Vice President, Environmen- Community Business Partnership
and is currently becoming a highly locations. tal Services Group, at Plexus Scien- in Springfield, Virginia. As a result
trained Pilates instructor with the tific Corporation, an Alexandria- of winning this competition, John
Dave Weinreich and his wife Jen based employee-owned company.
goal of opening her own studio or and Sarah were interviewed on the
had twin boys Alexander Steven
Yousef Shamoun started an online studios, as well as possibly becom- Arnett Report for August, a pub-
and Zachary Michael on 16 April
recruitment company called Akhta- ing a Licensed Massage Therapist.
2008. Welcome to the new MBA 2002 lic service television show that
spotlights unique business and mar-, which has been active She plans to also possibly become
additions. Joanne Perlman has been accept-
since June 2007. Akhtaboot, which a life improvement coach of sorts, keting in the DC metro region. Visit
is Arabic for Octopus, is dedicated helping people to overcome what- Larry Williams completed two full ed into the prestigious Broad Resi- Capstone at
to finding a user-friendly way of ever they might need in order to Ironman triathlons during the first dency in Urban Education. The
Lea Kirkwood was David Messina has taken on a new
linking the right person to the right potentiate themselves combining half of 2008. Larry completed program places early-career execu-
promoted to Lieutenant job as Managing Director of the
career opportunity. He also recently fitness with her business prowess to Ironman South Africa on April tives from the private or civic sec-
Colonel in April 2008. Global Security Division for Lock-
launched a website for card games improve peoples lives. Feel free to 5th in a mind-boggling tors into two-year, full-time paid
heed Martin UK. David relocated to
tailored to the Arab world called be in touch at 11 hours, 13 minutes and positions at the top levels of
London in June 2008 and figures
Lea Kirkwood was promoted to 34 seconds. Then the urban school systems across the
hell be putting his IEMBA skills to
Lieutenant Colonel in April 2008 machine finished the country. Joanne will be work-
excellent use in his new position.
and took command of the United Lake Placid Ironman in ing with the Chicago Pub-
We encourage you to send updates about yourself for inclusion in future issues of McDonough Business. lic Schools to improve Bob Wagoner was promoted to
States 422 Air Base Squadron in 11:19:25 on July 26th.
Please send to, or post notes to hoyasonline at the United Kingdom at RAF management practices Vice President and Manager of the
To submit a class note to the university alumni magazine Georgetown Magazine, please mail your note and advance change ini-
to Classnotes, 2115 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20007, or fax it to 202-687-2311.

Webb (IEMBA 9) and Emily Larry Williams

38 Elizabeth Dryfoos were mar-

ried in March, 2008. 39
Advanced Systems and Technol-
ogy Division at Science Applica- Karens also comparing child-
tions International Corporation related notes with [getting
in February, 2007. Bobs division expertise from!]Valerie Parker
of 100 scientists and engineers regularly, especially when
is based in Arlington, VA and
generates $35M in annual rev-
their two families get together.
Valeries married to Peter
Don't miss the chance to learn,
enue. The division supports over
30 projects in diverse fields
Mellen (MBA 98). Valeries
busy in Bethesda with her two
network and reconnect with classmates.
including theater air and missile children, Elisabeth (4) and
defense, radar performance Will (3). Negotiating skills from John Carrol Weekend | April 1619, 2009 | New York
assessment, adaptive signal school sure do come in handy
processing, systems engineer- for both of them these days. Interact with international, business and political leaders and
ing, hydrodynamic code devel- Valerie can be reached at enjoy a host of educational panels, cultural tours and social
opment, dynamic simulation,
threat assessment, defense poli-
events in the company of Georgetown University alumni, stu-
Eser Ozdeger is the Associate
cy analysis, and distributed and dents, faculty and friends.
Director of Communications for hen he was an undergraduate student in the


networked system development.
the Maret School in Washing-
Chris King retired from the ton, DC. Her son Taylon is 10.
McDonough School, Jim Gregoire wasnt sure At the Georgetown Global Forum, gain exclusive access to
Army recently and took a posi- what kind of career he wanted. He ended up liking the renowned philanthropists and leaders from academia, NGOs
In April, Mitchell Rubenstein
tion with BAE Systems focused direction he finally chose he is now a senior consult-
on International Business Devel-
became Managing Partner/ and the public and private sectors as they address the ques-
Executive Producer of 1K ant with Infrastructure Management Groupbut he
opment. Chris reports he found
Studiosa 10 year old entertain-
tion Profit, Policy and Philanthropy The Key to Global
couldnt get out of his mind the turmoil hed gone
the IEMBA schooling helpful
while in the military and is sure
ment marketing firm specializ- through. I wish Id had someone to talk to about all Development? Join us in New York City for this one-of-a-
ing in DVD and Blu-ray inter- GEORGETOWN
that trend will continue in the
face design, behind-the-scenes this, he says. kind educational and networking opportunity.
private sector. BAE Systems is UNIVERSITY
featurettes, and interactive con- Jim went to Dean Daly and asked if there was a
a global company engaged in the
tent. This year, the company
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION To learn more, visit
development, delivery and sup- way he could do something for current students.
has worked on films such as
port of advanced defence and Indeed there was. Dean Daly put Jim in touch with the
The Dark Knight, Ironman, and
aerospace systems in the air, undergraduate office, and Jim ended up working with
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom
on land and at sea.
of the Crystal Skull. Anthony Pirrotti, the new Assistant Dean for the A WEEK END OF SOCI A L , CULT UR A L A ND INTELLECT UA L ENGAGEMENT
Amy Wright is married and Undergraduate Program. One of Anthonys initiatives
MBA 1992 living on Capitol Hill in Wash- was to revive the Young Alumni Mentor Program. The
Debbie Mercer Cifone has been ington, DC. She is currently match was perfect.
working at Taco Bell/Yum! the CEO of an Information
The YAMP involves about 40 alumni in the DC area,
Restaurants for 13 years. Recent- Technology consulting firm she
founded in 2000, Macro Solu- almost all of whom graduated within the last 10
ly, she worked on the team that
launched the brand into its first tions, focused on Enterprise years. Current undergraduate students are matched
new country in years, in Mexico Systems (Accounting, HR/Pay- with alumni according to the students fields of inter-
of all places. Currently, shes roll, and Supply Chain systems)
for the Federal government. est, with no more than four students per alum. The
leading the team and agencies
that produce all the merchandis- Their offices are in Arlington, program has several formal events each year as well
ing and signage you see in the VA, and the company has as informal get-togethers. Alumni help students by,
restaurants. Shes also leading a achieved steady growth for
among other things, looking at resumes, hosting vis-
complete redesign of the packag- the past 8 years.
its to their workplace and setting up interviews.
ing, something you will all get to
Last year 110 students participated, and Anthony
see next year at your local Taco
Bell. Debbie is married to Rocky
MBA 1984 expects even more this year.
Cifone and they have one son, Since graduating, Carolyn Students seem to have really loved it, Anthony
J.R. (3 1/2) and are expecting Griffin has been involved with
says. And alumni have heard about it and want to
another child next year. They MetroStage, a professional
live in Laguna Niguel, CA theatre in Alexandria, serving participate. He hopes to start a chapter in New York
and can be reached at the Washington metro area and City next summer for students interning there. beyond. She is the Producing
Artistic Director and has pro-
Karen OSuch Gorman is
duced world premieres and area
keeping busy in San Francisco
premieres in the 130 seat
Alumni, take note!
with her husband Bill and their
theatre. In 2007, she was hon- SUPPORT YOUR REUNION:
two young children, Trip (6)
ored as a Living Legend of
Reunion Panels and Networking
and Elizabeth (3). If you are Ensure a strong class turnout and help advise and support the
Alexandria for her work as McDonough reunion events. Contact us at or
visiting the Bay Area, she would
a champion of live theatre. 202-687-4983.
love to hear from you at
May 28th-31st The events feature a new format with special attention to the
Magis Alumni and Classes of 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974,
needs of our alumni in challenging market conditions.
Please contact to become a class or regional 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999 and 2004 Find an event near you:



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