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Classroom Expectations

Ms. Lempola, Art Room #303,, (123)-456-7890

The 3 Respects of this room:

1. Respect yourself and others

Be punctual and ready to learn- use the entire class period. You must be in the room when class starts

Use the restroom and fill water bottles before class. You will have three restroom passes. Any
additional restroom passes will cause a 5 point deduction from daily points. Unused passes
will earn you 5 extra credit points at the end of the trimester.
Be respectful to everyone in our classroom by using proper language and actions.
2. Respect our materials and our creative space
You are responsible for cleaning up your area and returning materials and tools where they need to
be in the condition you found them.

Per legal reasons, no food or drink is permitted in this classroom. Water bottles with lids are
okay but to be kept near your backpack only

3. Respect our technology

Teacher will announce when phones, PLDs, or iPods are permitted. Students will be
responsible for remaining on task and on approved sites or all technology will be
strictly prohibited for an amount of time determined by the teacher.
No food or drink in the computer lab.

Consequences for choosing to break a rule:


Individual Reminder / Warning

Second Individual Reminder with Behavior Contract
After School Detention with Parent Contact
Send to Office

If you violate one of the stated rules during a lesson, you will receive a red card on your desk
notifying you that we will be talking as soon as appropriate about the misbehavior.
If you disrupt class, you will be required to serve your detention time by completing classroom
maintenance. In this way, you can redeem yourself by doing something that will benefit the
If you use electronic devices when not approved, they will be taken for the remainder of the class period.

Here are some of the rewards you can earn for doing the
You could earn:
following: something that is extra nice for someone else, going
Tables choice of music
above and beyond expectations on your project, returning any
Open seating
paperwork that needs signatures early, paying any dues early,
and many others.
First to get dismissed

Entering the Room:

1. Check our daily board for any daily instructions. Check for late work if applicable.
2. Find your project and materials and organize your workspace.
3. Start working or wait for direction if starting a new assignment.

Early Finishers:
1. Ask yourself. Are you happy with your project? What do you like/dislike? Make any changes.
2. Ask a classmate. Turn to your desk mate and ask them if they see any areas that could be
improved on your project. Make any changes.
3. Ask the teacher. Ask the teacher what they think of your project. Take into account any
suggestions and make changes if necessary.
4. Finalize it. Fill out the self-assessment and put your name on the project. Turn in at the designated
turn in spot.
5. Finish any other art assignment. Remember, you are allowed to rework assignments for better
grades. You may use this time to better your grade by finishing or redoing any assignment.
Remember all assignments must be turned in by their due date or the grade will be reduced if late.
6. Clean your work and storage areas. Keeping a clean and organized work area is one major step
to keeping your projects looking perfect!
7. Get an Extra Credit sketch prompt from the folder. The folder is right behind the folder
containing the self-assessment.

Clean Up procedures:

1. Put your project away during the last 10 minutes of class (AT EARLIEST). Keep your project
safe by putting it on its shelf or on the drying rack.
2. Clean your tools and supplies. Wash brushes, scrub palettes, and return other supplies to their
box or container.
3. Return your supplies. Put all supplies back where you got them. Please be organized and stack
them carefully.
4. Wash your table. Scrub the table with a sponge or paper towel until the dust or paint is gone.
5. Return your chair. Sit down at your table and wait for the teacher to dismiss class.

Remember you must be in the room when class starts or you are tardy. We follow procedures outlined
in the handbook, which means all tardies will be counted and added to detention time. This means,
your entire body must be in the room by the end of the bell. Please refer to the School Handbook as it
outlines district policies that will be maintained in this classroom during all classes.

I have read and understand what is expected of me when I enter Ms. Lempolas Art Classroom. I
understand that all rules, consequences, and rewards are subject to change at Ms. Lempolas

__________________________________________________________ ______________________
(Student Signature)


__________________________________________________________ ______________________
(Parent / Guardian Signature)


Return with signature by: _______________________________

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