Technical Analysis Vista: Eur/Usd

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June 30, 2011

Technical Analysis Vista

International Markets Analysis

For today: Resistance in the area of $1.4520-$1.4550 (intraday high, 10/6 high & retracement level: 76.4%:
$1.4697-$1.4074) can bring some profit taking today, probably during US hours, Support at $1.4454
(retracement 50%: $1.4939-$1.3968) and around 55 & 21 days MAs, which both converge at $1.4400.

Source: International Markets Analysis, Bloomberg.

For the week, EUR/USD likely to trade on the upside, fueled by 3/7 Eurogroup meeting expectations and
ECB meeting expectations (7/7). Resistance for the week at $1.4570 (retracement 61.8%: $1.4939-$1.3968)
and at $1.4651 (9/6/11 high). Support at $1.4400 area and at $1.4325 (29/6 low).

International Markets Analysis

t.+30 210 326 8265,

For the 1 month period, the interest rate differential works in favour of euro versus USD, cross assets
relations and risk appettite suggest some strength for the euro. Resistance at $1.4710 (retracement 76.4%:
$1.4939-$1.3968) and at $1.4939 (4/5/11 high). Support at $1.4325, $1.4234 (28/6 low) and $1.4101 (27/6

Source: International Markets Analysis, Bloomberg.

Developments in equity markets possibly suggest risk appetite is picking in the short term. S&P 500
corrective move (2/5/11-16/6/11: -8.2%) seems of similar nature as the previous correction (18/2/1116/3/11: -7.1%), which, if proves true, could lead to some further rise in risk sentiment in the following 2-3
weeks. This adds strength to EUR/USD for the 1 month period. Risk to the above, the exact outcome of the
Eurogroup meeting (3/7).

International Markets Analysis

Panos Remoundos
Maria Koutouzi
Ioannis Kouravelos, CFA
Kostas Anathreptakis


+30 210 326 8265

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