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Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 1 1990 161

Legio V Alaudae and the crested

M.C. Bishop

Suetonius tells us1 that legio V Alaudae was raised This point would only be of passing interest, if it were
by Caesar in Gallia Transalpina, probably in 52 B.C. not for the fact that it has something to tell us about the
from local levies, and that it took its cognomen from use of helmet-crests in the Roman army.9 The helmet-
the Gallic word for a lark (alauda as opposed to the crest was an important element of Roman military attire,
Latin galerita).2 The legionary name is in fact a plural signifying status10 and also playing a psychological
(‘The Larks’) and has been taken by modern authorities role.11 There were a variety of ways of attaching crests or
to be derived from the fact that the helmetcrest worn by plumes to helmets in the army of the late Republic and
these men resembled the head-plumage of the crested early Imperial period.12 One method was to have a cent-
lark (Galerida cristata; Fig.1,1). This identification is ral mounting point at the top of the bowl of the helmet,
based upon a passage in Pliny the Elder s Historia Nat­ often with fixing rings at the front and back to secure a
uralis where, describing various types of crests in bird crest box (Fig.1,3).13 Crest boxes could be attached to
plumage, he refers to the naming of the legion after this crest-knobs which were actually part of the helmet14
particular bird.3 (Fig.1,4) or to forked crest-holders.15 Many helmets also
Examination of Pliny’s text reveals, however, that display socalled plume-tubes,16 designed to hold side
this description is normally taken out of context, for he plumes. Such side plumes can be seen being worn, to-
actually says that the alauda has ‘horns’ (cornicula) gether with a central crest, on the tombstones of C.
like those of a pheasant4 – in other words, small tufts Castricius (of legio II Adiutrix) from Aquincum17 and
on either side of the bird s head. The crested lark, on Flavinus the signifer (Fig.1,5) of the ala Petriana (now
the other hand, has only a central erect crest and so in Hexham Abbey).18
cannot be identified with the alauda.5 It seems likely Robinson has pointed out that side feathers were
that the bird intended is in fact most likely to be the fashionable in Italy as early as the 4th century
male shore (or horned) lark (Eremophila alpestris; B.C.,19 but they are not normally found on Monte-
Fig.1,2), a species of lark that possesses these charac- fortino helmets and may not have been widely used
teristic tufts on the head.6 Whilst no weight should be by the late Republican army.20 In a famous passage,
placed upon it, the present-day distribution of these Caesar talks of his men not having enough time to
species is interesting: the crested lark is now wide- affix their insignia before battle, and this has
spread in Europe, the Near East and North Africa, but sometimes been taken to mean crests,21 and we
the shore lark winters in a small area around the north- might now suggest further that legio V earned its
ern coasts of Europe, is a summer visitor in northern cognomen from the fact that its men wore only
Scandinavia, and is resident in the Balkans and the side-plumes, thus resembling the shore lark, which
Near East.7 Even if the relative distributions were only we have now identified with Suetonius and the
approximately similar in Caesar s time, then we might Elder Pliny’s alauda.
reasonably expect the crested lark to be familiar to the Thus one legion at least was distinguished from its
Romans from Italy, and thus not particularly ‘Gallic’ fellows by a characteristic arrangement of its crests; it
in its associations. However, the rarer shore lark might seems only logical to conclude that others may well
only have been encountered by Caesar’s men in Gaul have chosen to display their identity in some way.
for the first time; characteristically a lark by its song, There is a suggestion in Tacitus’ Historiae that
but very different in appearance from their native cres- shields bore marks that helped identify units, and
ted lark.8 By 52 B.C., Caesar had been to Britain and excavations in the Schutthügel at Vindonissa re-
had campaigned in northern Gaul and may, therefore, covered leather shield covers with small ansate pan-
have had the opportunity to see this bird. els naming the legion to which they belonged (XI
162 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 1 1990

Fig. 1: 1 – The crested lark (Galerita cristata) (after HAMMOND & EVERETT, 1980); 2 – the shore lark (Eremophila
alpestris) (after ibid.); 3 – Imperial­Gallic type F helmet from Besançon, showing crest attachments (C) and plume tubes (P)
(after ROBINSON, 1975); 4 – Montefortino type E helmet from Mainz showing crest attachments (C) and plume tube (P)
(after ibid.); 5 – detail of the tombstone of Flavinus at Hexham, showing central crest with two plumes on one side of the
helmet. Not to scale.

Claudia).22 Josephus implies that troops did not nor- would be two of the most easily discerned indicators;
mally remove the protective covers from their equip- indeed Vegetius says as much:
ment when in battle, contradicting the impression ‘In case the soldiers should become separated from their
given by Caesar, who says it was normal practice for comrades at any time in the confusion of battle, each
legionaries to remove their shield covers and affix cohort painted a different emblem – digmata, as they
their insignia.23 Obviously, there were clear advant- called them – on its shield, as indeed is still the custom. In
ages in a commander being able to distinguish a unit addition, the name of the soldier was written on the front
when engaged in the field, and crests and shields of the shield, together with his cohort and century.’24
Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 1 1990 163

6. Ibid., 198–9 (with figure).

7. Ibid., 198. Only the skylark (Alauda arvensis) appears in
the survey of wild birds from Roman Britain published in
PARKER, 1988.
8. For its song and appearance, see HEINZEL et al., 1979,
9. Cf. ROBINSON, 1975, 140–3.
10. VEGETIUS Epit. rei mil. II,13; 16.
12. ROBINSON, 1975, Figs.141–6.
13. Ibid., 140.
14. Ibid., Figs.141–3.
15. Ibid., Figs.62–74.
16. Ibid., Fig.81. Cf. Figs.27, 42–3, 45, 49.
17. Ibid., Pl.470.
18. SCHLEIERMACHER, 1984, 191–2.
19. ROBINSON, 1975, 141.
20. Loc. Cit.
21. CAESAR Bell. Gall. II,21. Cf. WEBSTER, 1985, 126.
Certainly, one can read the passage with the sense that
they did not have time to put on their helmets, let alone
their crests.
22. TACITUS Hist. III,23, where soldiers pick up shields be-
Fig. 2: Hypothetical reconstruction of the cresting longing to an opposing legion and thereby conceal their
(insignia?) of legio V Alaudae, employing a plume on either true identity. For ansate panels on leather from Vindon-
side of the helmet in imitation of the shore lark. issa, see GANSSER-BURCKHARDT, 1942, Abb.60–1 &
70–1. On a shield cover from the Bonner Berg, an appli-
Thus the insignia of a legion – those things which qué patch bore a depiction of Minerva above the legend
distinguished it from its fellows – appear to have in- LEG I MPF (VAN DRIEL-MURRAY & GECHTER,
cluded the helmet crests. The question of whether 1983, 35–6, Taf.7,137.
crests were worn in battle is, however, vexed; Polybi- 23. TACITUS Hist. II,68 says legionaries were distinguished
us and Caesar certainly imply that they were, but Tra- from praetorians by their insignia, although he does not
jan’s Column and the Mainz column bases would ap- make it clear whether this was from the type of crest, or
simply its presence or absence; certainly, praetorians
pear to suggest the opposite, unless there was a seem to be indicated on Trajan’s Column by the wearing
change in practice between the Republic and early of crests.
Empire.25 24. Protective covers: JOSEPHUS Bell. Iud. V,350; digmata:
Status and display were two very closely linked VEGETIUS Epitoma rei militaris II,18. A possible ex-
functions of the helmet-crest,26 and identification was ample of digmata may be the lion painted on the Dura
linked to both of these. It would seem that we may rectangular shield, perhaps the emblem of legio XVI
Flavia Firma (BISHOP, 1990, 24).
now conclude that the cognomen ‘The Larks’ was a 25. Scene XL on the column, for example. Mainz column
powerful piece of imagery and clearly more than just a bases: ROBINSON, 1975, Pls.196–7 and 199.
playful nickname for Caesar’s legio V. 26. It has been suggested – MAXFIELD, 1981, 99 – that the
form of dona militaria known as the corniculum may have
NOTES been some form of helmet decoration. Vegetius makes the
1. SUETONIUS, Div. Iul. 24. I am grateful to Martha An- point (II,13) that soldiers followed their centurion’s crest in
drews and Dr J.C.N. Coulston for reading draft copies of much the same way as they followed their standard.
this paper, and Drs H. Dodge and A.J. Parker for help ob-
taining references. All errors naturally remain my own re- BIBLIOGRAPHY
sponsibility. BISHOP, M.C. 1990: ‘On parade: status, display, and morale in
2. Ad legiones, quas a republica acceperat, alias priuato the Roman army’, in H. Vetters & M. Kandler (eds.), Ak­
sumptu addidit, unam etiam ex Transalpinis con­ ten des 14. internationalen Limeskongresses 1986 in
scriptam, uocabulo quoque Gallico Alauda enim Carnuntum, Der römische Limes in Österreich 36,
apellabatur, quam disciplina cultuque romano institutam (Wien 1990), 21–30
et ornatam postea uniuersam ciuitate donauit. VAN DRIEL-MURRAY, C. & GECHTER, M. 1983: ‘Funde
3. XI,121: phasianae corniculis, praeterea paruae aui, aus der Fabrica der Legio I Minervia am Bonner Berg’,
quae, ab illo galerita appellata quondam, postea Gallico in Rheinische Ausgrabungen 23. Beiträge zur Archäo-
uocabulo etiam legioni nomen dederat alaudae. logie des römischen Rheinlands IV, 1983, 1–83
4. HEINZEL et al., 1979, 106–7 (with figure). GANSSER-BURCKHARDT, A. 1942: Das Leder und seine
5. Ibid., 204–5 (with figure). Verarbeitung im römischen Legionslager Vindonissa,
164 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 1 1990

(Basel 1942)
HAMMOND, N. & EVERETT, M. 1980: Birds of Britain and
Europe, (London 1980)
HEINZEL, R., FITTER, J., & PARSLOW 1979: The Birds of
Britain and Europe with North Africa and the Middle
East, ed.4, (London 1979)
MAXFIELD, V.A. 1981: The Military Decorations of the Ro­
man Army, (London 1981)
PARKER, A.J. 1988: ‘The birds of Roman Britain’, Oxford
Journal of Archaeology 7, 1988, 197–226
ROBINSON, H.R. 1975: The Armour of Imperial Rome, (Lon-
don 1975)
SCHLEIERMACHER, M. 1984: Römische Reitergrabsteine,
(Bonn 1984)
WEBSTER, G. 1985: The Roman Imperial Army of the First
and Second Centuries A.D. Ed.3, (London 1985)

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