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2 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Welcome to issue 8 of your quarterly news
round-up from Gazprom Marketing & Trading



We meet GM&Ts new Executive Director of Finance.
An analysis of European energy policy.
Celebrating one of the worlds largest oil and gas projects.

Driving energy efficiency at Nandos.


3 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Introducing Alexander Kim

Alexander Kim is Gazprom Marketing &
Tradings new Executive Director of Finance.
Spark caught up with him to ask about his
background and his thoughts on True North.


Alexander Kim
Executive Director
of Finance, GM&T

4 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Introducing Alexander Kim continued

Tell us about your early life and education

I was born in Sakhalin a place name that will be familiar to my GM&T colleagues
and my family subsequently moved to St Petersburg. I graduated from the University
of Marine and Technical Engineering in St Petersburg majoring in Physics and
Electrics. I gained a PhD in Economics at the University of Economy and Finance in
St. Petersburg in 2001. I then attended Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and
Gas in Moscow and qualified as a manager in offshore oil and gas production.
Where did you work before GM&T?
In 2003 I moved to Moscow and was offered a job in SIBUR a large petrochemical
company as deputy director of its debt management department. At the time,
they were struggling through bankruptcy. I subsequently became director of this
department and then head of risk. I reported to the president of the company,
Mr Dyukov, who is now president of Gazpromneft.
I worked for SIBUR for three years and in 2006 I moved to Gazprom subsidiary
Burgas a drilling company with locations across the Russian regions as CFO.
I was there for five years before it was sold. I then worked for the government-owned
When did you join GM&T and what specifically appealed to you?
In December 2013 I had an offer from GM&T, and then in January I met Andrey and
Vitaly. I was very impressed with their vision for the company, so I accepted the offer
and started work on 7 April. Im responsible for Treasury and Corporate Finance, IT,
Finance and Tax. That totals about 200 people, so I havent met everyone yet, but Im
getting there gradually.
What does True North mean for your teams?
Its not just about hitting numbers, whether thats profit, EBITDA or gross margin
its about creating value. Each department has a part to play and each True North
will be slightly different. For us in the support functions, that role is mainly focused
on delivering excellence, innovation and efficiency.

What are your own aspirations for GM&T and its people?
Some people only ever look for short-term benefits, but that approach doesnt
necessarily make your life happier; theres no fulfilment in that. In pursuit of GM&Ts
longer-term goals, its important that we nurture a comfortable atmosphere,
common culture and genuine team spirit after all, we spend a lot of time at work.

True North gives us a
tangible goal to unite
around. If were able to
develop this kind of spirit in
GM&T and everyone agrees
that we have the same
goal, we will become very
effective there wont be
any barriers to success.

Alexander Kim on
Family My daughters are 22 and 5: the eldest
is studying fashion here in London.
Recreation I like table tennis and volleyball
and Im thinking of taking up golf.
London Its one of the greatest cities in the
world both in terms of business and culture.

5 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Much ado about nothing:

Christos Vasilakos Konstantinidis discusses European energy policy
Undoubtedly Europe has pioneered energy policy in terms
of decarbonisation and efficient energy market operation
through the establishment of the EU ETS carbon market and
its vision for the Internal Energy Market (IEM).
In this picture the EU ETS market was intended to create an
efficient and market based price of carbon, which would drive
decarbonisation in an affordable and sustainable manner. At the
same time many efforts have been made, through the third Energy
Package and the development of common European network
codes for gas and power markets to facilitate efficient cross border
trades and the establishment of the IEM, that drives competition,
reduces energy prices and increases security of supply. In
extension, the 20/20/20 framework was meant to create further
impetus towards decarbonisation by establishing EU wide and
member state Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) (reduction by
20% compared to 1990 levels), Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
(20% of final energy consumption) and energy efficiency targets
(20% reduction in energy consumption) by 2020.
Although Europe is on track to meet its 20/20/20 objectives
and there are multiple reasons for this, there are strong signs
that European energy policy is at risk of failing. On the one hand,
the necessary tools for achieving its energy objectives are already
there or will be finalised in a few years, namely the EU ETS market
and the establishment of the IEM. On the other hand, prescriptive
decarbonisation policies in the form of national RES and other
targets are perversely undermining these objectives. In particular,
due to the unhindered growth of RES, a number of countries are
facing an imminent electricity supply crunch prompting them
to introduce capacity payment mechanisms.

Christos Vasilakos Konstantinidis,

Senior Advisor, Regulatory Affairs, GM&T (centre)
with Francisco Goncalves and Gaia Morleo,
Regulatory Affairs Advisors

6 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Much ado about nothing: Christos Vasilakos Konstantinidis discusses European energy policy continued

Simultaneously, the EU ETS market has collapsed rendering it irrelevant for

decarbonisation. This in turn has led to a revival of coal across Europe and an increase
in GHG emissions in Germany and UK while spending billions in RES subsidies, which
also means that domestic and business energy costs are rising fast while wholesale
prices are falling. Last but not least, uncoordinated support mechanisms for RES and
generation capacity on a national level are creating distortions between member
state energy markets, which undermine the vision of the IEM.
Going forward, there are three main policy initiatives aiming to address these concerns
summarised in the table below:



Intended Effect

2030 Targets

A reduction in GHG of 40% below

1990 levels
 European wide, as opposed to
national, RES target of 27%
 ommitment to establish robust
energy efficiency targets

Re-establish EU ETS
as the main tool for
GHG emissions
reductions to 2030


E missions backloading: remove

emissions certificates in 2014, 2015
and 2016 and re-inject them in 2019
E stablishment of the Market Stability
Reserve mechanism post 2020 to
manage the oversupply of emissions

Reduce emissions
oversupply so as
to create robust
carbon prices

and Energy
State Aid

 ES to be integrated in the market
and subsidies allocated through
auctions by 2017
 igh level design criteria for
capacity mechanism

Prevent market
distortions through
national energy

One might argue that the policy initiatives would rectify the aforementioned issues.
However, our initial analysis suggests otherwise. The 2030 targets still include prescriptive
RES targets (although it is unclear how this will be achieved on a pan-European level)
and most probably there will be binding energy efficiency targets, which will inevitably
prevent the efficient operation of the EU ETS market. Similarly, whereas the EU ETS
structural changes are expected to prop up carbon prices, it is highly questionable
whether these will reach the levels required to incentivise coal to gas fired generation
switching, which is the cheapest way to abate carbon emissions and being able to cope
with intermittent RES electricity generation.
Lastly, whereas the new EU State Aid guidelines are a step towards the right direction
to co-ordinate national energy policies they provide significant flexibility to member
states to follow their own paths. In summary, significant refinement of these new
policy initiatives will be required to change the course of the current EU energy policy.
Failing to do so will have dire consequences.

Although Europe is
on track to meet its
20/20/20 objectives...
there are strong signs
that European energy
policy is at risk of failing.
Christos Vasilakos Konstantinidis
Senior Advisor, Regulatory Affairs, GM&T

7 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Celebrating 20 years of success

On 18 April in Moscow, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd (Sakhalin
Energy), the operator of Russias only LNG plant, celebrated its 20th anniversary.
It was established in 1994 to operate one of the worlds largest oil and gas
projects Sakhalin2.

Sakhalin Energy has helped Russia become one of the key LNG players in the key Asia
Pacific market. About 4.5% of global LNG supply comes from Sakhalin Energys plant.
The company exports LNG to Japan, South Korea, China, India, Thailand and Taiwan,
with Japan and South Korea taking the bulk of the volume. Annually, almost 10% of
total Japanese LNG imports come from Sakhalin. Sakhalin-2 oil is mainly exported to
China, Japan and South Korea.
In 20 years of operation, Sakhalin Energy has produced and exported over 233 million
barrels of oil and over 51 million tons of LNG. In the same period, the company has
supplied Russia with 3.3 billion cubic metres of natural gas.
President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev sent congratulatory
letters to Sakhalin Energy on its achievement. Alexander Medvedev, Deputy
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of Gazprom and Ben van Beurden,
Chief Executive Officer of Shell two shareholders of Sakhalin Energy spoke at the
anniversary ceremony, recognising Sakhalin Energys achievements and shared plans
for further development.
Roman Dashkov, Chief Executive Officer of Sakhalin Energy, said: We are proud to be
the first to achieve outstanding milestones in Russian and international history of oil
and gas export. We were the first to start operations under the Production Sharing
Agreement. We were the first to obtain the largest project financing in Russia of
USD6.7 billion. In 1999, we were the first to start oil exports from Molikpaq our
offshore asset; in 2006 we installed Lunskoye-A a gas export platform. In 2009,
we started shipping out liquefied natural gas to Asia Pacific.
Gazprom Marketing & Trading (GM&T) has a long-term sale and purchase agreement
(SPA) with Sakhalin Energy to receive 1MTPA of LNG over 20 years from 2008.

L-R: Andrey Okhotkin (Commercial Director, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd);
Frdric Barnaud (Executive Director for LNG & Shipping, GM&T); Roman Dashkov
(CEO, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd); Elena Burmistrova (Director General of
Gazprom Export LLC); Alexander Medvedev (Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management
Committee); Alexander Tislenko (advisor to Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd CEO).

GM&T was represented by Frdric Barnaud, Executive Director for LNG & Shipping,
and Vladimir Kim, Commercial Manager, LNG Marketing, Asia. Mr Barnaud said:
We are very pleased with the performance and reliability of our first Russian plant.
We congratulate Sakhalin Energy on their success and partnership spirit.

8 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Gazproms GDRs granted introductory

listing on Singapore Exchange
On 17 June, OAO Gazproms unrestricted American Depositary Shares (Global
Depositary Receipts) were granted an introductory listing and quotation on the
Singapore Exchange.
The Asia-Pacific region has become the focus of Gazproms growth and
diversification strategy in recent years. This step helps to bring Gazprom closer to
its ultimate goal of 24-hour trading on a global scale an essential factor for the
liquidity of the securities of one of the worlds largest energy companies.

At the official ceremony to mark Gazproms inclusion in the Singapore Exchanges listings.

The listing of Gazproms GDRs on the Singapore Exchange is

a major milestone in our efforts to broaden our investor base
globally, and we are pleased to be able to offer investors in the
Asia-Pacific region access to our remarkable long-term growth.
Gazprom is committed to creating long-term value for all of its
shareholders, and we firmly believe that the Singapore listing will
positively support liquidity in the underlying shares. Our listing
here reflects the importance of Singapore, and the wider AsiaPacific region, for Gazproms business and future strategy.
Andrey Kruglov spoke
at the ceremony.

Andrey Kruglov
Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee,
Head of the Department for Finance and Economics, OAO Gazprom

9 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

GM&T placement for Undergraduate of the Year award winner

In April, Queens University student Mark Devine beat off stiff competition from
around the UK to scoop a major award.
Third-year Finance student Mark won the award for the Mathematics, Economics and
Finance category at the annual TARGETjobs Undergraduate of the Year awards. His
prize is a 12-week internship at Gazprom Marketing & Trading (GM&T), comprising
11 weeks at GM&Ts head office in London and a week at GM&Ts Singapore office.
Mark will be working as part of the Product Control team.

Mark expressed surprise at his win: The finalists included two students from
Cambridge University, one from Oxford University and one from the London School
of Economics. The standard was very high, so I was completely stunned to have won
this. Im very excited at the prospect of the internship. GM&T is an exciting company,
as its still quite young, but rapidly developing. Im hoping the internship may lead to
further opportunities.

An award-winning student at the Queens School of Management, he has already

worked for a year with financial-services giant Morgan Stanley and has secured a
scholarship to sit the US-based Chartered Financial Analyst exam this summer.
A keen musician who plays guitar, violin and piano, Mark displayed an entrepreneurial
streak from an early age, setting up a string quartet business whilst still a pupil at
St Malachys College in Belfast. He has more recently been a member of the Queens
Symphony Orchestra.
To win his latest award, the 23-year-old was subjected to a series of gruelling
assessments, including individual and group challenges as well as an interview
with senior management at GM&T. He stood out from 20 finalists in his category
and resourcing Partner at GM&T, Ben Carney, said it wasnt just Marks strong
academic record that put him ahead of the pack.
Mark displayed all the key attributes we look for in an intern. Not only is his academic
prowess impressive, but he demonstrated a real interest and a feel for the area we
work in here at GM&T. He displayed an instinctive understanding of the corporate
world. Although all the candidates were of a very high standard, Mark did stand out
for possessing such a well-developed and balanced skill set.
Marks award was one of 12 TARGETjobs awards, organised by graduate recruitment
agents, Group GTI. Each award was sponsored by a major graduate recruiter,
including Mars, Marks & Spencer, Nestle and Rolls-Royce.
Mark Devine with GM&Ts Acting Director of HR Alistair Milnes (L)
and Sir Trevor Macdonald, who hosted the awards ceremony.

10 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

GM&T Singapore and Yamal Trade

sign LNG agreement
On 23 May, Heads of Agreement to supply up to 3 million tonnes of liquefied natural
gas (LNG) per year from Yamal Trade to Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore
(GM&TS) were signed by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management
Committee and Leonid Mikhelson, Chairman of the NOVATEK Management
Committee at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2014.

This Heads of Agreement

will significantly reinforce
the long-term LNG
portfolio of Gazprom.
It is an additional way to
expand the global trade
and use our own fleet of
LNG carriers.
Alexei Miller
Chairman of the
Gazprom Management Committee

The Yamal LNG project

Alexey Miller (R) and Leonid Mikhelson at the signing ceremony

The project involves construction of an LNG

plant with an annual capacity of 16.5 million
tonnes, with natural gas delivered from the
Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field. The fields proven
and probable gas reserves amount to 927
billion cubic metres and LNG production will
start in the end of 2017. The project operator is
Yamal LNG, with NOVATEK holding 60 per cent,
Total: 20 per cent, and CNPC: 20 per cent in the
company. Yamal Trade is a 100 per cent
subsidiary of Yamal LNG.

11 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Nandos energy efficiency drive is cooking

on gas thanks to Gazprom Energys
customer focus
Budget certainty, billing accuracy and competitive pricing are helping to keep
a leading restaurant chains energy spend under control.
Established in 1987 with a single takeaway restaurant near Johannesburg in
South Africa, Nandos launched in the UK in 1992 and has grown to become one
of the nations most popular restaurant chains. It has 310 fully-owned restaurants
nationwide and is growing at a rate of around 30 per year serving up half a million
chickens a week.
Along with ingredients and wages, energy is one of the companys biggest
overheads. Minimising consumption and spend wherever possible is thus a top
priority. Julie Allen joined Nandos in 2010 as its first dedicated energy manager, and
is the person tasked with delivering this goal. She says: Nandos is about one thing
giving our customers a fantastic experience when they come in to eat chicken and
chips, so its my job to help our restaurants do this as efficiently as possible without
affecting any of the things that make our business great.
The challenge
Nandos energy consumption levels are relatively predictable it knows
approximately how many covers it will serve in how many hours of opening across
how many restaurants for months if not years down the line. Thus, the ability to
secure fixed energy prices in advance is hugely beneficial, as it delivers budget

Nandos Park Royal restaurant

Julie says: We face enough unpredictability in our business with fluctuations in the
commodity markets were exposed to like grain and potatoes, so certainty over our
energy spend is enormously helpful. The big challenge is that when you buy energy,
you get what you pay for in terms of the quality of service you receive, and its
important not to underestimate the cost associated with poor customer service.
I know from experience that every time you need to query an invoice or spend more
time than necessary resolving an issue, it ties up internal resources and costs money.
With 250 invoices coming in every month just for gas, this can become a significant
overhead. Theres therefore a balance to be struck between ensuring a good price
over the fixed term of the contract and having confidence that our lives wont be
made difficult by poor management on the suppliers side.
We selected Gazprom Energy following a competitive tender process. While they
werent the cheapest supplier, we chose them based on the levels of service they
offer, which we knew were excellent and the cost difference would be more than
justified in the reduction in internal resource needed with alternative suppliers.

12 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Nandos energy efficiency drive is cooking on gas thanks to Gazprom Energys customer focus

Liverpool One

Good customer service also includes having access to the information and technology
to allow consumption to be managed effectively.
Julie says: An energy suppliers role needs to be so much more than just selling gas
and electricity providing the service we need along with making consumption
information available is also critical. One of the big changes we made to control
energy usage levels across the business was to give each restaurant manager or
Patro as we call them financial responsibility for their consumption. The problem
was that we had asked our Patros to take responsibility for their energy budgets
without providing them with the tools to diagnose where they were using gas and
electricity unnecessarily.
Nandos worked with Gazprom Energy to install smart meter devices (data loggers)
that provide energy consumption for gas at half-hourly intervals. Managers were able
to view the consumption data graphs for their restaurant via the companys intranet.
Having this data has made the relationship between the working habits of staff and
daily energy consumption crystal clear, allowing each Patro to focus on the issues
that are a priority for their particular restaurant, says Julie.
At a company-wide level, the loggers provide the evidence we need to ensure that
bills are always accurate. In my experience, inaccurate, estimate-based billing is one
of the main reasons that businesses pay too much for their energy. Gazprom Energy
has worked closely with us to ensure excellent levels of billing accuracy, based on the
information provided by the data loggers.
A good energy account manager is like a good facilities manager: when theyre doing
their job well you should only need a minimal amount of contact with them. This is the
case with Gazprom Energy. We have a single point of contact with Gazprom Energy via
a dedicated account manager. He takes the time to ensure things are right first time,
taking a lot of pressure off my team.
An example of how the customer service delivered by Gazprom Energy paid dividends
came when a new restaurant was opened that shared premises with another
restaurant. The landlord offered Nandos the option of sharing a sub-supply with the

We have achieved a significant cut in the average energy

consumption of our restaurants something were
enormously proud of. The combination of competitive
pricing and market-leading levels of technical capabilities
and customer service that Gazprom Energy offers has
been critical to this achievement.
Julie Allen
Energy Manager, Nandos
other tenant, but Nandos declined, preferring to set up its own supply. Gazprom
Energy took on this project and worked with National Grid on Nandos behalf to have
a meter installed allowing consumption to be monitored. The cautious approach paid
dividends, as the other restaurant went out of business after less than a year and
attempted to file a claim for energy costs against Nandos. This was quickly thrown
out because of the robust consumption and billing data Gazprom Energy provided.
Given that Nandos estate grew by just over 10% in 2013, it might be expected that
energy consumption would grow by a similar amount. However, its energy bills
increased by just 1% during this period.

13 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Chelsea Football Club has become synonymous with Gazprom recently

Gazprom signed a three-year Partnership deal with Chelsea Football Club (CFC)
in 2012, to be their exclusive Energy partner.
Our partnership with CFC began in 2012 when we launched a joint sponsor and social
media offering for fans and supporters. This was a first for Gazprom and set us apart
from other sponsorships we have, such as with the UEFA Champions League, Schalke
04, Zenit St Petersburg and Red Star Belgrade, and with it came an impressive
number of good results. From 2015, we have signed up to a three-year sponsorship
with FIFA, which will see us working towards the next World Cup in Russia in 2018.

By using the Twitter account @GazpromChelsea, the official Gazprom Chelsea

Facebook page and an Instagram feed, we have engaged with CFCs supporters
one-to-one and, by doing so, have built both support and awareness for the
partnership, to promote The Energy Behind Chelsea a consistent theme of our
branding and partnership.
We set up and launched the Twitter and Facebook social media accounts in October
2012 and promptly set about engaging with the hundreds of thousands of fans
globally, using world-class video content, running Twitter competitions and
generating a buzz by promoting some creative giveaways.
The growth of both social media channels has continued throughout the seasons,
growing from 1,000 twitter followers and 60,000 Facebook likes in the first month,
to over 13,000 Twitter followers and 155,000 Facebook likes currently.

Eden Hazard of Chelsea FC

14 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

Chelsea Football Club has become synonymous with Gazprom recently continued

Highlights from the 2013-14 social media campaign include:

Going behind-the-scenes at Cobham
We took Chelsea fans behind-the-scenes of the clubs state-of-the-art training facility
in Cobham, Surrey, filming everything from the groundsmen tending the pitches,
to the kitchen staff cooking meals for the first team. The video introduced the fans
to the clubs unsung heroes; the team which is the real energy behind Chelsea. Since
we released the short film on YouTube, its been viewed more than 46,000 times.
In another first for the Gazprom and Chelsea partnership, we launched a treasure
hunt for fans, across London, giving them the chance to win tickets to the Champions
League semi-final match between CFC and Atletico Madrid. To be in with a chance of
winning the tickets to this all-important fixture, fans had to track down club mascot
Stamford the lion and his girlfriend Bridget, who were hiding at a secret location in
We released a series of clues via Twitter using the hashtag #FindStamford and, once
found, the fan who found Stamford and Bridget simply had to say the magic words;
Gazprom is the energy behind Chelsea FC! The lucky winner was @rocka_2004 who
discovered Stamford and Bridget standing on Westminster Bridge.
Taking to the skies at Stamford Bridge
Our digital strategy for the 2013/14 season has seen us produce five pieces of video
content, amassing over 185,000 views on YouTube. You can see all five of the videos:
(Insert YouTube address here)
When CFC said we could film at Stamford Bridge, we didnt just take with us an
ordinary video camera we thought a little more about it than that. In fact, we
hired an Octocopter Eight, the ultimate in high performance aerial photography and
filming. We used this to provide Chelsea fans with a birds-eye view of the Stadium by
flying the drone-cam over and all around the century-old structure. A first for us, and
for most of our fans and followers!

What now?
Were currently in the domestic off-season May-mid-August, traditionally a
difficult time to engage with fans. Its even harder this year with the World Cup on!
To combat this, we launched a GROW YOUR OWN PATCH campaign at the end
of May. Gazprom is giving Chelsea fans the chance to grow their own patch of
Stamford Bridge grass by giving away packets of exactly the same grass seed mix
used to turf the Stamford Bridge pitch.
To receive a packet of these grass seeds, Chelsea fans have to tweet a picture
of their gardens or outside space and tell us why they want them. So far weve
distributed 100 packets with more to follow. You can get your hands on a packet
by following @GazpromChelsea and using the hashtag #MyGazpromCFCPatch
Our partnership with Chelsea in 2013/14 has been a great success and sets a high
benchmark for next season.
You can keep up to date with all of our activity by following us on Twitter,
@GazpromChelsea, or Liking us on Facebook Gazprom Chelsea.

15 issue 8 AUGUST 2014

GM&T offices worldwide

London, United Kingdom

Gazprom Marketing & Trading Limited
20 Triton Street
London NW1 3BF
T: +44 (0) 20 7756 0000
F: +44 (0) 20 7756 9740

Paris, France
Gazprom Marketing & Trading France SAS
68, avenue des Champs-Elyses
Paris 75008
T: +33 (0) 1 42 99 73 50
F: +33 (0) 1 42 99 73 99

Manchester, United Kingdom

Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail
(trading as Gazprom Energy)
27 Quay Street
Manchester M3 3GY
T: +44 (0) 845 230 0011
F: +44 (0) 845 230 0022

Paris, France
Gazprom Marketing & Trading SA
(trading as Gazprom Energy)
54-56 Avenue Hoche
Paris 75008
Tel: +33 (0) 1 42 99 73 92
Fax: +33 (0) 1 42 99 73 98

Walluf, Germany
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Germania
GmbH (trading as Gazprom Energy)
Am Klingenweg 6a
65396, Walluf
T: +49 (0) 6123 7043 0
F: +49 (0) 6123 7043 299

s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Gazprom Energy
Victorialaan 15
5213 JGs Hertogenbosch
T: +31 (0) 73 750 6650

Zug, Switzerland
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Switzerland AG
Focus Business Centre
Dammstrasse 19
Zug CH-6301
T: +41 (0) 41 723 2680
F: +41 (0) 41 723 2690
Houston, USA
Gazprom Marketing & Trading USA Inc
Bank of America Center
700 Louisiana Street, Suite 2500
Houston TX 77002
T: +1 (281) 404 4500
F: +1 (713) 238 5181
Gazprom Marketing & Trading
Singapore Pte Ltd
Ocean Financial Centre,
10 Collyer Quay #41-00
Singapore 049315
T: +65 (0) 6671 9100
F: +65 (0) 6435 6200

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