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For the



For the

-of YOUTH...
LOS Standards

Puhl'1hod by
Tho Church cf Jesus Christ

o4Latter-d.Cly Saints
Solt Lake City, Utoh



'rht at.-w:t.lott,ca1 of tbA'' Md -Y:wn,g
lh1.\ual lm.p~vme.nt ~,
,, WC-lih'I'
Ith \bt. Uti1MID Yowi.g-


VAf"trlfiYlnd lhll Ch.i.f'f.hSchool ~}'I\ClmMd ._ 1&11l"lrfllGi, nt

.. ntat.tvt ~th oJ tht <.11iurch,
bw pnp .llN!ld H t.1CeeUent
OU LaU4f:tO.y 8hO. &
.u.i '1th.l,,d lL "'For tho St~h
Y~lb/ ., wtch ,\l.b.f.1
-01 Drt t .!bn nt n. 1>11fP.11 D~ l!L&: &ad
W,; wie)'; I,., ~ ,-ib,wt Ml
~b~ ,.,,. I.lie


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6Mn hU't 'WriU<:u,OCUM'limdaJI

..,. Ill bqpe 11,-, 111...... 1l'ft.tb1 ""'1' ttunl\iuiM tb~h ..u .wit.fl

l!et'tifl t.Qfttain-1 .&'A:d



-u-eNf'U,IA1t<1N -*-

AU rui.. aod fflCIIJU.uM,

lb ld &ll 11.wc
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tM tA9'1
al God.,i.,- ~ ~t ll\.&blMfiti o! U\t ~c,.
J~ lt, ot, J~J'M\ IS( .th.
11,tm.o.tim.'0$JtN: tll.J! we 1*:i!me ramilr.u UW,,
,r"hl'I ,lld c,on'.to
~ 01t.1.-.e ffiA..Nb,.u lM bllUI.Do -Wbi(b ere @tesidetl.

1Art u never t~ -.tght of l:bti 'l!'l.mia1l>l"lnd)lli

the Mutair ~.t
Milk beit 4ffioY .W fl01 be t.n.~
\Jl' oo:r
B .. \ 1ftlly PAt;Mf, OffiCannlt1 to Cll\.1.1:il!Acd eurt. uf p, 'n.&lct l'I
,to, Ui,e
p,omi-3 to ~ w\i.11OWt
..u&.l."""11lJla aimunu~t.s

ibt iolt~Wi"I ~nntl:ldatior

.IO'!Y .....


to ,11 haw ~c.,-


LDS Standard8'
Moat peop le who l:oow anything about The
Church of Jesus Christ ol Saints know
thc;it ii maintains the highest moral slandcmls . lt is.
up lo every member ol the Chureh io uphold this
image in every wd'f. How tmgortan\ It is at oil til!leG
to know how to dress, to act, and to live . to be
dif(erent from the we/Id in.thiil respec:I is a privilege
rath er thc:ino restraiI)t, While. these standarcl s. ar e
given as a guide, blessings W)llresult only by their
,daily qpplica1i1;m
Alf LDS yo11th should !tnow and -uphold !he
following struidards .


Church slondcxtds regar6ing the. opwropdate

ne;;s of dress sho\lld be o constant guide to the
youth ot the Church wherever they we ~o they will
alway s be comfotloble, knowln_g(hey are within
the recilm of good loste .
difficult lo make an OVIJ!
r-all s\oteme nt
concernin g :modest s!andards ol dress , becaus e
m9(!.e;;tycannot be determi .~d by mches ot fit since
that which looks modest on one person may not be
so QI> another .

Whether youth are at SQ)lool,qttending o aai>

rament or other church meellng , dance, all\leti e, or
qctivil:y, al home or away , church
standards require young men ,;,.pd -women to 'be
QPpro!)1'iately dr,,ssed . Modesty is a protection for
rhe youth ol .the Church and ~ one ol the Lord's
to .he lp them live dean , whoiesome liv ell.
Girls shoult! ~s
to anhO!l~ their natuta J
heaut ,y ~a lem\ninily . Clothe!> Bhould be wmlort
o.l:lle and .atlrctcllve w1tho1.1tcalling <attention to ti
wson's J;x,<;ly
i lor 1,1
,xample, sk1r1s llhoulc! be long
en<:1ughlo cover the kn:eepap, Q1lclthey 3hould nol
be too tight !itling. Dresses should nol be cul el( .
tremely low at tl\e lop . Strapless dresses and
spa_ghetti strdp! ate not aoceptable either on sun
dresses or ev.eo.lng dresses . few i;irla or women
evj!!r look well moocldess or strapless dre~s . Such
sty le! often make the [ig1,1.reloo)<.ungainly and
lorg,: , or they show the bon)' s1ructute3 oi the body .
When at !is>me working in ll\e ,;atd , hiking,
lrovelirlg to the mountains. camping. er pgrtlcipdt
ing in a.etive sports. girls or women may appro
priately wear slack s. However, they shourd not be
ioo tight. Pedal 'j>llSl\e~ knee-knOQk.~n.
oop~. or any pcm~ which reach {ust abo"l'e lhe
knees me- aq::eptable . Of c0urs a; lhos.e who hgye
b<,en through the temple are expected to wew
clothing of appr9pria;te &lyle, Panti; . for yong
)"Otnen are n.o4desirab le allira for ,shopping, at
school , in the library, in cafeterias or restauran\,s.

Any apparel lhQt ~uggests a hoUl'<>ro~ should not

be worn in public but only in one~ home or <!J)Qlimen l. Ttghl-littlng ,.weale~ and ligurah ugging
clothes of oriy kind are not approptiale U>S dress .
Bolhlng sllils which irumc;,dssUY e;,c:~
bod,y, s1.1c:h
as bikinis and 1h<lll;le
wiih bore midr.ilfs.,
should never be won, . $wim suits are Jashiot1ed lot ,
a pariic:ular purpose and should :not be worn as
casudJ dress !or summer, but should be 'W:omonly
tor .SWimming. While !raveling to and .from tl\e
bea.t:bor .swimnililg pools, young men and,wome n.
should b~ hilly dresst>d o-r at leasl their swimming
SU.its shou ld be oove red with. outer clothillg .

It is no\ opproprials !or young men . to wemaxlremel )" lighl,filling pants. When clliving arour,d ,
in ems. working In the yard or elsewhere, they
:ih.oUld wear qppropriate trouser~ ana !!hitta. Shorts
may ba>worn dUring ,actuol partidpo;tion in CletiVe
spprts. Young men sl\ould always dress appre>
P.Jiateltfor the place and the,oco:I&ioli. For special
school or churcb dances, tf\ey ahoul+:IWear a suil
with drellS sliir.l and tie, but never tennis shoes or
"T'' shirts. Sports jaoket.s or dressy sweaters ,are,
gppropriate, qppaiel for th1;e
more: casual dQnees.
Shotta or ,otl\leHc. cost.runes of Ol')y kind should
not 'be worn . ln I.fiechapels of our Church. Wi.sdo111
.and good iOdg.ment anould lle Used in choostng
ap)a)ropriate dlothe-" whid1 are il\_ (10od taste .

''Grubl::iies," Cu;lers, }fair fashions

Good Grooming

Girt,; sl,0111\I
alway lry to look lerninine !n their
~ss . Tl\1rr sho1,11,;l-not
dres:s like boys 01 try to ,give

i11gwell groomod. aod i,nmoculately c:loan
ore sp~J cl,arae1eriliti13 whicn refiect the sian,
drod.o 1>
f !lie Chwc .h. Nol only should <:lqth~, be
cle<!l'l, b.ulntrils,sl<h:r
. and hoir should 'h<1vethe gl,,w
oU\ecilth'Uiat bes=ks:cneticulous eare in \!ITOO
ming ,
Personal deanline"" o!. b ody antf cleanrmess of.
one 's dlotl\ing 'l:,uild&mo~ale and a 9aod name .
1n using ma lle....p . .glr I$ should 'kee_p in mi:Od th~
etre 1,!Sed only lo enhani:;e tbeir l',.Otl,ll<Jl.
'b,eouty,<ive use at m00'\Jp should be

,;i 11l=lllill~

qppe arance . Dress oll<!n determines

their <tdi<>J'IS, "Gruhbies'' orre inoppropriot.e tn

'Public lor everyone. .A "t e.:il.tody" does not go . out

JJ\it,Jic, !othe merke1, or lo shops 'llitb. hr hair ln

curlers .
Women's hair is much more beoomiog and 00'\tenng in q l9Vely. n<ttl'cdhc;ir-clo.)'.OIJ"9 !l)el'l' hair
~holilcl aol bii>loo 'lol\g. 'El(lJseine!\air slyte aro
,equally P<,Qr tas te for young .men os well as Jor



and all cireumstances , such as while lrayeling,

sigh tseein g, 'tlsing public rest rooms " eating ln
r,;,stauTQflts,. st")'lng in molels or hotels , attending
\heaters, or a \le ndin,g church me,,(lngs and center


Yowig peop le should unde.rsts:md prop cle.ty in

all tliing5-:-no1 only how to di:m~. s\i\g. '!P'ck , pe rform. and patticipo1111, .but how 10 ,;onduct them
selves Uke young lc;,c;llesand genllernen uncler qn,y


Youth . she.did ne ver Uller -r.,;it rooms, public

buildings , or high ways with i:,c,pe~, tood , or :re!~ 1
1'h,n,sho11ld exereas appreciation .tor all servi ces
W'herever of wl),mev<1r rece\ved-lor
restauran t
service , $i!lViee station l!elp , eta. It is.not poU\e to rwi
in and ou( o[ n1otel or hotel rooms late at' tllght.
mailing .a dlstUFhanoe which keeps other gu ests,
ciwcike. 11ls poor tas,e 1o display in public alle<:tio1u,
tot tt girl frii!nd or <! l;,Qy (rt.end A ,young Jody and
a young getltlern~ Wj.ll 1tot ind11Jge in l<>
ucl tall .
pro!anlty , or rowd y bahttVior .!ilnc;e il cletwe ts Imm
an otherwjse wholesom<>qpped!'(UJ<;'e : neither will
they -whispe r or talit in Church . When attending
s,iltool. yo11ngpeople who wish to study together
should do so in 'the scllool library or in p!o;Ql;sQQn,
duciv., to goOd study.
Yc>uU,9f(>U..P !uncti ons sh ould 'hav e sponsors
or c)!Qpe,:ones always present to provide security, an ,;l direciloo so that all of youth 's ex
perienaeg will 1:,ebqppy or,
,,,,. 11 is a in<ll'.J.:ol con$\derqtion an d gracioiisn~,o;to exp~ appreciation
tor the. and glli dcmte of hos ts and c:haperones dt !lliCh Junctions . They, loo appreciafe
thoUg)llfulness; it make.. ll\e,10 !eel welcome and
wnnt&d .


safeguards ,
There ahotl)d b,:, no daling before !he age of
.sixteen . Uj, to this tlme; sodal. li1e should be- limited
10 group activities. Variety in dating i desirable .
Double dating . lfiple dating, ~ gl'Quppartie$ bvlkl
new friendships ,and enhant18 the old . 11lli elCciling
-and fun to trade dances. cu; thls olfett the, opportu -

1".ityfor more qssocia tions , and a gre \irler ,'lhoJce oJ

"dati ng" lrien"5 :
All events plqnned lor \he regular weekly MIA
night are no-date e-v~nl$, Firesii\es and dances l,eld
on occos1ons may be date atrdlrs lot: those
ovet sixtee n ye.= ol age . Younger memb~$ lour ,lsen to si)lteen years ol a11emay atlend bu t should
come in gt oups vtltho\ da tes , [n ;;11ch casea , !he
POYSond glrl$ should l>e brougl\1 by !heir leaders
or selected pal'en tal chape rones wl\o sbould re main
with the g roup during the dPn~ or ,;ocia! and re,
turn the , to lhelr homes at the conclus ion ol
1he event. Young people twelve to fowte,m ye<;lf'!I
ol age ate nol Invited to a1tend lhesa eve11ts.
$1eady dating ,during 1hv ear ly dating yecu~
oho1.tldnot be praQ!.ised, If steo.dy dalin ,g is con:ied
011iti the lo1e 1eons, regardtei.. ,of w'orldW1de C\JS,
tom. ii should be wilh full observance ol the
custoll\3 and mannera of p0l he society, moral
beh~i or. and ohu.rc!i standat<;l.s . .AIidating should
be ClIJ
opportunity to broade n one 's circle ct lrien&
and corripanlorui . The sele<:'tion of a lifo'g p<;rrtner

earl be made more wlsely when many assOC1ates

Ql'E! ~Q:tlgh1e a utiilg (;OUflship,
Necking , petting , intitnaci~s . and lmpreprietleS'
of every-1:lnd should not be indulged in 01 any time
in doting or in courtslrlp . Love antl a/lecti.Qn <:tl'
precioUB. and virtue must never be pidoed in
jeopardy .



To mate doling w!iolesome , p~lul.


tec;ed , and really enjoyable experiences tor young

:people, 'the Chuteh recommends the lollowfng

Th0t loUowir),
g sl19uld be observed,

I. Good Postu...,,.:This
is the ba:ili,,lor do111.9
things weJJ in dancin g, II one ~ nren ti;ates ot1 good
po&ure , molit lad donces can be danceo In a mQllner whtahwill meet )..OSotandar& ,

2. Dttli~ PooiUonrWhe n dancing , young

people should uvetd c:rouchlng, slumping ovei.
1rying to do a backbend , or having too close a bc,qy
3. Body M9vemen~ M~ben
of 1he Ghw-ch
shouJ.d be good dan ,;er,; d not oOnlorlionfals. E,:.
treme body movome nt sbOl)ld be oV6ided, und
ainphoisis hould l!le i:,toc,edmore on otyling and
ci~ver loolwo r);.

Typo ol Mwue-Tl, e i:inc!ol IllUsie thon u.

played Jia,; a delinite ellec1UJ:>Qn
lhe actioru1 of those
partlciJ?O'ting in dano;,e. With thi:$in mine!, those who
are called ,to serve on o dance rommltiee should

Acceptable 'Danaing
Youth' togelh~ 'vlllh !Mir ~DIS . their W'1!'4.
lifqke. cmd priei,thoc,:! \eoders inu:,;1dedide i,hat
,of o.l\uron .otcmdcm:l.arj,:l what i

when a danoo
is performed. Churoh ~andCIJ'd<!
rol\ibil dancil'!g
ihcttissugge$Uve or zensuoJ'in Wt'! w,;ty\ The donoe
should no\ be a grolei;que o;,nloi'tion of the b9(l.y
:such as .sf,oulde1 or hip $hctking or exoesslve body
farkiru;. Aa mem~ra ol the Church , it is mpel'Q1ive
that youlh """ wi!S<)pmin establis)ling and crdlimsg
to church dcm~ sland\'Jfds so that good ta..~ \ti
danee is ex.. mplilied. Fbd dance should ba eval1>-

ated in tern,s ol =eptable


.dance standards.

alwaya review- the J?ltl$iesuggei<ted lor """ during

the dance . '!'hi,; d~on
ihoUld never be !eh to a
disc jocka<yor 91hers who mey not be lamiliar With
LOS-s tandc:rds .

. Youtig~Opie we4el""1ed 10 =e wrOi exe~ .

lives and 1em:lerson a J outh board to decide whM
is acceploble o:nd in good taste . Tl'1ls-youth b.OOld
helpa to disqo>,tJ
agt 141de:uable dancing and. fha
use ol music that ~ l\01 ln accordance with chur-ch


Clean Li"Ulg
The admoruHon of the Chur~h ls to uphold the
.sm,C(ily ol the bo;ly 1n !lcdordance 'Wilh the scriJ.!'
tures c;md the counsel of the Generol Authorities 0!
theC!i.ur,:,b. 8e<:lieatne_precious t\tmples ol the spifit
<Jiven by the 'El~al l'atlu:t . K.eeping I his in mi,;d,
you\h should live in a way that will enhance tlleir
purily as 11ellas their personal appecrranee ,

All shouid legd by conta.gion and halp one an

other to. enjoy, the good !Ue. No matter ho~ 1nUch
one. is himije!(, he must never k,rget wha
he is and bow hls behgvior is ma~ing other ,people
kel ~ wte is a m\)(lesty of the mind ,

'J'he -wor!c! juc!ges the. whole Chl.U'oh by the

adions of ils yo uth . 'l'be. YO!itt\,QIthe Chureh are the

ilnest on th~ lai:eof 1he earth . They mw,t live up to
their responsibilities ,as membe~ ,of 1he Church ol
l1?sus Chriijt of LattE$-day Saints by being \.ind.
olean , thoughtful, refined, <ligt'J!ioo.and obedie nt,
Youth are oo !heir honor ti, Ii~ all ol the cfturch
standards . Young peopla lil:e to be trusted ' and
!?lust merit th01 trust. Young people
have fun
-while being .COl)Si~'rate a11c!loyal to the Chw,:h
and ma:kitig i1s sicmdar<lsan Integ ral. happy plll
t>I their lives


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