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Correct Name of the Career

o Ophthalmologist
Education and/or Training Required
o Important skills needed to become an ophthalmologist include communication
skills, compassion, detail-oriented thinking, dexterity, leadership skills,
organizational skills, patience, physical stamina, and problem-solving skills.
o Some recommended high school classes and extra-curricular activities one should
take and be involved in if they are pursuing this field include classes in biology,
chemistry, physics, math, and English, and involvement in any extra-curricular
o Necessary college majors, training programs, and licenses and certificates include
a four-year degree program, a bachelors degree (or advanced degree), any
undergraduate and medical school programs available, a D.O. or M.D., licensing,
and certification in the targeted field of study.
o Necessary postgraduate study and work required includes a one-year internship

and a three-year residency.

Responsibilities and Daily Activities
o The common responsibilities and activities of an ophthalmologist include
examining and assessing patients, diagnosing patients, collaborating with other
specialists, and carrying out surgical procedures.
o The field of an ophthalmologist is a specialized field of a physician and/or
o Ophthalmologists work generally in private offices or clinics, hospitals, or
healthcare organizations. They generally work for themselves as independent

practitioners or for healthcare organizations.

Salary Range
o $112,745 - $385,128 per year
o This range is specific to all ophthalmologists in the U.S.
o Location and amount of experience can influence an ophthalmologists salary.
Documentation of Sources
o Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Physicians and Surgeons. [accessed 11
November 2016]. Retrieved from
o EducationCenter. (nd). Ophthalmologist Salary. [accessed 11 November 2016].

Retrieved from

o I have heard of this career before.
o One positive thing about this career is that they hardly get called out for
o One negative thing about this career is that ophthalmologists usually have to work
long, irregular, and overnight hours.
o I would like to have this job.
o I would like to have this job because it sounds very interesting.

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